Results for 'Walter Mann'

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  1.  84
    A Personalized Patient Preference Predictor for Substituted Judgments in Healthcare: Technically Feasible and Ethically Desirable.Brian D. Earp, Sebastian Porsdam Mann, Jemima Allen, Sabine Salloch, Vynn Suren, Karin Jongsma, Matthias Braun, Dominic Wilkinson, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Annette Rid, David Wendler & Julian Savulescu - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (7):13-26.
    When making substituted judgments for incapacitated patients, surrogates often struggle to guess what the patient would want if they had capacity. Surrogates may also agonize over having the (sole) responsibility of making such a determination. To address such concerns, a Patient Preference Predictor (PPP) has been proposed that would use an algorithm to infer the treatment preferences of individual patients from population-level data about the known preferences of people with similar demographic characteristics. However, critics have suggested that even if such (...)
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    Routine Computing Tasks: Planning as Understanding.Suzanne M. Mannes & Walter Kintsch - 1991 - Cognitive Science 15 (3):305-342.
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    The Collected Papers of William Burnside 2 Volume Set.Peter M. Neumann, A. J. S. Mann & Julia Tompson (eds.) - 2003 - Oxford University Press UK.
    William Burnside was one of the three most important algebraists who were involved in the transformation of group theory from its nineteenth-century origins to a deeper twentieth-century subject. Building on work of earlier mathematicians, they were able to develop sophisticated tools for solving difficult problems. His works are of enormous historical importance; they remain also a source of inspiration and information. The works of his contemporaries, such as Klein, Frobenius, Schur, have been published as also have the works of his (...)
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    Review: Walter Erhart/Britta Hermann: Wann ist der Mann ein Mann? Zur Geschichte der Männlichkeit.María Isabel Peña Aguado - 2000 - Die Philosophin 11 (22):122-124.
  5.  44
    Medizingeschichte in unserer Zeit. Festgabe für Edith Heischkel-Artelt und Walter Artelt zum 65. Geburtstag. Hans-Heinz Eulner, Gunter Mann, Gert Preiser, Rolf Winau, Otto Winkelmann. [REVIEW]Charles Webster - 1975 - Isis 66 (2):270-271.
  6. “Der Mann mit Eigenschaften”, review of Joseph LeDoux: Im Netz der Persönlichkeit: Wie unser Selbst entsteht [Synaptic Self],. [REVIEW]Vincent C. Müller - 2004 - Süddeutsche Zeitung 2014 (14.01.2004):14.
    Review of Joseph LeDoux: Das Netz der Persönlichkeit. Wie unser Selbst entsteht. Walter Verlag, Düsseldorf 2003. 510 Seiten (mit Abbildungen), 39,90 Euro. - Der eine Mensch ist mißtrauisch, der nächste leichtgläubig, diese ist warmherzig, jene kaltschnäuzig. Viele haben Charakter, manche sogar Persönlichkeit. Wie kommt es dazu? In seinem neuen Buch untersucht der Neurowissenschaftler Joseph LeDoux wie unser Selbst entsteht. In dem sehr lesbaren und angenehm übersetzten Werk wird anschaulich und detailliert berichtet, wie sich in unserem Gehirn die Charakteristika eines (...)
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  7. Walter Benjamin und die revolutionäre Position in der modernen französischen Literatur.Monika Noll - 1981 - In Jürgen Siess (ed.), Vermittler: H. Mann, Benjamin, Groethuysen, Kojéve, Szondi Heidegger in Frankreich, Goldmann, Sieburg. Frankfurt am Main: Syndikat Autoren- und Verlagsgesellschaft.
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  8.  14
    Negative Anthropology in Shakespeare, Sophocles, and Freud.Eric L. Santner - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (3):119-131.
    In his Mann ohne Eigenschaften, Robert Musil has the character Clarisse comment on a debate between her husband, Walter, and Ulrich, the “man without qualities,” about the “impossible” relation between art and life. “‘Ich find das doch sehr wichtig,’ sagte sie, ‘daß in uns allen etwas Unmögliches ist. Es erklärt so vieles. Ich habe, wie ich zuhörte, den Eindruck gehabt, wenn man uns aufschneiden könnte, so würde unser ganzes Leben vielleicht wie ein Ring aussehen, bloß so rund um (...)
