Results for 'Willard Thorp'

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  1. Mechanism or Personalism.Willard Brown Thorp - 1932 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 13 (3):200.
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  2. Literary History of the United States.Robert E. Spiller, Willard Thorpe, Thomas H. Johnson & Henry Seidel Canby - 1949 - Science and Society 13 (4):377-380.
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    Literary History of the United StatesRobert E. Spiller Willard Thorp Thomas H. Johnson Henry Seidel Canby.I. Cohen - 1949 - Isis 40 (3):303-304.
  4. Sergeant Thorpe Judge of the Assize for the Northern Circuit, His Charge as It Was Delivered to the Grand-Jury at Yorke Assizes the Twentieth of March, 1648. Clearly Epitomizing the Statutes Belonging to This Nation, Which Concerns the Severall Estates and Conditions of Men. And Do Really Promote the Peace and Plenty of This Common-Wealth.Francis Thorpe, Matthew Walbancke, Richard Best & W. T. - 1649 - Printed by T:W: For Mathew Walbancke, and Richard Best, at Grayes-Inne Gate.
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  5. Dallas Willard, Knowing Christ Today: Why We Can Trust Spiritual Knowledge.Dallas Willard - 2009
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  6. Evoked Questions and Inquiring Attitudes.Christopher Willard-Kyle, Jared Millson & Dennis Whitcomb - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    Drawing inspiration from the notion of evocation employed in inferential erotetic logic, we defend an ‘evoked questions norm’ on inquiring attitudes. According to this norm, it is rational to have an inquiring attitude concerning a question only if that question is evoked by your background information. We offer two arguments for this norm. First, we develop an argument from convergence. Insights from several independent literatures (20th-century ordinary-language philosophy, inferential erotetic logic, inquisitive epistemic logic, and contemporary zetetic epistemology) all converge on (...)
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    Willard Von Orman Quine: Logique Elementaire.Willard Van Orman Quine - 2006 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    La Logique elementaire est a la fois une introduction a la logique et une introduction a la pensee de Quine, son but ayant ete de condenser le sujet de la logique traditionnelle en le traitant par les moyens de la logique contemporaine, afin de rendre plus intelligibles les constructions logiques de base et les raisonnements impliques dans le langage usuel. Le lecteur trouvera ici tous les elements necessaires a la comprehension du symbolisme logique, mais aussi et surtout le role de (...)
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  8. Ontological Relativity and Other Essays.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1969 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    This volume consists of the first of the John Dewey Lectures delivered under the auspices of Columbia University's Philosophy Department as well as other essays by the author. Intended to clarify the meaning of the philosophical doctrines propounded by Professor Quine in 'Word and Objects', the essays included herein both support and expand those doctrines.
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  9. Three aspects of Kantian Autonomy: Independence, Self-Determination and Citizenship.Lucas Thorpe & Sun Demirli - 2024 - Con-Textos Kantianos 20:41-49.
    In the Groundwork, we find three distinct conceptions of freedom: (i) A negative conception of freedom, understood as a capacity for spontaneous action independent of alien causes; (ii) a positive conception of freedom, understood as the capacity of giving law to oneself; and (iii) a second positive conception, understood as the capacity to give laws that bind others as well as oneself. The dominant interpretation of Kant ignores this third conception of freedom and interprets the second conception as a capacity (...)
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  10. Word and Object.Willard Van Orman Quine, Patricia Smith Churchland & Dagfinn Føllesdal - 1960 - Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.
    Willard Van Orman Quine begins this influential work by declaring, "Language is asocial art.
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    (2 other versions)Philosophy of Logic.Willard V. O. Quine - 1986 - Philosophy 17 (3):392-393.
    With his customary incisiveness, W. V. Quine presents logic as the product of two factors, truth and grammar-but argues against the doctrine that the logical truths are true because of grammar or language. Rather, in presenting a general theory of grammar and discussing the boundaries and possible extensions of logic, Quine argues that logic is not a mere matter of words.
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  12. Two Dogmas in Retrospect.Willard van Orman Quine - 1991 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 21 (3):265 - 274.
    In retrospecting "Two Dogmas" I find myself overshooting by twenty years. I think back to college days, 61 years agao. I majored in mathematics and was doing my honors reading in mathematical logic, a subject that had not yet penetrated the Oberlin curriculum. My new love, in the platonic sense, was Whitehead and Russell's Principia Mathematica.
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  13. Animal Nature and Human Nature.W. H. Thorpe - 1975 - Philosophy 50 (194):485-487.
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    Knowing what a novel word is not: Two-year-olds ‘listen through’ ambiguous adjectives in fluent speech.Kirsten Thorpe & Anne Fernald - 2006 - Cognition 100 (3):389-433.
  15. Confessions of a confirmed extensionalist: and other essays.Willard Van Orman Quine - 2008 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by Dagfinn Føllesdal & Douglas B. Quine.
    These essays, along with several manuscripts published here for the first time, offer a more complete and highly defined picture than ever before of one of the ...
