Results for 'Vergani Mario'

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  1.  54
    Husserl’s Hesitant Attempts to Extend Personhood to Animals.Mario Vergani - 2020 - Husserl Studies 37 (1):67-83.
    The question of the animal is one of the most intensely debated in the contemporary philosophical arena. The present article makes the case that Husserl’s phenomenological approach offers a stimulating and open-ended perspective on this discussion. The animal, indeed, is an instance of extreme otherness, which pushes phenomenology to its limits. The paper opens with an outline of the methodological issues raised by the question of the animal. It then examines what the animal—at this point, taken as a whole—and the (...)
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    Levinas fenomenologo: umano senza condizioni.Mario Vergani - 2011 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    Self-constitution and the Other. Husserl’s tentative investigation of the child, infant, and foetus within a regressive inquiry in the direction of birth.Mario Vergani - forthcoming - Husserl Studies:1-15.
    Husserl investigated the topic of childhood in a small number of research manuscripts, produced around the 1930s. This essay first presents its rationale for addressing the issue – which was essentially to examine more closely the phenomenon of Einfühlung in the context of his inquiry into intersubjectivity – and illustrates the method of Rückfrage that guided his research. It then offers a reading of Husserl’s phenomenological descriptions of childhood and the related conceptual distinctions, organizing them under the following headings: a. (...)
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    Responsabilità: rispondere di sé, rispondere all'altro.Mario Vergani - 2015 - Milano: Raffaello Cortina editore.
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    La lecture husserlienne de Leibniz et l'idée de « monadologie ».Mario Vergani - 2004 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 71 (4):535.
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    Jacques Derrida e le politiche dell'exappropriazione.Mario Vergani - 1999 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 12 (2):379-396.
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    Jacques Derrida.Mario Vergani - 2000 - Milano: B. Mondadori.
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    Nascita: una fenomenologia dell'esistenza.Mario Vergani - 2020 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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  9. Generativity and ethics.Mario Vergani - 2024 - In Matthias Fritsch, Ferdinando G. Menga & Rebecca Van Der Post, Phenomenology and future generations: generativity, justice, and amor mundi. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    Levinas inedito: studi critici.Silvano Facioni, Sergio Labate & Mario Vergani (eds.) - 2015 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    La vita nel pensiero: scritti per Salvatore Natoli.Matteo Bianchin, Mauro Nobile, Luigi Perissinotto, Mario Vergani & Salvatore Natoli (eds.) - 2014 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Giustizia e generazioni.Vergani Mario - 2017 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 5 (2):57-82.
    The article aims at analyzing and connecting the ideas of justice and generations in a phenomenological perspective beyond the classical approaches. It suggests a shift from the concept of generations to those of generating and generativity in a phenomenological sense. The debate involves different philosophical positions about the main distinction ‘contemporaneity/not-contemporaneity’. At the end, the essay proposes a confrontation between phenomenology and philosophies of the otherness, discussing three basic ideas: temporalization, historicity and generating of generations.
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  13. Ernemeutica e inflitrazione: Derrida interprete di Aristotele.di Mario Vergani - 2012 - In Franco Trabattoni & Mariapaola Bergomi, Ermeneutica e filosofia antica. Milano: Cisalpino, Instituto editoriale universitario.
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    Social Science Under Debate: A Philosophical Perspective.Mario Bunge - 1998
    Mario Bunge, author of the monumental Treatise on Basic Philosophy, is widely renowned as a philosopher of science. In this new and ambitious work he shifts his attention to the social sciences and the social technologies. He considers a number of disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, economics, political science, law, history, and management science. Bunge contends that social science research has fallen prey to a postmodern fascination with irrationalism and relativism. He urges social scientists to re-examine the philosophy and the (...)
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  15. Quantum Theory and Reality.Mario Bunge - 1968 - Synthese 18 (4):464-467.
