Results for 'W. Robertson Nicoll'

942 found
  1.  10
    When the worst comes to the worst.W. Robertson Nicoll - 1896 - New York,: Dodd, Mead and company.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Aufsatze zur persischen Geschicbte, von TH. Noldeke. 8vo. Leipzig, Weigel. 1887. (German version of the articles l'Ahlavi, Pahlavi, Persepolis and part of Persia in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. 9th. ed. vol. xviii. 1885). 4 Mk. [REVIEW]W. Robertson Smith - 1888 - The Classical Review 2 (03):80-81.
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    Integrating ethics into the business school curriculum.Thomas W. Dunfee & Diana C. Robertson - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (11):847 - 859.
    A project on teaching business ethics at The Wharton School concluded that ethics should be directly incorporated into key MBA courses and taught by the core business faculty. The project team, comprised of students, ethics faculty and functional business faculty, designed a model program for integrating ethics. The project was funded by the Exxon Education Foundation.The program originates with a general introduction designed to familiarize students with literature and concepts pertaining to professional and business ethics and corporate social responsibility. This (...)
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  4. Japan's Future and our Own.J. W. Robertson Scott - 1944 - Hibbert Journal 43:204.
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    Work-Related Ethical Attitudes: Impact on Business Profitability.Thomas W. Dunfee & Diana C. Robertson - 1984 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 3 (2):25-40.
  6.  21
    The deformation of CuAu I.D. W. Pashley, J. L. Robertson & M. J. Stowell - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (157):83-98.
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    Parallel Visual Coding in 3 Dimensions.Glyn W. Humphreys, Nicole Keulers & Nick Donnelly - unknown
    Evidence from visual-search experiments is discussed that indicates that there is spatially parallel encoding based on three-dimensional (3-D) spatial relations between complex image features. In one paradigm, subjects had to detect an odd part of cube-like figures, formed by grouping of corner junctions. Performance with cube-like figures was unaffected by the number of corner junctions present, though performance was affected when the corners did not configure into a cube. It is suggested from the data that junctions can be grouped to (...)
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    Effectiveness of multimedia aids to enhance comprehension of research consent information: a systematic review.Barton W. Palmer, Nicole M. Lanouette & Dilip V. Jeste - 2012 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 34 (6):1-15.
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    Principles of the Rehabilitation of Frontal Lobe Function.Paul W. Burgess & Ian H. Robertson - 2002 - In Donald T. Stuss & Robert T. Knight, Principles of Frontal Lobe Function. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter outlines the practical rehabilitation implications of current theories and models of frontal lobe function, with the aim of providing some provisional principles for the rehabilitation of the dysexecutive patient. It argues that there must be a theory of the cause of an impairment before a treatment can be designed. However, currently there is a gap between pure experimental work from which such theories might evolve and potential treatment applications. There is actually more potential cross-talk between these concerns than (...)
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    Decision Zone at the Margins of Life and Good Health: The Role of Medical Staff Guidelines for the Care of Extremely Early Gestation Pregnancies and Premature Infants.Kevin M. Dirksen, Joseph W. Kaempf, Mark W. Tomlinson & Nicole M. Schmidt - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (1):89-91.
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    Conditional as-if analyses in randomized experiments.Luke W. Miratrix, Guillaume W. Basse & Nicole E. Pashley - 2021 - Journal of Causal Inference 9 (1):264-284.
    The injunction to “analyze the way you randomize” is well known to statisticians since Fisher advocated for randomization as the basis of inference. Yet even those convinced by the merits of randomization-based inference seldom follow this injunction to the letter. Bernoulli randomized experiments are often analyzed as completely randomized experiments, and completely randomized experiments are analyzed as if they had been stratified; more generally, it is not uncommon to analyze an experiment as if it had been randomized differently. This article (...)
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  12. The ethical and policy outcomes of the Sarbanes Oxley act for global leaders and investors : is it smooth sailing or rough waters ahead for safe harbor disclosures?Nicole C. Ibbotson, Diane J. Fulton, Thomas W. Garsombke, Nicole C. Garsombke & Diane J. Prince - 2015 - In Jonathan H. Westover, Teaching organizational and business ethics. Champaign, Illinois: Common Ground Publishing.
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  13. Nature and Culture.W. Scott McLean, Eldridge M. Moores & David A. Robertson - 1999 - In Robert Frodeman & Victor R. Baker, Earth Matters: The Earth Sciences, Philosophy, and the Claims of Community. Prentice-Hall. pp. 1--141.
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  14. A Commentary on Amores.W. S. M. Nicoll - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (02):300-.
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  15.  81
    Real and Imagined Body Movement Primes Metaphor Comprehension.Nicole L. Wilson & Raymond W. Gibbs - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (4):721-731.
