  1. Misliti stroj.Voranc Kumar - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    Dejstvo, da smo bili navajeni misliti stroje, ki ne mislijo, tiste, ki nadomeščajo človekovo fizično delo, in da se šele zdaj srečujemo s stroji, ki domnevno nadomeščajo človekovo mišljenje, še ne pomeni, da je to smer razvoja stroja ali genealogija idej o stroju. Psihoanaliza nas napeljuje k temu, da bi rekli, da je zgodovino stroja mogoče pisati le skupaj z zgodovino nezavednega, medtem ko nam študije antične oralnosti razkrivajo njihovo zapletenost, ki predhodi tehnologiji pisane besede. To pomeni, da se stroj (...)
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    Rousseau, Nietzsche, and the Question of the Heart.Voranc Kumar - 2022 - Filozofski Vestnik 42 (3).
    Rousseau and Nietzsche are philosophers between whom it is difficult to establish a dialogue that arises directly from their works, and yet there are connections between their philosophies, or in Nietzsche’s terms, perspectives, which open up a common issue: the question of evaluation. But to what does evaluation refer, to what value, or to the value of what does it refer? We want to show that it is an evaluation of the present in which thought takes place, which returns as (...)
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  3. Thinking the Machine.Voranc Kumar - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    The fact that we were used to thinking non-thinking machines, the ones supplementing human physical labor, and that we are only now encountering machines that supposedly supplement human thinking, does not mean that this is either the direction in the evolution of the machine or the genealogy of ideas about the machine. Psychoanalysis tempts us to say that the history of the machine could only be written together with the history of the unconscious, while studies of ancient orality reveal to (...)
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