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  16. Análisis ético-categorial de la Declaración de Helsinki y sus revisiones.Mario Alfaro & Edgar Roy Ramírez Briceño - 2006 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 44 (111):175-184.
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    L'eidos del mondo.Mario Gennari - 2012 - Milano: Bompiani.
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    Lingüística y filosofía.Mario Bunge - 1983
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  19. Sul carattere "critico" della filosofia scolastica.Mario Casotti - 1936 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 28:495.
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  20. Boezio e il problema dei futuri contingenti.Mario Mignucci - 1987 - Medioevo 13:1-50.
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  21. L'edizione Della Corrispondenza Di Jean Le Clerc.Mario Sina - 1983 - Nouvelles de la République des Lettres 1:127-142.
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  22. Malgrado la storia: per una lettura critica di Herbert Spencer.Mario A. Toscano - 1980 - Milano: Feltrinelli.
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    Escaping Paternalism: Rationality, Behavioral Economics, and Public Policy.Mario J. Rizzo & Glen Whitman - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    A powerful critique of nudge theory and the paternalist policies of behavioral economics, and an argument for a more inclusive form of rationality.
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  24. Intuition and Science.Mario Bunge - 1964 - Philosophy of Science 31 (2):183-184.
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  25. Democrazia e giustizia sociale.Mario Toso - 2006 - Studium 102 (3):387-408.
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  26. La dimensione universale del bene comune: la pro-spettiva della dottrina sociale della Chiesa.Mario Toso - 2008 - Studium 104 (3):331-364.
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  27. Stato laico, comunicazione dialogica e culturale, religione.Mario Toso - 2007 - Studium 103 (5):669-695.
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  28. Le rôle de l'aristotélisme dans le „Defensor Pacis” de Marsile de Padoue.Mario Grignaschi - 1955 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 35:301-340.
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  29. Christ, the Perfection of Man: A Philosophical-Christological Approach on Christian Anthropology.Mario C. Mapote - 2013 - Iamure International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religion 3 (1).
    The study began with an introduction to Philosophy of Man. This Philosophical-Christological approach started with sense of self-awareness on this seemingly vain technological modern world. In the history of philosophy, there were three objects of study evolving by themselves, world, man and God in orderly fashion and repeating in interval phases. Self-experience shows three objects: first, existential unity (past), second, experiential unity (present) and third, transcendental unity (future). Western Philosophy banked on Aristotle’s notion of man as rational animal that led (...)
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  30. Introduction to Philosophy as Foundation to Modern Education.Mario C. Mapote - 2013 - Iamure International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religion 3 (1).
    Philosophy seems to be an obsolete human interest today not because it is really obsolete but because its development comes into the full and thus becomes hidden into the scene in the name of development itself. The trend of this so-called modern time is technological and practical. This is so because philosophy in the history of mankind reaches its second level i.e. the level of praxis, the practical level. Even the trend in education as well as in the field of (...)
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    Autopoietic theory, enactivism, and their incommensurable marks of the cognitive.Mario Villalobos & Simón Palacios - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 1):71-87.
    This paper examines a fundamental philosophical difference between two radical postcognitivist theories that are usually assumed to offer the same view of cognition; namely the autopoietic theory and the enactive approach. The ways these two theories understand cognition, it is argued, are not compatible nor incompatible but rather incommensurable. The reason, so it is argued, is that while enactivism, following the traditional stance held by most of the cognitive theories, understands cognitive systems as constituting a natural kind, the autopoietic theory (...)
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  32. Delle Rovine E Oltre Saggi Su Julius Evola.Mario Bernardi Guardi & Marco Rossi - 1995 - A. Pellicani.
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  33. O erro moral na tragédia e na epopéia.Mario A. L. Guerreiro - 2004 - Princípios 11 (15):83-98.
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    Mobile Pastoralism and the Formation of Near Eastern Civilizations: Weaving Together Society. By Anne Porter.Mario Liverani - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (4).
    Mobile Pastoralism and the Formation of Near Eastern Civilizations: Weaving Together Society. By Anne Porter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. Pp. x + 389, illus. $99.
