Results for 'William J. Brown'

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  1.  27
    The identification of 100 ecological questions of high policy relevance in the UK.William J. Sutherland, Susan Armstrong-Brown, Paul R. Armsworth, Brereton Tom, Jonathan Brickland, Colin D. Campbell, Daniel E. Chamberlain, Andrew I. Cooke, Nicholas K. Dulvy, Nicholas R. Dusic, Martin Fitton, Robert P. Freckleton, H. Charles J. Godfray, Nick Grout, H. John Harvey, Colin Hedley, John J. Hopkins, Neil B. Kift, Jeff Kirby, William E. Kunin, David W. Macdonald, Brian Marker, Marc Naura, Andrew R. Neale, Tom Oliver, Dan Osborn, Andrew S. Pullin, Matthew E. A. Shardlow, David A. Showler, Paul L. Smith, Richard J. Smithers, Jean-Luc Solandt, Jonathan Spencer, Chris J. Spray, Chris D. Thomas, Jim Thompson, Sarah E. Webb, Derek W. Yalden & Andrew R. Watkinson - 2006 - Journal of Applied Ecology 43 (4):617-627.
    1 Evidence-based policy requires researchers to provide the answers to ecological questions that are of interest to policy makers. To find out what those questions are in the UK, representatives from 28 organizations involved in policy, together with scientists from 10 academic institutions, were asked to generate a list of questions from their organizations. 2 During a 2-day workshop the initial list of 1003 questions generated from consulting at least 654 policy makers and academics was used as a basis for (...)
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    Ethical Approaches to Lifestyle Campaigns.William J. Brown & Martine P. A. Bouman - 2010 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 25 (1):34-52.
    The growing interest in lifestyle campaigns as a means to promote public health has increased steadily during the past several decades. Governments, national health organizations, NGOs, and wealthy donors are collaborating with media professionals and academic scholars to address the pressing health issues of the 21st century. To counter the potential negative influences of hundreds of lifestyle advertising messages that media consumers are exposed to on a daily basis, health communication professionals are designing more sophisticated campaigns that blend beneficial health (...)
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    How Not To Read Pictures: The History of Grain Elevators in Buffalo, Photography, and European Modernist Architecture 1900 to 1930.William J. Brown - 1993 - Communications 18 (2):223-234.
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    Development of a method for analyzing three-dimensional scapula kinematics.William E. Janes, J. M. Brown, J. M. Essenberg & J. R. Engsberg - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman (ed.), The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 400-406.
    Scapula mobility complicates upper extremity kinematics assessment. Existing methods are diverse, providing inconsistent results. The current gold standard (bone pins) is prohibitively invasive. The purposes of the current study are to describe a virtual projection alternative to surface markers for video motion capture (VMC) of the scapula and to compare the results of the projection and surface marker methods to the results of similar existing methods. Ten participants were evaluated using VMC. Surface markers were applied to the trunk and arm (...)
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    Existentialism.Stanley J. Fairhurst, Richard H. Brown, James R. Draper, R. D. Carroll & William Loyens - 1953 - Modern Schoolman 31 (1):19-33.
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  6. Ethical issues concerning potential global climate change on food production.D. Pimentel, N. Brown, F. Vecchio, V. La Capra, S. Hausman, O. Lee, A. Diaz, J. Williams, S. Cooper & E. Newburger - 1992 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 5 (2):113-146.
    Burning fossil fuel in the North American continent contributes more to the CO2 global warming problem than in any other continent. The resulting climate changes are expected to alter food production. The overall changes in temperature, moisture, carbon dioxide, insect pests, plant pathogens, and weeds associated with global warming are projected to reduce food production in North America. However, in Africa, the projected slight rise in rainfall is encouraging, especially since Africa already suffers from severe shortages of rainfall. For all (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 1.Cyrus Lee, Sheldon Stoff, Thomas R. Berg, John Georgeoff, David A. Shiman, Gene D. Alsup, Wayne G. Bragg, Librado K. Vasquez, Katherine Sun, Phyllis I. Danielson, Sherry L. Willis, Felix F. Billingsley, Robert Hoppock, Richard G. Durnin, Spencer J. Maxcy, Roger J. Fitzgerald, Robert D. Brown, William Duffy & J. F. Townley - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (1):8-21.
