Results for 'Weyl Curvature Hypothesis'

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  1. Penrose's Weyl curvature hypothesis and conformally-cyclic cosmology.Paul Tod - 2015 - In James Ladyman, Stuart Presnell, Gordon McCabe, Michał Eckstein & Sebastian J. Szybka, Road to reality with Roger Penrose. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
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    A novel explanation for the very special initial state of the universe.Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - unknown
    We put forward a proposal that combines objective collapse models, developed in connection with quantum-foundational questions, with the so-called Weyl curvature hypothesis, introduced by Roger Penrose as an attempt to account for the very special initial state of the universe. In particular, we explain how a curvature dependence of the collapse rate in such models, an idea already shown to help in the context of black holes and information loss, could also offer a dynamical justification for (...)
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    Roger Penrose: Collected Works: Volume 3: 1976-1980.Roger Penrose - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    Professor Sir Roger Penrose's work, spanning fifty years of science, with over five thousand pages and more than three hundred papers, has been collected together for the first time and arranged chronologically over six volumes, each with an introduction from the author. Where relevant, individual papers also come with specific introductions or notes. Many important realizations concerning twistor theory occurred during the short period of this third volume, providing a new perspective on the way that mathematical features of the complex (...)
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  4. Time's Arrow in a Quantum Universe: On the Status of Statistical Mechanical Probabilities.Eddy Keming Chen - 2020 - In Valia Allori, Statistical Mechanics and Scientific Explanation: Determinism, Indeterminism and Laws of Nature. Singapore: World Scientific. pp. 479–515.
    In a quantum universe with a strong arrow of time, it is standard to postulate that the initial wave function started in a particular macrostate---the special low-entropy macrostate selected by the Past Hypothesis. Moreover, there is an additional postulate about statistical mechanical probabilities according to which the initial wave function is a ''typical'' choice in the macrostate. Together, they support a probabilistic version of the Second Law of Thermodynamics: typical initial wave functions will increase in entropy. Hence, there are (...)
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  5.  79
    Cartan–Weyl Dirac and Laplacian Operators, Brownian Motions: The Quantum Potential and Scalar Curvature, Maxwell’s and Dirac-Hestenes Equations, and Supersymmetric Systems. [REVIEW]Diego L. Rapoport - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (8):1383-1431.
    We present the Dirac and Laplacian operators on Clifford bundles over space–time, associated to metric compatible linear connections of Cartan–Weyl, with trace-torsion, Q. In the case of nondegenerate metrics, we obtain a theory of generalized Brownian motions whose drift is the metric conjugate of Q. We give the constitutive equations for Q. We find that it contains Maxwell’s equations, characterized by two potentials, an harmonic one which has a zero field (Bohm-Aharonov potential) and a coexact term that generalizes the (...)
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  6. Broken Weyl Invariance and the Origin of Mass.W. Drechsler & H. Tann - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (7):1023-1064.
    A massless Weyl-invariant dynamics of a scalar, a Dirac spinor, and electromagnetic fields is formulated in a Weyl space, W4, allowing for conformal rescalings of the metric and of all fields with nontrivial Weyl weight together with the associated transformations of the Weyl vector fields κμ, representing the D(1) gauge fields, with D(1) denoting the dilatation group. To study the appearance of nonzero masses in the theory the Weyl symmetry is broken explicitly and the corresponding (...)
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    Modified Weyl theory and extended elementary objects.W. Drechsler - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (12):1479-1497.
    To represent extension of objects in particle physics, a modified Weyl theory is used by gauging the curvature radius of the local fibers in a soldered bundle over space-time possessing a homogeneous space G/H of the (4, 1)-de Sitter group G as fiber. Objects with extension determined by a fundamental length parameter R0 appear as islands D(i) in space-time characterized by a geometry of the Cartan-Weyl type (i.e., involving torsion and modified Weyl degrees of freedom). Farther (...)