    We demonstrate in two experiments that real and imagined body movements appropriate to metaphorical phrases facilitate people's immediate comprehension of these phrases. Participants first learned to make different body movements given specific cues. In two reading time studies, people were faster to understand a metaphorical phrase, such as push the argument, when they had previously just made an appropriate body action (e.g., a push movement) (Experiment 1), or imagined making a specific body movement (Experiment 2), than when they first made (...)
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  16.  29
    Cultural Models of Substance Misuse Risk and Moral Foundations: Cognitive Resources Underlying Stigma Attribution.Nicole Lynn Henderson & William W. Dressler - 2019 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 19 (1-2):78-96.
    This study examines the cognitive resources underlying the attribution of stigma in substance use and misuse. A cultural model of substance misuse risk was elicited from students at a major U.S. state university. We found a contested cultural model, with some respondents adopting a model of medical risk while others adopted a model of moral failure; agreeing that moral failure primarily defined risk led to greater attribution of stigma. Here we incorporate general beliefs about moral decision-making, assessed through Moral Foundations (...)
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  17.  10
    Exodus and resurrection: the God of Israel in the theology of Robert W. Jenson.Andrew W. Nicol - 2016 - Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
    The God of Israel in the theology of Robert Jenson -- Jenson's hermeneutics -- Godd in Israel's life -- The God of Israel and Jesus -- The God of Israel and the Trinity -- The God of Israel, the People of God, and the Eschaton -- The identity of the one and triune God of Israel -- Jenson, the God of Israel, and non-supersessionist theology.
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  18.  23
    Well-Being and Cooking Behavior: Using the Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment (PERMA) Model as a Theoretical Framework.Nicole Farmer & Elizabeth W. Cotter - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:560578.
    The prevalence of psychosocial distress is increasing in the United States. At the same time, the American default lifestyle has steadily displaced household food production with industrial food production, despite increased cultural interest in cooking. An important focus of cooking research to date has been on cooking’s association with nutrition and dietary quality. Less focus has been placed on how cooking might foster the qualities that allow for mitigation of psychosocial distress and promote well-being. Rooted in its evolutionary role in (...)
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  19.  66
    Editorial: Sense of agency: examining awareness of the acting self.Nicole David, Sukhvinder Obhi & James W. Moore - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  20.  93
    Ethical theory, ethnography, and differences between doctors and nurses in approaches to patient care.D. W. Robertson - 1996 - Journal of Medical Ethics 22 (5):292-299.
    OBJECTIVES: To study empirically whether ethical theory (from the mainstream principles-based, virtue-based, and feminist schools) usefully describes the approaches doctors and nurses take in everyday patient care. DESIGN: Ethnographic methods: participant observation and interviews, the transcripts of which were analysed to identify themes in ethical approaches. SETTING: A British old-age psychiatry ward. PARTICIPANTS: The more than 20 doctors and nurses on the ward. RESULTS: Doctors and nurses on the ward differed in their conceptions of the principles of beneficence and respect (...)
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  21.  55
    Martin Buber et Frantz Fanon. Le politique dans l'éducation : dialogue ou rébellion.W. John Morgan, Alex Guilherme & Nicole G. Albert - 2014 - Diogène 241 (1):35-57.
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    Rehabilitation Interventions for Unilateral Neglect after Stroke: A Systematic Review from 1997 through 2012.Nicole Y. H. Yang, Dong Zhou, Raymond C. K. Chung, Cecilia W. P. Li-Tsang & Kenneth N. K. Fong - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  23.  33
    Some Manuscripts of Plato's Apologia Socratis.W. S. M. Nicoll - 1966 - Classical Quarterly 16 (01):70-.
    The Platonic MS. Vat. gr. 225 contains tetr. I, VI. 3, 4, II–IV, while its companion volume in the same hand Vat. gr. 226 contains V–VI. 2, VIII. 3, VII, Spp., VIII. 1, 2. Posts states that for tetr. I and VI. 3 A is close to Vind. suppl. gr. 7 and thereafter derives from the Clarkianus . I am here concerned only with the testimony of Δ in. 2 . This manuscript has been largely ignored by commentators and editors. (...)
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  24.  47
    Chasing chimaeras.W. S. M. Nicoll - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (01):134-.
    Of the various contests held by Aeneas to mark the anniversary of his father's death the ship-race is marked out by its length and initial position as especially important. However its precise significance is by no means obvious. That Virgil intends it to have some relevance to events of later Roman history seems fairly clear. First, we are told the names of the families descended from three of the four captains involved — Cluentii, Memmii and Sergii. It seems therefore that (...)
