Results for 'Uniat Kiliseler'

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  1. The Effect of the Union Themed Conference Held in the Vatican in 1894 on the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Catholic Churches and its Reflections on the Ottoman State.Ahmet Türkan - 2023 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 1 (59):120-130.
    Bu çalışmanın amacı 1894 yılında Vatikan’da gerçekleşen birleşim temalı konferansın Doğu ve Batı Kiliseleri açısından önemini farklı boyutlarıyla ortaya koymaktır. Papa XIII. Leo’nun Haziran 1894’teki davet mektubuyla başlayan bu süreç hem Batı kamuoyunda hem de Osmanlı’da önemli yankı uyandırmıştır. Konferansa katılacak olan dini liderlerin Osmanlı topraklarında yaşayan Doğu Katolik Kilisesi/Uniat mensuplarından olmaları Osmanlı Hükümetinin de konuya hassasiyet göstermesine neden olmuştur. Osmanlı Arşiv Belgelerinde “Şark Kiliseleri Meselesi,” “Şark ve Roma Kiliselerinin Birleştirilmesi” başlıklarıyla ele alınan konferans gündemi, dönemin Batı kaynaklı gazetelerinde (...)
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    Uniate /vs./ Orthodox: What Lays behind the Conflict? A conflict analysis.Delia Despina Dumitrica - 2002 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (3):99-114.
    The current paper investigates the Romanian Uniate/ Orthodox conflict from the perspective of peace and conflict studies, making use of an interpretation of Johan Galtung’s conflict theory and his proposed analysis tools. The aims are to contribute to a more comprehensive and multilateral understanding of this conflict in a wider context than the ideological one and hopefully to suggest some of the means of attenuating the conflict.
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  3.  15
    Joining the Uniate in the Orthodox Church : Origins, course, consequences.Yuliya Khytrovsʹka - 1999 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 9:14-22.
    The current complex inter-confessional relations in Ukraine compel the researcher to address their origins. In view of this, the issue raised by us is of increased interest. One of the most notable events in the history of the n Orthodox Church of the XIX century. was joining it in 1839 by the Uniate. The elimination of the union and the conversion of the Uniates to the fold of the Russian Orthodox Church, and at the same time the weakening of the (...)
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  4.  24
    Obedience to the Pope as the identifying features of the Uniate Church — a debate between Christopher Filalet and Ipatii Potii.Vitaliy Bondarchuk - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 71:148-155.
    In the article by Vitalii Bondarchuk "Obedience to the Pope as the identifying features of the Uniate Church — a debate between Christopher Filalet and Ipatii Potii" authentic points of view of polemicists who were direct participants in the Union of Brest are analyzed. It was determined that the opponents have a different purpose dealing with this issue and resolve it using different methods. Both discussants have exemplary erudition concerning the past of the issue but they don’t outline the issue (...)
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    Transformations of cult practiceof Greek Uniate Church in the territory of right-bank Ukraine before its incorporation to the Russian Orthodoxy.Ruslana Sheretyuk - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:115-121.
    The article highlights the causes and consequences of the transformations cult-ritual practices of the Greek Uniate Church on the territory of the Right-Bank Ukraine on the eve of its accession to the Russian Orthodox Church.
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    Russia-Orthodox "rite purification" of Greek Uniate Church and its tragic consequences for ruthenian-ukrainians of holm and southern Pidliashshia.Nadiya Stokolos - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:122-129.
    The main milestones, means, methods and consequences of the practice of «cleansing rituals» faithful Uniate diocese of Chelm during the 1830's - mid 1870's. As an important part of government measures to its incorporation into the Russian Orthodox Church.
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  7.  10
    Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in the context of Uniate Churches.N. M. Madey - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 17:79-88.
    Throughout history, the nature of the UGCC is at the center of the attention of researchers. Until now, they are divided into "Westerners" - supporters of Romanization of the church, that is, its purely Catholic nature, and "Byzantines" - those who defend its eastern rite. In addition, the study of the history of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church can be divided into two groups: negativist works and apologetic works. The first group is primarily represented by the works of Ukrainian Soviet (...)