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  9.  23
    Strenge objekt/subjekt-scheidung als vorausfetzung wiffenfchaftlicher biologie.Walter Zimmermann - 1937 - Erkenntnis 7 (1):1-44.
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  10. Griechische Religion der archaischen und klassischen Epoche.Walter Burkert - 1981 - Religious Studies 17 (2):282-284.
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    Positives Antichristentum: Nietzsches Christusbild im Brennpunkt Nachchristlicher Anthropologie.Hermann Wein - 1962 - Den Haag,: Springer.
    Der weitaus grosste Teil meiner Reden sind Gleichnisse, das heisst, ich bediene mich ausserer Bilder in meinen Erorterun­ gen. So wie der eigene Vater nicht gem selbst den Werber macht fur seinen Sohn... Blosse Worte sind nutzlos. TSCHUANG-TSE Das Ethos Nietzsches, der sich fur den ersten Immoralisten des bislang christlichen Europa hielt und erklarte, in Wahrheit aber vielleicht der grosste Moralist deutscher Zunge war, geht darauf aus, gerecht zu sein, nicht Richter zu sein. Bedachten dies die 'richtenden' Nietzsche-Interpreten bei ihrem (...)
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  12.  30
    The Dialectical Forge: Juridical Disputation and the Evolution of Islamic Law.Walter Edward Young - 2016 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    The Dialectical Forge identifies dialectical disputation as a primary formative dynamic in the evolution of pre-modern Islamic legal systems, promoting dialectic from relative obscurity to a more appropriate position at the forefront of Islamic legal studies. The author introduces and develops a dialectics-based analytical method for the study of pre-modern Islamic legal argumentation, examines parallels and divergences between Aristotelian dialectic and early juridical jadal-theory, and proposes a multi-component paradigm—the Dialectical Forge Model—to account for the power of jadal in shaping Islamic (...)
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    George Dykhuizen 1899-1987.Robert W. Hall & William E. Mann - 1987 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 61 (1):167 - 168.
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  14. Ueber Bolzano als Kritiker Kants.Walter Dubislav - 1929 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 42:357-368.
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    Democracy Naturalised.Walter Horn & Richard Marshall - 2021 - 3:16 8:1-12.
  16. Martin Frank.Walter Pi Annkuche - 2004 - In Georg Meggle (ed.), Ethics of humanitarian interventions. Ontos. pp. 10.
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  17. Paraconsistency: The Logical Way to the Inconsistent.Walter A. Carnielli & Marcelo E. Coniglio - 2003 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 9 (3):410-412.
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  18.  13
    Staatsdenken: zum Stand der Staatstheorie heute.Rüdiger Voigt (ed.) - 2016 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Das Sammelwerk legt umfassend den Stand der Staatstheorie dar und arbeitet die Beiträge der bedeutendsten Staatsdenker und der wichtigsten Strömungen des Staatsdenkens zum heutigen Staatsverständnis exemplarisch heraus.Renommierte Philosophen, Historiker, Sozial-, Kultur- und Rechtswissenschaftler aus Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen in ganz Europa stellen in 15 gleichgewichteten Kapiteln das Staatsdenken von der Antike bis zur Postdemokratie facettenreich heraus. Jedes Kapitel firmiert unter einem Schwerpunkt, angefangen beim klassischen und konservativen über das liberale und feministische bis hin zum anarchistischen und religiösen Staatsdenken. Einen besonderen Stellenwert (...)
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  19. Äusserliche Reflexion und immanente Reflexion.Walter Jaeschke - 1978 - Hegel-Studien 13:89.
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  20. Interfaces of the Word: Studies in the Evolution of Consciousness and Culture.Walter J. Ong - 1977 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 11 (4):282-289.
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  21. Evolution: die Geschichte ihrer Probleme und Erkenntnisse.Walter Zimmermann - 1953 - Freiburg: K. Alber.
