Results for 'Western values'

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  1.  46
    Traditional Western Value from Asian Perspective.Zhao Fu San - 1987 - Dialectics and Humanism 14 (3):57-64.
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    Western Values and Civic Value Consciousness in the Current Korean Society.Jihan Lyou & InJae Lee - 2014 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (96):53-81.
  3. Western Rule Versus Western Values: Suggestions for Comparative Study of Asian Intellectual History.Nikki R. Keddie - 1959 - Diogenes 7 (26):71-96.
    Cross-cultural comparisons are more difficult in intellectual than in economic or social history both because patterns of belief vary even more than patterns of society and because there is no valid way to prove the relative importance of different ideas. In Asia, perhaps even more than elsewhere, the borders between intellectual history and political expediency are also often cloudy, so that it may be necessary to deal on the same terms with new ideas and with political propaganda which may not (...)
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    What are" western values" today? Perspectives on a discourse.Wolfgang M. Schröder - 2007 - Philosophische Rundschau 54 (2):97-122.
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    Under Non-Western Eyes: Chinese Values and Western Values in a Twenty-First-Century Media Ecology.M. Zhou - 2015 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2015 (171):124-130.
  6.  26
    Moral Legislation and Crime Against Women: Explorations in Indian and Western Values.Mayavee Singh - 2023 - Journal of Human Values 29 (3):209-221.
    In recent years, the National Crime Records Bureau recommendation is that the growth rate of crime against women has skyrocketed in India, even higher than the population growth rate. According to lawyer, Kamlesh Vaswani, the commercial exploitation of coital activity paramount in pornography is the result of crimes against women, and fills perverse traits in the roots of society. Following that, he filed a petition (2013) in the Honourable Supreme Court to blanket ban pornography with the aim of diluting the (...)
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  7. Kuwait : striving to align Islam with Western values.Taghreed Alqudsi-Ghabra - 2007 - In Eleanor Abdella Doumato & Gregory Starrett, Teaching Islam: textbooks and religion in the Middle East. Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
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    The "Four Nevers," Socialist Core Values, and "Western Values".F. Sapio - 2015 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2015 (171):99-106.
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    Enhancing employee's work ethics and social responsibility awareness in Chinese organisations: the roles of Confucian diligence tradition, western values and participative leadership.Quey Jen Yeh & Thi Hong Nhung Nguyen - 2020 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1):1.
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  10. The Hindu tripod: an essay on Hinduism and western values.N. Subrahmanian - 1965 - Madras,: Institute of Traditional Cultures.
  11. African System of Law and Western Values: Between Fixation and Change.Akpovoyomo S. Akpotor - 2007 - In Temisan Ebijuwa, Philosophy and Social Change: Discourse on Values in Africa. Hope Publications. pp. 68.
  12.  25
    The Value of ‘Traditionality’: The Epistemological and Ethical Significance of Non-western Alternatives in Science.Mahdi Kafaee & Mostafa Taqavi - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (1):1-20.
    After a brief review of the relationship between science and value, this paper introduces the value of ‘traditionality’ as a value in the pure and applied sciences. Along with other recognized values, this value can also contribute to formulating hypotheses and determining theories. There are three reasons for legitimizing the internal role of this value in science: first, this value can contribute to scientific progress by presenting more diverse hypotheses; second, the value of external consistency in science entails this (...)
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    Islamic and western liberal secular values of higher education : convergence or divergence?Abdullah Sahin - 2019 - In Paul Gibbs, Jill Jameson & Alex Elwick, Values of the University in a Time of Uncertainty. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 199-216.
    This chapter aims to discuss critically the changing values in higher education within the context of culturally, ethnically and religiously plural modern European societies with a special focus on the case of emerging European Islamic higher education institutions. The inquiry argues for the need to rethink the core values in Islamic and western liberal, secular higher education in order to facilitate a new creative engagement between these two distinctive perspectives on higher education that share an intertwined intellectual (...)
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    Relational values and management of plant resources in two communities in a highly biodiverse area in western Mexico.Sofía Monroy-Sais, Eduardo García-Frapolli, Alejandro Casas, Francisco Mora, Margaret Skutsch & Peter R. W. Gerritsen - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (4):1231-1244.
    AbstractIn many cultures, interactions between humans and plants are rooted in what is called “relational values”—values that derive from relationships and entail reciprocity. In Mexico, biocultural diversity is mirrored in the knowledge and use of some 6500 plant species and the domestication of over 250 Mesoamerican native crop species. This research explores how different sets of values are attributed to plants and how these influence management strategies to maintain plant resources in wild and anthropogenic environments. We ran (...)