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  8.  15
    Institutionalizing transformations of the Greco-Uniate Church in the context of the ethnoconfessional policy of Russian autocracy. [REVIEW]Ruslana Sheretyuk - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:171-180.
    The status of the Greek Uniate Church on the eve of the division of the Commonwealth was characterized by the institutional design and ordering of the internal church mechanism, centralized management and the integrity of the hierarchical structure, the presence of a multimillion parochial flock and a powerful network of monastic cells, the acquisition of significant economic potential, in particular, the church monastic land tenure, for the conclusion that the entire church body is quite stable. Created by the efforts of (...)
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  9.  16
    The Evolution of the Uniateism Doctrine in the Context of the Vatican's Eastern Policy at the End of the 19th and early 21st Centuries. [REVIEW]Ella Bystrycka - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 81:189-197.
    The desire to overcome the split of Christianity in 1054, which laid the foundations for the formation of two religious systems - proclamation and Catholicism, initiated the signing of the Lyons, the Ferraro-Florentine and Berestea Unions, which created a special model of the Church. Subsequently, such Churches felt the pressure of Romanization, which further strengthened the Orthodox persuasion of the desire of the Apostolic See to subordinate the Orthodox Church. The mutual alienation between the Catholics and the Orthodox was deepened (...)
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  10.  7
    Greek-Catholic Church in Eastern Galicia early XX century: features of spiritual and cultural identity through the prizm of uniate activities of L. Fedorov.Ulyana Bezpalko - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:129-136.
    The paper analyzes the features of internal development and life of the Greek-Catholic Church in Eastern Galicia in the early of XX century. through the prism of personal experience of L. Fedorov, and his collaboration with Andrey Sheptyts’kyi.
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  11. Церковна політика речі посполитої в роки чотирирічного сейму (1788-1791) у висвітленні василя біднова.Lina Medovkina - 2014 - Схід 2 (128):92-96.
    The history of the church, inter-confessional relations and religious policies of the state is one of the developing areas of today's historical studies. An increasing number of special historical researches, papers, articles devoted to these issues, covering different periods in the history of our country, were a proof to that. Such interest is well justified as Ukraine is a country with complex ethnical and confessional set-up. This calls for deep insight into the history of relations between different confessions in the (...)
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  12.  51
    Romanian Cultural and Political Identity.Donald R. Kelley - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (4):735-738.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Romanian Cultural and Political IdentityDonald R. KelleyThe Journal of the History of Ideas, in collaboration with other institutions, including the Universities of Bucharest and Budapest and the Soros Foundation, recently sponsored the second in a series of international conferences being planned on topics in current intellectual history. (The first, “Interrogating Tradition,” was held at Rutgers University, 13–16 November 1997.) The Romanian conference, which was held in the Elisabeta Palace (...)
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  13.  19
    Ліквідація уніатської церкви на східносу поділлі у 1794-1796 рр.B. M. Hihlach - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 34:104-112.
    The study of the problem of religious relations is of particular interest, since upon the annexation to Russia, during the years 1794-1796, and in some places until 1798, the almost complete elimination of the Uniate Church in Right-Bank Ukraine took place. This issue has been covered extensively in pre-revolutionary historiography, including at the local level. Thus, the history of the existence and liquidation of the Uniate Church in Podillya became the leading topic of research of the "Podolsky Diocesan Historical and (...)
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  14.  23
    Doctrine of Deification in the Works of Cardinal Tomáš Špidlík and His Pupils.Ivana Noble & Zdenko Širka - 2019 - Philotheos 19 (1):125-143.
    This article focuses on the work of Czech Jesuit Cardinal Tomáš Špidlík (1919-2010), continued in his pupils, both in Rome, where he taught for most of his life, and in the Czech Republic. It explores in particular how studies of hesychasm marked their understanding of deification. It asks in which sense their work can be seen as a Western attempt to rehabilitate the doctrine of deification in its experiential and theological complexity, where they contribute to the renewal of the communication (...)