  22.  39
    Polynomizing: Logic inference in polynomial format and the legacy of Boole.Walter Carnielli - 2007 - In L. Magnani & P. Li (eds.), Model-Based Reasoning in Science, Technology, and Medicine. Springer. pp. 349--364.
    Polynomizing is a term that intends to describe the uses of polynomial-like representations as a reasoning strategy and as a tool for scientific heuristics. I show how proof-theory and semantics for classical and several non-classical logics can be approached from this perspective, and discuss the assessment of this prospect, in particular to recover certain ideas of George Boole in unifying logic, algebra and the differential calculus.
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  23.  12
    Poetry and Philosophy in the Middle Ages: A Festschrift for Peter Dronke.John Marenbon & Peter Dronke - 2001 - BRILL.
    A collection of essays written by pupils, friends and colleagues of Professor Peter Dronke, to honour him on his retirement. The essays address the question of the relationship between poetry and philosophy in the Middle Ages. Contributors include Walter Berschin, Charles Burnett, Stephen Gersh, Michael Herren, Edouard Jeauneau, David Luscombe, Paul Gerhardt Schmidt, Joe Trapp, Jill Mann, Claudio Orlandi and John Marenbon. It is an important collection for both philosophical and literary specialists; scholars, graduate students and under-graduates in (...)
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    Evolution Und Naturphilosophie.Walter Zimmermann - 1918 - Duncker Und Humblot.
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  25.  48
    The Message of the Prophet Ezekiel.Walter Zimmerli - 1969 - Interpretation 23 (2):131-157.
    “Ezekiel is the Old Testament prophet who proclaims more radically than any other that no righteousness of the people called by God can stand up before God.”.
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  26.  24
    Thinking, Childhood, and Time: Contemporary Perspectives on the Politics of Education.Walter Omar Kohan & Barbara Weber (eds.) - 2020 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book is an interdisciplinary exploration of the notion of childhood and its place in philosophical education. Childhood is not seen as a developmental state that needs to be overcome, but rather an existential state that constitutes a significant part of being human as well as the (forgotten) dimension of the world itself.
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  27.  75
    Nietzsche: a collection of critical essays.Robert C. Solomon - 1973 - Notre Dame, Ind.: Anchor Press.
    These essays strip away Nietzsche's flamboyant style, his tragic biography, and his notorious "influence" to reveal him purely as a philosopher, a thinker occupied with problems of justification, value, science and knowledge, truth and God. They discover a profound and very human philosopher who has too long been ignored and distorted by the wrong kinds of admiration and criticism. Contributors include Walter Kaufmann, Arthur Danto, Richard Schacht, Karl Jaspers, Kathryn Pyne Parsons, Max Scheler, Ivan Soll, Thomas Mann, and (...)
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  28.  55
    Historical Analogies, Slippery Slopes, and the Question of Euthanasia.Walter Wright - 2000 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 28 (2):176-186.
    Is the Nazi euthanasia program a useful analogy for contemporary discussions of euthanasia? This paper explores the logic of slippery slope arguments with the Nazi analogy as a test case.
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    Diccionario de filosofía.Walter Brugger - 1972 - Barcelona: Editorial Herder.
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    (1 other version)Development of American Philosophy: A Book of Readings.Walter George Muelder & Laurence Sears - 1949 - Houghton, Mifflin.
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  31. Bachofen als Schriftsteller: Rektoratsrede gehalten am 25. November 1949.Walter Muschg - 1949 - Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn.
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  32. Grenzen unseres Wissens am Beispiel der Evolutionstheorie.Walter Nagl - 1993 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 4 (1):3-16.
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  33. Die philosophisch-religiose Kosmos-Erfahrung der Hellenen als Gegensatz zur jüdisch-christlichen Schopfungswirklichkeit (L'expérience philosophique et religieuse du cosmos chez les Hellènes opposée à la réalité de la Création judéo-chrétienne).Walter M. Neidl - 1985 - Kairos (misc) 27 (1-2):192-206.
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  34. Cicero on expertise In governance.Walter Nicgorski - 2015 - In Kyriakos N. Dēmētriou & Antis Loizides (eds.), Scientific statesmanship, governance and the history of political philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge.
