Results for 'Victor Arroyo'

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  1. MoMLA: From Gallery to Webtext.Victor Vitanza, Virginia Kuhn, Robert Leston, Justin Hodgson, Jason Helms, Geoffrey V. Carter, Sarah J. Arroyo & Bahareh Alaei - forthcoming - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 17 (2):np.
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    The Peruvian experience: human rights and population.Victor Arroyo - 1996 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 13 (3):16-16.
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    Evangelicals and “The Fujimori Phenomenon”.Tito Paredes & Victor Arroyo - 1993 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 9 (3):15-19.
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  4. One equation to rule them all: a philosophical analysis of the Price equation.Victor J. Luque - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (1):97-125.
    This paper provides a philosophical analysis of the Price equation and its role in evolutionary theory. Traditional models in population genetics postulate simplifying assumptions in order to make the models mathematically tractable. On the contrary, the Price equation implies a very specific way of theorizing, starting with assumptions that we think are true and then deriving from them the mathematical rules of the system. I argue that the Price equation is a generalization-sketch, whose main purpose is to provide a unifying (...)
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  5. On some paradoxes of the infinite.Victor Allis & Teunis Koetsier - 1991 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 42 (2):187-194.
    In the paper below the authors describe three super-tasks. They show that although the abstract notion of a super-task may be, as Benacerraf suggested, a conceptual mismatch, the completion of the three super-tasks involved can be defined rather naturally, without leading to inconsistency, by means of a particular kinematical interpretation combined with a principle of continuity.
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    The Animal and the Daemon in Early China.Victor H. Mair & Roel Sterckx - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (4):841.
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  7. The Old Testament World.Martin Noth & Victor I. Gruhn - 1966
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  8. Sensorimotor knowledge and the radical alternative.Victor Loughlin - 2014 - In A. Martin, Contemporary Sensorimotor Theory, Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 105-116.
    Sensorimotor theory claims that what you do and what you know how to do constitutes your visual experience. Central to the theory is the claim that such experience depends on a special kind of knowledge or understanding. I assess this commitment to knowledge in the light of three objections to the theory: the empirical implausibility objection, the learning/post-learning objection and the causal-constitutive objection. I argue that although the theory can respond to the first two objections, its commitment to know-how ultimately (...)
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    (1 other version)Professor Goodman's concept of an individual.Victor Lowe - 1953 - Philosophical Review 62 (1):117-126.
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    Alfred North Whitehead: The Man and His Work.Victor Lowe - 1985 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    This second volume completes the biography of the influential philosopher, following Whitehead's move first from Trinity College, Cambridge to London, and then, at the age of 63, to America, where the focus of his work shifted from mathematics to philosophy. Lowe (philosophy emeritus, Johns Hopkins U.) died in 1988 with this biography not quite completed. Vol.2 was edited and seen through publication by J.B. Schneewind, chairman of the Philosophy Department at Johns Hopkins. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  11. Youth Leadership and the Use of the Future.Ace Victor Franco Aceron & Shermon Cruz - 2018 - In Riel Miller, Transforming the future: anticipation in the 21st century. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    The Technological Singularity: Managing the Journey.Stuart Armstrong, Victor Callaghan, James Miller & Roman Yampolskiy (eds.) - 2017 - Berlin, Heidelberg: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume contains a selection of authoritative essays exploring the central questions raised by the conjectured technological singularity. In informed yet jargon-free contributions written by active research scientists, philosophers and sociologists, it goes beyond philosophical discussion to provide a detailed account of the risks that the singularity poses to human society and, perhaps most usefully, the possible actions that society and technologists can take to manage the journey to any singularity in a way that ensures a positive rather than a (...)
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  13. Beyond Ontological Blackness: An Essay on African American Religious and Cultural Criticism.Victor Anderson & Josiah Ulysses Young - 1999 - Journal of Religious Ethics 27 (2):331-358.
    This review essay explores Josiah Young's project of developing a liberatory Pan-Africanism that is attuned to cultural diversity and Victor Anderson 's advocacy of postmodern cultural criticism in African - American religious thought. After situating African - American religious thought as a branch of Africana thought, the author examines these two religious thinkers' work as an effort to forge a position on African - American religious thought--including its relation to theology--in an age where even theory is treated as a (...)