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  8.  36
    (1 other version)Hermann Weyl's Raum‐Zeit‐Materie and a General Introduction to His Scientific Work. [REVIEW]David Rowe - 2002 - Isis 93:326-327.
    In the range of his intellectual interests and the profundity of his mathematical thought Hermann Weyl towered above his contemporaries, many of whom viewed him with awe. This volume, the most ambitious study to date of Weyl's singular contributions to mathematics, physics, and philosophy, looks at the man and his work from a variety of perspectives, though its gaze remains fairly steadily fixed on Weyl the geometer and space‐time theorist. Structurally, the book falls into two parts, described (...)
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    Mass Generation by Weyl Symmetry Breaking.Wolfgang Drechsler - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (9):1327-1369.
    A massless electroweak theory for leptons is formulated in a Weyl space, W4, yielding a Weyl invariant dynamics of a scalar field φ, chiral Dirac fermion fields ψL and ψR, and the gauge fields κμ, Aμ, Zμ, Wμ, and Wμ †, allowing for conformal rescalings of the metric gμν and all fields with nonvanishing Weyl weight together with the corresponding transformations of the Weyl vector fields, κμ, representing the D(1) or dilatation gauge fields. The local group (...)
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  10.  48
    On Weyl geometry, random processes, and geometric quantum mechanics.Carlos Castro - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (4):569-615.
    This paper discusses some of the technical problems related to a Weylian geometrical interpretation of the Schrödinger and Klein-Gordon equations proposed by E. Santamato. Solutions to these technical problems are proposed. A general prescription for finding out the interdependence between a particle's effective mass and Weyl's scalar curvature is presented which leads to the fundamental equation of geometric quantum mechanics, $$m(R)\frac{{dm(R)}}{{dR}} = \frac{{\hbar ^2 }}{{c^2 }}$$ The Dirac equation is rigorously derived within this formulation, and further problems to (...)
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    The bimetric Weyl-Dirac theory and the gravitational constant.Nathan Rosen - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (3):363-372.
    The Weyl-Dirac theory of gravitation and electromagnetism is modified by the introduction of a background metric characterized by a scale constant related to the size of the universe. One is led to a natural gauge giving ${{\dot G} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\dot G} G}} \right. \kern-0em} G} = - 5.5 \times 10^{ - 12} y^{ - 1} $ . This is smaller by about a factor of ten than the value obtained on the basis of Dirac's large number hypothesis.
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  12. Cosmic inflation and the past hypothesis.Peter Mark Ainsworth - 2008 - Synthese 162 (2):157-165.
    The past hypothesis is that the entropy of the universe was very low in the distant past. It is put forward to explain the entropic arrow of time but it has been suggested. The emperor’s new mind. London:Vintage Books; Penrose, R.. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 571, 249–264; Price, H.. In S. F. Savitt, Times’s arrows today. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; Price, H.. Time’s arrow and Archimedes’ point. Oxford: Oxford University Press; Price, H.. In C. Hitchcock, (...)
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    General covariance and the objectivity of space-time point-events: The physical role of gravitational and gauge degrees of freedom - DRAFT.Luca Lusanna & Massimo Pauri - unknown
    This paper deals with a number of technical achievements that are instrumental for a dis-solution of the so-called "Hole Argument" in general relativity. Such achievements include: 1) the analysis of the "Hole" phenomenology in strict connection with the Hamiltonian treatment of the initial value problem. The work is carried through in metric gravity for the class of Christoudoulou-Klainermann space-times, in which the temporal evolution is ruled by the "weak" ADM energy; 2) a re-interpretation of "active" diffeomorphisms as "passive and metric-dependent" (...)
