Results for 'Vera Babina'

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  1.  40
    A memory of J.d. Bastable (1916-2000).Vera Quinlan - 2001 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 9 (4):569.
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    A Secondary Bibliography of Zhang Shenfu on Russell.Vera Schwarcz - 1991 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 11 (2):200.
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    Conditions affecting the association of general trait-anxiety with the ERN-Ne.Vera Scheuble, Fee-Elisabeth Bertram & André Beauducel - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The ERN-Ne of the event-related potential indicates error monitoring. Even though enlarged ERN-Ne amplitudes have often been related to higher anxiety scores, a recent meta-analysis provided very small effect sizes for the association of trait-anxiety with the ERN-Ne. Conditions modulating this association were investigated in the present study: The generality of the trait-anxiety factor, gender, and experimental conditions, i.e., worry induction and error aversiveness. Participants completed a flanker task. Worries were induced before the task by giving participants a bogus feedback (...)
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    The problem of ontologizing the normative being in the religious context of a person.Vera Zhilina & Konstantin Krepisov - 2022 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:07-14.
    The article is devoted to the problem of social exist- ence normativity. In the comparative analysis of the philosophy of law, humanities and social studies, the foundations of the ontological rootedness of the norm in human existence have been evidently found. The hypothesis of the study is that the norm is not a special way of regulating behavior, but is the main form of human existence. The ontological nature of the norm outside the semantic aspect of its individual manifestations is (...)
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    Mark Lošonc i Predrag Krstić , Holokaust i filozofija, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Beograd, 2018.Vera Mevorah - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (2):317-319.
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    Artistic Exchanges Across Afro-Eurasia. A Global Taste for Metal Artifacts from Mamluk Syria and Egypt in Italy, West Africa, and China in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries.Vera-Simone Schulz - 2020 - Convivium 7 (2):132-157.
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    Convenzioni e generi. Donna (o uomo) si nasce o si diventa?Vera Tripodi - 2009 - Rivista di Estetica 41:39-57.
    Non è detto che ogni essere femminile sia una donna. Donna non si nasce, lo si diventa.Simone de Beauvoir, Il Secondo Sesso 1. Introduzione L’incredibile storia di Thomas Beatie, transessuale uomo ma con un sistema riproduttivo femminile, sembra mettere fortemente in discussione uno dei modi in cui convenzionalmente distinguiamo donne e uomini. Nato femmina, Thomas decide in età adulta di cambiare sesso e di sottoporsi a un intervento per la rimozione del seno e a una terapia ormonale. Volend...
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    The Essence of Novation Phenomenon in Philosophy.Vera D. Tsvetkova - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 20:183-189.
    The article deals with the differentiation of “novation” and “innovation” notions. Some possible ways of showing the essence of novation phenomenon in philosophical anthropology are given. The definition of novation is worked out. Some reasons for the distinguishing of “novation”, “creation” and “creativity” are displayed. Novation is represented as the way of self-contradiction solution, as an answer to the emerging individual crisis. The analyzed phenomenon is also considered to be a new way of traditional cultural process realization. The ability of (...)
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    « Lire le rythme » – Henri Meschonnics Theorie und Praxis des Lesens.Vera Viehöver - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Dieser Text ist bereits in der Zeitschrift Intervalls « Réinventer le rythme / Den Rhythmus neu denken », N° 7, 2015, erschienen. Wir danken Vera Viehöver und Michel Delville, dem Chefredakteur der Zeitschrift, für ihre freundliche Erlaubnis, diesen Text hier wiederzugeben. Résumé : Vera Viehöver étudie dans cet article la signification de la pensée rythmique de Henri Meschonnic pour son concept de la lecture. L'étroite association du rythme et du sujet – qui fait premièrement penser au sujet de (...)
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    Lost in ‘Culturation’: medical informed consent in China.Vera Lúcia Raposo - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (1):17-30.
    Although Chinese law imposes informed consent for medical treatments, the Chinese understanding of this requirement is very different from the European one, mostly due to the influence of Confucianism. Chinese doctors and relatives are primarily interested in protecting the patient, even from the truth; thus, patients are commonly uninformed of their medical conditions, often at the family’s request. The family plays an important role in health care decisions, even substituting their decisions for the patient’s. Accordingly, instead of personal informed consent, (...)