  35. Yves R. Simon : a philosopher's quest for science and prudence.Walter Nicgorski - 2011 - In Catherine H. Zuckert (ed.), Political Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: Authors and Arguments. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  36. Ideal verificationism and perceptual faith: Husserl and Merleau-Ponty on perceptual knowledge.Walter Hopp - 2018 - In Dan Zahavi (ed.), Oxford Handbook of the History of Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  37. (1 other version)Correspondence 1943-1955.Theodor W. Adorno & Thomas Mann - 2006 - Polity.
  38.  7
    Religious Studies: The Making of a Discipline.Walter H. Capps - 1995 - Augsburg Fortress Publishing.
    The author nationally recognized for the quality and depth of his teaching in religious studies has written the first full-scale introduction to the history and methods of the study of religion.
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    Zur Kritik der Gewalt und andere Aufsätze.Walter Benjamin - 1965 - [Frankfurt am Main]: Suhrkamp. Edited by Herbert Marcuse.
    uber das Programm der kommenden Philosophie. ZUr Kritik der Gewalt. SChicksal und Charakter. GEschichtsphilosophische Thesen. THeologisch-politisches Fragment.
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  40.  28
    Editors’ Introduction: Hypatia's Feminism in Translation Initiative.Rocío Zambrana & Bonnie Mann - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (2):221-222.
  41.  65
    (1 other version)Goethe and False Subjectivity.Leo Lowenthal - 1984 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1984 (60):146-154.
    My original enthusiasm for the invitation of the city of Frankfurt to deliver the commemorative address on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Goethe's death soon gave way to a state of depression. I thought of Walter Benjamin who, exactly fifty years ago, on the 100th anniversary of Goethe's death, wrote: “Every word about Goethe spared this year is a blessing.” I then came across Thomas Mann's caustic remark made on the 200th anniversary of Goethe's birth in (...)
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  42. Das problem des glaubens in der philosophie des deutschen idealismus.Walter Dietsch - 1935 - Heidelberg,: C. Winter.
    Contents: Kant.- Panfideismus.- Goethe und Fichte.- Romantik.- Schelling.- Hegel und die Hegelsche Schule.- Mythos, gläubigkeit und glaube.
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  43. The Early Monarchy in Israel: The Tenth Century B.C.E.Walter Dietrich & Joachim Vette - 2007
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  44. Die Verantwortung des Studenten gegenüber Volk und Staat.Walter Dirks - 1954 - In Romano Guardini (ed.), Die Verantwortung der Universität: drei Vorträge. Würzburg: Werkbund-Verlag.
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    Medicine at the interface between science and ethics: Leopoldina Symposium, May 30 to June 1, 2007, Weissenburg, Bayern.Walter Doerfler, Hans Günter Ulrich & Petra Böhm (eds.) - 2010 - Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.
  46.  11
    Leben ohne Tod: naturwiss. Betrachtungen im Atomzeitalter.Walter Dommnich - 1973 - Darmstadt: Bläschke.
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    Consciousness Began with a Hunter's Plan.Walter Freeman - 2014 - Cosmos and History 10 (1):140-148.
    Animals search for food and shelter by locomotion through time and space. The elemental step is the action-perception cycle, which has three steps. In the first step a volley of action potentials initiated by an act of search triggers the formation of a macroscopic wave packet that constitutes the memory of the stimulus. The wave packet is filtered and sent to the entorhinal cortex, where it is combined with wave packets from all sensory systems. This triggers the second step forming (...)
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    The neurobiology of semantics: how can machines be designed to have meanings?Walter J. Freeman - 2001 - In Tadashi Kitamura (ed.), What Should Be Computed to Understand and Model Brain Function?: From Robotics, Soft Computing, Biology and Neuroscience to Cognitive Philosophy. World Scientific. pp. 3--207.
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  49. Three types of state transition underlying perception.Walter J. Freeman - 2008 - In Hans Liljenström & Peter Århem (eds.), Consciousness transitions: phylogenetic, ontogenetic, and physiological aspects. Boston: Elsevier.
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    Bacon und die naturphilosophie.Walter Frost - 1927 - München,: E. Reinhardt.
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