Results for 'Withholding Information'

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  1. Withholding Information to Protect a Loved One.Todd J. Kilbaugh, Daniel Groll, Nabina Liebow, Wynne Morrison & John D. Lantos - 2016 - Pediatrics 6 (136).
    Parents respond to the death of a child in very different ways. Some parents may be violent or angry, some sad and tearful, some quiet and withdrawn, and some frankly delusional. We present a case in which a father’s reaction to his daughter’s death is a desire to protect his wife from the stressful information. The wife is in the second trimester of a high-risk pregnancy and so is particularly fragile. We asked pediatricians and bioethicists to discuss the ways (...)
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    Withholding Information on Unapproved Drug Marketing Applications: The Public Has a Right to Know.Sammy Almashat & Michael Carome - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (s2):46-49.
    The Food and Drug Administration, as a matter of long-standing policy, does not inform the public of instances whereby applications for new drugs or new indications for existing drugs have been rejected by the agency or withdrawn from consideration, nor does it disclose the agency’s analyses of the data submitted with such applications. This lack of transparency is unjustified and prevents patients, researchers, and healthcare providers from gaining insight into why a drug’s application was not approved. The FDA’s policy is (...)
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    To Say the Least: Where Deceptively Withholding Information Ends and Lying Begins.Marta Dynel - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (2):555-582.
    This paper aims to distil the essence of deception performed by means of withholding information, a topic hitherto largely neglected in the psychological, linguistic, and philosophical research on deception. First, the key conditions for deceptively withholding information are specified. Second, several notions related to deceptively withholding information are critically addressed with a view to teasing out the main forms of withholding information. Third, it is argued that deceptively withholding information can (...)
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  4. Patient autonomy and withholding information.Melissa Rees - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (3):256-264.
    Disclosure in clinical practice is aimed at promoting patient autonomy, usually culminating in patient choice (e.g., to consent to an operation or not, or between different medications). In medical ethics, there is an implicit background assumption that knowing more about (X) automatically translates to greater, or more genuine, autonomy with respect to one's choices involving (X). I challenge this assumption by arguing that in rare cases, withholding information can promote a patient's autonomy (understood as the capacity for rational (...)
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    Doctor's views on disclosing or withholding information on low risks of complication.G. G. Palmboom, D. L. Willems, N. B. A. T. Janssen & J. C. J. M. de Haes - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (2):67-70.
    Background: More and more quantitative information is becoming available about the risks of complications arising from medical treatment. In everyday practice, this raises the question whether each and every risk, however low, should be disclosed to patients. What could be good reasons for doing or not doing so? This will increasingly become a dilemma for practitioners.Objective: To report doctors’ views on whether to disclose or withhold information on low risks of complications.Methods: In a qualitative study design, 37 respondents (...)
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  6. Deception and Withholding Information in Sales.Thomas Carson - 2001 - Business Ethics Quarterly 11 (2):275-306.
    The ethics of sales is an important, but neglected, topic in business ethics. I offer criticisms of what others have said about themoral duties of salespeople and formulate what I take to be a more plausible theory. My theory avoids the objections I raise againstothers and yields plausible results when applied to cases. I also defend my theory by appeal to the golden rule and offer a justificationfor the version of the golden rule to which I appeal. I argue that (...)
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    There are No Circumstances in Which a Doctor May Withhold Information.Jason T. Eberl - 2013 - In Arthur L. Caplan & Robert Arp (eds.), Contemporary debates in bioethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 25--418.
    This essay focuses on cases in which a physician elects to withhold, either temporarily or permanently, certain information from a patient for arguably beneficent reasons. That is, the physician is not being self-serving, to herself or her institution, by not revealing this information. Rather, the goal is purely to promote what the physician believes to be in the patient’s best interest by withholding information that may be harmful to him. This practice of informational guardianship is known (...)
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    "Report of the American Medical Association Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs: Withholding Information from Patients: Rethinking the Propriety of" Therapeutic Privilege".Nathan A. Bostick, Robert Sade, John W. McMahon & Regina Benjamin - 2006 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 17 (4):302-306.
