Results for 'Wong Mou-lam'

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  1.  39
    The Diamond Sutra and the Sutra of Hui Neng.A. F. Price & Wong Mou-lam - 1971 - Philosophy East and West 21 (2):224-225.
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    Agent Causation Is Not Prior to Event Causation.Soo Lam Wong - 2021 - Disputatio 13 (61):143-158.
    My aim in this paper is to argue against the claim that agent causation is more fundamental than event causation. To accomplish this aim, I shall first briefly discuss the motivation behind agent causation. Second, I shall highlight the differences between agent causation and event causation. Third, I shall begin briefly with the weaker claim held by Timothy O’Connor and Randolph Clarke that there is no good reason to believe that event causation is more fundamental than agent causation. Fourth, I (...)
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  3. Karma and Mental Causation: A Nikaya Buddhist Perspective.Soo Lam Wong - 2022 - In Itay Shani & Susanne Kathrin Beiweis, Cross-cultural approaches to consciousness: mind, nature and ultimate reality. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 119-140.
    The aim of this paper is to situate the early Indian (Nikāya) Buddhist notion of karmic causation within the mental causation discourse in the Western analytic tradition, which concerns causal transactions involving mental events, such as desires, beliefs, and intentions, whether the transactions are between mental events, or between mental events and physical events. Karmic causation involves actional causes, in concert with non-actional causes, and their experiential effects on the actor, in concert with non-experiential effects. The problems generated by karmic (...)
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  4.  11
    Fan Zhen’s “Shen Mie Lun” and the Mind-Body Problem: A Comparison with Western Approaches.Soo Lam Wong - 2025 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 24 (1):105-117.
    Fan Zhen’s 范縝 “Shen Mie Lun 神滅論” can be read as a debate between a physicalist and a dualist in the philosophy of mind. This debate, known as the “mind-body problem” in the Western tradition, has a long history beginning with the ancient Greeks, and is still rife to this very day. Many of the arguments found in the “Shen Mie Lun” correspond to arguments found in the history of Western thought, including those of Aristotle, Descartes, Leibniz, Frege, and Ryle. (...)
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  5. Karma and Mental Causation: A Nikāya Buddhist Perspective.Soo Lam Wong - 2022 - In Itay Shani & Susanne Kathrin Beiweis, Cross-cultural approaches to consciousness: mind, nature and ultimate reality. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  6.  54
    Ontological Emergence Without Vertical Causation.Soo Lam Wong - 2020 - Axiomathes 30 (5):501-514.
    In this essay, I aim to address the two related problems faced by ontological emergence and propose a solution. First, I shall briefly outline the concept of emergence, the distinction between ontological and epistemological emergence, as well as the distinction between synchronic and diachronic emergence, and focus mainly on synchronic ontological emergence. Second, I shall discuss the two related problems faced by synchronic ontological emergence—configurational forces and downward causation. Third, I shall present a solution to these problems—affirming ontological emergence but (...)
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  7.  3
    Fan Zhen’s “Shen Mie Lun” and the Mind-Body Problem: A Comparison with Western Approaches.Soo Lam Wong - 2025 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 24 (1):105-117.
    F an Zhen’s 范縝 “Shen Mie Lun 神滅論” can be read as a debate between a physicalist and a dualist in the philosophy of mind. This debate, known as the “mind-body problem” in the Western tradition, has a long history beginning with the ancient Greeks, and is still rife to this very day. Many of the arguments found in the “Shen Mie Lun” correspond to arguments found in the history of Western thought, including those of Aristotle, Descartes, Leibniz, Frege, and (...)
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  8.  49
    Validity and reliability study on traditional Chinese FACT‐C in Chinese patients with colorectal neoplasm.Carlos Kh Wong, Cindy Lk Lam, Wai‐Lun Law, Jensen Tc Poon, Pierre Chan, Dora Lw Kwong & Janice Tsang - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (6):1186-1195.
  9.  94
    Direct medical costs of care for Chinese patients with colorectal neoplasia: a health care service provider perspective.Carlos K. H. Wong, Cindy L. K. Lam, Jensen T. C. Poon, Sarah M. McGhee, Wai-Lun Law, Dora L. W. Kwong, Janice Tsang & Pierre Chan - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (6):1203-1210.
