Results for 'Viktoria Tkaczyk'

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  1.  32
    Listening in Circles. Spoken Drama and the Architects of Sound, 1750–1830.Viktoria Tkaczyk - 2014 - Annals of Science 71 (3):299-334.
    SummaryThe establishment of the discipline of architectural acoustics is generally attributed to the physicist Wallace Clement Sabine, who developed the formula for reverberation time around 1900, and with it the possibility of making calculated prognoses about the acoustic potential of a particular design. If, however, we shift the perspective from the history of this discipline to the history of architectural knowledge and praxis, it becomes apparent that the topos of ‘good sound’ had already entered the discourse much earlier. This paper (...)
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    Book review: Viktoria Tkaczyk, Thinking with Sound: A New Program in the Sciences and Humanities around 1900, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2023, 300 pp., ISBN: 9780226823287. [REVIEW]Marta García Quiñones - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (3):679-681.
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    Introduction: Dismantling the Man-Machine.Pierre Cassou-Noguès - 2018 - Substance 47 (3):3-6.
    This issue should have been entitled, "The Man-Machine." It was the title that we had submitted to SubStance. At first, there was no question of dismantling the man-machine. The dismantling of the man-machine was an accident.This issue originates from a seminar organized at University of Paris 7, in the laboratory SPHERE, by Pierre Cassou-Noguès, Viktoria Tkaczyk, and Koen Vermeir. It ran for several years. The idea was to meet about once a month and invite scholars from various disciplines (...)
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    Основні аспекти зовнішньоцерковних відносин уапц в 90-х роках хх століття.Viktoria Zaporozhets - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 86:57-65.
    In the article of Viktoria Zaporozhets «Main aspects of external church relations of UAOC in the 90’s. XX century» from the religious-scientific point of view is carried out a comprehensive analysis of the institutionalization of the UAOC in the 90's of the twentieth century in the context of her external-church relation. It is noted that inter-church relations of the UAOC during the specified period of her existence can be characterized as two-vector. It is emphasized that the first vector is (...)
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  5. Verbal disputes and topic continuity.Viktoria Knoll - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Changing concepts comes with a risk of creating merely verbal disputes. Accounts of topic continuity (such as Herman Cappelen’s) are supposed to solve this problem. As this paper shows, however, no existing solution avoids the danger of mere verbalness. On the contrary, accounts of topic continuity in fact increase the danger of overlooking merely verbal disputes between pre- and post-ameliorators. Ultimately, this paper suggests accepting the danger of mere verbalness resulting from a change in topic as a downside of conceptual (...)
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    Are Ancient Logics Explosive?Marcin Tkaczyk - 2024 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (2):109-123.
    The twentieth-century logical mainstream, derived from works by Łukasiewicz and Scholz, pictures the history of logic for the most part as the prehistory of Boolean–Fregean mathematical logic. Particularly, with respect to classical propositional calculus, the Stoic logic has been pictured as an early stage of it and Aristotle's or the Peripatetics' logic as a theory that assumes it. Although it was not emphasised, it follows that the ancient logics contain the principle of explosion. In the endmost quarter of the twentieth (...)
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  7. Negotiating “women”: metalinguistic negotiations across languages.Knoll Viktoria - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-20.
    The metalinguistic approach to conceptual engineering construes disputes between linguistic reformers and linguistic conservatives as metalinguistic disagreements on how best to use particular expressions. As the present paper argues, this approach has various merits. However, it was recently criticised in Cappelen’s seminal Fixing Language. Cappelen raises an important objection against the metalinguistic picture. According to this objection – the Babel objection, as I shall call it – the metalinguistic account cannot accommodate the intuition of disagreement between linguistic conservatives and reformers (...)
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    Ethical Leadership: A Bibliometric Review and Research Framework with Methodological Implications.Viktoria Pletz, Victor Tiberius & Natanya Meyer - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Bibliometric science mappings, such as co-citation analysis and bibliographic couplings, can be used as systematic literature reviews pre-structured though citation-related clusters, which can help better understand the inner logic of a research field. We conduct these two science mappings on the field of ethical leadership and integrate the primary results in a research framework that presents a comprehensive overview of the theoretical foundations, antecedents, and effects of ethical leadership, showcasing voice behavior as a current focal research theme. We use our (...)