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    The Grand Inquisitor’s Choice: Comment on the CEJA Report on Withholding Information from Patients.Darlyn Pirakitikulr & Harold J. Bursztajn - 2006 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 17 (4):307-311.
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    Withholding and withdrawing life support in critical care settings: ethical issues concerning consent.E. Gedge, M. Giacomini & D. Cook - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (4):215-218.
    The right to refuse medical intervention is well established, but it remains unclear how best to respect and exercise this right in life support. Contemporary ethical guidelines for critical care give ambiguous advice, largely because they focus on the moral equivalence of withdrawing and withholding care without confronting the very real differences regarding who is aware and informed of intervention options and how patient values are communicated and enacted. In withholding care, doctors typically withhold information about interventions (...)
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  11.  43
    Withholding or Necessary Filtering of Information?Ari Z. Zivotofsky & Naomi T. S. Zivotofsky - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (12):70-72.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 12, Page 70-72, December 2011.
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    Withholding and withdrawing treatment for cost‐effectiveness reasons: Are they ethically on par?Lars Sandman & Jan Liliemark - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (2):278-286.
    In healthcare priority settings, early access to treatment before reimbursement decisions gives rise to problems of whether negative decisions for cost‐effectiveness reasons should result in withdrawing treatment, already accessed by patients. Among professionals there seems to be a strong attitude to distinguish between withdrawing and withholding treatment, viewing the former as ethically worse. In this article the distinction between withdrawing and withholding treatment for reasons of cost effectiveness is explored by analysing the doing/allowing distinction, different theories of justice, (...)
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  13. The legal and ethical implications of therapeutic privilege – is it ever justified to withhold treatment information from a competent patient?Carolyn Johnston & Genevieve Holt - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (3):146-151.
    This article examines the standard of disclosure, set by law, of risks of treatment and alternative procedures that should normally be disclosed to patients. Therapeutic privilege has been recognized by the courts as an exception to this standard of disclosure. It provides a justification for withholding such information from competent patients in the interests of patient welfare. The article explores whether this justification is either legally or ethically defensible. In assessing patient welfare, the health care professional is required (...)
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    The withholding of truth when counselling relatives of the critically ill: a rational defence.Philip A. Berry - 2008 - Clinical Ethics 3 (1):42-45.
    In cases of sudden, life-threatening illness where the chance of survival appears negligible to the admitting physician, this opinion is not always revealed during the initial meeting with the patient's relatives. Reasons as to why this withholding of the truth may be acceptable are explored through review of available evidence and personal reflection. Factors identified include: the importance of hope in families' coping mechanisms, and the instinct to preserve it; the fallibility of physicians' perception of poor prognosis in the (...)
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  15. Ignorance, information and autonomy.John Harris & Kirsty Keywood - 2001 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 22 (5):415-436.
    People have a powerful interest in geneticprivacy and its associated claim to ignorance,and some equally powerful desires to beshielded from disturbing information are oftenvoiced. We argue, however, that there is nosuch thing as a right to remain in ignorance,where a right is understood as an entitlementthat trumps competing claims. This doesnot of course mean that information must alwaysbe forced upon unwilling recipients, only thatthere is no prima facie entitlement to beprotected from true or honest information aboutoneself. Any (...)
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    The contractual argument for withholding medical information.Donald Vandeveer - 1980 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 9 (2):198-205.
  17.  24
    Withholding and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments in intensive care units in Lebanon: a cross-sectional survey of intensivists and interviews of professional societies, legal and religious leaders.Rita El Jawiche, Souheil Hallit, Lubna Tarabey & Fadi Abou-Mrad - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-11.
    Background Little is known about the attitudes and practices of intensivists working in Lebanon regarding withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatments. The objectives of the study were to assess the points of view and practices of intensivists in Lebanon along with the opinions of medical, legal and religious leaders regarding withholding withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments in Lebanese intensive care units. Methods A web-based survey was conducted among intensivists working in Lebanese adult ICUs. Interviews were also done with Lebanese medical, (...)
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    Withholding consent : How citizens resist expert responses by positioning themselves as ‘the ones to be convinced’.Lotte van Burgsteden & Hedwig te Molder - 2021 - Pragmatics and Society 12 (4):669-695.