  10.  37
    Gestures in Storytelling by Preschool Chinese-Speaking Children With and Without Autism.Ying Huang, Miranda Kit-Yi Wong, Wan-Yi Lam, Chun-Ho Cheng & Wing-Chee So - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  11. Neural Processes of Proactive and Reactive Controls Modulated by Motor-Skill Experiences.Qiuhua Yu, Bolton K. H. Chau, Bess Y. H. Lam, Alex W. K. Wong, Jiaxin Peng & Chetwyn C. H. Chan - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  12.  18
    Rawlsian Political Liberalism, Public Reason, and Bioethics.Hon-Lam Li - 2021 - In Hon-Lam Li & Michael Campbell, Public Reason and Bioethics: Three Perspectives. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 3-57.
    This chapter is divided into two parts. In the first part, I explain the foundational differences between A Theory of Justice and Political Liberalism, despite the fact that Rawls maintains the Two Principles of Justice in both works. Moreover, I expound why, in view of the fact that reasonable people would subscribe to different comprehensive religious, philosophical, and moral doctrines, Rawls needs a new foundation for social stability in a constitutional liberal democracy. I explain the connection between Rawls’ ideas of (...)
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  13.  96
    Coping with Job Insecurity: The Role of Procedural Justice, Ethical Leadership and Power Distance Orientation. [REVIEW]Raymond Loi, Long W. Lam & Ka Wai Chan - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 108 (3):361-372.
    This study examines the relationship between procedural justice and employee job insecurity, and the boundary conditions of this relationship. Drawing upon uncertainty management theory and ethical leadership research, we hypothesized that procedural justice is negatively related to job insecurity, and that this relationship is moderated by ethical leadership. We further predicted that the moderating relationship would be more pronounced among employees with a low power distance orientation. We tested our hypotheses using a sample of 381 workers in Macau and Southern (...)
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  14.  31
    Public Art in the Private City: Control, Complicity and Criticality in Hong Kong.Bart Wissink & Lara van Meeteren - 2019 - Open Philosophy 2 (1):280-298.
    Responding to Open Philosophy’s call ‘Does public art have to be bad art?’, in this paper we argue that this discussion should pay attention to the consequences of structural transformations that guide the production and presentation of public art in today’s increasingly private city. While entrepreneurial governance and corporate branding strategies generate new opportunities, they might also result in increased risk averseness and control over the content of public art, thus putting its critical potential at risk. That observation ushers in (...)
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  15. Zhuangzi and the Obsession with Being Right.David B. Wong - 2005 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 22 (2):91 - 107.
  16.  23
    Editorial: COVID-19 and Existential Positive Psychology (PP2.0): The New Science of Self-Transcendence.Paul T. P. Wong, Claude-Hélène Mayer & Gökmen Arslan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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  17.  49
    The Music of Ritual Practice—An Interpretation.Peter Yih-Jiun Wong - 2012 - Sophia 51 (2):243-255.
    Music is an important philosophical theme in Confucian writings, one that is intimately related to ritual. But the relationship between music and ritual requires clarification. This paper seeks to argue for a general sense of music that reflects a particular aspect of ritual that has to do with performance. There is much material available in classical texts, such as the 'Record of Music' ('Yueji'), that allows for nuanced explications of the musical qualities of such performances. Thus explicated, those musical terms (...)
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  18.  41
    An applied ethical analysis system in business.Alan Wong & Eugene Beckman - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (3):173 - 178.
    Much of the discussion on business ethics is philosophical in nature. There is no lack of theories and ideals on moral reasoning. What is missing is translating these moral theories and principles into specific, operational procedures that can indicate a proper course of action. Although most business actions are routine and do not raise serious ethical questions, many people experience difficulty in applying their personal moral principles to specific business decisions in ethically-dilemmatic situations.This study seeks to develop a framework that (...)
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  19.  35
    Evolutionary contingency as non-trivial objective probability: Biological evitability and evolutionary trajectories.T. Y. William Wong - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 81 (C):101246.
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  20.  18
    Extinction facilitates acquisition of the higher order operant.Paul T. P. Wong - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (2):131-134.
  21.  22
    The concept of higher order operant: A preliminary analysis.Paul T. P. Wong - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (1):43-44.
  22. 1 The Secret Lives of Emergents.Hong Yu Wong - 2010 - In Antonella Corradini & Timothy O'Connor, Emergence in science and philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 7.
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    Understanding dialectical thinking from a cultural-historical perspective.Wan-chi Wong - 2006 - Philosophical Psychology 19 (2):239 – 260.
    The present essay aims to throw light on the study of dialectical thinking from a cultural-historical perspective. Different forms of dialectic are articulated as ideal types, including the Greek dialectic, the Hegelian dialectic, the contemporary German negative dialectic, the Chinese dialectic, and the Indian negative dialectic. These influential cultural products in the history of the East and the West, articulated as ideal types, serve as constellations that could facilitate further empirical studies on dialectical thinking. An understanding of the complexity of (...)