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    Existential Values and Insights in Western and Eastern Management: Approaches to Managerial Self-Development.Michal Müller & Jaroslava Kubátová - 2022 - Philosophy of Management 21 (2):219-243.
    Continual pressure on managers, their efficiency, and the need to search for novel solutions to problems can lead to psychologically demanding situations. In efforts to understand the main obstacles to work and to effectively manage work-related processes, and in the need to achieve personal development, new approaches that are based on existential philosophies emerge. The aim of this article is to highlight the ways in which existential approaches have been used or discussed in management and to show that existential themes (...)
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  16. Western and Eastern spiritual values of life.B. H. Bon (ed.) - 1962 - Vrindaban: Institute of Oriental Philosophy.
  17.  10
    Facts and values: philosophical reflections from western and non-western perspectives.M. C. Doeser & J. N. Kraay (eds.) - 1986 - Boston: M. Nijhoff.
    The answer to philosophical questions will often depend on the position one takes regarding the fact-value problem. It is, therefore, not surprising that, in the tradition of western philosophy, the past 200 years or so record an animated discussion of it. In the present collection the debate is continued by representatives of various "schools" in contemporary western thought. A number of philosophers from non-western cultures, too, enter into it. The contributions do not all reflect on the same (...)
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  18.  15
    Basic values of Western industrial society: Feedback effect on rationality.André Mineau - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (4-6):957-961.
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    Value Education: Eastern and Western Human Value and Virtues.Lakshman Patra - 2022 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 39 (2):69-84.
    The present education system is mainly object oriented material in nature but not subjective or spiritual. We study mainly subject viz. physic, chemistry, Biology, Computer, Applications, and Engineering etc.; which are related to the objective world, but we don’t ourselves, or the subjective world. There is story associated with a famous Greek philosopher, Socrates, who ones asked his disciples, what do you want to become in future?” One of them said that he wanted to become a lawyer, another wanted to (...)
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  20. Western Impact and Asian Values in Japan's Modernization: A Weberian Critique.Wolfgang Schwentker - 1998 - In Ralph Schroeder, Max Weber, democracy and modernization. New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press.
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    Asian Values' and Western Universalism.Krzysztof Gawlikowski - 2000 - Dialogue and Universalism 10 (1/2):183-187.
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    The Islamic and Western Cultures and Values of Privacy.Sattam Eid Almutairi - 2019 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 16 (1):51-80.
    The paper provides valuable accounts of the general concepts underlying privacy law in both cultures, and great detail about the impact of criminal procedure and evidence rules on privacy in reality rather than legal theory. It is, in this sense, a “realist” approach to privacy, particularly but not exclusively in relation to sexual activity. The distinction which the article draws between the frameworks within which privacy is conceived broadly, self-determination and limited government in the USA, protection of one’s persona in (...)
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    (1 other version)Value and existence in chinese and western philosophy.John King-Farlow - 1985 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 12 (3):297-303.
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    Legal Values in Western Society.Peter S. Stein, Peter Stein & John Shand - 1974 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  25. Western Theories of Value.Cornelius Krusé - 1951 - In Charles Alexander Moore, Essays in East-West philosophy. Honolulu,: University of Hawaii Press. pp. 383--397.
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    How Indian and Western Teacher Trainees Differ in Their Perception about Values?Girijesh Kumar & Jyoti Pandey - 2012 - Journal of Human Values 18 (1):73-84.
    Children of current generation needs to be cherished and nurtured as per future perspectives. Teachers’ own broad context of values put immense influence for value inculcation in students. The present study aims to analyze the perception of Indian and Western teacher trainees about values and the result drawn that Honesty, responsibility, respect for all and equality values have been most frequently cited by both Indian and Western trainees. On cultural issues category, Indian trainees preferred environmental (...)
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    Conflict of Ideals Changing Values in Western Society.John J. Ansbro - 1971 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 20:210-224.
    This book begins with the assumption that no one can achieve a rational selection of values for his life-style unless he first understands the major modern and contemporary formulations of alternative moral ideals. To assist the reader in determining which values are more basic and deserve his loyalty, the author explores and evaluates the different value systems defended by a wide range of thinkers viz. James, Dewey, Ayn Rand, Hugh Hefner, Marx, Freud, Erich Fromm, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Sartre, Barth, (...)
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  28. Democratic Values Related to the Dystopian View of Western Culture.Anna KŁonkowska - 2008 - Filosofija. Sociologija 19 (3):55-59.
    The paper concerns an ambivalent attitude towards democratic values expressed by some of the critics of Western culture: Friedrich Nietzsche, Theodor Lessing, José Ortega y Gasset, Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz. It is demonstrated that the values indicated as the basic ideals of Western culture and democracy may be perceived also as a menace, either when being improperly understood and accomplished or because of their delusive nature. The paper analyses and confronts the democratic values with the arguments (...)