    This paper examines public meetings in the Netherlands where experts and officials interact with local residents on the human health effects of livestock farming. Using Conversation Analysis, we reveal a ‘weapon of the weak’: a practice by which the residents resist experts’ head start in information meetings. It is shown how residents draw on the given question-answer format to challenge experts and pursue an admission of, for example, methodological shortcomings. We show how the residents’ first question functions as a (...)
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  19. Informed Consent and Genetic Information.Onora O'Neill - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 32 (4):689-704.
    In the last 25 years writing in bioethics, particularly in medical ethics, has generally claimed that action is ethically acceptable only if it receives informed consent from those affected. However, informed consent provides only limited justification, and may provide even less as new information technologies are used to store and handle personal data, including personal genetic data. The central philosophical weakness of relying on informed consent procedures for ethical justification is that consent is a propositional attitude, so referentially opaque: (...)
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    Withholding life prolonging treatment, and self deception.G. M. Sayers - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (6):347-352.
    Objectives: To compare non-treatment decision making by general practitioners and geriatricians in response to vignettes. To see whether the doctors’ decisions were informed by ethical or legal reasoning.Design: Qualitative study in which consultant geriatricians and general practitioners randomly selected from a list of local practitioners were interviewed. The doctors were asked whether patients described in five vignettes should be admitted to hospital for further care, and to give supporting reasons. They were asked with whom they would consult, who they believed (...)
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    The Nocebo Effect and Informed Consent—Taking Autonomy Seriously.Scott Gelfand - 2020 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 29 (2):223-235.
    The nocebo effect, a phenomenon whereby learning about the possible side effects of a medical treatment increases the likelihood that one will suffer these side effects, continues to challenge physicians and ethicists. If a physician fully informs her patient as to the potential side effects of a medicine that may produce nocebogenic effects, which is usually conceived of as being a requirement associated with the duty to respect autonomy, she risks increasing the likelihood that her patient will experience these side (...)
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    Medical Information, Decision-Making and Use of Advance Directives by Chinese Cancer Patients in Hong Kong.Edwin C. Hui, Rico K. Liu, Ashley C. Cheng, Enoch Hsu & Dorian Wu - 2016 - Asian Bioethics Review 8 (2):109-133.
    Out of 288 Hong Kong cancer patients, 92.3% include themselves in decision-making, 71% prefer joint decision-making: with family, with doctor, with doctor plus family, with family minus doctor, and with doctor minus family. <5% want decision-making by “doctor-alone” and <1% desire decision-making by “family-alone”. Harmony, communication and responsibility are reasons for family participation. Most patients prefer “specialist” for information, followed by “family”, “friends”, and “GP”. Trust in doctors and prospects for controlling/curing disease are important factors in decision-making. Patients want (...)
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    Informational and Relational Meanings of Deception: Implications for Deception Methods in Research.Eleanor Lawson - 2001 - Ethics and Behavior 11 (2):115-130.
    A lively exchange sparked by Ortmann and Hertwig's call to outlaw deception in psychological research was intensified by underlying differences in the meaning of deception. The conception held by Broder, who defended deception, would restrict research more than Ortmann and Hertwig's conception. Historically, a similar difference in conceptions has been embedded in the controversy over deception in research. The distinction between informational and relational views of deception elucidates this difference. In an informational view, giving false information, allowing false assumptions, (...)
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    Abortion counselling and the informed consent dilemma.Scott Woodcock - 2010 - Bioethics 25 (9):495-504.
    An obstacle to abortion exists in the form of abortion ‘counselling’ that discourages women from terminating their pregnancies. This counselling involves providing information about the procedure that tends to create feelings of guilt, anxiety and strong emotional reactions to the recognizable form of a human fetus. Instances of such counselling that involve false or misleading information are clearly unethical and do not prompt much philosophical reflection, but the prospect of truthful abortion counselling draws attention to a delicate issue (...)
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    Informal ethics consultations in academic health care settings: A quantitative description and a qualitative analysis with a focus on patient participation.Abraham Rudnick, Luljeta Pallaveshi, Robert William Sibbald & Cheryl Forchuk - 2014 - Clinical Ethics 9 (1):28-35.
