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Vita Tytarenko [9]Vadym Tytarenko [7]Vita Volodymyrivna Tytarenko [7]V. Tytarenko [1]
  1.  28
    (2 other versions)Cosmology in the Philosophical Education of Ukraine: History and Modern Condition.Sergii Rudenko, Yaroslav Sobolievskyi & Vadym Tytarenko - 2018 - Filosofiâ I Kosmologiâ 20:128-138.
    The article is devoted to the philosophy of cosmology, its history and contemporary conditions, the tradition of studying and modern trends in teaching this discipline in higher education in Ukraine. There is problem of defining the subject of philosophy of cosmology, there are similar and different motifs with modern astrophysics, cosmology on the one hand, and, with the history of philosophy and modern philosophy on the other hand. The change in the subject of the philosophy of cosmology in the history (...)
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    Experience and prospects of religious organizations in Ukraine: prisma of independence.Vita Tytarenko - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 80:58-62.
    In the article by Vita Titarenko «Experience and prospects of religious organizations in Ukraine: prisma of independence» on the basis of the analysis of the newest sociological researches the features of the post-Soviet religious society in Ukraine are considered. The formation of a specific model of religiosity of modern Ukrainian society, its new value matrix is noted. The distinctive characteristic is the nonconfessional self-determination of Ukrainians, the development of extra-religious religiosity during complex socio-political events in the country, the formation of (...)
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    Main Tasks of the University During the Russian-Ukrainian War.Tetiana Trush & Vadym Tytarenko - 2024 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 1 (10):46-51.
    B a c k g r o u n d. This article explores the tasks and goal of university education in Ukraine during the war. The role of the University in the field of education and public life during the russian-Ukrainian war is outlined. The educational sector is going through significant challenges along with Ukraine in the context of the military operations. Therefore, the university community is actively involved in the struggle and not only on the educational front. The article (...)
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  4.  27
    Philosophical and Hermeneutic Analysis of Videogame Player Identity.Svitlana Khrypko, Mariia Maletska & Vita Tytarenko - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:1):1-17.
    The article is devoted to philosophical and hermeneutic analysis of videogame player identity. The purpose of the study is to reveal the general features of the videogame player identity, to distinguish it from gamer identity and to define common levels of its formation, on the basis of which the further methodology of videogame philosophy may be formed without stereotypical views. To achieve it, the classification and systematization, as well as the analysis and synthesis, applied to the identity concept in general (...)
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  5.  22
    Contextualization as one of the main methodological approaches of religious studies research during the russian-ukrainian war.Liudmyla Fylypovych, Vita Tytarenko & Oksana Horkusha - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 1:7-25.
    The article proposes to deepen and expand the classical methodological approaches formulated at the beginning of the 21st century within the framework of academic religious studies. Based on the methodological works of the founder of modern Ukrainian religious studies, Prof. Kolodnyi, who first clearly defined the principles of the scientific study of religion, in particular objectivity, historicism, worldview neutrality, pluralism, etc., the authors justify the need for contextualization as one of the main methodological approaches in the study of current religious (...)
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    Релігія як цінність і релігійні цінності: релігієзнавчі і соціологічні виміри.Liudmyla Fylypovych & Vita Tytarenko - 2021 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (1):71-86.
    Стаття присвячена переосмисленню методологічних підходів у релігієзнавчому розумінні релігії як цінності. Критичне ставлення до попереднього досвіду інтерпретації релігійного феномена дає можливість сприймати релігію як рівнопокладену цінність з іншими типами самоусвідомлення людини. До цього спонукає сам статус релігії у сучасному світі, який змінюється під впливом глобалізації і секуляризації. Однією з тенденцій цих процесів є відхід від обмежень «сектанства» і «націоналізму» в релігії до розширення меж розуміння духовності як універсальної релігійної цінності. У статті визначається цінність релігії в її онтологічному статусі, в її (...)
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  7.  12
    Харизматизм в дослідницькому пошуку релігієзнавців.Vita Volodymyrivna Tytarenko - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 40:205-213.
    The phenomenon of charismatization, which has intensified on the territory of Ukraine since the independence of Ukraine, is constantly in the field of view of religious scholars. Unusual forms of worship, critical articles in the media, as a result, the formation of negative public opinion - all this led to an impartial, unbiased, objective study of this phenomenon by scientists.
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    Неохристиянські течії в сучасній україні.Vita Volodymyrivna Tytarenko - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 46:367-381.
    Non-traditional religious entities are no longer a marvel on the territory of Ukraine. Some are on the margins, and some, including non-Christians, are quite active and talkative. Non-Christianity in religious literature means those religious trends that occur within traditional Christianity, modernizing it in the context of secularization of social consciousness, scientific and technological and information revolution, social and ecological cataclysms, and offering to man a spiritual and fundamental basis, which is a spiritual and spiritual basis, a world of answers to (...)
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  9.  13
    Нові релігійні утворення як форма сучасної маскультури.Vita Volodymyrivna Tytarenko - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 50:27-35.
    Let us analyze the latest religious entities in the paradigm context of mass culture, and find out the place and role of modern religiosity among the cultural phenomena of today. In order to answer the question: "Can new religious entities be considered a form of mass culture?", One should first of all analyze briefly the phenomenon of mass culture, its nature, its genesis, the tasks it solves, the methods it uses, and its practical manifestations. Since "mass culture" is a term (...)