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  14. Reflections on Locke's Platonism.Victor Nuovo - 2011 - In Christianity, Antiquity, and Enlightenment: Interpretations of Locke. Springer.
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    Providence and history: a tale of two cities.Julian Victor Langmead Casserley - 1940 - Westminster [London]: Dacre press.
  16. Existentialismus und Altersreflexion. Zur Anthropologie Albert Camus’.Christoph Kann & Oliver Victor - 2017 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 42 (2).
    Together with the experience of time, finiteness and death, age is among the crucial, though neglected, topoi of existentialism. Its early representative Kierkegaard already emphasized the fundamental role of ageing as a basic condition of human existence which finds orientation in projections of the future. Similarly, Camus, who presupposes that human beings are afflicted with the experience of absurdity, incorporates the ambivalent phenomenon of ageing in his anthropological reflections. Latently following stoic ideas and with recourse to aesthetical considerations of nature, (...)
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  17. Acuerdos y normas. Los códigos en la ética empresarial.Víctor R. Martín Fiorino - 2000 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (4):278-283.
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    (1 other version)David A. Oyedola and the imperative to disambiguate the term “African Philosopher”: A conversation from the standpoint of the conversational School of Philosophy – The Calabar Circle.Victor C. A. Nweke - 2015 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 4 (2):93-99.
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    Subjective Performance Evaluation and Gender Discrimination.Victor S. Maas & Raquel Torres-González - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (4):667-681.
    Gender discrimination continues to be a problem in organizations. It is therefore important that organizations use performance evaluation methods that ensure equal opportunities for men and women. This article reports the results of an experiment to investigate whether and, if so, how the gender of the rater and that of the ratee moderate the relationship between the level of subjectivity in performance appraisals and organizational attractiveness. Participants in the experiment were 313 undergraduate students. We predicted, and indeed established, that as (...)
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    A. N. W.Victor Lowe - 1982 - Process Studies 12 (3):137-147.
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    Women’s Religious Authority in a Sub-Saharan Setting: Dialectics of Empowerment and Dependency.Victor Agadjanian - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (6):982-1008.
    Western scholarship on religion and gender has devoted considerable attention to women’s entry into leadership roles across various religious traditions and denominations. However, very little is known about the dynamics of women’s religious authority and leadership in developing settings, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, a region of powerful and diverse religious expressions. This study employs a combination of uniquely rich and diverse data to examine women’s formal religious authority in a predominantly Christian setting in Mozambique. I first use survey data to (...)
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  22. [no title].Victor Loughlin - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.
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    Les actions d'arrêt dans Les phénomènes de la parole.Alfred Binet & Victor Henri - 1894 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 37:608 - 620.
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  24. Education into Religion.A. Victor Murray - 1954
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  25. Geschichte der chinesischen philosophie.Ernst Victor Zenker - 1926 - Reichenberg: Gebrüder Stiepel ges. m. b. h..
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    Synchronicity, Science and Soul-Making: Understanding Jungian Synchronicity Through Physics, Buddhism, and Philosophy.Victor Mansfield - 1995 - Open Court Publishing.
    The pioneering analysis of synchronicity was given by Jung, yet despite the concept's momentous significance in Jung's work, and despite the widespread dissemination of the term 'synchronicity' even within pop culture, synchronicity is often badly misconstrued and remains "perhaps the least understood of Jung's theories". Synchronicity, Science, and Soul-Making has already been hailed as the most important analysis of synchronicity since Jung himself.
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  27. (1 other version)Networks of evolutionary processors: A survey.Carlos Martín-Vide & Victor Mitrana - 2003 - Theoria 18 (1):59-70.
    The goal of this paper is to survey, in a uniform and systematic way, the main results regarding networks of evolutionary processors reported so far. First, we recall the results concerning the computational power of these networks viewed as language generating devices. Then, we briefly present a few NP-complete problems and recall how they were solved in linear time by networks of evolutionary processors with linearly bounded resources (nodes, ruIes, symbols).
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    Why Enactivists Should Care about Wittgenstein.Victor Loughlin - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (3):1083-1095.
    There is now an established literature on the link between later Wittgenstein and enactivist approaches in cognitive science. However, is this link not just a matter for card carrying Wittgensteinians? Can enactivists not manage perfectly well without Wittgenstein? In this paper, I show why some enactivists should care about Wittgenstein. Focusing on the enactivist view, “Sensorimotor Identity”. I argue that proponents of this view can use Wittgensteinian considerations to resolve an issue confronting their view and thereby shore up their proposed (...)