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  24.  65
    Cartesian Deduction.David B. Wong - 1982 - Philosophy Research Archives 8:1-19.
    The objective of the article is twofold: to advance an interpretation of Descartes’ position on the problem of explaining how deduction from universal propositions to their particular instances can be both legitimate and useful for discovery of truth; and to argue that his position is a valuable contribution to the philosophy of logic. In Descartes’ view. the problem in question is that syllogistic deductions from universal propositions to their particular instances is circular and hence useless as a means for discovery (...)
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  25.  30
    Church under leviathan: On the Democratic Participation of Religious Organizations in an Authoritarian Society.Baldwin Wong - 2021 - Journal of Religious Ethics 49 (1):68-89.
    Political philosophers have long disagreed on the issue of whether churches should exercise restraint in the appeal to religious reasons in public discussion and political mobilization. Exclusivists defend the restraint, whereas inclusivists reject it. Both sides, however, assume the existence of a democratic government. In this essay, I discuss whether churches should exercise restraint in a non-democratic, authoritarian society. I defend inclusivism and believe that churches should not restrain themselves, especially when doing so can promote democracy and prevent severe injustices. (...)
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  26.  50
    A measure of my agency?Hong Yu Wong - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):48-51.
  27.  41
    Automatic gender detection of dream reports: A promising approach.Christina Wong, Reza Amini & Joseph De Koninck - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 44:20-28.
  28.  58
    Coevolution theory of the genetic code at age thirty.J. Tze-Fei Wong - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (4):416-425.
  29. Existential psychology.P. Wong - 2009 - In Shane J. Lopez, The Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 361--8.
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  30.  49
    The confucian gentleman and the limits of ethical change.Benjamin Wong & Hui-Chieh Loy - 2001 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 28 (3):209–234.
  31. (1 other version)Emotion and the cognition of reasons in moral motivation.David B. Wong - 2009 - Philosophical Issues 19 (1):343-367.
  32.  19
    Visual working memory capacity for objects from different categories: A face-specific maintenance effect.Jason H. Wong, Matthew S. Peterson & James C. Thompson - 2008 - Cognition 108 (3):719-731.
  33.  12
    The story of ‘Oh’, Part 2: Animating transcript.Jean Wong & Douglas Macbeth - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (5):574-596.
    In conversation analysis, through Sacks, Schegloff, Jefferson, and others, the conceptual architecture is joined at the hip to a technical architecture of transcripts, sequence, and turn productions. That the conceptual was to be found and demonstrated in the material detail of temporal productions was central to CA’s extraordinary innovations. As with CA, an Epistemic CA has the task of giving evidence of its conceptual order in actual materials, and thus animating the materials to show them. The task and relationship are (...)
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    A critique of Eysenck's theory of neurosis.Paul T. P. Wong - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (2):185-186.
  35.  57
    Editorial. Evolution and Aesthetics.Mandy-Suzanne Wong - 2015 - Evental Aesthetics 4 (2):4-21.
    Is aesthetics a product of evolution? Are human aesthetic behaviors in fact evolutionary adaptations? The creation of artistic objects and experiences is an important aesthetic behavior. But so is the perception of aesthetic phenomena qua aesthetic. The question of evolutionary aesthetics is whether humans have evolved the capacity not only to make beautiful things but also to appreciate the aesthetic qualities in things. Are our near-universal love of music and cute baby animals essential to our species’ evolutionary development, which took (...)
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  36.  60
    Environment, Equivalence Inferences, and the Twins: A Reply to Sober.T. Y. William Wong - 2021 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 13:1-12.
    Within the philosophy of biology, Michael Scriven’s twins has become a well-known thought experiment, due to its being the impetus for various lines of discussion concerning the contentious definition of evolutionary fitness, the distinction between natural selection and genetic drift, and evolutionary environments. As one version of the story goes: two twins who, ex hypothesi, are genotypically and phenotypically the same are located side by side on a mountain. An unfortunate event ensues whereby a lightning strike kills one of the (...)
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  37.  43
    A Comparison between the Philosophies of Confucius and Plato as Applied to Music Education.Marina Wong - 1998 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 32 (3):109.
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  38. A Critique of the Aesthetic Experience of Online Discussions.David Wong - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 46 (1):15-26.
    The seventh annual Sloan Foundation Study of Online Learning revealed that one in four college students took at least one online course in the 2008 academic year—a 17 percent increase from just the previous year. This rapid growth seems to be fueled mainly by a perceived need by universities to be more convenient and accessible for students. This trend may be a source of excitement and opportunity for many other educators. At the same time, some educators may be concerned that (...)