    Background Ethics consultations are established in contemporary health care. Informal ethics consultations often occur and are possibly beneficial, yet they have not been empirically studied. We sought to describe features of informal ethics consultations and to identify facilitators and disruptors of patient participation in such ethics consultations. Methods We used a mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative) evaluation design and conveniently sampled 64 sequential informal ethics consultations over a period of 3 years in two academic health care centers in one city (...)
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    Whose information is it anyway? Informing a 12-year-old patient of her terminal prognosis.J. Goldie - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (7):427-434.
    Objective: To examine students’ attitudes and potential behaviour towards informing a 12-year-old patient of her terminal prognosis in a situation in which her parents do not wish her to be told, as they pass through a modern medical curriculum.Design: A cohort study of students entering Glasgow University’s new medical curriculum in October 1996.Methods: Students’ responses obtained before year 1 and at the end of years 1, 3, and 5 to the “childhood leukaemia” vignette of the Ethics in Health Care Survey (...)
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    Informed consent and the misattributed paternity problem in genetic counseling.Erica K. Lucast - 2006 - Bioethics 21 (1):41–50.
    ABSTRACT When misattributed paternity is discovered in the course of genetic testing, a genetic counselor is presented with a dilemma concerning whether to reveal this information to the clients. She is committed to treating the clients equally and enabling informed decision making, but disclosing the information may carry consequences for the woman that the counselor cannot judge in advance. A frequent suggestion aimed at avoiding this problem is to include the risk of discovering nonpaternity in the informed consent (...)
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    Informed consent prior to nursing care: Nurses’ use of information.Helen Aveyard, Abimola Kolawole, Pratima Gurung, Emma Cridland & Olga Kozlowska - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (5):1244-1252.
    Background Informed consent prior to nursing care procedures is an established principle which acknowledges the right of the patient to authorise what is done to him or her; consent prior to nursing care should not be assumed. Nursing care procedures have the potential to be unwanted by the patient and hence require an appropriate form of authorisation that takes into consideration the relationship between the nurse and patient and the ongoing nature of care delivery. Research question How do nurses obtain (...)
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    Knowing the Unknown and Informed Consent.A. T. Nuyen - 2007 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 21 (2):213-223.
    It is now widely accepted that experiments using human subjects without their informed consent is unethical. However, in certain kinds of experiment, such as placebo trials, informing participants about what will happen will invalidate research results. Some authors have suggested that the principle of informed consent has to be modified, others claim that ethical concerns can be set aside in the interest of advancing medical research. I argue that these attempts at justifying withholding information from participants are inadequate. (...)
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    Paternalism in practice: informing patients about expensive unsubsidised drugs.T. Dare, M. Findlay, P. Browett, K. Amies & S. Anderson - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (5):260-264.
    Recent research conducted in Australia shows that many oncologists withhold information about expensive unfunded drugs in what the authors of the study suggest is unacceptable medical paternalism. Surprised by the Australian results, we ran a version of the study in New Zealand and received very different results. While the percentages of clinicians who would prescribe the drugs described in the scenarios were very similar (73–99% in New Zealand and 72–94% in Australia depending on the scenario) the percentage who would (...)
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    Family roles in informed consent from the perspective of young Chinese doctors: a questionnaire study.Hanhui Xu & Mengci Yuan - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-10.
    Background Based on the principle of informed consent, doctors are required to fully inform patients and respect their medical decisions. In China, however, family members usually play a special role in the patient’s informed consent, which creates a unique “doctor-family-patient” model of the physician-patient relationship. Our study targets young doctors to investigate the ethical dilemmas they may encounter in such a model, as well as their attitudes to the family roles in informed consent. Methods A questionnaire was developed including general (...)
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    Information disclosure and decision-making: the Middle East versus the Far East and the West.A. F. Mobeireek, F. Al-Kassimi, K. Al-Zahrani, A. Al-Shimemeri, S. al-Damegh, O. Al-Amoudi, S. Al-Eithan, B. Al-Ghamdi & M. Gamal-Eldin - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (4):225-229.