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    Book Reviews Section 3.William T. Blackstone, William Hare, Don Cochrane, Walden B. Crabtree, Patrick J. Foley, Arthur Brown, Solon T. Kimball, Jack L. Nelson, Alexander W. Austin, Godfrey Sullivan, Frederick M. Schultz, Ramon Sanchez, Garnet L. Mcdiarmid, Rosemary V. Donatelli, Frederic G. Robinson, Mathew Zachariah, Richard M. Schrader, Louis Fischer & Dale R. Spencer - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (4):225-239.
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    The Twilight Harlequinade of Chesterton's Father Brown Stories.William J. Scheick - 1977 - The Chesterton Review 4 (1):104-114.
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    Sir William Bragg and Scepticism.Brown, S. J. Case & S. J. Brown - 1925 - Modern Schoolman 2 (2):23-26.
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  11. Of the Light of Nature, Ed. By J. Brown.Nathaniel Culverwell, John Brown & William Dillingham - 1857
  12.  22
    Statements delivered to the meeting of the faculty senate on 4 february, 1988.Judith Brown, George Dekker, Bill King, William Chace, Carlos Camargo, J. Martin Evans, Ronald Rebholz, Carl Degler, Barbara Gelpi & Renato Rosaldo - forthcoming - Minerva.
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    Motivation in learning: XI. An analysis of electric shock for correct responses into its avoidance and accelerating components.Karl F. Muenzinger, William O. Brown, Wayman J. Crow & Robert F. Powloski - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 43 (2):115.
  14.  47
    Book Reviews Section 4.E. Paul Torrance, John Walton, Calvin O. Dyer, Virgil S. Ward, Weldon Beckner, Manouchehr Pedram, William M. Alexander, Herman J. Peters, James B. Macdonald, Samuel E. Kellams, Walter L. Hodges, Gary R. Mckenzie, Robert E. Jewett, Doris A. Trojcak, H. Parker Blount, George I. Brown, Lucile Lindberg, James C. Baughman, Patricia H. Dahl, S. Jay Samuels & Christopher J. Lucas - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (4):239-255.
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    Achievable benchmarks of care: the ABC TM s of benchmarking.Norman W. Weissman, Jeroan J. Allison, Catarina I. Kiefe, Robert M. Farmer, Michael T. Weaver, O. Dale Williams, Ian G. Child, Judy H. Pemberton, Kathleen C. Brown & C. Suzanne Baker - 1999 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 5 (3):269-281.
  16.  27
    Black Cinematic Poethics.William Brown - 2023 - Film-Philosophy 27 (3):401-423.
    Drawing upon the work of various critical race theorists, including Frantz Fanon, Kevin Quashie, Hortense J. Spillers, Calvin L. Warren and Sylvia Wynter, this article suggests that if Blackness has historically been, and continues to be, cast outside of being and into being, or what Wynter terms désêtre, then for Blackness to give expression to itself and/or to prove (or improvise) its “aliveness” is a necessarily “poetic” process, given that poetry/ poiesis is the bringing into being of that which previously (...)
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  17. Love Slaves and Wonder Women: Radical Feminism and Social Reform in the Psychology of William Moulton Marston.Matthew J. Brown - 2016 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 2 (1):1.
    In contemporary histories of psychology, William Moulton Marston is remembered for helping develop the lie detector test. He is better remembered in the history of popular culture for creating the comic book superhero Wonder Woman. In his time, however, he contributed to psychological research in deception, basic emotions, abnormal psychology, sexuality, and consciousness. He was also a radical feminist with connections to women's rights movements. Marston's work is an instructive case for philosophers of science on the relation between science (...)
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Steven I. Miller, Frank A. Stone, William K. Medlin, Clinton Collins, W. Robert Morford, Marc Belth, John T. Abrahamson, Albert W. Vogel, J. Don Reeves, Richard D. Heyman, K. Armitage, Stewart E. Fraser, Edward R. Beauchamp, Clark C. Gill, Edward J. Nemeth, Gordon C. Ruscoe, Charles H. Lyons, Douglas N. Jackson, Bemman N. Phillips, Melvin L. Silberman, Charles E. Pascal, Richard E. Ripple, Harold Cook, Morris L. Bigge, Irene Athey, Sandra Gadell, John Gadell, Daniel S. Parkinson, Nyal D. Royse & Isaac Brown - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (1):1-28.
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    New books. [REVIEW]A. C. Ewing, T. E., James Drever, William Brown, James Drever, W. J., M. A., R. A., J. S. MacKenzie, W. D. Ross & J. Ellis McTaggart - 1925 - Mind 34 (133):104-122.