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  11.  38
    Issues of Ethics in Prenatal Diagnostics.Vera I. Saburova - 2011 - Studies in Christian Ethics 24 (4):470-476.
    Aspects of the current practice of prenatal diagnostics in Russia are surveyed. In the light of this, various ethical concerns are highlighted: (1) the requirement of parental informed consent to testing is not always sufficiently respected either in state regulation or in the practice of physicians; (2) not all Russian physicians are aware of international guidelines or standards of good practice in areas such as non-directive counselling, patient confidentiality with respect to genetic information and the patient’s right to maintain control (...)
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    Conceptos e imágenes en pensadores de lengua española.Vera Yamuni Tabush - 1951 - Colegio de México.
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  13. (1 other version)Made From This Earth: American Women and Nature.Vera Norwood & Jane Maienschein - 1994 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 16 (3):493.
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  14. Gene Editing, the Mystic Threat to Human Dignity.Vera Lúcia Raposo - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (2):249-257.
    Many arguments have been made against gene editing. This paper addresses the commonly invoked argument that gene editing violates human dignity and is ultimately a subversion of human nature. There are several drawbacks to this argument. Above all, the concept of what human dignity means is unclear. It is not possible to condemn a practice that violates human dignity if we do not know exactly what is being violated. The argument’s entire reasoning is thus undermined. Analyses of the arguments involved (...)
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    Ifs, Hooks and Illocutionary Acts.Vera Peetz - 1975 - Analysis 36 (1):13 - 17.
    "ifs", Apart from counterfactuals, Are considered in the context of illocutionary acts. First, Austin's distinction between normal/causal "ifs" and stipulative "ifs" is amended to: normal/causal "ifs" contrapose within the context of the illocutionary act, Stipulative "ifs" do not. Using this criterion, Normal/causal "ifs" are found only in the contents of austin's classes of verdictives and expositives, And in some behabitives; stipulative "ifs" are found in exercitives and commissives and in some behabitives. But all types of illocutionary act may contain the (...)
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  16. Is there another, unknown, manuscript of Comenius'" Pansophy?".Vera Schifferova & Martin Steiner - 2010 - Filosoficky Casopis 58 (3):379-386.
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  17. When Fields Are Not Degrees of Freedom.Vera Hartenstein & Mario Hubert - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (1):245-275.
    We show that in the Maxwell–Lorentz theory of classical electrodynamics most initial values for fields and particles lead to an ill-defined dynamics, as they exhibit singularities or discontinuities along light-cones. This phenomenon suggests that the Maxwell equations and the Lorentz force law ought rather to be read as a system of delay differential equations, that is, differential equations that relate a function and its derivatives at different times. This mathematical reformulation, however, leads to physical and philosophical consequences for the ontological (...)
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  18. Situated action: A symbolic interpretation.A. H. Vera & Herbert A. Simon - 1993 - Cognitive Science 17 (1):7-48.
  19. Die gläserne Firma. Wirtschaftsdatenbanken legen Unternehmen, Trends und Weltmärkte offen.Vera Münch - 1995 - Cogito 2:5-10.
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    A Shīʿī-jewish "debate" In The Eighteenth Century.Vera Moreen - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 199 (4):570-589.
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  21. Dimensões atitudinais do alfabetismo.Vera Maria Masagão Ribeiro - 2000 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 2 (2):p - 21.
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  22. Comunicación, Conflicto y Negociación.Luis Rodolfo Rojas Vera & Elizabeth Arapé Copello - 2001 - Telos (Venezuela) 3 (3):365-373.
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    A ideologia na educação: um estudo sobre a interferẽncia da ideologia no processo educativo.Vera Rudge Werneck - 1982 - Petrópolis: Vozes.
  24.  40
    Author Response to Letter Regarding “Children in Clinical Research: A Conflict of Moral Values” (AJOB 3:1).Vera Hassner Sharav - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):W35-W37.
