Results for 'Winston Churchill'

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  1. Winston Churchill em The Crown: a velhice e suas representações na Modernidade.Valmir Moratelli, Tatiana Siciliano & Ana Paula Gonçalves - 2022 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 28 (2).
    Resumo: Este artigo pretende discutir a representação da velhice na modernidade, tendo como objeto de análise uma cena da primeira temporada da série estadunidense The Crown. Nela o então primeiro-ministro Winston Churchill, ao completar 80 anos, se incomoda com um quadro em sua homenagem, no qual aparece retratado sem suavizar seus traços envelhecidos. Ao renegar sua imagem na tela, e nas discussões com o pintor ao longo da elaboração do quadro, Churchill percebe a sua fragilidade. Partindo da (...)
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  2. Winston Churchill and honor : the complexity of honor and statesmanship.Mark F. Griffith - 2016 - In Laurie Johnson & Dan Demetriou (eds.), Honor in the Modern World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Lanham: Lexington.
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  3. Winston Churchill: Resolution, Defiance, Magnamity, Good Will. Edited by R. Crosby Kemper, III.B. Greve - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:109-109.
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  4. Winston Churchill: The Demise of an Imperial Diehard.Stephanie Lawton - forthcoming - Quaestio.
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    Winston Churchill in 1940.IsaiahHG Berlin - 2014 - In Personal Impressions: Third Edition. Princeton University Press. pp. 1-29.
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    Karl Popper, Winston Churchill, and the Tradition of Liberty among the English-speaking Peoples.João Carlos Espada - 2018 - Philosophy 93 (4):571-580.
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    This famous island is the home of freedom’: Winston Churchill and the battle for ‘European civilization.Richard Toye - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (5):666-680.
    This article explores the relationship between Churchill’s view of Britain as the home of freedom and his broader conception of Western/European civilization. It considers: first, his attitude to Classical learning and culture; second, his experiences of European travel; and third, his attitude to the Bolsheviks (as much as the Nazis) as the barbaric antithesis of civilization. It is argued that his vision of the European future was linked both to his own experiences of free and civilized travel in the (...)
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  8. John von Heyking: Comprehensive Judgment and Absolute Selflessness: Winston Churchill on Politics as Friendship. [REVIEW]Allison Murphy - 2019 - The Review of Politics 82.
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    Do East Asians Perceive Democracy as a Lesser Evil? Retesting Churchill's Lesser-Evil Notion of Democracy in East Asia.Doh Chull Shin - 2009 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 10 (1):59-77.
    Winston Churchill once asserted . In this conception, democracy is , something that is not good but is less bad than its alternatives. This study offers a rigorous test of this concept in the context of East Asia. Analysis of the East Asia Barometer surveys conducted in five new democracies in the region reveals that small minorities of these countries actually perceive the current democratic regime as a lesser evil. A large majority of these , moreover, refuse to (...)
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    Realm of Lesser Evil.Jean-Claude Michea - 2009 - Polity.
    Winston Churchill said of democracy that it was ‘the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.’ The same could be said of liberalism. While liberalism displays an unfailing optimism with regard to the capacity of human beings to make themselves ‘masters and possessors of nature’, it displays a profound pessimism when it comes to appreciating their moral capacity to build a decent world for themselves. As Michea shows, (...)
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    Gasping for Breath: Democracy à bout de souffle?Rosemarie Scullion - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):272-279.
    In 1947, Winston Churchill looked out on the ruin in which Europe lay after the experience of totalitarian rule the continent had just survived and famously remarked: "Many forms of government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time (...)
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    Real American ethics: taking responsibility for our country.Albert Borgmann - 2006 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    America is a wonderful and magnificent country that affords its citizens the broadest freedoms and the greatest prosperity in the world. But it also has its share of warts. It is embroiled in a war that many of its citizens consider unjust and even illegal. It continues to ravage the natural environment and ignore poverty both at home and abroad, and its culture is increasingly driven by materialism and consumerism. But America, for better or for worse, is still a nation (...)
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  13. Mental Models, Moral Imagination and System Thinking in the Age of Globalization.Patricia H. Werhane - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (3):463-474.