    Objectives: to assess physicians’ and patients’ views in Saudi Arabia towards involving the patient versus the family in the process of diagnosis disclosure and decision-making, and to compare them with views from the USA and Japan.Design: A self-completion questionnaire was translated to Arabic and validated.Participants: Physicians from different specialties and ranks and patients in a hospital or attending outpatient clinics from 6 different regions in KSA.Results: In the case of a patient with incurable cancer, 67% of doctors and 51% of (...)
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    Borderline personality disorder, therapeutic privilege, integrated care: is it ethical to withhold a psychiatric diagnosis?Erika Sims, Katharine J. Nelson & Dominic Sisti - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (11):801-804.
    Once common, therapeutic privilege—the practice whereby a physician withholds diagnostic or prognostic information from a patient intending to protect the patient—is now generally seen as unethical. However, instances of therapeutic privilege are common in some areas of clinical psychiatry. We describe therapeutic privilege in the context of borderline personality disorder, discuss the implications of diagnostic non-disclosure on integrated care and offer recommendations to promote diagnostic disclosure for this patient population. There are no data in this work.
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    Information constraints in medical encounters.Rachelle D. Hollander - 1984 - Journal of Medical Humanities 5 (2):116-126.
    This article describes three kinds of information constraints in medical encounters that have not been discussed at length in the medical ethics literature: constraints from the concept of a disease, from the diffusion of medical innovation, and from withholding information. It describes how these limit the reliance rational people can justifiably put in their doctors, and even the reliance doctors can have on their own advice. It notes the implications of these constraints for the value of informed (...)
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  35. Can children withhold consent to treatment.John Devereux, Donna Dickenson & D. P. H. Jones - 1993 - British Medical Journal 306 (6890):1459-1461.
    A dilemma exists when a doctor is faced with a child or young person who refuses medically indicated treatment. The Gillick case has been interpreted by many to mean that a child of sufficient age and intelligence could validly consent or refuse consent to treatment. Recent decisions of the Court of Appeal on a child's refusal of medical treatment have clouded the issue and undermined the spirit of the Gillick decision and the Children Act 1989. It is now the case (...)
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    An ethical duty to protect one's own information privacy?Anita L. Allen - 2013 - Alabama Law Review 64 (4):845-866.
    People freely disclose vast quantities of personal and personally identifiable information. The central question of this Meador Lecture in Morality is whether they have a moral (or ethical) obligation (or duty) to withhold information about themselves or otherwise to protect information about themselves from disclosure. Moreover, could protecting one’s own information privacy be called for by important moral virtues, as well as obligations or duties? Safeguarding others’ privacy is widely understood to be a responsibility of government, (...)
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    Are the GFRUP's recommendations for withholding or withdrawing treatments in critically ill children applicable? Results of a two-year survey.R. Cremer, A. Binoche, O. Noizet, C. Fourier, S. Leteurtre, G. Moutel & F. Leclerc - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (3):128-133.
    Objective: To evaluate feasibility of the guidelines of the Groupe Francophone de Réanimation et Urgence Pédiatriques for limitation of treatments in the paediatric intensive care unit .Design: A 2-year prospective survey.Setting: A 12-bed PICU at the Hôpital Jeanne de Flandre, Lille, France.Patients: Were included when limitation of treatments was expected.Results: Of 967 children admitted, 55 were included with a 2-day median delay. They were younger than others , had a higher paediatric risk of mortality score , and a higher paediatric (...)
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    Shedding Light on Keeping People in the Dark.Don Fallis - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (2):535-554.
    We want to keep hackers in the dark about our passwords and our credit card numbers. We want to keep potential eavesdroppers in the dark about our private communications with friends and business associates. This need for secrecy raises important questions in epistemology (how do we do it?) and in ethics (should we do it?). In order to answer these questions, it would be useful to have a good understanding of the concept of keeping someone in the dark. Several philosophers (...)
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    An Egalitarian Perspective on Information Sharing: The Example of Health Care Priorities.Jenny Lindberg, Linus Broström & Mats Johansson - 2024 - Health Care Analysis 32 (2):126-140.
