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William Schweiker [45]W. Schweiker [1]
  1.  62
    Responsibility and Christian Ethics.William Schweiker - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The purpose of this book is to formulate a way of thinking about issues of power, moral identity, and ethical norms by developing a theory of responsibility from a specifically theological viewpoint; the author thereby makes clear the significance for Christian commitment of current reflection on moral responsibility. The concept of responsibility is relatively new in ethics, but the drastic extension of human power through various technological developments has lately thrown into question the way human beings conceive of themselves as (...)
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  2.  41
    Iris Murdoch and the Search for Human Goodness.Maria Antonaccio & William Schweiker (eds.) - 1996 - University of Chicago Press.
    This volume also includes "Metaphysics and Ethics," a classic essay by Iris Murdoch.
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  3.  51
    The Blackwell companion to religious ethics.William Schweiker (ed.) - 2005 - Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    Now available in paperback, this is a rich resource for understanding the moral teachings and practices of the world’s religions Includes detailed discussions ...
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  4.  22
    Theological ethics and global dynamics: in the time of many worlds.William Schweiker - 2004 - Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    Global dynamics and the integrity of life -- Pluralism in creation -- Reconsidering greed -- Timing moral cosmologies -- Love in the end times -- From toleration to political forgiveness -- Sacred texts and the social imaginary -- Comparing religions, comparing lives -- On moral madness -- Presenting theological humanism.
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  5.  24
    Theologian, Teacher, and Friend: Tributes to James M. Gustafson.James F. Childress, Lisa Sowle Cahill, Douglas F. Ottati, William Schweiker & Theo A. Boer - 2022 - Journal of Religious Ethics 50 (1):7-19.
    Journal of Religious Ethics, Volume 50, Issue 1, Page 7-19, March 2022.
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  6.  23
    Mimetic reflections: a study in hermeneutics, theology, and ethics.William Schweiker - 1990 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    This book argues that a basic problem in thinking about understanding, temporality, and selfhood is due to “imitative” modes of thought found in much traditional Western philosophy and theology. Given this, the book examines the complex role that “image” and “imitation” play in understanding and its world of meaning, the import of language and narrative for configuring human temporality, and the existence of self. The author’s contention is that when critically understood, mimesis, with its roots in performative enactment, holds resources (...)
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  7.  9
    Power, value, and conviction: theological ethics in the postmodern age.William Schweiker - 1998 - Cleveland, Ohio: Pilgrim Press.
    Power, Value, and Conviction constructs a realistic Christian ethic while tackling the twin challenges of our time -- namely, moral pluralism in a time of globalization, and increased human power by means of technology.
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  8.  45
    Paul Ricoeur and contemporary moral thought.John Wall, William Schweiker & W. David Hall (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    Here, some of the most influential thinkers in theological and philosophical ethics develop new directions for research in contemporary moral thought. Taking as their starting point Ricoeur's recent work on moral anthropology, the contributors set a vital agenda for future conversations about ethics and just community.
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  9.  15
    On Religious Ethics.William Schweiker - 2005 - In The Blackwell companion to religious ethics. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 1--15.
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  10.  67
    A Preface to Ethics: Global Dynamics and the Integrity of Life.William Schweiker - 2004 - Journal of Religious Ethics 32 (1):13 - 37.
    This essay outlines a new preface for ethics demanded by the massive developments of the global age. It does so in and through the comparative use of "myths" to explicate the lived structure of experience. The essay begins by isolating main features of global dynamics, including proximity, the compression of the world and the expansion of consciousness, and also global, cultural reflexivity. In the second step of the "preface," it is argued that globality itself is a moral space in which (...)
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  11.  62
    A Response to “Participation: A Religious Worldview” by James M. Gustafson.William Schweiker - 2016 - Journal of Religious Ethics 44 (1):176-185.
    This response offers an interpretation of James Gustafson's “Participation: A Religious Worldview,” which thinks with Gustafson on the theme of “participation,” while highlighting points where my own thoughts diverge from his. The essay begins by drawing the reader's attention to Gustafson's style, arguing that the simple elegance of his writing constitutes part of his larger claim about the need to remove ourselves from the center of our thought. Next, the essay analyzes Gustafson's use of “participation” by putting it in context (...)
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  12.  42
    The Ethics of Radical Life Extension: Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox Christian, and Global Ethic Perspectives.Hille Haker, William Schweiker, Perry Hamalis & Myriam Renaud - 2021 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 41 (2):315-330.
    Biomedical technologies capable of sharply reducing or ending human aging, “radical life extension”, call for a Christian response. The authors featured in this article offer some preliminary thoughts. Common themes include: What kind of life counts as a “good life;” the limits, if any, of human freedom; the consequences of extended life on the human species and on the Earth; the meaning and value of finite and vulnerable embodied life; the experience of time; anthropological self-understanding; and human dignity. Notably, all (...)