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  25.  56
    Computers in developing nations.Edward L. Robertson, Barry W. Boehm, Harry D. Huskey, Alan B. Kamman & Michael R. Lackner - 1976 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 7 (2):7-9.
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  26.  81
    Cupid, Apollo, and Daphne (Ovid, Met. 1. 452 ff.).W. S. M. Nicoll - 1980 - Classical Quarterly 30 (01):174-.
    The general significance of Ovid's Apollo-Dapbne within its immediate context seems plain enough. Ovid's technique, as Otis remarks, is to set epic pretensions beside elegiac behaviour and thus to show a struggle between incompatible styles of life and poetry. Yet the episode still poses certain problems. These mainly concern the significance of the story within the wider context of the opening of Ovid's poem. One difficulty is hinted at by Otis himself. He observes that with the Apollo-Dapbne and Jupiter-10 Ovid (...)
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  27.  13
    Question of the Month.Dakota W. Bunnell, John Talley, Filippos Georgios Sarakis, Colin Brookes & Nicola Robertson - 2022 - Philosophy Now 151:62-64.
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  28. Le procès en hérésie de W. Robertson-Smith, professeur de théologie à l'église libre d'Ecosse.W. Rivier - 1878 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 11 (2):208.
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    The Death of Turnus.W. S. M. Nicoll - 2001 - Classical Quarterly 51 (1):190-200.
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  30. Ethics of Biohybrid Robotic Jellyfish Modification and Invertebrate Research.Nicole W. Xu, Olga Lenczewska, Sarah E. Wieten, Carole A. Federico & John O. Dabiri - forthcoming - Bioinspiration and Biomimetics.
    Invertebrate research ethics has largely been ignored compared to the consideration of higher order animals, but more recent focus has questioned this trend. Using the robotic control of Aurelia aurita as a case study, we examine ethical considerations in invertebrate work and provide recommendations for future guidelines. We also analyze these issues for prior bioethics cases, such as cyborg insects and the ‘microslavery’ of microbes. However, biohybrid robotic jellyfish pose further ethical questions regarding potential ecological consequences as ocean monitoring tools, (...)
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  31.  59
    Lucretius iii. 658.W. S. M. Nicoll - 1970 - The Classical Review 20 (02):140-141.
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    Papyrus Naphtali Lewis: Papyrus in Classical Antiquity. Pp. 160; 8 plates. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974. Cloth, £5·50.W. S. M. Nicoll - 1977 - The Classical Review 27 (01):86-87.
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  33.  41
    The Sacrifice of Palinurus.W. S. M. Nicoll - 1988 - Classical Quarterly 38 (02):459-.
    The account of the death of Palinurus at the end of Aen. 5 raises to a higher level of importance a figure who has previously seemed very much a minor character in the Aeneid. This is achieved partly by the narrative brilliance of Virgil's account of his destruction by Somnus, and partly also by the atmosphere of solemn mystery which surrounds his fate. This solemn note is first struck in the passage which directly prepares the way for Palinurus' death. At (...)
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  34. Ovid's Metamorphoses- Joseph B. Solodow: The World of Ovid's Metamorphoses. Pp. ix + 278. Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 1988. $35.75. [REVIEW]W. S. M. Nicoll - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (02):271-272.
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  35. A Note on the Classical Origin of "Circumstances" in the Medieval Confessional.D. W. Robertson & Jr - 1946 - Studies in Philology 43 (1):6-14.
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    (1 other version)III. Emotion and intellect in music.P. W. Robertson - 1934 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 12 (4):299 – 301.
  37. Seven Rules.A. W. ROBERTSON - 1960
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  38.  16
    Parisinus Graecus 1813 in Plato's Cratylus.D. J. Murphy & W. S. M. Nicoll - 1993 - Mnemosyne 46 (4):458-472.
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  39.  74
    Do readers mentally represent characters' emotional states?Morton Ann Gernsbacher, H. Hill Goldsmith & Rachel R. W. Robertson - 1992 - Cognition and Emotion 6 (2):89-111.
  40.  61
    Acquisition of T-shaped expertise: an exploratory study.Shannon Nicole Conley, Rider W. Foley, Michael E. Gorman, Jessica Denham & Kevin Coleman - 2017 - Social Epistemology 31 (2):165-183.
    Disciplinary boundaries become increasingly unclear when grappling with “wicked problems,” which present a complex set of policy, cultural, technological, and scientific dimensions. “T-shaped” professionals, i.e. individuals with a depth and breadth of expertise, are being called upon to play a critical role in complex problem-solving. This paper unpacks the notion of the “T-shaped expert” and seeks to situate it within the broader academic literature on expertise, integration, and developmental learning. A component of this project includes an exploratory study, which is (...)