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    Right to mental integrity and neurotechnologies: implications of the extended mind thesis.Vera Tesink, Thomas Douglas, Lisa Forsberg, Sjors Ligthart & Gerben Meynen - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (10):656-663.
    The possibility of neurotechnological interference with our brain and mind raises questions about the moral rights that would protect against the (mis)use of these technologies. One such moral right that has received recent attention is the right to mental integrity. Though the metaphysical boundaries of the mind are a matter of live debate, most defences of this moral right seem to assume an internalist (brain-based) view of the mind. In this article, we will examine what an extended account of the (...)
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  26.  44
    Can China’s ‘standard of care’ for COVID-19 be replicated in Europe?Vera Lucia Raposo - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (7):451-454.
    The Director-General of the WHO has suggested that China’s approach to the COVID-19 crisis could be the standard of care for global epidemics. However, as remarkable as the Chinese strategy might be, it cannot be replicated in other countries and certainly not in Europe. In Europe, there is a distribution of power between the European Union and its member states. In contrast, China’s political power is concentrated in the central government. This enables it to take immediate measures that affect the (...)
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    Imperative Inference.Vera Peetz - 1979 - Analysis 39 (2):109 - 112.
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    The Contribution of Psychoanalysis to a General Theory of Mind.Vera Saller - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 42:61-66.
    In this paper I am going to present several ideas selected from the field of two important current inputs to the interface of philosophy and psychoanalysis. First, there is the study of Linda Brakel who confronts Freudian unconscious with meaning theory, i.e. the philosophy of Donald Davidson. Brakel feels that the approach of Davidson/Cavell misinterprets the Freudian concepts and robs it of its central characteristics. She insists in the primary process which she describes as representational, contentful and a-rational. The second (...)
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    Between Russell and Confucius: China's Russell Expert, Zhang Shenfu.Vera Schwarcz - 1991 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 11 (2):117.
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    Slovo, semantika, tekst: sbornik nauchnykh trudov, posvi︠a︡shchennyĭ i︠u︡bilei︠u︡ professora Very Vasilʹevny Stepanovoĭ.Vera Vasilʹevna Stepanova & V. D. Cherni︠a︡k (eds.) - 2002 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo RGPU im. A.I. Gert︠s︡ena.
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    Brevissimo vademecum (ironico e senza pretese) per vivere (quasi) alla Sex and the City ed evitare di essere giudicate (troppo) male.Vera Tripodi - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 60:141-151.
    In Filosofia per dame, Maurizio Ferraris afferma che una donna non può vivere alla Sex and the City senza essere giudicata male. Questo breve saggio propone (con ironia e senza pretese) un vademecum per schivare questo rischio, vale a dire un prontuario per vivere come una delle protagoniste della celebre serie televisiva americana e non essere giudicate troppo male per la propria condotta sessuale.
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    El malestar en la educación.Vera Vaksman - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 3.
    El texto comienza por presentar lo que Charles Taylor denomina "malestar en la modernidad" cuya manifestación se produce bajo tres formas: el lado oscuro del individualismo, la primacía de la razón instrumental y el atomismo social en el que cada uno se ocupa de sí y la cosa pública pierde interés. Tales formas de malestar se enmarcan en un horizonte común: la crisis de lo público. A partir de ellas es posible dar cuenta también de un "malestar en la educación". (...)
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    Notas sobre el paganismo en Kierkegaard.Ángel Viñas Vera - 2020 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (2):259-268.
    This manuscript shows Kierkegaard's idea of paganism. We use the complete author´s work published during his life, including the one written under a pseudonym. In our analysis we discover that Kierkegaard used the term paganism in three different ways: The paganism of the one who lives in the world without God, the Christian paganism, and the paganism of Socrates. By showing the richness of Kierkegaard's approach to paganism we determine that this idea is not defined by its adherence to one (...)
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    Políticas de la espectralidad en el cine de Raúl Ruiz: una lectura desde una filosofía de la desaparición.Adolfo Vera Peñaloza - 2013 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 1:92-101.