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  13.  20
    Ethics and Advocacy: Bridges and Boundaries.Harlan Beckley, Douglas F. Ottati, Matthew R. Petrusek & William Schweiker (eds.) - 2022 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    Ethics and Advocacy considers the connections and differences between critical reflection or moral arguments or narratives and advocacy for particular issues regarding justice and moral behavior and dispositions. The chapters in this volume share an interest in overcoming polarizing division that does not enable fruitful give-and-take discussion and even possible persuasive justifications. The authors all believe that both ethics and advocacy are important and should inform each other, but each offers a divergent point of view on the way forward to (...)
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  14.  8
    Theological reflection and the pursuit of ideals: theology, human flourishing, and freedom.David Jasper, Dale Stuart Wright, Maria Antonaccio & William Schweiker (eds.) - 2013 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    This book addresses the interrelation between theological thinking and the complex and diverse realms of human ideals. What are the ideals appropriate to our moment in human history, and how do these ideals derive from or relate to theological reflection in our time? In Theological Reflection and the Pursuit of Ideals internationally renowned scholars from a range of disciplines engage with these crucial questions with the intention of articulating a new and historically appropriate vision of theological reflection and the pursuit (...)
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  15.  8
    Meanings in texts and actions: questioning Paul Ricoeur.David E. Klemm & William Schweiker (eds.) - 1993 - Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
    What does it mean that understanding is the primary mode of human being in the world? How can new symbols refigure human temporal possibilities and narrative understandings? How do we interpret life, and what can be claimed as "truth"? These and related questions are explored by a collection of distinguished scholars from a variety of disciplines in Meanings in Texts and Actions. These essays constitute a critical encounter with the philosophy of Paul Ricoeur, who - along with Hans-Georg Gadamer - (...)
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  16. Encyclopedia of religious ethics.William Schweiker & Maria Antonaccio (eds.) - 2022 - Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    The Encyclopedia of Religious Ethics introduces readers to basic issues in moral inquiry, a selection of moral traditions, and surveys a range of moral issues. Each of the three volumes covers one of these three elements of religious ethics, with Volume I focusing on moral inquiry. What distinguishes "religious" ethics from other approaches to ethics is, first and foremost, its connection to the religions. While there is much debate in modern scholarship about the precise meaning of the term "religion" there (...)
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  17. Ernst Troelsch, Social Teachings of the Christian Churches.William Schweiker - 2005 - In Gilbert Meilaender & William Werpehowski (eds.), The Oxford handbook of theological ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
  18.  16
    From cultural synthesis to communicative action: The kingdom of God and ethical theology.William Schweiker - 1989 - Modern Theology 5 (4):367-387.
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  19. Hermeneutics, Ethics and the Theology of Culture: Concluding Reflections.William Schweiker - 1993 - In David E. Klemm & William Schweiker (eds.), Meanings in texts and actions: questioning Paul Ricoeur. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
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  20.  11
    Humane justice and the challenges of locality.William Schweiker - 2011 - In John W. De Gruchy (ed.), The Humanist Imperative in South Africa. African Sun Media. pp. 203.
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  21. Imagination, Violence and Hope. A Theological Response to Ricoeur's Moral Philosophy.William Schweiker - 1993 - In David E. Klemm & William Schweiker (eds.), Meanings in texts and actions: questioning Paul Ricoeur. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia. pp. 214.
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  22.  31
    Morality and natural theology.William Schweiker - 2013 - In J. H. Brooke, F. Watts & R. R. Manning (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Natural Theology. Oxford Up. pp. 310.
    In many cultures and societies, there has been, at least intuitively, some connection between what is believed to be sacred and divine and the highest ideals of the good, justice, and the right. Moral beliefs and values are often sensed to have ultimate importance, as somehow holy, and thus the examination of those beliefs, values, and sensibilities would be a proper starting point for natural theology. The inverse is also true: reflection on and the experience of evil and viciousness have (...)
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  23.  19
    53 Protestant ethics.William Schweiker - 2009 - In Jan Peil & Irene van Staveren (eds.), Handbook of economics and ethics. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. pp. 407.
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  24.  44
    Paul Ricoeur and the Return of Humanism.William Schweiker - 2006 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 16 (1-2):21-41.
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  25.  39
    Responsibility and Moral Realities.William Schweiker - 2009 - Studies in Christian Ethics 22 (4):472-495.
