Results for 'Vilde Aavitsland'

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  1.  59
    The Failure of Judgment: Disgust in Arendt's Theory of Political Judgment.Vilde Lid Aavitsland - 2019 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 33 (3):537-550.
    Hannah Arendt's essay "Reflections on Little Rock" sparked massive criticisms, accusing Arendt of holding racist views. In it, Arendt constructs the motivation of black parents whose children integrated into white schools as a desire for social climbing, and not as a political struggle for the right to equal education.1 Kathryn Sophia Belle, in Hannah Arendt and the Negro Question, argues that Arendt's judgment in "Reflections on Little Rock" was not accidental to her writing, but expressive of an underlying current of (...)
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    The “Man of Desire” or the “Man of Labor”?Vilde Lid Aavitsland - 2021 - Philosophy Today 65 (4):935-940.
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    Editors' Introduction.Peg Birmingham, Ian Alexander Moore & Vilde Aavitsland - 2017 - Philosophy Today 61 (4):815-816.
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    Hannah Arendts estetikkCecilia Sjöholm,Att se saker med Arendt. Konst, estetik, politik.Gøteborg: Bokförlaget Diadalos 2020. [REVIEW]Vilde Andrea Pettersen - 2022 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 39 (3):208-216.
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    The Prevalence of Insomnia Subtypes in Relation to Demographic Characteristics, Anxiety, Depression, Alcohol Consumption and Use of Hypnotics.Ingrid Bjorøy, Vilde Aanesland Jørgensen, Ståle Pallesen & Bjørn Bjorvatn - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  6. Rejsen gennem vilde rum og spejle: fra videnskabelighedens grænseland til beherskelsens brudflader--.Elizabeth Knox-Seith - 1984 - København: Kultursociologisk institut.
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    Kristen A. Aavitsland, Imagining the Human Condition in Medieval Rome: The Cistercian Fresco Cycle at Abbazia delle Tre Fontane. Farnham, Surrey, UK, and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2012. Pp. xx, 335; 14 color plates and many black-and-white figures. $129.95. ISBN: 978-1-4094-3818-2. [REVIEW]Erik Thunø - 2014 - Speculum 89 (4):1101-1102.
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    Dialogues in phenomenology.Don Ihde & Richard M. Zaner (eds.) - 1975 - The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
    Phenomenology in the United States is in a state of ferment and change. Not all the changes are happy ones, however, for some of the most prominent philosophers of the first generation of phenomenologists have died: in 1959 Alfred Schutz, and within the past two years John \Vild, Dorion Cairns, and Aron Gur witsch. These thinkers, though often confronting a hostile intel lectual climate, were nevertheless persistent and profoundly influential-through their own works, and through their students. The two sources associated (...)
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    M'türîdî’Ni̇N Bazi Ulûhi̇yet Meseleleri̇Ne Yaklaşimi.Hasan Nas - 2021 - Marifetname 8 (2):671-669.
    İslam inancının “aslü’l-usûlü”nü teşkil eden ilâhiyât bahsi, kelâm ilminin en önemli ve karmaşık konularındandır. İlk dönemlerden itibaren Allah’ın zatı, sıfatları ve fiilleri başta olmak üzere ulûhiyet meselelerine dair farklı görüşler ileri sürülmüş ve mühim düşünce ayrılıkları ortaya çıkmıştır. Sünnî kelâmı tesis edenlerden biri olan Ebû Mansûr el-Mâtürîdî de ilâhiyât alanına giren bu hususlarda geniş bir perspektifle özgün fikirler ortaya koymuştur. Mâtürîdî, Allah’ın zâtı ve sıfatları alanına giren mevzularda büyük ölçüde nakle bağlı kalmış, te’vilde bulunması gerektiğinde de özellikle “Allah’tan teşbihin (...)
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    Romantikkens Verden: Natur, Menneske, Samfund, Kunst Og Kultur.Ole Høiris & Thomas Ledet (eds.) - 2008 - Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
    Romantikken er en sammensat kulturhistorisk og andshistorisk stromning, som brod frem i slutningen af 1700-tallet og kulminerede i den forste tredjedel af 1800-tallet, men havde udlobere helt ind i det 20. arhundrede. Ud over at formulere et sAerligt verdenssyn, der abnede for en dyrkelse af folkelig fortid, for melankolsk livsforelse, dybe trAengsler, anelser, splittelse og higen efter helhed og harmoni og meget andet, var den karakteriseret ved en kritisk reaktion mod to af den tids stAerke stromninger: Den oplysningstid, som i (...)
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