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    Czy istnieje filozofia religii?Marcin Tkaczyk - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (2):335-355.
    Przedmiotem dociekania jest filozofia religii pojmowana jako nauka o tak zwanych przekonaniach religijnych. Ponieważ pojęcie religii jest bardzo niejasne, filozofia religii nie ma dobrze określonego przedmiotu. Nie ma też określonej metody. Każde poważne osiągnięcie w tej dziedzinie stanowi bądź kryptoteologię, bądź kryptometafizykę. Studium przypadku stanowi analiza tezy „Bóg jest wszechmocny”. Okazuje się, że sens i sposób uzasadnienia tej tezy jest inny na gruncie teologii katolickiej i na gruncie metafizyki. Ponieważ nie widać miejsca na inny sposób rozumienia i uzasadniania tez tego (...)
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  10. Marek Lechniak, Elementy logiki dla prawników.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2007 - Roczniki Filozoficzne:276-282.
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    Prawa logiki i prawa przyrody w ujęciu Johna Bigelowa i Roberta Pargettera.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2005 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 53 (1):245-260.
    J. Bigelow and R. Pargetter in their work Science and Necessity put forward a theory of the laws of nature as statements objectively different with respect to their modal qualification both from the laws of logic and from contingent truths. Contrary to the latter ones all laws are characterized by necessity. However, there are various kinds of necessity. The laws of logic are characterized by logical necessity, and the laws of nature - by natural necessity. The objective basis for differentiating (...)
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  12. Stanisława Kiczuka logika świata realnego.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2008 - Roczniki Filozoficzne:9-30.
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    Negation in Weak Positional Calculi.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2013 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 22 (1):3-19.
    Four weak positional calculi are constructed and examined. They refer to the use of the connective of negation within the scope of the positional connective “R” of realization. The connective of negation may be fully classical, partially analogical or independent from the classical, truth-functional negation. It has been also proved that the strongest system, containing fully classical connective of negation, is deductively equivalent to the system MR from Jarmużek and Pietruszczak.
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  14. Verbalismus, Epistemizismus und die Debatte um personale Identität.Knoll Viktoria - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 77 (4):484-504.
    It is a startling fact that, despite its long and rich history, the debate about per- sonal identity is far from settled. The present paper examines two deflationary explanations for this: a) the dispute is merely verbal (verbalism); b) there cannot be sufficient justification for preferring one theory of personal identity over the others (epistemicism). As this paper argues, there is evidence that either verba- lism or epistemicism provides a correct account of the personal identity debate.
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  15. Topics, Disputes and 'Going Meta'.Viktoria Knoll - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-29.
    On a naive view of conceptual engineering, conceptual engineers simply aim at engineering concepts. This picture has recently come under attack. Sarah Sawyer (2018, 2020) and Derek Ball (2020) present two rather different, yet equally unorthodox, accounts of conceptual engineering, which they take to be superior to the naive picture. This paper casts doubts on the superiority of their respective accounts. By elaborating on the explanatory potential of “going meta”, the paper defends the naive view against Sawyer’s and Ball’s rival (...)
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  16. (Mere) Verbalness and Substantivity Revisited.Viktoria Knoll - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (5):1955-1978.
    Verbal disputes are often seen as closely related to a lack of substantivity. However, a systematic and comprehensive investigation of how verbalness relates to substantivity is still missing. The present paper attempts to close this gap. In addition to offering different conceptions of verbalness, the paper further develops Sider’s (Writing the Book of the World, OUP, Oxford, 2011) notion of substantivity. Ultimately, I argue for a more careful choice of terminology when it comes to assessing a dispute as “(merely) verbal” (...)
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    Jerzy Łoś Positional Calculus and the Origin of Temporal Logic.Marcin Tkaczyk & Tomasz Jarmużek - 2019 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 28 (2):259-276.
    Most accounts, including leading textbooks, credit Arthur Norman Prior with the invention of temporal (tense logic). However, (i) Jerzy Łoś delivered his version of temporal logic in 1947, several years before Prior; (ii) Henrk Hiż’s review of Łoś’s system in Journal of Symbolic Logic was published as early as 1951; (iii) there is evidence to the effect that, when constructing his tense calculi, Prior was aware of Łoś’s system. Therefore, although Prior is certainly a key figure in the history tense (...)