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  41. Ethical decision making: The effects of escalating commitment. [REVIEW]Marc D. Street, Chris Robertson & Scott W. Geiger - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (11):1153-1161.
    Despite the recent emergence of many new ethical decision making models, there has been minimal emphasis placed on the impact of escalating commitment on the ethical decision making process. In this paper a new variable is introduced into the ethical decision making literature. This variable, exposure to escalation situations, is posited to increase the likelihood that individuals will choose unethical decision alternatives. Further, it is proposed that escalation situations should be included as a variable in Jones's (1991) comprehensive model of (...)
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  42. Ovid's Amores J. C. McKeown (ed.) Ovid, Amores (Text, Prolegomena and Commentary in four volumes), vol. 1: Text and Prolegomena. (Area Classical & Medieval Texts, Papers & Monographs, 20.) Pp. ix + 220. Liverpool and Wolfeboro, New Hampshire: Francis Cairns, 1987. £25. [REVIEW]W. S. M. Nicoll - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (02):269-271.
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    Genetics: Human Aspects. By A. P. Mange and E. J. Mange. Pp. 659. (Saunder College/Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Philadelphia, 1980.) £9.75. [REVIEW]F. W. Robertson - 1982 - Journal of Biosocial Science 14 (2):249-249.
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  44. Has the biobank bubble burst? Withstanding the challenges for sustainable biobanking in the digital era.Don Chalmers, Dianne Nicol, Jane Kaye, Jessica Bell, Alastair V. Campbell, Calvin W. L. Ho, Kazuto Kato, Jusaku Minari, Chih-Hsing Ho, Colin Mitchell, Fruzsina Molnár-Gábor, Margaret Otlowski, Daniel Thiel, Stephanie M. Fullerton & Tess Whitton - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):1.
    _BMC Medical Ethics_ is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in relation to the ethical aspects of biomedical research and clinical practice, including professional choices and conduct, medical technologies, healthcare systems and health policies. _BMC __Medical Ethics _is part of the _BMC_ series which publishes subject-specific journals focused on the needs of individual research communities across all areas of biology and medicine. We do not make editorial decisions on the basis of the interest of a study or (...)
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    Ovidian Rapes Stephen Hinds: The Metamorphosis of Persephone. Ovid and the Self-conscious Muse. (Cambridge Classical Studies.) Pp. xiii+182. Cambridge University Press, 1987. £22.50. [REVIEW]W. S. M. Nicoll - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (02):245-247.
  46.  20
    Negative emotion increases false memory for person/action conjunctions.Alan W. Kersten, Julie L. Earles, Laura L. Vernon, Nicole McRostie & Anna Riso - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-16.
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    Change in gaze-based attention bias in adolescents with Social Anxiety Disorder.Susan W. White, Andrea Trubanova Wieckowski, Thomas H. Ollendick & Nicole Capriola-Hall - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (8):1736-1744.
    ABSTRACTAlthough attention bias toward threat has been associated with Social Anxiety Disorder, concerns regarding the ability of current measures to detect change in AB following treatm...
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  48.  13
    The Impact of Religious Conservatism On Men's Work and Family Involvement.Jennifer Glass & Nicole H. W. Civettini - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (2):172-193.
    The social conservatism of evangelical and fundamentalist groups includes their support for premarital sexual restraint, husband leadership, and father involvement. The authors explore whether religious conservatism affects work–family outcomes of men using the National Survey of Families and Households, 1988 and 1993 waves. The authors hypothesize that men from conservative households will make earlier transitions to adulthood, work fewer hours, and earn less money. Moreover, the belief in strong paternal involvement should lead religiously conservative men to spend more time in (...)
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  49.  30
    Developmental grey matter changes in superior parietal cortex accompany improved transitive reasoning.Cristián Modroño, Gorka Navarrete, Antoinette Nicolle, José Luis González-Mora, Kathleen W. Smith, Miriam Marling & Vinod Goel - 2018 - Thinking and Reasoning 25 (2):151-170.
    The neural basis of developmental changes in transitive reasoning in parietal regions was examined, using voxel-based morphometry. Young adolescents and adults performed a transitive reasoning task, subsequent to undergoing anatomical magnetic resonance imaging brain scans. Behaviorally, adults reasoned more accurately than did the young adolescents. Neural results showed less grey matter density in superior parietal cortex in the adults than in the young adolescents, possibly due to a developmental period of synaptic pruning; improved performance in the reasoning task was negatively (...)
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  50.  59
    Infant memory for musical experiences.Jenny R. Saffran, Michelle M. Loman & Rachel R. W. Robertson - 2000 - Cognition 77 (1):B15-B23.
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