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    Nonsingular black holes as dark matter.Paul C. W. Davies, Damien A. Easson & Phillip B. Levin - manuscript
    It is commonly assumed that low-mass primordial black holes cannot constitute a significant fraction of the dark matter in our universe due to their predicted short lifetimes from the conventional Hawking radiation and evaporation process. Assuming physical black holes are nonsingular--likely due to quantum gravity or other high-energy physics--we demonstrate that a large class of nonsingular black holes have finite evaporation temperatures. This can lead to slowly evaporating low-mass black holes or to remnant mass states that circumvent traditional evaporation constraints. (...)
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  15.  61
    A Class of Elementary Particle Models Without Any Adjustable Real Parameters.Gerard ’T. Hooft - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (12):1829-1856.
    Conventional particle theories such as the Standard Model have a number of freely adjustable coupling constants and mass parameters, depending on the symmetry algebra of the local gauge group and the representations chosen for the spinor and scalar fields. There seems to be no physical principle to determine these parameters as long as they stay within certain domains dictated by the renormalization group. Here however, reasons are given to demand that, when gravity is coupled to the system, local conformal invariance (...)
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    Information, Quantum Mechanics, and Gravity.Robert Carroll - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (1):131-154.
    This is a basically expository article, with some new observations, tracing connections of the quantum potential to Fisher information, to Kähler geometry of the projective Hilbert space of a quantum system, and to the Weyl-Ricci scalar curvature of a Riemannian flat spacetime with quantum matter.
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    Logarithmic ambiguities in the description of spatial infinity.Abhay Ashtekar - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (4):419-431.
    Logarithmic ambiguities in the choice of asymptotically Cartesian coordinates at spatial infinity are discussed. It is shown that they do not affect the definitions of energy-momentum and angular momentum at i°. Thus, from a physical viewpoint, the ambiguities are “pure gauge.” A prescription is given for fixed this gauge freedom for the class of space-times in which the leading-order part of the Weyl tensor satisfies a certain reflection symmetry. This class admits, in all (relatively boosted) rest frames at infinity, (...)
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    Derivation of the Dirac Equation by Conformal Differential Geometry.Enrico Santamato & Francesco De Martini - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (5):631-641.
    A rigorous ab initio derivation of the (square of) Dirac’s equation for a particle with spin is presented. The Lagrangian of the classical relativistic spherical top is modified so to render it invariant with respect conformal changes of the metric of the top configuration space. The conformal invariance is achieved by replacing the particle mass in the Lagrangian with the conformal Weyl scalar curvature. The Hamilton-Jacobi equation for the particle is found to be linearized, exactly and in closed (...)
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  19.  88
    Finsler Geometry and Relativistic Field Theory.R. G. Beil - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (7):1107-1127.
    Finsler geometry on the tangent bundle appears to be applicable to relativistic field theory, particularly, unified field theories. The physical motivation for Finsler structure is conveniently developed by the use of “gauge” transformations on the tangent space. In this context a remarkable correspondence of metrics, connections, and curvatures to, respectively, gauge potentials, fields, and energy-momentum emerges. Specific relativistic electromagnetic metrics such as Randers, Beil, and Weyl can be compared.
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    The Equiareal Archimedean Synchronization Method of the Quantum Symplectic Phase Space: II. Circle-Valued Moment Map, Integrality, and Symplectic Abelian Shadows.Elias Zafiris - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (2):1-32.
    The quantum transition probability assignment is an equiareal transformation from the annulus of symplectic spinorial amplitudes to the disk of complex state vectors, which makes it equivalent to the equiareal projection of Archimedes. The latter corresponds to a symplectic synchronization method, which applies to the quantum phase space in view of Weyl’s quantization approach involving an Abelian group of unitary ray rotations. We show that Archimedes’ method of synchronization, in terms of a measure-preserving transformation to an equiareal disk, imposes (...)
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  21.  43
    On the Synthetic Aspect of Mathematics.G. J. Whitrow - 1950 - Philosophy 25 (95):326 - 330.