    After experiments with various economic systems, we appear to have conceded, to misquote Winston Churchill that "free enterprise is the worst economic system, except all the others that have been tried." Affirming that conclusion, I shall argue that in today's expanding global economy, we need to revisit our mind-sets about corporate governance and leadership to fit what will be new kinds of free enterprise. The aim is to develop a values-based model for corporate governance in this age of (...)
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    We Are Modern and Want to Be Modern.Jude P. Dougherty - 2015 - Studia Gilsoniana 4 (3):241–249.
    The author traces the thought of George Santayana, Brad S. Gregory, Pierre Manent, and Rémi Brague, who addressed the transformation of the West into its modern present. They all show that by being cut off from its cultural and political inheritance in modern times, Western Civilization presently finds itself in a burning need of recovering its identity. To save its identity, the West is to challenge the errors of modernity. We used to have the example of Winston Churchill (...)
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    Personal Impressions.Henry Hardy (ed.) - 2001 - Princeton University Press.
    This remarkable collection contains Isaiah Berlin's appreciations of seventeen people of unusual distinction in the intellectual or political world, sometimes both. The names of many of them are familiar: Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Chaim Weizmann, Albert Einstein, and others. With the exception of Roosevelt, he met them all and knew many of them well. For this expanded edition, four new portraits have been added, including those of Virginia Woolf and Edmund Wilson. This volume also contains a vivid (...)
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    Hobbesian democracy.Frank van Dun - unknown
    We can characterise modern democracies of the Western type as Hobbesian democracies.1 In a modern democracy the State is a political Sovereign of the Hobbesian kind, enjoying a constitutional authority that for all practical purposes is absolute, having the potential of reaching every nook and cranny of its subjects’ life and work. Its authority is restrained only by the requirement of respect for certain formalities and procedures, and the lingering memory of something called the rule of law.2 Hobbesian democracy’s peculiar (...)
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    Leo Strauss and Anglo-American Democracy: A Conservative Critique.Grant N. Havers - 2013 - DeKalb, Illinois: Northern Illinois University Press.
    In this original new study, Grant Havers critically interprets Leo Strauss’s political philosophy from a conservative perspective. Most mainstream readers of Strauss have either condemned him from the Left as an extreme right-wing opponent of liberal democracy or celebrated him from the Right as a traditional defender of Western civilization. Rejecting both of these portrayals, Havers shifts the debate beyond the conventional parameters of our age. He persuasively shows that Strauss was neither a man of the Far Right nor a (...)
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    Two Types of Autonomy Accounts.Richard Double - 1992 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 22 (1):65 - 80.
    Philosophers’ intuitions about what constitutes autonomy are largely driven by the exemplars or paradigms that we recognize. There are indefinitely many exemplars, inasmuch as there are relatively private personae that serve as autonomy exemplars such as our parents, third grade teacher, or, for the megalomaniac, oneself. But among Western philosophers there are doubtless some exemplars that are widely shared and broadly influential. Philosophical exemplars include Socrates, Aristotle’s magnanimous man, Kant’s noumenal self that is perfectly attuned to the moral law, Mill’s (...)
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  19. How seriously should we take Minimalist syntax?Shimon Edelman - 2003 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 7 (2):60-61.
    Lasnik’s review of the Minimalist program in syntax [1] offers cognitive scientists help in navigating some of the arcana of the current theoretical thinking in transformational generative grammar. One may observe, however, that this journey is more like a taxi ride gone bad than a free tour: it is the driver who decides on the itinerary, and questioning his choice may get you kicked out. Meanwhile, the meter in the cab of the generative theory of grammar is running, and has (...)
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    Is Democracy Possible Without a Restriction of the Suffrage?Vincenzo Alfano - 2014 - Studia Humana 3 (3):3-10.
    Today, the concept of democracy seems inextricably linked with that of universal suffrage. But is it true? To let that anyone with a given age has the right to vote is a very good democratic practice, or would prefer to question the criteria for access to this right, perhaps to develop new systems? The current crisis of democracy in the Western world is symptomatic of a detriment of the political consciousness of the people? And yet it is very likely to (...)
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    The moral imagination: from Edmund Burke to Lionel Trilling.Gertrude Himmelfarb - 2006 - Chicago: Ivan R. Dee.