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    War as a Devaluation of Values in the Global World.Viktoria Shamrai - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4:5-20.
    The article is devoted to transformations and the crisis of values in a global world. The genealogy of values is traced as a way of existence and justification of normativity characteristic of modernity. In this context, value is compared with cost. Both the first and second are reductions inherent in the modern way of human existence. Value personifies the reduction of the complex, heterogeneous, qualitatively diverse world of external goods of pre-industrial society to a single denominator of abstract labor. Same, (...)
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    Fikcja topograficzna w toruńskich trylogiach kryminalnych.Viktoria Durkalevych & Anna Skubaczewska-Pniewska - 2023 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 66 (1):289-316.
    Autorki, wspierając się metodologią semiotyki, geopoetyki i komparatystyki, analizują toruńską „fikcję topograficzną” w lokalnych trylogiach kryminalnych Piotra Głuchowskiego, Roberta Małeckiego i Marcela Woźniaka, traktowanych w artykule jako element projektu literackiego pod hasłem „mordercze miasta”. W omawianych powieściach przeważają fabuły oparte na modelu śledztwa dziennikarskiego i dominuje styl dziennikarski. Badaczki wskazują, że toruńskie kryminały bazują na „pakcie topograficznym”, któremu towarzyszy „słaby” pakt autobiograficzny; zwracają też uwagę na zabiegi Małeckiego i Woźniaka podsycające poczytność ich utworów, gry intertekstualne i aluzje, co znajduje (...)
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    Ukrainian Attempts at State Building in 1917–1921 and the Idea of Intermarium: A Historiographical and Archival Note.Viktoria Boyko - 2017 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 4:95-100.
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  21. Принцип синергії в покращенні соціальної інфрасруктури на селі на прикладі першотравневої сільської ради красноармійського району донецької області.Viktoria Chernikova & Marina Deutsch - 2014 - Схід 6 (132):76-78.
    The article highlights the practical realization of synergies, to improve social infrastructure in rural areas. The paper analyzes trends and positive consequences of the involvement of community organizations to improve rural infrastructure component elements. The research emphasizes that the financial and labor cooperation and the bulk of local authorities is the positive step towards improving social infrastructure in rural areas under the shortage of budgetary funds.
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    Inclinations: a critique of rectitude.Viktoria Huegel - 2018 - Contemporary Political Theory 17 (4):185-188.
  23.  10
    Discursive dimension of institutions.Viktoria Shamrai - 2022 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 2:83-95.
    The article considers the leading and indisputable role of discursive practices in the existence of social institutions, especially in democratic governance. The necessity of searching for heuristi- cally effective approaches in the analysis of social reality in general, and especially modern soci- ality, is substantiated. In this context, the theoretical modernization of the institutional approach in the analysis of social phenomena by involving the concept of discourse in the structure of this approach is proposed. Emphasis is placed on the dual (...)
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    Copies de la Grande et de la Petite Herculanaise en Macédoine.Viktoria Sokolovska - 1978 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 102 (1):77-85.
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    A spurious confusion in temporal logic.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2015 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 24 (2):201-216.
    R.L. Epstein and E. Buitrago-Díaz aspire to present a vitally new approach to temporal logic, an approach based on the idea of absolute truth-values. They claim the existing approaches are confused and incoherent, and contain a significant number of nonsenses. The alleged problems are generated by truth-values being relativized to positions in time. The fundamental incoherence consists in some confusion between propositions and their schemata. Epstein and Buitrago-Díaz have formulas be simply true or false and describe fixed areas of time. (...)
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    Geneza koła krakowskiego.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2019 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 55 (2):9-39.
    Artykuł poświęcony jest charakterystyce kulturowego tła manifestu koła krakowskiego i jego zespołu, który stanowili: Józef Maria Bocheński OP, Jan Franciszek Drewnowski, ks. Jan Salamucha oraz Bolesław Sobociński, i który był wspierany przez Jana Łukasiewicza i ks. Konstantego Michalskiego. Manifestem koła była aplikacja programu szkoły lwowsko-warszawskiej do katolickiej teologii i filozofii. W tym przedsięwzięciu szczególną rolę odegrała Łukasiewicza wersja programu. Do zastosowanych środków należały: odnowienie języka tak, aby spełniał on wszystkie warunki właściwego dyskursu naukowego, recepcja logiki matematycznej, uwspółcześnienie semiotyki i metodologii (...)