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    Free Will: A Defense Against Neurophysiological Determinism.John Thorp - 1980 - London: Routledge.
    The problem of freedom and determinism is one of the most enduring, and one of the best, problems in philosophy. One of the best because it so tenaciously resists solution while yet always seeming urgent, and one of the most enduring because it has always been able to present itself in different ways to suit the preoccupations of different ages. This book, first published in 1980, sets out to defend free will: it elaborates a sober and systematic case for libertarianism (...)
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    Le mécanisme de la perception chez Aristote — étude de quelques problèmes.John Thorp - 1980 - Dialogue 19 (4):575-589.
    Le lecteur attentif du traité De l'âme et des Parva naturalia sera troublé par une ambiguïté profonde sous-jacente à toute la longue discussion de la perception dans ces œuvres. Il s'agit de savoir si la théorie d'Aristote se veut une théorie d'ordre physiologique prise au sens littéral, ou si elle se veut plutôt une théorie métaphysique, qui doit donc être prise au sens métaphorique. La doctrine en question se résume comme suit: un sens, en percevant, reçoit en lui-même la forme (...)
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  18. Immanuel Kant and Deontology.Lucas Thorpe - 2024 - In Michael Hemmingsen (ed.), Ethical Theory in Global Perspective. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 191-206.
    This chapter has two main sections. In the first section I briefly sketch Immanuel Kant’s moral theory as laid out in his Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (1785). I explain Kant’s claim that morality must be grounded on what he calls a categorical imperative and examine his three formulations of this categorical imperative. In the second section I explain the distinction between “deontological” and “teleological” ethical theories. Kantian ethics is often presented as the paradigm example of a deontological ethical (...)
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  19. Little Stones: Sovereignty in Plato's Politeia.Thomas Thorp - 2005 - Studies in Practical Philosophy 5 (1):66-89.
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    Astérix et les qualia: la dernière poche de résistance.John Thorp - 1993 - Dialogue 32 (3):461-.
    Depuis fort longtemps le matérialisme – ou, si l'on veut, la physique – se présente comme la théorie universelle, celle qui dévoile la vraie nature de toute chose et est done capable de tout expliquer. Cette prétention grandiose s'est toujours butée contre certains phénomènes psychiques qu'il paraissait invraisemblable de croire réductibles à la simple matière. Mais au cours de ce siècle un grand nombre de ces phénomènes psychiques ont été conquis par le matérialisme. Ainsi labiologie moléculairea intégré la vie à (...)
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    Constance Coltman – a Centenary Celebration in Historical Context.Kirsty Thorpe - 2017 - Feminist Theology 26 (1):8-18.
    The year 2017 is an important centenary for women in the Church. In 1917, in the darkness of World War I, a woman was ordained as a Congregational Minister for the first time in Britain. She was not a Congregationalist but a Presbyterian by upbringing. She would go on to serve a small church in one of the poorest parts of London, yet she was highly educated and from an upper middle-class family. She was a pacifist, a feminist, a wife, (...)
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  22. Etiquette.Thomas Thorp - 2007
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  23. Living With Class.Thomas Thorp - 2013
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    On historical thinking and the history educational challenge.Robert Thorp & Anders Persson - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (8):891-901.
    The notion of historical thinking has in recent years become popular in research on history education, particularly so in North America, the UK and Australia. The aim of this paper is to discuss th...
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    The aesthetic theory of Thomas Hobbes.Clarence DeWitt Thorpe - 1940 - New York,: Russell & Russell.
  26. New Developments in Archaeological Science.O. Williams-Thorpe & R. S. Thorpe - 1992
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  27. The Stonehenge bluestones: Discussion. Authors' reply.O. Williams-Thorpe, C. P. Green & J. D. Scourse - 1997 - In Scourse J. D. (ed.), Science and Stonehenge. pp. 315-318.
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  28. Witchcraft, Envy, and Norm Enforcement in Mauritius.Aiyana K. Willard, Nachita Rosun, Kirsten Lesage, Jan Horský & Dimitris Xygalatas - forthcoming - Human Nature:1-35.
    Recent research has shown that an array of religious beliefs can be used to enforce socially normative behaviour, but the application of these theories to other supernatural beliefs, including witchcraft, is still nascent. Across two pre-registered studies in Mauritius, we examine how witchcraft is believed to be caused by envy and how this belief can create and enforce social norms around not causing envy. Data was collected in-person in Mauritius. In study 1 (N = 445), we found that both practicing (...)
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  29. (2 other versions)Methods of logic.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1962 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  30. (2 other versions)Nominalism.Willard Van Orman Quine - 2008 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 4:3-21.
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    Quine in dialogue.Willard Van Orman Quine - 2008 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by Dagfinn Føllesdal & Douglas B. Quine.
    The qualities that distinguished him in any discussion are on clear display in this volume, which features him in dialogue with his predecessors and peers, his ...
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  32. Guyer, Sellars and Kant on the Dignity and Value of Freedom.Lucas Thorpe - 2024 - Kant Studien Supplementa 1 (1):21-38.