    In the most recent edition of Language, Truth and Logic , Professor A. J. Ayer still maintains that pure mathematics is analytic, being in fact merely a vast system of tautology. He is much more confident about this than are most contemporary professional mathematicians who have investigated the foundations of their subject. Following the breakdown of the efforts both of Frege and of Russell and Whitehead to derive pure mathematics from logic, i.e. to prove that the denial of any one (...)
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  22. Born’s Reciprocal Gravity in Curved Phase-Spaces and the Cosmological Constant.Carlos Castro - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (8):1031-1055.
    The main features of how to build a Born’s Reciprocal Gravitational theory in curved phase-spaces are developed. By recurring to the nonlinear connection formalism of Finsler geometry a generalized gravitational action in the 8D cotangent space (curved phase space) can be constructed involving sums of 5 distinct types of torsion squared terms and 2 distinct curvature scalars ${\mathcal{R}}, {\mathcal{S}}$ which are associated with the curvature in the horizontal and vertical spaces, respectively. A Kaluza-Klein-like approach to the construction of (...)
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  23. A Realist Interpretation of the Causal-Inertial Structure of Spacetime.Herbert Korte - 1982 - Dissertation, The University of Western Ontario (Canada)
    The central aim of this dissertation is to clarify, defend and develop a realist field ontology of the causal-inertial structure of spacetime forcefully advanced by Hermann Weyl. Weyl's field ontology of spacetime structure may roughly be described as follows. The Special and General as well as the non-relativistic spacetime theories are principle theories of spacetime structure. They all postulate various structural constraints, and events within spacetime are held to satisfy these constraints. When interpreted physically, these mathematical structures correspond (...)
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  24. The Kochen - Specker theorem in quantum mechanics: a philosophical comment (part 1).Vasil Penchev - 2013 - Philosophical Alternatives 22 (1):67-77.
    Non-commuting quantities and hidden parameters – Wave-corpuscular dualism and hidden parameters – Local or nonlocal hidden parameters – Phase space in quantum mechanics – Weyl, Wigner, and Moyal – Von Neumann’s theorem about the absence of hidden parameters in quantum mechanics and Hermann – Bell’s objection – Quantum-mechanical and mathematical incommeasurability – Kochen – Specker’s idea about their equivalence – The notion of partial algebra – Embeddability of a qubit into a bit – Quantum computer is not Turing machine (...)
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    Möbius transformation and conformal relativity.Reijo Piirainen - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (2):223-242.
    The Möbius transformation (MT) was analyzed as a coordinate transformation in the Minkowski form. The transformation function contains three separate light cones. The Weyl spheres were interpreted as basic constituents of local light cones. These cones are related to the denominators of the MT and its inverse, and their apexes define an axis with the top of the global light cone as the centerpoint. That axis represents the local part of the world-line of a moving frame of reference. On (...)
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    Russell, Clifford, Whitehead and Differential Geometry.Sylvia Nickerson & Nicholas Griffin - 2008 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 28 (1):20-38.
    When Russell was fifteen, he was given a copy of W. K. Clifford’s _The Common Sense of the Exact Sciences_ (1886). Russell later recalled reading it immediately “with passionate interest and with an intoxicating delight in intellectual clarification”. Why then, when Russell wrote _An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry_ (1897), did he choose to defend spaces of homogeneous curvature as a priori? Why was he almost completely silent thereafter on the subject of Clifford, and his writings on geometry (...)
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    The age of the universe.J. T. Davies - 1954 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 5 (19):191-202.
    The observations which are compatible with temporal origins of the earth, the solar system and the universe are briefly mentioned, prior to examining the assumptions implicit in the hypothesis of temporal origin which the observations were designed to test. No decisive observation enables us to distinguish between theories of a temporal origin of the universe and the theories of infinite time (continuous creation); the aspects of the galaxies offer no test of either theory without invoking additional assumptions. Curvature (...)
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  28. Poincaré, Kant, and the Scope of Mathematical Intuition.Terry F. Godlove - 2009 - Review of Metaphysics 62 (4):779-801.