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  27. George S. Boolos, John P. Burgess, Richard C. Jeffrey, Computability and Logic.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2007 - Roczniki Filozoficzne:271-276.
  28. Samokrytyczna uwaga o założeniowych systemach logiki modalnej.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2007 - Roczniki Filozoficzne:305-306.
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    Zmienna czasowa w starożytnej i średniowiecznej teorii zdań warunkowych.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2007 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 55 (2):99-121.
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  30. Zwroty modalne języka fizyki.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2006 - Filozofia Nauki 4.
    Modal concepts - among them the concepts of logical, physical (nomic) and metaphysical necessity - used to be quite important for philosophy of science during centuries. However, in the XX c. most philosophers preferred not to recognize those concepts in science (especially the concept of physical necessity). They were wrong. Some patterns from history of physics are presented, showing the concept of physical necessity playing an important role in the scientific research of nature. And the nature of physically necessary statements (...)
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  31. Is the ontological proof for God’s existence an ontological proof for God’s existence?Marcin Tkaczyk - 2007 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 16 (4):289-309.
    Two questions concerning Anselm of Canterbury’s theistic argument provided in Proslogion Ch. 2 are asked and answered: is the argument valid? under what conditions could it be sound? In order to answer the questions the argument is formalized as a first-order theory called AP2. The argument turns out to be valid, although it contains a hidden premise. The argument is also claimed not to be ontological one, but rather an a posteriori argument. One of the premises is found to be (...)
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  32. Der Mensch als ein Wesen im Übergang : Ansätze zu einer platonischen Anthropologie.Viktoria Bachmann - 2017 - In Brigitte Buchhammer & Herta Nagl-Docekal, Lernen, Mensch zu sein: Beiträge des 2. Symposiums der SWIP Austria. Wien: Lit.
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    Grenzen des Menschseins: Sterblichkeit Und Unsterblichkeit Im Frühgriechischen Denken.Viktoria Bachmann & Raul Heimann (eds.) - 2019 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Das Problem der Sterblichkeit und Unsterblichkeit gehört untrennbar zum Nachdenken des Menschen über sich und seine Stellung in der Welt. Auch für das antike Denken stellt diese Thematik ein anthropologisches Prisma dar. Es verbindet Fragen der praktischen und theoretischen Philosophie in existentiell relevanter Weise. Disziplinübergreifend beleuchtet der vorliegende Band wirkmächtige Positionen des frühgriechischen Denkens und erkundet dabei die Dimensionen menschlicher Begrenztheit.
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    Bóg, modalność, esencjalizm. Pewna wersja szkotystycznego dowodu tezy o istnieniu Boga.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2009 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 57 (1):231-256.
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  35. Próba formalizacji wnioskowania zawartego w II rozdziale Proslogionu Anzelma z Canterbury.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2006 - Ruch Filozoficzny 2 (2).
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  36. W sprawie egzystencjalnych konsekwencji zdan predykatywnych.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2008 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 44 (1):134-146.
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    Założeniowe systemy normalnych logik modalnych.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2007 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 55 (1):219-227.
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    Fenomenon of UAOC in the independence Ukraine: religious studies point of theoretical and metodological of research.Viktoria Anatoliivna Zaporozhets - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 84:109-116.
    In the article by analysed the specifics of the religious studies of the functioning of the UAOC in the post-Soviet period. It turns out that the study of this religious organization should be carried out by involving both religious studies, methods and principles, as well as sociological, political science. According to the author, such a position will allow us to comprehensively disclose the studied issues.
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    On Axiomatization of Łukasiewicz's Four-Valued Modal Logic.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2011 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 20 (3):215-232.
    Formal aspects of various ways of description of Jan Łukasiewicz’s four-valued modal logic £ are discussed. The original Łukasiewicz’s description by means of the accepted and rejected theorems, together with the four-valued matrix, is presented. Then the improved E.J. Lemmon’s description based upon three specific axioms, together with the relational semantics, is presented as well. It is proved that Lemmon’s axiomatic is not independent: one axiom is derivable on the base of the remanent two. Several axiomatizations, based on three, two (...)