    In health care, the provision of pertinent information to patients is not just a moral imperative but also a legal obligation, often articulated through the lens of obtaining informed consent. Codes of medical ethics and many national laws mandate the disclosure of basic information about diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment alternatives. However, within publicly funded health care systems, other kinds of information might also be important to patients, such as insights into the health care priorities that underlie treatment (...)
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    Does Accelerated Patenting Information Dissemination Affect Managers’ (Un)Ethical Behavior? Evidence from the American Inventor’s Protection Act and Crash Risk.Kose John, Xiaoran Ni & Chi Zhang - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-21.
    Motivated by the ethical dilemma in managerial financial reporting decisions, we explore and reveal an unintended “crash” consequence following accelerated patenting information dissemination. Employing the American Inventor’s Protection Act (AIPA) that accelerated the publication of patent applications, we find that accelerated dissemination of patenting information increases stock price crash risk. This effect is stronger when treated firms are technologically closer to their rival firms and more concerned about proprietary costs. Further analyses indicate that, the heightened crash risk following (...)
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    Clinical ethics, information, and communication: review of 31 cases from a clinical ethics committee. [REVIEW]R. Forde - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (2):73-77.
    Objectives: To summarise the types of case brought to the Clinical Ethics Committee of the National Hospital of Norway from 1996 to 2002 and to describe and discuss to what extent issues of information/communication have been involved in the ethical problems. Design: Systematic review of case reports. Findings: Of the 31 case discussions, (20 prospective, 11 retrospective), 19 cases concerned treatment of children. Twenty cases concerned ethical problems related to withholding/withdrawing of treatment. In 25 cases aspects of (...)/communication were involved in the ethical problem, either explicitly (n = 3) or implicitly (n = 22). Conclusion: Problems related to information/communication may underlie a classic ethical problem. Identification of these “hidden” problems may be important for the analysis, and hence, the solution to the ethical dilemma. (shrink)
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    Disclosure of true medical information: the case of Bangladesh.Sanwar Siraj, Kristien Hens & Yousuf Ali - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-14.
    Background Truth-telling in health care is about providing patients with accurate information about their diagnoses and prognoses to enable them to make decisions that can benefit their overall health. Physicians worldwide, especially in the United Kingdom (U.K.) and the United States (U.S.), openly share such medical information. Bangladesh, however, is a Muslim-majority society with different social norms than Western societies. Therefore, we examined whether Muslim culture supports truth disclosure for patients, particularly how and to what extent medical (...) about life-threatening diseases is provided to patients in Bangladesh. Methods This was a phenomenological qualitative study. We conducted thirty in-depth interviews with clinicians, nurses, patients and their relatives at Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We also used observations to explore interactions between patients, families and healthcare professionals regarding their involvement in medical decisions and truth disclosure issues. NVivo software was used to identify common themes, and a thematic analysis method was utilised to analyse the datasets. Results This study identified three recurring themes relevant to the ethics and practice of truth disclosure: best interest rather than autonomy, the ambivalent value of deception and who understands what. The participants revealed that physicians often withhold fatal medical prognoses from terminally ill patients to ensure the best healthcare outcomes. The results indicate that deception towards patients is commonly accepted as a means of reducing burden and providing comfort. The participants opined that true medical information should be withheld from some patients, assuming that such disclosures may create a severe burden on them. Whether or to what extent medical information is disclosed primarily depends on a family’s wishes and preferences. Conclusions While truth disclosure to patients is considered an ethical norm in many cultures, such as in the U.K. and the U.S., the practice of concealing or partially revealing severe medical prognoses to patients is an actual medical practice in Bangladeshi society. This study emphasises the importance of recognising a patient’s active involvement and respecting the cultural values that shape family involvement in medical decision-making. These findings may have significant policy and practical implications for promoting patient autonomy within Bangladeshi family dynamics and religious-based cultural values. (shrink)
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    A Suggested Change In The Informed Consent Procedure.Amnon Goldworth - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (2):258-260.
    Informed consent began as a way of protecting physicians against legal liability. It did so by requiring physicians to provide their patients with sufficient information so that the patients could assent to or withhold consent from a proffered medical treatment. It was also intended to be an accurate expression of the patient's wishes. As such, it established the conditions by which a patient could be held responsible for his decisions concerning medical treatment.