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    Kierkegaard, the melancholy Dane.Harold Victor Martin - 1950 - London,: Epworth Press.
    “Kierkegaard is not a writer who can be safely ignored. Whether in philosophy or in theology, he is a force to be reckoned with, and a figure whose influence is becoming increasingly far-reaching and formative in modern thought.His writings are voluminous and often difficult. There is a bewildering variety of material which can only be grasped through the study of his life. This book seeks to give an appreciative account of his life and writings, with an estimate of the permanent (...)
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  30. New-left.por Francisco Victor Valente Meneses, Ildeberto Maria Almeida Simões & Maria da Graça Carvalho Valério - 1978 - In Maria da Graça Carvalho Valério, Francisco Victor Valente Meneses & Ildeberto Maria Almeida Simões, Pragmatismo e revolução nos E.U.A. Lisboa: Conselho Directivo da Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa.
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  31. John Locke.Victor Nuovo - 2009 - In Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis, Medieval Philosophy of Religion: The History of Western Philosophy of Religion, Volume 2. Routledge. pp. 3--153.
  32. The Role of Commitments in Socially Appropriate Robotics.Víctor Fernandez Castro, Amandine Mayima, Kathleen Belhassein & Aurelie Clodic - 2024 - In Jacqueline Bellon & Bruno Gransche, Technology Socialisation? Social Appropriateness and Artificial Systems. Metzler.
    Philosophy and psychology have dedicated an important amount of attention to the role that commitments may play in the establishment, motivation and unfolding of joint action. In this paper, we explore how commitments may also be a fundamental element in human-robot joint actions and in the design of socially appropriate robots. After introducing the notion of joint action, we discuss its potential importance for the perception of sociality in robots through two different but complementary philosophical analyses of commitments. Those two (...)
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    Categorical analysis, metaphysics, and C. I. Lewis.Victor Lowe - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (20):862-871.
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    William James and Whitehead's doctrine of prehensions.Victor Lowe - 1941 - Journal of Philosophy 38 (5):113-126.
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  35. (1 other version)Locke's theology, 1694-1704.Victor Nuovo - 2000 - In Michael Alexander Stewart, English philosophy in the age of Locke. New York: Oxford University Press.
  36. Descrates.Stanley Victor Keeling - 1934 - London,: E. Benn.
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  37. Corpus Platonicum Medii Aevi.Raymundus Klibansky, Victor Kordeuter & Carlotta Labowsky - 1941 - Philosophy 16 (63):319-320.
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    Between Divine Right Monarchy and Natural Freedom of Mankind.Victor Olusola Olanipekun - 2022 - Studia Philosophica 69 (2):27-44.
    The paper examines Robert Filmer’s arguments in defence of the divine right of kings in Patriarcha, or The Natural Power of Kings. Filmer argues that human beings are not born free by nature and, as a result, are expected to obey the kings/monarchs absolutely with­out questioning, due to the arbitrary power and the divine right bestowed upon the kings. This position defended by Filmer is antithetical to the notion of natural freedom of mankind defended by John Locke and other social (...)
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  39. A Portrait of John Locke as a Christian Virtuoso.Victor Nuovo - 2011 - In Christianity, Antiquity, and Enlightenment: Interpretations of Locke. Springer.
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    John Locke and Christianity: contemporary responses to The reasonableness of Christianity.Victor Nuovo & John Locke (eds.) - 1997 - Dulles, Va.: Thoemmes Press.
    The Reasonableness of Christianity is a major work by one of the greatest modern philosophers. Published anonymously in 1695, it entered a world upset by fierce theological conflict and immediately became a subject of controversy. At issue were the author’s intentions. John Edwards labelled it a Socinian work and charged that it was subversive not only of Christianity but of religion itself others praised it as a sure preservative of both. Few understood Locke’s intentions, and perhaps no one fully. This (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Locke's Proof of the Divine Authority of Scripture.Victor Nuovo - 2011 - In Christianity, Antiquity, and Enlightenment: Interpretations of Locke. Springer.