    Today it is no news to point out that Kant’s doctrine of space as a form of intuition is motivated by epistemological considerations independent of his commitment to Euclidean geometry. These considerations surface—apparently without his own recognition—in Poincaré’s, Science and Hypothesis, the very work that helped turn analytically-minded philosophers away from the Critique. I argue that we should view Poincaré as refining Kant’s doctrine of space as the form of intuition, even as we see both views as arbitrarily limited—in (...)
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    Conformal Proper Times According to the Woodhouse Causal Axiomatics of Relativistic Spacetimes.Jacques L. Rubin - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (2):158-178.
    On the basis of the Woodhouse causal axiomatics, we show that conformal proper times and an extra variable in addition to those of space and time, together give a physical justification for the ‘chronometric hypothesis’ of general relativity. Indeed, we show that, with a lack of these latter two ingredients and of this hypothesis, clock paradoxes exist for which the unparadoxical asymmetry cannot be recovered when using the ‘clock and message functions’ only. These proper times originate from a (...)
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    Vector potential and quadratic action.C. Lanczos - 1972 - Foundations of Physics 2 (4):271-285.
    Einstein's linear Lagrangian is replaced by a Lagrangian which is quadratic in the curvature quantities (gauge invariance). The hypothesis is made that the basic metrical field is highly agitated (due to periodic boundary conditions) thus establishing a submicroscopic basic lattice structure of the space-time world which, however, is macroscopically isotropic. All consequences follow from these assumptions. The “free vector” of Einstein's theory (void of physical significance and used for the normalization of the reference system) is no longer free (...)
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  31. Statistical Mechanical Theory of a Closed Oscillating Universe.A. Pérez-Madrid & I. Santamaría-Holek - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (3):267-275.
    Based on Newton’s laws reformulated in the Hamiltonian dynamics combined with statistical mechanics, we formulate a statistical mechanical theory supporting the hypothesis of a closed universe oscillating in phase-space. We find that the behavior of this universe as a whole can be represented by a free entropic oscillator whose lifespan is nonhomogeneous, thus implying that time is shorter or longer according to the state of this universe given through its entropy. We conclude that time reduces to the entropy production (...)
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  32. A pressure-reversible cellular mechanism of general anesthetics capable of altering a possible mechanism of consciousness.Kunjumon Vadakkan - 2015 - Springerplus 4:1-17.
    Different anesthetics are known to modulate different types of membrane-bound receptors. Their common mechanism of action is expected to alter the mechanism for consciousness. Consciousness is hypothesized as the integral of all the units of internal sensations induced by reactivation of inter-postsynaptic membrane functional LINKs during mechanisms that lead to oscillating potentials. The thermodynamics of the spontaneous lateral curvature of lipid membranes induced by lipophilic anesthetics can lead to the formation of non-specific inter-postsynaptic membrane functional LINKs by different mechanisms. (...)
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    Classic texts: extracts from Weyl and Wigner.Hermann Weyl - 2002 - In Katherine Brading & Elena Castellani, Symmetries in Physics: Philosophical Reflections. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 21.
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  34. (1 other version)Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science.Hermann Weyl - 1949 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. Edited by Olaf Helmer-Hirschberg & Frank Wilczek.
    This is a book that no one but Weyl could have written--and, indeed, no one has written anything quite like it since.
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  35. Space-Time-Matter.Hermann Weyl - 1922 - London,: E.P. Dutton and Company. Edited by Henry L. Brose.
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    Correspondencia: José Ortega y Gasset, Helene Weyl.José Ortega Y. Gasset & Helene Weyl - 2008 - Madrid: Fundación José Ortega y Gasset. Edited by Helene Weyl.