    Edmund Burke : apologist for Judaism? -- George Eliot : the wisdom of Dorothea -- Jane Austen : the education of Emma -- Charles Dickens : "a low writer" -- Benjamin Disraeli : the Tory imagination -- John Stuart Mill : the other Mill -- Walter Bagehot : "a divided nature" -- John Buchan : an untimely appreciation -- The Knoxes : a God-haunted family -- Michael Oakeshott : the conservative disposition -- Winston Churchill : "quite simply, a (...)
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    Teachers, Leaders, and Schools: Essays by John Dewey.Jon G. Bradley - 2016 - Education and Culture 32 (1):153-155.
    Collections demand great care. In any attempt to select, sift, and/or package the literary efforts of a major literary figure, whatever is included will be debated and found wanting. For example, what short stories of Ernest Hemingway or sonnets of William Shakespeare or pithy comments of Winston Churchill would make up a selected collection? The choices and possibilities are numerous, and the possible repercussions mind bending. Arguments are sure to ensue, and even like-minded advocates will fiercely debate the (...)
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  23. By.Charles Pigden - unknown
    Dr Ward of Knox College obviously considers himself a sophisticated fellow. You can tell by the humorous yet statesmanlike tone of his article 'Psst … wanna hear a conspiracy theory?' (ODT 29/6/06). 'It is important', he thinks 'in dialoguing with conspiracy thinking, not just to refute it … but to ask why is it that people are believing this theory?' This apparently 'would create a much healthier dialogue than the shouting past each other that often seems to take place.' In (...)
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  24. On the Distance between Literary Narratives and Real-Life Narratives.Peter Lamarque - 2007 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 60:117-132.
    It is a truth universally acknowledged that great works of literature have an impact on people's lives. Well known literary characters—Oedipus, Hamlet, Faustus, Don Quixote—acquire iconic or mythic status and their stories, in more or less detail, are revered and recalled often in contexts far beyond the strictly literary. At the level of national literatures, familiar characters and plots are assimilated into a wider cultural consciousness and help define national stereotypes and norms of behaviour. In the English speaking world, Shakespeare's (...)
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  25. ‘History will be kind to me’: An introduction to new directions in the historiography of genetics.Yafeng Shan, Ehud Lamm & Harman Oren - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 99 (C):A1-A3.
    ‘History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it,’ Winston Churchill is famously said to have quipped. That he never seems to have actually made this comment is beside the point, since the message is important: past events never speak for themselves. Facts do not settle like rocks in a dry river, but are moved, displaced, and replaced by waters that continue to gush. The currents and their temperates are sensetative to mores, signs of their (...)
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    The soul of politics: Harry V. Jaffa and the fight for America.Glenn Ellmers - 2021 - New York: Encounter Books.
    Harry V. Jaffa (1918-2015), professor at Claremont McKenna College and Distinguished Fellow of the Claremont Institute, was one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century. His hundreds of students have reached positions of power and prestige throughout the intellectual and political world, including the Supreme Court and the Trump White House. Jaffa authored Barry Goldwater's famous 1964 Republican Convention speech which declared, "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is (...)
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    The Early “Iron Curtain” [review of Patrick Wright, Iron Curtain: from Stage to Cold War ].Michael D. Stevenson - 2010 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 30 (2):179-182.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:February 19, 2011 (11:48 am) E:\CPBR\RUSSJOUR\TYPE3002\russell 30,2 040 red.wpd Reviews 179 THE EARLY “IRON CURTAIN” Michael D. Stevenson Schulich School of Business, York U. / Russell Research Centre, McMaster U. Toronto, on m3j 1p3 / Hamilton, on l8s 4l6, Canada [email protected] Patrick Wright. Iron Curtain: from Stage to Cold War. Oxford: Oxford U. P., 2007. Pp. xvii, 488. isbn 978-0-19-923150-8. £18.99 (hb); £12.99 (pb). In his famous Westminster College (...)
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  28. Can Adults Become Genuinely Bilingual?Joseph Agassi - unknown
    The variety of languages in the world is considered a curse by some, who view the phenomenon as a Tower of Babel. Others consider it the most characteristic quality of human language as opposed to animal languages, which are supposedly species specific. The variety is viewed as a symptom of human caprice, arbitrariness, or dependence on mere historical accident by some; and as a symptom of human freedom and of the creative aspect of language by others. And, of course, the (...)