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    Disclosure of genetic information within families: a case report.G. C. Crawford & A. M. Lucassen - 2008 - Clinical Ethics 3 (1):7-10.
    There has been much discussion about what, if any, legal and moral duties professionals have to disclose relevant genetic information to the family members of someone with an identified disease predisposing mutation. Here, we present a case report where dissemination of such a genetic test result did not take place within a family. In contrast to previous literature, there appeared to be no deliberate withholding of information, instead distant relatives were unable to communicate relevant information appropriately. (...)
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    Managed care and informed consent.Ruth R. Faden - 1997 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 7 (4):377-379.
    : Arguments for efficiency in health care delivery have been used to support some level of withholding of information about available treatment options from patients in managed care systems. To the extent that such arguments prevail, they may necessitate changes in the established understanding of and commitment to informed consent and the disclosure of information to patients.
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    Should Human Rights and Autonomy be The Primary Determinants for the Disclosure of a Decision to Withhold Futile Resuscitation?Sarah Cahill - 2019 - The New Bioethics 25 (1):39-59.
    Do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation decisions (DNACPR) are considered good medical practice for those dying at the end of natural life. They avoid intrusive and inappropriate intervention. Historically, informing patients of these decisions was discretionary to avoid undue distress. Recent legal rulings have altered clinical guidance: disclosure is now all but obligatory. The basis for these legal judgments was respect for the patient’s autonomy as an expression of their human rights. Through critical analysis, this paper explores other bioethical considerations and (...)
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  47. The distribution of medical resources, withholding medical treatment, drug trials,advance directives, euthanasia and other ethical issues: The Thandi case (II).Trefor Jenkins, Darrel Moellendorf & Udo Schüklenk - 2001 - Developing World Bioethics 1 (2):163–174.
    In the first part of this article, we considered how Thandi, a 15-year-old girl, was treated when taken by her mother to their GP, Dr Randera. Dr Randera notified them that Thandi was pregnant, HIV positive, and had syphilis and herpes. Dr Randera also informed them that there was a substantial risk that the baby would be born HIV positive. Both Thandi and her mother wanted an abortion. However, Dr Randera, who was morally opposed to abortions, refused to provide the (...)
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    Unenviable decisions: Is it ethically justifiable to withhold parenteral nutrition from infants with ultra-short bowel syndrome?Peterson Jlh - forthcoming - Clinical Ethics:147775092211179.
    Infant A was born at term with an antenatal diagnosis of gastroschisis. His parents were well informed about the condition and understood that he would require surgery. However, at delivery, his bowel was found to be severely compromised. Infant A returned from theatre with only four centimeters of small bowel. This is physiologically devastating and easily qualifies as ultrashort bowel syndrome. Whilst the prognosis from ultrashort bowel syndrome is greatly improving, the condition continues to carry a significant risk of mortality (...)
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    Nanotoxicology and ethical conditions for informed consent.Kristin Shrader-Frechette - 2007 - NanoEthics 1 (1):47-56.
    While their strength, electrical, optical, or magnetic properties are expected to contribute a trillion dollars in global commerce before 2015, nanomaterials also appear to pose threats to human health and safety. Nanotoxicology is the study of these threats. Do nanomaterial benefits exceed their risks? Should all nanomaterials be regulated? Currently nanotoxicologists cannot help answer these questions because too little is known about nanomaterials, because their properties differ from those of bulk materials having the same chemical composition, and because they differ (...)
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  50. Unenviable decisions: Is it ethically justifiable to withhold parenteral nutrition from infants with ultra-short bowel syndrome?J. L. H. Peterson - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (4):471-480.
    Infant A was born at term with an antenatal diagnosis of gastroschisis. His parents were well informed about the condition and understood that he would require surgery. However, at delivery, his bowel was found to be severely compromised. Infant A returned from theatre with only four centimeters of small bowel. This is physiologically devastating and easily qualifies as ultrashort bowel syndrome (USBS). Whilst the prognosis from ultrashort bowel syndrome is greatly improving, the condition continues to carry a significant risk of (...)
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