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  20. The discussion about proposals to change the Western Culture program at Stanford University.Donald Kennedy, John Perky, Carolyn Lougee, Marsh McCall, Paul Robinson, James Gibb, Clara N. Bush, Judith Brown, George Dekker, Bill King, William Chace, Carlos Camargo, J. Martin Evans, Ronald Rebholz, Carl Degler, Barbara Gelpi, Renato Rosaldo, William Mahrt, Halsey Rayden, Herbert Lindenberger, Albert Gelpi, Gregson Davis, Diane Middlebrook, David Kennedy, Dennis Phillips, Harry Papasotiriou, Martin Evans, Ron Rebholz, Bill Chace, Jim van HarveySneehan & David Riggs - 1989 - Minerva 27 (2):223-411.
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    Through a (First) Contact Lens Darkly: Arrival, Unreal Time and Chthulucinema.David H. Fleming & William Brown - 2018 - Film-Philosophy 22 (3):340-363.
    Science fiction is often held up as a particularly philosophical genre. For, beyond actualising mind-experiment-like fantasies, science fiction films also commonly toy with speculative ideas, or else engineer encounters with the strange and unknown. Denis Villeneuve's Arrival is a contemporary science fiction film that does exactly this, by introducing Lovecraft-esque tentacular aliens whose arrival on Earth heralds in a novel, but ultimately paralysing, inhuman perspective on the nature of time and reality. This article shows how this cerebral film invites viewers (...)
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  22.  56
    Alfred J. Freddoso and Francis E. Kelley, translators, "William of Ockham: Quodlibetal Questions". [REVIEW]Stephen F. Brown - 1994 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 32 (3):493.
  23.  55
    The Virtue of Emerson's Imitation of Christ: From William Ellery Channing to John Brown.Emily J. Dumler-Winckler - 2017 - Journal of Religious Ethics 45 (3):510-538.
    Christians have traditionally conceived of the moral life as an imitation of Christ, whereby followers enter into fellowship with God. The American Transcendentalists can be understood as extending rather than dispensing with this legacy. For Emerson, a person cultivates virtues by imitating those she loves and admires. Ultimately, however, the virtues enable her to innovate on received models, to excel by pressing beyond exemplars. Emerson's famous line, “imitation is suicide,” is not a contradiction but a fulfillment of the imitation of (...)
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    Conserving plant germ plasm. The Use of Plant Genetic Resources(1989). Edited by A. H. D. Brown, D. R. Marshall, O. H. Frankel And J. T. Williams. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 392pp. £27.50, $49.50 hb; £9.95, $17.95 pb. [REVIEW]Denis J. Murphy - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (3):149-150.
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  25. William of Auvergne, The Trinity, or the First Principle. Trans. Francis C. Wade, SJ and Roland J. Teske, SJ Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Jerome V. Brown - 1990 - Philosophy in Review 10 (7):297-299.
  26. Explanatory Depth in Primordial Cosmology: A Comparative Study of Inflationary and Bouncing Paradigms.William J. Wolf & Karim Pierre Yves Thébault - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    We develop and apply a multi-dimensional account of explanatory depth towards a comparative analysis of inflationary and bouncing paradigms in primordial cosmology. Our analysis builds on earlier work due to Azhar and Loeb (2021) that establishes initial conditions fine-tuning as a dimension of explanatory depth relevant to debates in contemporary cosmology. We propose dynamical fine-tuning and autonomy as two further dimensions of depth in the context of problems with instability and trans-Planckian modes that afflict bouncing and inflationary approaches respectively. In (...)
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  27. Respecting boundaries: theoretical equivalence and structure beyond dynamics.William J. Wolf & James Read - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (4):1-28.
    A standard line in the contemporary philosophical literature has it that physical theories are equivalent only when they agree on their empirical content, where this empirical content is often understood as being encoded in the equations of motion of those theories. In this article, we question whether it is indeed the case that the empirical content of a theory is exhausted by its equations of motion, showing that (for example) considerations of boundary conditions play a key role in the empirical (...)
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    The Virtues of Pursuit-Worthy Speculation: The Promises of Cosmic Inflation.William J. Wolf & Patrick M. Duerr - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
  29. Broad Internalism, Deep Conventions, Moral Entrepreneurs, and Sport.William J. Morgan - 2012 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 39 (1):65-100.