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    Bushido, Budo y Bu: Un Acercamiento Filosófico.Ueno Taisuke - 2020 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 4 (1).
    Si pretendemos interpretar el significado de “Bu” con el pensamiento y las ideas actuales, dicha letra representaría el concepto de violencia, de la magnitud de una masacre. Esto es algo similar a la ficción que supone la tecnología que Winston-Churchill, narra en su obra sobre la Crisis Mundial, donde una sola llamada de teléfono podía hacer que miles de soldados mujeres y niños murieran, empujando de este modo a la humanidad al borde de la extinción. La Constitución de (...)
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    Charity Lost: The Secularization of the Principle of Double Effect in the Just-War Tradition.Timothy M. Renick - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (3):441-462.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:CHARITY LOST: TBE SECtJLA'.RIZATfON OF THE PRINCIPLE OF DOUBLE EFFECT IN THE JUST-WAR TRADITION TIMOTHY M. RENICK Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia 0 N AUGUST 12, 1945, the city of Hiroshima still smoldered, and President Harry Truman addressed the American people : We have used [the atomic bomb] against those who have attacked us without warning at Pearl Harbor, against those who have starved and beaten and executed American (...)
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    Jeana Monneta idea zjednoczonej Europy i jej suwerenności.S. J. Tomasz Homa - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 26 (1):191-222.
    The main aim of this political philosophy study is to analyze the two fundamental ideas developed by Jean Monnet, namely, the idea of a federally united Europe and its sovereignty. This analysis is combined with an attempt to capture at least some of the essential assumptions of his philosophical ideas and their evolution. The source materials on which the article is based are primarily Monnet’s Memories, his notes and official memoranda, the correspondence from the war and postwar period and the (...)
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  32. Fanaticism and the History of Philosophy.Paul Katsafanas (ed.) - 2023 - London: Rewriting the History of Philosophy.
    Voltaire called fanaticism the "monster that pretends to be the child of religion". Philosophers, politicians, and cultural critics have decried fanaticism and attempted to define the distinctive qualities of the fanatic, whom Winston Churchill described as "someone who can't change his mind and won't change the subject". Yet despite fanaticism's role in the long history of social discord, human conflict, and political violence, it remains a relatively neglected topic in the history of philosophy. In this outstanding inquiry into (...)
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    Moral Immorality.Michael Stocker - 1989 - In Plural and conflicting values. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Considers a cognate issue, which is whether what is immoral can nevertheless be admirable. It is argued that admirable immorality, like dirty hands, does not pose special problems for ethical theories. At the heart of admirable immorality lies a conflict of moral virtues, which is unavoidable and necessitates conflict. Looks at two case studies, the painter Paul Gauguin and Winston Churchill.
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    Past and present: the challenges of modernity, from the Pre-Victorians to the Postmodernists.Gertrude Himmelfarb - 2017 - London: Encounter Books.
    Past and Present brings together almost two dozen newly collected essays by the distinguished American historian and cultural critic, Gertrude Himmelfarb. Their common theme is the intriguing, often unexpected ways in which the past illuminates the present. The novelist William Faulkner wrote that "The past is never dead. It's not even past." In these essays, Himmelfarb shows the truth of this statement. She helps us find a new perspective on contemporary issues by bringing to bear a trenchant analysis of debates (...)
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  35. Political emotions: Aristotle and the symphony of reason and emotion (review).Jason Ingram - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (1):pp. 92-95.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Political Emotions: Aristotle and the Symphony of Reason and EmotionJason IngramPolitical Emotions: Aristotle and the Symphony of Reason and Emotion by Marlene K. Sokolon. De Kalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2006. Pp. ix + 217. $38.00, cloth.In this book Marlene Sokolon develops Aristotle's theme that virtue, both individual and social, consists of a harmonious interplay of reason and emotion. The nine chapters of Political Emotions: Aristotle and the (...)
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  36. Wilt thou conceal this dark conspiracy? By.Charles Pigden - manuscript
    Dr Ward of Knox College obviously considers himself a sophisticated fellow. You can tell by the humorous yet statesmanlike tone of his article 'Psst … wanna hear a conspiracy theory?' (ODT 29/6/06). 'It is important', he thinks 'in dialoguing with conspiracy thinking, not just to refute it … but to ask why is it that people are believing this theory?' This apparently 'would create a much healthier dialogue than the shouting past each other that often seems to take place.' In (...)