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    Exploring issues around Biblical, Western and African social values.J. Eugene Botha - 2007 - HTS Theological Studies 63 (1).
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    Western, Chinese, and Universal Values.S. C. Angle - 2015 - Télos 2015 (171):112-117.
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    Western Traditions, Nature’s Values, and Environmental Ethics.Peter Miller - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 2:74-79.
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  32. Being and value: From the perspective of chinese-western comparative philosophy.Yang Guorong - 2008 - Philosophy East and West 58 (2):267-282.
    : Things as concrete beings contain the dimension of value. Value achieves a conceptual realization in evaluation and transforms itself into actual being by virtue of practice, which in turn imparts a new significance to value, namely value as a human creation. Therefore, being and value are in an interactive dynamic unity, which constitutes the reality of the world and accordingly provides a ground for metaphysics to go beyond interpretation of the world to changing the world.
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    Bridging Western Ethics and Japanese Local Ethics by Listening to Nurses' Concerns.Shigeko Izumi - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (3):275-283.
    Among Japanese nurses ethics is perceived as being distant and unrelated to their practice, although this is filled with ethical concerns and the making of ethical decisions. The reasons for this dissociation are the primacy of western values in modern Japanese health care systems and the suppression of Japanese nurses’ indigenous ethical values because of domination by western ethics. A hermeneutic study was conducted to listen to the ethical voices of Japanese nurses. Seven ethical concerns were (...)
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  34. Peter Coates, Nature: Western Attitudes since Ancient Times. Tim Hayward, Political Theory and Ecological Values.K. Soper - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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    Comment on “Contrast between Chinese and western cultural values and its effects on English learning in China”.Tao Feng - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (4).
    Commented Article: Zhang, Fuhua. Contrast between Chinese and Western Cultural Values and Its Effects on English Learning in China. Trans/Form/Ação: Unesp Journal of Philosophy, v. 47, n. 4, e0240062, 2024. Available at:
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    Contrast between Chinese and Western cultural values and its effects on English learning in China.Fuhua Zhang - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (4):e0240062.
    Resumo: Com o aumento do intercâmbio cultural entre a China e o Ocidente, o inglês tem se tornado cada vez mais um curso obrigatório. Embora uma grande proporção de estudantes chineses tenha boa proficiência em inglês, suas habilidades comunicativas são muito pobres. Eles podem lutar para expressar-se efetivamente em inglês, devido às diferenças culturais entre a China e os países ocidentais. Como o ambiente de vida dos chineses é muito diferente do ambiente dos países ocidentais, os estudantes chineses geralmente seguem (...)
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    Conflict of Ideals: Changing Values in Western Society.Joseph S. Wu - 1970 - International Philosophical Quarterly 10 (2):328-330.
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    Towards a functionally humane organisation: synergy between Indian and Western human values.G. P. Rao - 2015 - Burlington, VT: Gower. Edited by Amita Srivastava.
    Human values, by their very nature, are situational and culture specific. It would, therefore, be unrealistic to think that we can 'transplant' or 'transport' values from one country or culture to another with ease. This text identifies suitable human values which cut across national boundaries and cultures to facilitate organisations wishing to advance their businesses and strategic management capabilities towards a functionally humane organisation (FHO).
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    Western and Islamic Values: A “False” Contraposition.Annalisa Verza - 2013 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 99 (2):173-185.
    To Lévi-Strauss’s anthropological eye, comparison with others is the condition for discovering one own’s identity; but only by avoiding the two extremes of total closure or indiscriminate openness does it become a positive element of growth and inner evolution. In this essay I consider how this assumption could help us today in dealing with the delicate topic of the relation between human rights culture (which is indeed universalist in character, but developed in the West), and Islamic culture (geographically and historically (...)
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    Western Financial Agents and Islamic Ethics.Eddy S. Fang & Renaud Foucart - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (3):475-491.
    This paper investigates Western professional bankers’ perceptions of Islamic finance. Exploiting data from an original survey, we carry out a principal component analysis to characterize the main dimensions on which financial agents diverge. The PCA extracts five dimensions—accounting for 61 % of the variance in the agents’ answers—that we interpret with the help of a pilot field survey. In addition to confirm the increased association of Islamic financial values with ethical practices in the West, our results allow us (...)
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    Towards Global Environmental Values: Lessons from Western and Eastern Experience.Philip Sarre - 1995 - Environmental Values 4 (2):115-127.