    This essay explores ‘responsibility’ within moral theory and around the question of God’s relation to the world and to acting and suffering human beings. Advancing reflection beyond the outlooks of twentieth-century theologians, the inquiry outlines a multidimensional position that interweaves different rationalities crucial to orienting responsible life. Actions and relations are responsible which respect and enhance the integrity of life. Responsibility is thereby not in itself the object or norm of the ethics but the form of moral existence. This account (...)
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  26.  11
    Religious ethics: meaning and method.William Schweiker - 2019 - Hoboken: Wiley.
    This book is the result of years of collaboration between the authors on work in religious ethics. The collaboration started when we published the first edition of The Blackwell Companion to Religious Ethics with William Schweiker as editor and David Clairmont as project assistant. Through the encouragement of our publisher, Rebecca Harkin of Wiley-Blackwell, it was decided that a basic text was needed on the meaning and method of religious ethics, and, further, a book that could be used in connection (...)
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  27. Responsibility in the world of mammon: Theology, justice, and transnational corporations.William Schweiker - 2000 - In Max L. Stackhouse, Peter J. Paris, Don S. Browning & Diane Burdette Obenchain (eds.), God and globalization. Harrisburg, Pa.: Trinity Press International. pp. 1--105.
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  28.  36
    The Destiny of Creation: Theological Ethical Reflections on Laudato Si'.William Schweiker - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (3):479-495.
    In this essay, I ask what the precise relation is between Laudato si's theology and its claims about our individual and corporate responsibility for the environment and the plight of the poor. To do so, I first clarify the relationship between the theological claims and its account of moral norms, situating the text within the history of western ethical theory. I then turn to reconstruct the submerged theology of the encyclical, focusing on Pope Francis's accounts of the techno‐economic paradigm and (...)
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  29.  17
    Theological Ethics and Global Dynamics at the Beginning of the 21st Century.William Schweiker - 2008 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 52 (5):72-84.
    The following essay seeks to outline the direction for »evangelical ethics« in the 21st century. The article begins by exploring the contemporary moral and religious situation in terms of dominant global dynamics. In the light of this novel situation, the remainder of the essay presents an account of theological ethics in terms of responsibility for the integrity of life from the perspective of theological humanism. Throughout the article the continuities and discontinuities between this approach to theological ethics and previous forms (...)
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  30.  26
    The Ethical Limits of Power: On the Perichoresis of Power.William Schweiker - 2016 - Studies in Christian Ethics 29 (1):3-13.
    This article explores the interrelations among religious, moral and political power in an analogy to the Christian concept of ‘perichoresis’ of the Trinity. Starting with beliefs about power, the endoxa, the article explores, first, moments in Western thought to show how power has been grounded in God or gods and in the vitalities of nature. In each case, ultimately speaking, ‘might makes right’. Within this history the article also charts the ‘axial breakthrough’ in Christianity that places ‘ethical’ limits on religious (...)
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  31.  33
    The Reason For Following.William Schweiker - 2005 - Faith and Philosophy 22 (2):173-198.
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  32.  63
    The varieties and revisions of atheism.William Schweiker - 2005 - Zygon 40 (2):267-276.
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  33.  14
    Theology and Public Philosophy: Four Conversations.Charles Taylor, Fred Dallmayr, William Schweiker, Nicholas Wolterstorff, J. Budziszewski, Jeanne Heffernan Schindler, Joshua Mitchell, Robin Lovin, Jonathan Chaplin, Michael L. Budde, Jean Porter, Eloise A. Buker, Christopher Beem, Peter Berkowitz & Jean Bethke Elshtain (eds.) - 2012 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This volume brings together eminent theologians, philosophers and political theorists to discuss such questions as how religious understandings have shaped the moral landscape of contemporary culture; the possible contributions of theology and theologically informed moral argument to contemporary public life; the problem of religious and moral discourse in a pluralistic society; and the proper relationship between religion and culture.
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  34.  27
    Letters, Notes, and Comments.William Schweiker - 2006 - Journal of Religious Ethics 34 (4):711 - 719.
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  35.  14
    The Lofty Heights of Sinai: Reflections in Response to Kosky and Avram.William Schweiker - 1996 - Journal of Religious Ethics 24 (2):285-292.
    As Kosky and Avram show, the work of Levinas represents a significant contribution because he takes seriously the challenge posed by the decay of religious traditions and other inherited frameworks of meaning and he insists on the unconditional character of the good. Nonetheless, critical questions about the adequacy of this contribution need to be pressed more forcefully. I suggest that from the point of view of theological ethics his work is problematic in three ways: He can give little guidance concerning (...)
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  36.  22
    Dilemmas and Connections: Selected Essays, Charles Taylor , 424 pp., $39.95 cloth. [REVIEW]William Schweiker - 2012 - Ethics and International Affairs 26 (1):155-157.
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