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    The Anglo-American tradition of liberty: a view from Europe.João Carlos Espada - 2016 - New York,: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Karl R. Popper: The open society and its enemies -- Ralf Dahrendorf: Liberty and civil society -- Raymond Plant: Social welfare without class warfare -- Gertrude Himmelfarb and Irving Kristol: The moral imagination -- Raymond Aron: The opium of the intellectuals -- Friedrich A. Hayek: The constitution of liberty -- Isaiah Berlin: Liberty and pluralism -- Michael J. Oakeshott: The conservative disposition -- Leo Strauss: Relativism and the crisis of modernity -- Edmund Burke: Liberty and duty -- James Madison vs. (...)
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    Commentary and Questions by Robert Paul Churchill.Robert Paul Churchill - 2021 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 27 (2):31-33.
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  39. The Principles of Social Order Selected Essays of Lon L. Fuller /Edited, with an Introd. By Kenneth I. Winston. --. --.Lon L. Fuller & Kenneth I. Winston - 1981 - Duke University Press, 1981.
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    What patients teach: the everyday ethics of health care.Larry R. Churchill - 2013 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Joseph B. Fanning & David Schenck.
    Being a patient and living a life -- Clinical space and traits of healing -- False starts and frequent failures -- Three journeys : A.'Ibuprofen and love', B. 'Staying tuned up', C. 'We all want the same things' -- Being a patient : the moral field -- Rethinking healthcare ethics : the patient's moral authority.
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    Learning new principles from precedents and exercises.Patrick H. Winston - 1982 - Artificial Intelligence 19 (3):321-350.
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    Diversity in IRB Membership: Views of IRB Chairpersons at U.S. Universities and Academic Medical Centers.Sydney Churchill, Emily A. Largent, Elizabeth Taggert & Holly Fernandez Lynch - 2022 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 13 (4):237-250.
    Background Diversity in Institutional Review Board (IRB) membership is important for both intrinsic and instrumental reasons, including fairness, promoting trust, improving decision quality, and responding to systemic racism. Yet U.S. IRBs remain racially and ethnically homogeneous, even as gender diversity has improved. Little is known about IRB chairpersons’ perspectives on membership diversity and barriers to increasing it, as well as current institutional efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within IRB membership.Methods We surveyed IRB chairpersons leading U.S. boards registered (...)
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  43. The Philosophical Predicament.Winston H. F. Barnes - 1954 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 16 (1):138-139.
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  44. Mapping the field.Winston C. Thompson - 2023 - In Philosophical foundations of education. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    The real problem with equipoise.Winston Chiong - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (4):37 – 47.
    The equipoise requirement in clinical research demands that, if patients are to be randomly assigned to one of two interventions in a clinical trial, there must be genuine doubt about which is better. This reflects the traditional view that physicians must never knowingly compromise the care of their patients, even for the sake of future patients. Equipoise has proven to be deeply problematic, especially in the Third World. Some recent critics have argued against equipoise on the grounds that clinical research (...)
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    Logos and mystical theology in Philo of Alexandria.David Winston - 1985 - Hoboken, N.J.: KTAV Pub. House.
  47. Introduction.Winston C. Thompson - 2023 - In Philosophical foundations of education. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Physician-investigator/patient-subject: Exploring the logic and the tension.Larry R. Churchill - 1980 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 5 (3):215-224.
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    Disability and the Ideology of Ability: How Might Music Educators Respond?Warren N. Churchill & Cara Faith Bernard - 2020 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 28 (1):24.
    Abstract:How might identity and identity politics inform music teachers' practices and assumptions about disability? In this article, we engage in a critical discussion about how music educators might respond to disability. This article is presented in three parts as a collaborative dialogue between the two authors, using the landscape of identity politics to frame the discussion. In the first part, Warren Churchill discusses Tobin Siebers' theorizing of "the ideology of ability" as it relates to music education's dominant response to (...)
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    An emergency response system for the international community: Commentary on "the politics of rescue".Morton Winston - 1997 - Ethics and International Affairs 11:137–140.
    In his response to "The Politics of Rescue," Winston argues that the real dilemma facing the international system is not a question of what form intervention will take, but rather a question of the existence of political will to act on the humanitarian impulse.
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