    The cinematographic work of Raul Ruiz, filmmaker, writer, playwright and stage designer, chilean exiled in France since the late 70's and deceased in 2011, at first sight not appear as a political work. Usually classified with the labels of "neosurrealistic" or "fantasy film", his work, since not refer to a specific and identifiable reality from the positivist sociology standpoint, will have not most interest to analyze and think what the political "emergency" of our times requires. However, from a philosophical analysis (...)
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    Quarantines: Between Precaution and Necessity. A Look at COVID-19.Vera Lúcia Raposo - 2021 - Public Health Ethics 14 (1):35-46.
    The events surrounding COVID-19, combined with the mandatory quarantines widely imposed in Asia and Europe since the virus outbreak, have reignited discussion of the balance between individual rights and liberties and public health during epidemics and pandemics. This article analyses this issue from the perspectives of precaution and necessity. There is a difficult relationship between these two seemingly opposite principles, both of which are frequently invoked in this domain. Although the precautionary principle encourages the use of quarantines, including mandatory quarantines, (...)
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  36.  36
    Emotion perception from a componential perspective.Vera Shuman, Elizabeth Clark-Polner, Ben Meuleman, David Sander & Klaus R. Scherer - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (1):47-56.
  37.  9
    The theology of the Epinomis.Vera Calchi - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    This is the first monograph devoted to the theology of the Epinomis. It argues that the work offers a revised Platonic conception of the divine better suited to the political imperatives of the post-Classical age. The Epinomis is an 'appendix' to Plato's Laws written by Plato's student, Philip of Opus. Through a comprehensive analysis of the Epinomis' lexicon, and comparisons with the Corpus Platonicum, Vera Calchi offers readers an insight into the Epinomis' philosophical and historical context, purpose, and legacy. (...)
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    Journeys in Holy Lands: The Evolution of the Abraham-Ishmael Legends in Islamic Exegesis.Vera B. Moreen & Reuven Firestone - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (4):799.
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    Review: Andrea Maihofer: Geschlecht als Existenzweise.Vera Moser - 1996 - Die Philosophin 7 (14):121-124.
  40.  16
    A questão da parrhesia no pensamento de Michel Foucault, Pierre Hadot e Martha Nussbaum.Vera Portocarrero - 2011 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 23 (32):81.
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    Techenie golʹfstrema: Mikhail Gershenzon, ego zhiznʹ i mif.Vera Proskurina - 1998 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo "Aleteĭi︠a︡".
  42.  7
    Appropriating Science for a Weathered Area.Vera Schwach - 2018 - Isis 109 (1):130-133.
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    "L'intelligence du passé": Glimpses of Truth in Times of Darkness.Vera Schwarcz - 2010 - Chinese Studies in History 43 (3):45-55.
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    Commonly perceived order within a category.Vera Sheinman, Neil Rubens & Takenobu Tokunaga - unknown
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  45. El esquema conceptual de Strawson.Francisco Vera - 1971 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):43-50.
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    Huella, inscripción, violencia: Notas a partir de Benjamin Y Derrida.Adolfo Vera - 2014 - Alpha (Osorno) 38:215-226.
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    Genesis of evaluation theory, connection with value theory.Vera Vasilievna Yurak - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):6-14.
    In the development of evaluation theory, there is a trend of gradual complication through the emergence of new evaluation paradigms, approaches and methods, which proves the constant development of the evaluation theory and its relevance. However, evaluation theory is still full of many unresolved problems. These problems are basically related to the lack of a well-built theoretical framework for evaluation, based on fundamental research on the genesis and evolution of the evaluation theory coupled with the value theory. The purpose of (...)
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    Situated Action: Reply to William Clancey.Alonso H. Vera & Herbert A. Simon - 1993 - Cognitive Science 17 (1):117-133.
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  49.  42
    Are Wrongful Life Actions Threatening the Value of Human Life?Vera Lúcia Raposo - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (3):339-345.
    Most courts around the world have been refusing wrongful life actions. The main argument invoked is that the supposed compensable injury cannot be classified as such, since life is always a blessing no matter how hard and painful it is.In opposition to mainstream scholars and the dominant case law, this article sustains that life must be distinguished from living conditions, the former being the real injury at stake, since some living conditions are so intolerable that in themselves they justify a (...)
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    Énoncés métalangagiers en contraste.Vera Neusius - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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