    My argument will proceed as follows. I will first sketch out the broad internalist case for pitching its normative account of sport in the abstract manner that following Dworkin’s lead in the philosophy of law its adherents insist upon. I will next show that the normative deficiencies in social conventions broad internalists uncover are indeed telling but misplaced since they hold only for what David Lewis famously called ‘coordinating’ conventions. I will then distinguish coordinating conventions from deep ones and make (...)
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  30. The Logical Incompatibility Thesis and Rules: A Reconsideration of Formalism as an Account of Games.William J. Morgan - 1987 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 14 (1):1-20.
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    A Response to the Special Issue Contributors.William J. Morgan - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 12 (4):468-488.
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    Human Dignity-Centered Business Ethics: A Conceptual Framework for Business Leaders.William J. Mea & Ronald R. Sims - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (1):53-69.
    This paper is a contribution to the discussion of how religious perspectives can improve business ethics. Two such perspectives are in natural law of antiquity and recent Catholic social doctrine and teaching. This paper develops a conceptual framework from natural law and CSD/T that business leaders can adopt to build an ethos of humanistic management. This “Human Dignity-Centered” framework fills the gap between time-tested Christian norms and contemporary firm-leaders’ concrete needs. “Human dignity” is used as a rhetorical device to convey (...)
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  33.  45
    Moral antirealism, internalism, and sport.William J. Morgan - 2004 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 31 (2):161-183.
  34. Meinongian Semantics and Artificial Intelligence.William J. Rapaport - 2013 - Humana Mente 6 (25):25-52.
    This essay describes computational semantic networks for a philosophical audience and surveys several approaches to semantic-network semantics. In particular, propositional semantic networks are discussed; it is argued that only a fully intensional, Meinongian semantics is appropriate for them; and several Meinongian systems are presented.
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    Athletic Perfection, Performance-Enhancing Drugs, and the Treatment-Enhancement Distinction.William J. Morgan - 2009 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 36 (2):162-181.
  36.  55
    Suggested visual hallucination without hypnosis enhances activity in visual areas of the brain.William J. McGeown, Annalena Venneri, Irving Kirsch, Luca Nocetti, Kathrine Roberts, Lisa Foan & Giuliana Mazzoni - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):100-116.
    This functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging study investigated high and low suggestible people responding to two visual hallucination suggestions with and without a hypnotic induction. Participants in the study were asked to see color while looking at a grey image, and to see shades of grey while looking at a color image. High suggestible participants reported successful alterations in color perception in both tasks, both in and out of hypnosis, and showed a small benefit if hypnosis was induced. Low suggestible people (...)
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  37.  31
    William of Ockham, Opera philosophica et theologica. Opera philosophica, 2. Expositionis in libros artis logicae prooemium et expositio in librum Porphyrii de praedicabilibus, ed. Ernest A. Moody. Expositio in librum praedicamentorum Aristotelis, ed. Gedeon Gál. Expositio in librum perihermenias Aristotelis, ed. Angel Gambatese and Stephen Brown. Tractatus de praedestinatione et de praescientia Dei respectu futurorum contingentium, ed. Philotheus Boehner, revised by Stephen Brown. St. Bonaventure, N.Y.: Franciscan Institute, 1978. Pp. 32*, 567. [REVIEW]E. J. Ashworth - 1980 - Speculum 55 (2):414.
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    On the Hamkins approximation property.William J. Mitchell - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 144 (1-3):126-129.
    We give a short proof of a lemma which generalizes both the main lemma from the original construction in the author’s thesis of a model with no ω2-Aronszajn trees, and also the “Key Lemma” in Hamkins’ gap forcing theorems. The new lemma directly yields Hamkins’ newer lemma stating that certain forcing notions have the approximation property.
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    Rationality, religious belief, and moral commitment: new essays in the philosophy of religion.Robert Audi & William J. Wainwright (eds.) - 1986 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    This book is unified by three broad concerns: the rationality of belief in God, the relation between religion and morality, and the explication of the concept of God. The essays are, however, marked by diversity. Some focus on historical figures, such as Aquinas and Locke; others bring recent epistemological and metaphysical developments to bear on problems of religious belief. Some of the papers explore neglected issues central to religious practice, such as the question of how total devotion to God can (...)
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  40.  54
    Some Aristotelian Notes on the Attempt to Define Sport.William J. Morgan - 1977 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 4 (1):15-35.