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    The Road to Kadesh: A Historical Interpretation of the Battle Reliefs of King Sety I at Karnak.Mario Liverani & William J. Murnane - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (3):504.
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    Materialismo y ciencia.Mario Bunge - 1981 - Barcelona ;: Ariel.
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    Culture et inculture.Mario Bunge - 1986 - Philosophiques 13 (2):347-351.
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    La paradoja de la adición: respuesta al maestro Margáin.Mario Bunge - 1975 - Critica 7 (20):105-107.
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    Imaginação, pensamento e conhecimento de si no Comentário Jesuíta Conimbricense à psicologia de Aristóteles.Mário Santiago de Carvalho - 2010 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 19 (37):25-52.
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    Mallas que la autoconciencia teje : desde el actuar hasta el espacio y la materia = Meshes woven by self-consciousness : from taking action to space and matter.Mário Jorge de Carvalho - 2012 - Endoxa 30:173.
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    El pensar del alba o la confluencia de los amaneceres internos. aproximaciones a una estética de la razón mística.Mario Madroñero Morillo - 2012 - Escritos 20 (45):389-401.
    El presente texto reflexiona sobre la relación entre la experiencia mística y la exposición de sentido que la estética expresa y que evidencia la praxis de la razón mística en tanto pensamiento de la revelación. La estética de la razón mística se propone como el corpus de vivencias místicas que permiten proponer un pensar del alba, cuya partición del espacio y el tiempo, provoca relaciones de comparecencia en las que “lo otro que ser” expone el sentido de alteridad de la (...)
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    (1 other version)Treatise on Basic Philosophy. Vol. 4.Mario Bunge - 1981 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 41 (4):565-566.
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    The Individual and the Cosmos in Renaissance Philosophy.Mario Domandi (ed.) - 1963 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    This provocative volume, one of the most important interpretive works on the philosophical thought of the Renaissance, has long been regarded as a classic in its field. Ernst Cassirer here examines the changes brewing in the early stages of the Renaissance, tracing the interdependence of philosophy, language, art, and science; the newfound recognition of individual consciousness; and the great thinkers of the period—from da Vinci and Galileo to Pico della Mirandola and Giordano Bruno. _The Individual and the Cosmos in Renaissance (...)
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    Augusto Comte, um platônico "Malgré-lui"?Mário Miranda Filho - 1988 - Discurso 17:131-150.
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    Rumi e o jardim secreto do coração.Mário Guimarães Werneck Filho & Heliane Miscali de Oliveira - 2005 - Horizonte 4 (7):95-109.
    O presente artigo pretende traçar alguns aspectos concernentes à importância do conceito de coração na mística Islâmica (sufismo), tendo como base a obra de Rumi, intitulada Masnavi. O coração, como conceito técnico no sufismo, possui uma gama vasta de significados que compõem como que um mosaico para a apreensão do conhecimento místico. Purificar o coração é torná-lo órgão de recepção dos mistérios do Amado, é purgá-lo de tudo aquilo que obscureça o conhecimento. Palavras-chave: Masnavi; Rumi; Coração; Teofania; Metaconhecimento; Mística islâmica; (...)
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    L'idea di causalità nella conoscenza scientifica.Mario Giuseppe Galli - 1973 - Roma: Edizioni Cremonese.
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  47. ! Vive feliz! Influjo de William James en el status de la felicidad Wittgensteiniana.Mario Boero - 1997 - Studium 37 (3):489-497.
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  48. La teoría de la verdad en Kant.Mario Laserna - 1985 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (66):21-35.
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  49. Athenian Democracy: Politicization and Constitutional Restraints.Mario Mion - 1986 - History of Political Thought 7 (2):219-238.
  50. Tiempo y sujeto (X): Aspectos neurofisiológicos de la conciencia del tiempo.Mario Toboso Martín - 2005 - A Parte Rei 41:9.
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