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    The Antinomy of Future Contingent Events.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2018 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 66 (4):5-38.
    The antinomy of future contingents is here understood as a trilemma whose horns are (a) the thesis of the closed past, (b) the thesis of the open future, and (c) the thesis that all events can be represented at any time. The latter thesis can take different forms, like the principle of bivalence or the thesis of divine foreknowledge. Different versions of (c) lead to different versions of the antinomy itself. The antinomy has been formalized. It hasbeen proven that the (...)
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    Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity.Maria-Viktoria Abricka & Sarah B. Pomeroy - 1976 - American Journal of Philology 97 (3):310.
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    (1 other version)The Normativity of Gender Discourse: A Pragmatic Approach.Viktoria Knoll - 2024 - The Philosophical Quarterly.
    Many disputes about gender are normatively charged. To account for this, some suggest building normativity into the semantics of gender terms. I propose an alternative, pragmatic account. When speakers utter gender-attributing sentences of the form ‘Person A is of gender G’, they often pragmatically convey normative content about whether A should be categorized as G. After critically discussing the semantic approach, I motivate and discuss in detail this novel pragmatic view and elaborate on its compatibility with a number of semantic (...)
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    Toward a new imagination of revolutionary struggle. Conversations with Bonnie Honig’s A Feminist Theory of Refusal.Viktoria Huegel - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (1):1-3.
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    Logika czasu empirycznego: funktor realizacji czasowej w językach teorii fizykalnych.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2009 - Lublin: Wydawnictwo Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
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    The human body composition in statics and dynamics: Āyurveda and the philosophical schools of vaiśesika and sāmkhya. [REVIEW]Viktoria Lyssenko - 2004 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 32 (1):31-56.
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    Distribution Laws in Weak Positional Logics.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2018 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 66 (3):163-179.
    A formal language is positional if it involves a positional connecitve, i.e. a connective of realization to relate formulas to points of a kind, like points of realization or points of relativization. The connective in focus in this paper is the connective “R”, first introduced by Jerzy Łoś. Formulas [Rαφ] involve a singular name α and a formula φ to the effect that φ is satisfied relative to the position designated by α. In weak positional calculi no nested occurences of (...)
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    “Failing splendidly” and the price of success: Feminist struggle between revolution and reformation.Viktoria Huegel - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (1):57-62.
    With Euripides’s Bacchae Honig, in A Feminist Theory of Refusal (2021), chooses a story that easily can be read as an “errant path”: the story of a group of “honey-mad” women who, driven by a Dionysian force, slaughter their own kin and are eventually put back into place by fatherly reprimand. Against that, Honig retells the story of the women of Cithaeron as what W.E.B. Du Bois called a “splendid failure” - “a possibility first nurtured outside the city is extinguished, (...)
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  48. Bloße Streite um Worte: Eine Fallstudie zur Debatte um personale Identität (open access).Viktoria Knoll - 2024 - Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.
    Philosophische Diskurse können auf verschiedene Arten und aus verschiedenen Gründen missglücken. Sind Streitende in einen bloßen Streit um Worte verstrickt, so liegt ihrem Streit keine Uneinigkeit zugrunde. Aufgrund eines sprachlichen Missverständnisses reden sie bloß aneinander vorbei. Das vorliegende Buch entwirft in seinem ersten Teil erstmalig eine detaillierte Theorie bloßer Streite um Worte. Was zeichnet solch missglückte Streite aus? Und welche Indizien können den Verdacht eines bloßen Streits um Worte in der Philosophie stützen? Im zweiten Teil des Buches wendet die Autorin (...)
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  49. Publikacje prof. dra hab. Stanisława Kiczuka.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2008 - Roczniki Filozoficzne:31-38.
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    Book Reviews: Andrzej Pietruszczak, Foundations of the Theory of Parthood: A Study of Mereology, Springer International Publishing, Series: Trends in Logic, Vol. 54, 2020, pp. 308. ISBN 978-3-030-36532-5 (Hardcover) €83,19, ISBN 978-3-030-36533-2 (eBook) €67,40. [REVIEW]Marcin Tkaczyk - 2020 - Studia Logica 109 (3):683-686.
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