  41.  16
    An Analysis of Truth in Kuhn’s Philosophical Enterprise.William J. Devlin - 2015 - In William J. Devlin & Alisa Bokulich (eds.), Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions - 50 Years On. Cham: Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, vol. 311. Springer.
    In his essay “Afterwords”, Kuhn describes his “double goal” as To justify that science achieves knowledge of nature, and at the same time, To show that science neither achieves, nor should aim towards achieving, truth. I hold that Kuhn’s denial of truth helps to bring out a tension between the two goals of his enterprise: Kuhn cannot both maintain that science achieves knowledge of nature and dismiss the notion of truth altogether from his philosophy of science. The same arguments that (...)
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  42. Games, Rules, and Conventions.William J. Morgan - 2014 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (3):383-401.
    In a recent article in this journal, Del Mar offered two main criticisms of Marmor’s account of social conventions. The first took issue with Marmor’s claim that the constitutive rules of games and kindred social practices determine in an objective way their central aims and values; the second charged Marmor with scanting the historical context in which conventions do their important normative work in shaping the goals of games. I argue that Del Mar’s criticism of Marmor’s account of the normative (...)
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  43.  53
    Ethics, ethical inquiry, and sport: An introduction.William J. Morgan - 2007 - In William John Morgan (ed.), Ethics in Sport. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  44.  57
    Sports and the Making of National Identities: A Moral View.William J. Morgan - 1997 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 24 (1):1-20.
  45.  57
    Caring, final ends and sports.William J. Morgan - 2007 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 1 (1):7 – 21.
    In this essay I argue that sports at their best qualify as final ends, that is, as ends whose value is such that they ground not only the practices whose ends they are, but everything else we do as human agents. The argument I provide to support my thesis is derived from Harry Frankfurt's provocative work on the importance of the things we care about, more specifically, on his claim that it is by virtue of caring about things and practices, (...)
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  46.  29
    Patriotic Sports and the Moral Making of Nations.William J. Morgan - 1999 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 26 (1):50-67.
  47.  23
    From embryonal carcinoma cells to neurons: The P19 pathway.Gerard Bain, William J. Ray, Min Yao & David I. Gottlieb - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (5):343-348.
    The differentiation of mammalian neurons during development is a highly complex process involving regulation and coordination of gene expression at multiple steps. The P19 mouse embryonal carcinoma cell line is a suitable model system with which to analyze regulation of neuronal differentiation. These multipotential cells can be maintained and propagated in tissue culture in an undifferentiated state. Exposure of aggregated P19 cells to retinoic acid results in the differentiation of cells with many fundamental phenotypes of mammalian neurons. Undifferentiated P19 cells (...)
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    Mary Bittner Wiseman, Gary Shapiro, Michael L. Hall, Walter L. Reed, John J. Stuhr, George Poe, Bruce Krajewski, Walter Broman, Christopher McClintick, Jerome Schwartz, Roberta Davidson, Christopher Clausen, Michael Calabrese, Guy Willoughby, Don H. Bialostosky, Thomas R. Hart, Tom Conley, Michael McGaha, W. Wolfgang Holdheim, Mark Stocker, Sandra Sherman, Michael J. Weber, Sylvia Walsh, Mary Anne O'Neil, Robert Tobin, Donald M. Brown, Susan B. Brill, Oona Ajzenstat, Jeff Mitchell, Michael McClintick, Louis MacKenzie, Peter Losin, C. S. Schreiner, Walter A. Strauss, Eric J. Ziolkowski, William J. Berg, and Patrick Henry. [REVIEW]Joseph Sartorelli - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (2):354.
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  49. Experimenting on and experimenting with: Polywater and experimental realism.William J. Mckinney - 1991 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 42 (3):295-307.
    With the careful use of the polywater episode in the history of chemistry as a case study, I will show that the distinction recently made in the philosophy of science between experimenting on an entity and manipulating that entity is best seen as a distinction between experimenting on, and experimenting with, that entity. The polywater case also reveals that Ian Hacking's 1983 manipulability criterion is not a necessary condition for realism, and that scientists can, and do, justifiably change their minds (...)
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    War and the Psychological Conditions of Peace. By Dr William Brown. (A. & C. Black. Pp. viii 144. Price 7s. 6d.).W. J. H. Sprott - 1943 - Philosophy 18 (71):276-.
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