Results for 'Wedyan Alsakran'

  1.  7
    Motivational Drivers in Donation-Based Crowdfunding Systems: Empirical In-sights from the Ehsan Platform in Saudi Arabia.Wedyan Alsakran & Reham Alabduljabbar - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1127-1143.
    Crowdfunding is an effective method for raising funds, with donation-based crowdfunding standing apart from other models due to the absence of rewards or financial returns for donors. This research focuses on understanding the motivating factors behind Saudi society's partici-pation in donation-based crowdfunding, specifically on the Ehsan platform. Through analyzing 30 successful campaigns, conducting surveys, and interviewing a social media influencer, we explore intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, campaign features that attract support, and the impact of influencers. Our findings highlight the significant (...)
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