    El filósofo español José Ortega y Gasset y su traductora al alemán Helene Weyl intercambiaron correspondencia entre los años 1923 y 1946. José Ortega y Gasset y Helene Weyl formaron parte de dos grandes comunidades de intelectuales europeos: Ortega, representante de la filosofía académica en España y Helene Weyl, representante de una intelectualidad vivida más allá de cualquier corsé academicista. Su correspondencia documenta el desarrollo de dos grandes espíritus europeos así como la singular intersección de estos dos (...)
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  37.  20
    Die heutige Erkenntnislage in der Mathematik.Hermann Weyl - 1926 - Erlangen,: Weltkreis-Verlag.
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    Mind and Nature: Selected Writings on Philosophy, Mathematics, and Physics.Hermann Weyl & Peter Pesic (eds.) - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    Hermann Weyl was one of the twentieth century's most important mathematicians, as well as a seminal figure in the development of quantum physics and general relativity. He was also an eloquent writer with a lifelong interest in the philosophical implications of the startling new scientific developments with which he was so involved. Mind and Nature is a collection of Weyl's most important general writings on philosophy, mathematics, and physics, including pieces that have never before been published in any (...)
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  39. Mathematische analyse des Raum problems.Hermann Weyl - 1923 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 4 (6):59-61.
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  40. (1 other version)Philosophie der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaft.Hermann Weyl - 1928 - München,: Leibniz.
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    Philosophie der Mathematik Und Naturwissenschaft: Nach der 2. Auflage des Amerikanischen Werkes Übersetzt Und Bearbeitet von Gottlob Kirschmer.Hermann Weyl - 2009 - Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag.
    Hermann Weyls "Philosophie der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaft" erschien erstmals 1928 als Beitrag zu dem von A. Bäumler und M. Schröter herausgegebenen "Handbuch der Philosophie". Die amerikanische Ausgabe, auf der die deutsche Übersetzung von Gottlob Kirschmer beruht, erschien 1949 bei Princeton University Press. Das nunmehr bereits in der 8. Auflage vorliegende Werk ist längst auch in Deutschland zum Standardwerk geworden.
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    Über die Neue Grundlagenkrise der Mathematik.Hermann Weyl - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (1):81-82.
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  43. (1 other version)Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science.Hermann Weyl & Olaf Helmer - 1951 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 2 (7):257-260.
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    (1 other version)David Hilbert and His Mathematical Work.Hermann Weyl - 1944 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 9 (4):98-98.
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  45. Space-Time-Matter.Hermann Weyl & Henry L. Brose - 1953 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3 (12):382-382.
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  46. Erkenntnis und Besinnung.Hermann Weyl - 1955 - Studia Philosophica 15:153.
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    Anhang D: Die chemische Valenz und die Hierarchie der Strukturen.Herrmann Weyl - 2009 - In Hermann Weyl, Philosophie der Mathematik Und Naturwissenschaft: Nach der 2. Auflage des Amerikanischen Werkes Übersetzt Und Bearbeitet von Gottlob Kirschmer. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 341-353.
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    Aus dem Vorwort des Verfassers zur amerikanischen Ausgabe von 1949.Herrmann Weyl - 2009 - In Hermann Weyl, Philosophie der Mathematik Und Naturwissenschaft: Nach der 2. Auflage des Amerikanischen Werkes Übersetzt Und Bearbeitet von Gottlob Kirschmer. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 5-7.
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    Anhang F: Die Haupteigenschaften der physischen Welt; Gestalt und Entwicklung.Herrmann Weyl - 2009 - In Hermann Weyl, Philosophie der Mathematik Und Naturwissenschaft: Nach der 2. Auflage des Amerikanischen Werkes Übersetzt Und Bearbeitet von Gottlob Kirschmer. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 368-394.
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    III. Das Weltbild.Herrmann Weyl - 2009 - In Hermann Weyl, Philosophie der Mathematik Und Naturwissenschaft: Nach der 2. Auflage des Amerikanischen Werkes Übersetzt Und Bearbeitet von Gottlob Kirschmer. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 210-276.
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