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  10.  10
    Charismatization of Christianity as a global trend.Vita Volodymyrivna Tytarenko - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 35:151-167.
    Religion as a complex socio-cultural phenomenon, which is inherent in the history of mankind at all stages of its development, cannot lie apart from global human processes. In the context of changing paradigms of human thinking, mass secularization of social consciousness, scientific and technological and information revolution, social and ecological cataclysms, modern Christianity is forced to answer "the challenge of time", to seek and offer man such spiritual grounds of his life that will help him to find answers existential inquiries (...)
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    Functional significance of the religious situation as a complex organized system.Vita Tytarenko - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 78:107-115.
    Religion as a social and spiritual phenomenon in its functional manifestation responds to various human needs, while satisfying, above all, those spiritual needs that can not satisfy any other social phenomenon. Religion, however, appears as a certain qualitative certainty characterizing the ability and ability to satisfy the vital needs of man, religious communities and society, and helping a believer in comprehending the inner essence of the world in his transcendental co-ordinates, posing a "normative and content quintessence of experience", inherent in (...)
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  12.  16
    Language "Lockdown" as a Mean of Totalitarian Manipulations.Vadym Tytarenko - 2022 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 2 (7):52-55.
    This article explores the role of language and ideology in Soviet philosophy and education. The author argues that the Soviet regime deliberately used philosophy as a tool for manipulation, with the aim of creating a common understanding that Marxism and Leninism are the only true doctrines of philosophy. The course of philosophy was mandatory at all levels of education and was fully standardized, with a focus on scientific grounds that only Marxist philosophy was valid. The article also highlights the role (...)
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  13.  10
    Philosophical and methodological principles of forecasting the religious situation.V. Tytarenko - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 65:291-299.
    From ancient times people wanted to know their future, and hence there was a need for predictions, predictions, prophecies, insights, and so on. In the most general way, the desire to answer the questions of future events is likely to be that without forecasts and attempts to look into the future in general, it is impossible to social development of man and society, since knowledge of the future course of events allows a person to correctly select the goals and objectives (...)
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  14.  12
    Pluralization of religion as a consequence of the differentiation of society in utopias and reality.Vita Tytarenko - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 79:4-7.
    The image of the future of religions is interesting to us not only and not so much that to a certain extent presupposes or corrects the future, but also that it characterizes the religious present in which it functions, in close connection with the existing society. Situational versus general change of emphasis in the forms of existence and / or functionality of religion is the result of interaction with society, its various spheres and man. The formation of the newest religious (...)
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  15.  11
    Review for a monograph "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in its history and today " by professors A. Kolodnyi and L. Fylypovychch.Vita Tytarenko - 2021 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 92:184-186.
    The review reviews the monograph "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in its history and present" by Professors A. Kolodnyi and L.Fylypovych.
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  16.  5
    Such are not forgotten. She achieved the goals.Vita Tytarenko - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 70:8-10.
    It was more than a year, since our lovely and dear Natalochka Gavrilova left our lives. And still the throat is squeezed and tears are coming back when you remember about our colleague, a loyal friend, a devoted friend.... She achieved the goals.
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    Socio-psychological view on the modern charismatic movement.Vita Volodymyrivna Tytarenko - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 21:109-119.
    The emergence and activity of neo-religious groups, to which we also refer to charismatic churches, is a manifestation of one of the global trends of modern religious life-traditional encounter with a new, still unknown. Therefore, it is quite natural that this contact within the framework of the modern charismatic movement - this complex, multifaceted phenomenon, requires a comprehensive study, in particular philosophical, sociological, religious, theological, etc. No less relevant is the psychological approach, due to the importance of personal religious experiences (...)
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  18.  12
    The problem of the future in the philosophy and religious studies discourse: methodological aspects.Vita Volodymyrivna Tytarenko - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 84:9-17.
    The article outlines the methodological problems of the philosophical and religious studies discourse of the forecast activity, considers the forecast as a specific type of knowledge, the subject-object interconnection of knowledge in the conditions of forecasting. The analysis of the activity of the cognitive activity of the subject required, in turn, to consider the principle of anthropy and the vector of time changes. The article deals with the problems of the objectivity of scientific analysis of religious reality. The article formulated (...)
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  19.  10
    Theoretical problems of the study of charisma and charisma.Vita Volodymyrivna Tytarenko - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 24:39-48.
    Charismatism as a non-Christian movement has been known in the world since the mid-twentieth century. He came to Ukraine relatively recently, so it is a new phenomenon, unknown, which raises constant questions not only among ordinary people, but also among specialists. Due to its heterogeneity, diversity of forms, relative independence of organizational structures, charismaticism requires additional study. But there are some problems with the lack or insufficiency of factual material, such as objective statistics, social survey results, surveys, and more.
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    The role of religious factor in determining of civil society: Ukrainian context.Vita Tytarenko - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:211-219.
    The paper interpreted religious communities participate in the formation of civil society as the space establishment of universal values. The author analyzes the degree of self-organization of society at this stage, its main objective characteristics and role of the religious factor.
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