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    Brest Union in the context of the first Ukrainian national-cultural revival.Ivan Paslavsʹkyy - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 81:178-188.
    The author of this article considers the Brest Union and the emergence of the Uniate Church as a kind of product of the national-cultural and religious-church processes that were experienced by Europe, and with it Ukraine in the second half of the XVII - the first half of the XVII century. The author argues that the union of the Kievan Metropolitanate with the Roman Apostolic See in 1596 fully fits into the European-wide reformational context, when the formation of national local (...)
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  16.  11
    Peter Tommy and the problems of reconciliation "of Rus with Russia".Petro Yarotskiy - 1996 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 2:15-22.
    In the case of rapprochement, reconciliation and possible coexistence, as they said, the Uniates and Disunians, united and united P. Moigul initiated a major action of ecumenism. This case in P.Mogile's understanding was based on a purely confessional framework, concerning the existence and survival of the entire Ukrainian people. Being an orthodox, that is, a truly Orthodox Metropolitan, P. Moghila was thinking of non-confessional and supra-confessional categories, had a European and universally Christian vision of this problem. Consequently, he was not (...)
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  17.  23
    Orthodox arrangement of the Pochaiv Lavra in the second third of the XIX century.Ella Volodymyrivna Bystrytska - 2021 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 92:13-41.
    : A series of imperial decrees of the 1820s ordering the establishment of a Greco-Uniate Theological Collegium and appropriate consistories contributed to the spread of the autocratic synodal system of government and the establishment of control over Greek Uniate church institutions in the annexed territories of Right-Bank Ukraine. As a result, the Greco-Uniate Church was put on hold in favor of the government's favorable grounds for the rapid localization of its activities. Basilian accusations of supporting the Polish November Uprising of (...)
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  18.  10
    Ethnic-confessional transformations of Greco-Catholics of Transcarpathia: problems of adaptation and assimilation.Nadiya Stokolos - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:190-203.
    In Uzhgorod on April 24, 1646, 63 Orthodox priests, 1 accepted the union. Until the mid-1850's, the 17th century. more than 300 orthodox parishes of Transcarpathia have become uniate. In the middle of the eighteenth century, according to information provided to Rome by the Mukachevo Uniate Bishop, Van Bradach, 150,000 Uniate believers in 829 parishes with 858 churches served 690 priests. In the end, in 1769 it was officially stated that in Marmaroshi there were no nouns.
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    The reasons for the conclusion of the union and the relation in the process of conservative and radical influence in the Brest region.Vyacheslav Lypynsʹkyy - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 81:150-165.
    In his work "Religion and Church in the History of Ukraine," V.Lipinsky primarily answers the question: Did Volodymyr the Great accept Christianity in the time when Byzantium was still in connection with Rome and the prince was "Uniate", but "Orthodox"? Volodymyr the Great accepted Christianity in time when there was no official gap between Byzantium and Rome, but the relationship between these two Christian hierarchies was already very tense from the days of Photius, which is about a century before Vladimir (...)
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  20.  18
    Congresses of Velehrad.N. M. Madey - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 23:74-83.
    The desire for unity among Christians, called the popular term "ecumenism", has its origins. The split between the Byzantine and Catholic churches finally established itself in the minds of ordinary people after the Crusades and the capture of the Crusaders of Constantinople in 1204. Subsequent centuries were marked by unity competitions, but the Roman Catholic Church was the initiator of these competitions. In Catholic theology, all churches that were not under papal jurisdiction were considered to be objects of missionary activity. (...)
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  21. Переосмислення змісту та значення першої дисертації м. і. костомарова "про причини і характер унії в західній росії".Oksana Levytska - 2015 - Схід 3 (135).
    У статті розглядається перша магістерська дисертація М. І. Костомарова "Про причини і характер унії в Західній Росії" як унікальний твір, у якому вперше центральною проблемою для автора стала народна історія. Проаналізовано дійсні причини ліквідації дисертації і її наукове значення. Переглянуто зміст твору й основні проблеми, котрі не досліджувалися науковцями раніше.
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