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  39.  14
    An Educational Intervention on Chinese Business Students’ Orientation Towards Corporate Social Responsibility.Po May Daphne Wong, Kerry J. Kennedy & Zi Yan - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 18:79-102.
    A one-day educational intervention with multiple activities was developed and operationalized with a sample of Chinese business students in Hong Kong, China. Its effectiveness in influencing students’ corporate social responsibility orientation was measured with a Chinese version of a forced choice scale using Economic, Legal, Ethical, and Discretionary dimensions by Carroll. A repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance showed significant differences in the Legal and Discretionary dimensions between the post-test Experimental group and Control group ; in the Legal, Ethical, and (...)
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  40.  39
    A Geometrical Model For Kantian Intuition.Wing-Chun Wong - 1998 - Idealistic Studies 28 (1-2):47-61.
  41.  18
    A Kantian Interpretation of Demonstrative Reference.Wing-Chun Wong - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 11:199-204.
    According to Kant, we refer to what is out there in the world by performing a demonstrative act, like pointing at an object with a finger. A Kantian mode of demonstrative reference is characterized by the existence of a real, 2-placed affective relation between an intuiting subject and the referent. Parsons suggests that Kantian intuition is both singular and immediate, and immediacy demands an object of intuition to be present, a condition clearly satisfied by objects within our immediate perceptual field. (...)
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  42.  39
    A molecular model of chromatin organisation and transcription: how a multi‐RNA polymerase II machine transcribes and remodels the β‐globin locus during development.Hua Wong, Peter J. Winn & Julien Mozziconacci - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (12):1357-1366.
    We present a molecular model of eukaryotic gene transcription. For the β‐globin locus, we hypothesise that a transcription machine composed of multiple RNA polymerase II (PolII) assembles using the locus control region as a foundation. Transcription and locus remodelling can be achieved by pulling DNA through this multi‐PolII ‘reading head’. Once a transcription complex is formed, it may engage an active gene in several rounds of transcription. Observed intergenic sense and antisense transcripts may be the result of PolII pulling the (...)
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  43.  52
    Addition of time‐dependent covariates to a survival model significantly improved predictions for daily risk of hospital death.Jenna Wong, Monica Taljaard, Alan J. Forster, Gabriel J. Escobar & Carl van Walraven - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (2):351-357.
  44. A Presence of a Constant End: Contemporary Art and Popular Culture in Japan.Yoke-Sum Wong - 2013 - In Amy Swiffen & Joshua Nichols, The ends of history: questioning the stakes of historical reason. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
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    A Quantitative Observational Study of Physician Influence on Hospital Costs.Herbert Wong, Zeynal Karaca & Teresa B. Gibson - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801880090.
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  46.  27
    A Step Toward a Semantic Interpretation of the Deduction of the Categories.Wing-Chun Wong - 1995 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress 2:277-285.
  47.  1
    A Temporal Relationship Theory for the Justification of Love.Muk Yan Wong - 2025 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 32 (1):2-28.
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  48.  28
    As the Tree Greens: Deleuze's Form-Event Assemblage and Chinese Ideograms in a Biosemiotic Ecosystem.Kin-Yuen Wong - 2021 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 15 (2):285-317.
    This paper takes Deleuze's idea ‘to green’ as a qualitative predicate which becomes a rhizomatic event where Jesper Hoffmeyer's ‘plant being’ contemplates through waves and rhythms, hence affects and percepts. The article then brings forward an intertwined group of Chinese ideograms which are designed with plant-radicals, making up an ecosystem towards the establishment of a new Chinese ecocriticism under the banner of biosemiotics. Such an effort will, hopefully, widen the scope and dimension of the new field of environmental humanities, with (...)
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  49.  33
    By-Person Factor Analysis in Clinical Ethical Decision Making: Q Methodology in End-of-Life Care Decisions.William Wong, Arnold R. Eiser, Robert G. Mrtek & Paul S. Heckerling - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):W8-W22.
    Objective: To determine the usefulness of Q methodology to locate and describe shared subjective influences on clinical decision making among participant physicians using hypothetical cases containing common ethical issues. Design: Qualitative study using by-person factor analysis of subjective Q sort data matrix. Setting: University medical center. Participants: Convenience sample of internal medicine attending physicians and house staff (n = 35) at one midwestern academic health sciences center. Interventions: Presented with four hypothetical cases involving urgent decision making near the end of (...)
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  50.  55
    Blubberland: The Dangers of Happiness.Yoke-Sum Wong - 2010 - Common Knowledge 16 (2):296-297.
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