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  42. Locke's Religious Thinking and His Politics.Victor Nuovo - 2011 - In Christianity, Antiquity, and Enlightenment: Interpretations of Locke. Springer.
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    Rethinking Paley.Victor Nuovo - 1992 - Synthese 91 (1-2):29 - 51.
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    Vindications of the Reasonableness of Christianity.Victor Nuovo (ed.) - 2011 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This volume makes available for the first time critical editions of John Locke's A Vindication and A Second Vindication of the Reasonableness of Christianity, in which Locke defends his interpretation of the New Testament and of the Christian Religion against charges of heterodoxy. These works contribute greatly to our understanding of Locke's Christian commitments, which it is now recognized played an important role in shaping his philosophical opinions; they also demonstrate his sophistication as a biblical scholar, and the breadth of (...)
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    Logic in the Acholi Language.Victor Ocaya - 2004 - In Kwasi Wiredu, A Companion to African Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 283–295.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction The Logic of Proposition Predicate Logic Conclusion.
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    Does colour really matter to a sympathetic impartialist? Interrogating Wiredu’s moral universalism and the challenge of racial discrimination.Victor O. Olanipekun - 2024 - Philosophy Journal 17 (3):108-120.
    Does Colour really matter to a sympathetic impartialist? In this article, I return a negative response. The article examines certain aspect of Kwasi Wiredu’s moral philosophy in Cul­tural Universals and Particulars, and how that aspect of his moral philosophy is applicable to an issue of global concern such as racism. One of the major ways by which Wiredu es­tablished his version of moral universalism is through the principle of sympathetic impar­tiality (PSI). This principle is central to his moral theory because (...)
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    A New Framework for Understanding Inequalities Between Expatriates and Host Country Nationals.Victor Oltra, Jaime Bonache & Chris Brewster - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (2):291-310.
    An interdisciplinary theoretical framework is proposed for analysing justice in global working conditions. In addition to gender and race as popular criteria to identify disadvantaged groups in organizations, in multinational corporations (MNCs) local employees (i.e. host country nationals (HCNs) working in foreign subsidiaries) deserve special attention. Their working conditions are often substantially worse than those of expatriates (i.e. parent country nationals temporarily assigned to a foreign subsidiary). Although a number of reasons have been put forward to justify such inequalities—usually with (...)
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    Local disposition to environmental protection, poverty alleviation and other issues in the sustainable development agenda in Ondo State, Nigeria.Victor Olumekun & Emmanuel Ige - 2011 - Human Affairs 21 (3):294-303.
    Sustainable development is the global agenda designed to ensure that the world’s climate is not irretrievably damaged and future generations have equal access to the world’s resources for their own development. The institutionalisation of measures to promote sustainable development has however not had unanimous cooperation. This study therefore investigated the attitude of officials at the local government level to topical issues in the sustainable development agenda in Ondo State, Nigeria, as a pointer to entrenched attitudes in the Third World. Prioritisation (...)
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    Introducción de los editores.Victor Hugo Salazar Ortiz & Daniel Oviedo Sotelo - 2024 - Euphyía - Revista de Filosofía 18 (34):141-152.
    El presente Dossier de Euphyía sobre Ética Ambiental y Animal reflexiona sobre la urgente necesidad de revisar nuestras teorías éticas tradicionales ante la crisis ambiental actual. Los editores destacan cómo la ética ha evolucionado desde su enfoque antropocéntrico hacia una consideración más inclusiva que abarca animales, ecosistemas y el entorno inorgánico. Este cambio surge frente a los impactos negativos de la industrialización y la explotación irracional de la naturaleza. Los artículos abordan diversas perspectivas críticas. Entre ellos, se examinan las tensiones (...)
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    The Ottoman Northern Black Sea Frontier at Akkerman Fortress: The View from a Historical and Archaeological Project.Victor Ostapchuk & Svitlana Bilyayeva - 2009 - In A. C. S. Peacock, The Frontiers of the Ottoman World. British Academy. pp. 137.
    The northern frontiers of the Ottoman Empire lay across a swathe of lands between Hungary and Iran, arcing through the principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia, then north of the Black Sea through the steppes of southern Ukraine, and finally proceeding further east along the Caucasus Mountains as far as the Caspian Sea. In a frontier region such as the one on the northern Black Sea, where environment, human geography and historical traditions made the steppe an alien place that did not (...)
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