    Paul Guyer is well known for defending the claim that freedom, understood as the capacity to set ends, is Kant’s fundamental value. In contrast, I have developed a reading of Kant’s ethics that places autonomy and community at the heart of Kant’s ethics. At the heart of my account is a conception of autonomy understood as what I call the capacity for sovereignty. I argue that these two positions can be made compatible. To do this involves making a distinction between (...)
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    (1 other version)Elementary logic.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1966 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Now much revised since its first appearance in 1941, this book, despite its brevity, is notable for its scope and rigor.
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  34. 'Comment on Koppelberg.Willard van Orman Quine - 1990 - In Barret And Gibson (ed.), Perspectives on Quine.
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  35. From a Logical Point of View.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1953 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Several of these essays have been printed whole in journals; others are in varying degrees new. Two main themes run through them. One is the problem of meaning, particularly as involved in the notion of an analytic statement. The other is the notion of ontological, commitment, particularly as involved in the problem of universals.
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  36. (4 other versions)Two Dogmas of Empiricism.Willard V. O. Quine - 1951 - Philosophical Review 60 (1):20–43.
    Modern empiricism has been conditioned in large part by two dogmas. One is a belief in some fundamental cleavage between truths which are analytic, or grounded in meanings independently of matters of fact, and truth which are synthetic, or grounded in fact. The other dogma is reductionism: the belief that each meaningful statement is equivalent to some logical construct upon terms which refer to immediate experience. Both dogmas, I shall argue, are ill founded. One effect of abandoning them is, as (...)
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  37. An exploration of the eucharistic spirituality of the eastern fathers of the church.Luke Thorp - 2017 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (1):25.
    Thorp, Luke If one were to undertake an enquiry as to what constituted early Christian eucharistic spirituality in the church, both East and West, in the first seven centuries, an immediate problem would be encountered-in fact, several problems. The first would be that for the Christians of the first seven centuries, spirituality and theology were synonymous. One did not exist without the other; they were part of a seamless garment. The second issue would be that the term 'eucharistic spirituality' (...)
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    Field theory: A cartesian meditation.Charles Arthur Willard - 1992 - In William L. Benoit, Dale Hample & Pamela J. Benoit (eds.), Readings in argumentation. New York: Foris Publications. pp. 437.
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    The Metaphysical Foundations of Logic.Dallas Willard, Martin Heidegger & Michael Heim - 1986 - Philosophical Review 95 (4):628.
  40. Carnap and logical truth.Willard van Orman Quine - 1954 - Synthese 12 (4):350--74.
    Kant's question 'How are synthetic judgments a priori possible?' pre- cipitated the Critique of Pure Reason. Question and answer notwith- standing, Mill and others persisted in doubting that such judgments were possible at all. At length some of Kant's own clearest purported.
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  41. Husserl on a logic that failed.Dallas Willard - 1980 - Philosophical Review 89 (1):46-64.
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    The Ethics of Gamification in a Marketing Context.Andrea Stevenson Thorpe & Stephen Roper - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (2):597-609.
    Gamification is an increasingly common marketing tool. Yet, to date, there has been little examination of its ethical implications. In light of the potential implications of this type of stealth marketing for consumer welfare, this paper discusses the ethical dilemmas raised by the use of gamified approaches to marketing. The paper draws on different schools of ethics to examine gamification as an overall system, as well as its constituent parts. This discussion leads to a rationale and suggestions for how gamification (...)
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    Concepts in monkeys.Michele Fabre-Thorpe - 2010 - In Denis Mareschal, Paul Quinn & Stephen E. G. Lea (eds.), The Making of Human Concepts. Oxford University Press. pp. 201--226.
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    Whether the Theory of Family Resemblances Solves the Problem of Universals.J. W. Thorp - 1972 - Mind 81 (324):567 - 570.
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    Response mechanisms in detection experiments.Willard Larkin - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 91 (1):140.
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    The grounds of mencius' argument.Willard J. Peterson - 1979 - Philosophy East and West 29 (3):307-321.
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    (1 other version)Elementary Logic: Revised Edition.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1941 - Boston, MA, USA: Ginn.
    Now much revised since its first appearance in 1941, this book, despite its brevity, is notable for its scope and rigor. It provides a single strand of simple techniques for the central business of modern logic. Basic formal concepts are explained, the paraphrasing of words into symbols is treated at some length, and a testing procedure is given for truth-function logic along with a complete proof procedure for the logic of quantifiers. Fully one third of this revised edition is new, (...)
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    Aristotle's Use of Categories. An Easing of the Oddness in "Metaphysica" Δ 7.J. W. Thorp - 1974 - Phronesis 19 (3):238 - 256.
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    Biology, psychology, and belief.William Homan Thorpe - 1961 - Cambridge [Eng.]: University Press.
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    Hypothetical Agent-Based Virtue Ethics: Is It Really Better Than its Alternatives?C. L. Thorpe - 2001 - Southwest Philosophy Review 17 (2):155-158.
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