    The paper argues that new environmental values are needed as the advanced industrial economy becomes global. Reviewing a range of values from hunter-gatherer, agricultural and industrial societies, the paper suggests that environmental value systems should ideally satisfy three criteria. They should be consistent with scientific understanding of natural systems, they should lead to practical ethical and political proposals and, crucially, they should inspire aesthetic responses of pleasure and awe. Current global value systems fall short of this ideal: Gaia (...)
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    The Values of Sacred Swamps: Belief-Based Nature Conservation in a Secular World.Narasimha Hegde, Rafael Ziegler & Hans Joosten - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (4):443-459.
    Global forest loss is highest in the tropical region, an area with high biological biodiversity. As some of these forests are part of indigenous forest management, it is important to pay attention to such management, its values and practices for better conservation. This paper focuses on sacred freshwater swamp forests of the Western Ghats, India, and with it a faith-based approach to nature conservation. Drawing on fieldwork and focus groups, we present the rituals and rules that structure the (...)
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    Family Values: Subjects Between Nature and Culture.Kelly Oliver - 1997 - Routledge.
    Family Values shows how the various contradictions at the heart of Western conceptions of maternity and paternity problematize our relationships with ourselves and with others. Using philosophical texts, psychoanalytic theory, studies in biology and popular culture, Kelly Oliver challenges our traditional concepts of maternity which are associated with nature, and our conceptions of paternity which are embedded in culture. Oliver's intervention calls into question the traditional image of the oppositional relationship between nature and culture, maternal and paternal. Family (...)
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  44.  47
    "Conflict of Ideals: Changing Values in Western Society," by Luther J. Binkley. [REVIEW]James Mesa - 1971 - Modern Schoolman 48 (4):404-405.
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    Indigenous worldviews and Western conventions: Sumak Kawsay and cocoa production in Ecuadorian Amazonia.Daniel Coq-Huelva, Bolier Torres-Navarrete & Carlos Bueno-Suárez - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (1):163-179.
    This article explores the role of conventions in the normalization of cocoa production in Ecuadorian Amazonia. Convention theory provides key theoretical tools for understanding coordination among agents. However, conventions must be understood as cultural constructions with a strong Eurocentric background that must be substantially modified in originally non-European contexts. A creative application of convention theory can partially overcome bifurcation among Western and non-Western rationalities. First, it shows that Western values and forms of coordination are heterogeneous, conflictive (...)
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    Intrinsic Value: A Modern Albatross for the Ecological Approach.Bruce Morito - 2003 - Environmental Values 12 (3):317-336.
    The idea and use of the concept of intrinsic value in environmental ethics has spawned much debate in environmental ethics/axiology. Although for many, it seems fundamental and necessary for formulating an ethic for environmental protection, it seems to confuse and even undermine such efforts. ' Intrinsic value ' is, I argue, a concept born in the Western intellectual tradition for purposes of insulating and isolating those to whom intrinsic value can be attributed from one another and their environmental context. (...)
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  47. Pantheism and the value of life in Indian philosophy: with a reference to Western philosophy.W. S. Urquhart - 1919 - New Delhi: Ajay Book Service.
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  48. 儒家思想与中国传统文化的价值优先观(Confucianism and the Value Priority in Traditional Chinese Culture).Keqian Xu - 2009 - 孔子研究 Confucius Studies 2009 (2):22-27.
    Confucianism has a deep influence on the opinion of value priority in traditional Chinese culture, which consider the value of morality prior to that of utility; the value of moral merit prior to that of intelligent; the value of group prior to that of individuals; the value of peace and safety prior to that of freedom and liberty; the value of harmony prior to that of conflict. This kind of value priority has performed very important and positive functions in Chinese (...)
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  49.  7
    Comment on “Contrast Between Chinese and Western Cultural Values and Its Effects on English Learning in China”.Rui Gao - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (4):e02400257.
    Commented article: ZHANG, F. H. Contrast Between Chinese and Western Cultural Values and Its Effects on English Learning in China. Trans/Form/Ação: revista de filosofia da Unesp, v. 47, n. 4, “Eastern thought”, e0240062, 2024. Available at:
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    Western Historical Traditions of Well-Being.Alex Michalos & Dan Weijers - 2017 - In Estes Richard & Sirgy Joseph, The Pursuit of Well-Being: The Untold Global History. Springer. pp. 31-57.
    This chapter provides a brief historical overview of western philosophical views about human well-being from the eighth century BCE to the middle of the twentieth century. Different understandings of the concept of well-being are explained, including our preferred understanding of well-being as the subjective states and objective conditions that make our lives go well for us. While this review is necessarily incomplete, we aim to discuss some of the most salient and influential contributions to our subject. To that end, (...)
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