Results for 'Ulrich Thomas Wolfstädter'

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  1.  72
    A longitudinal survey of business school graduates' assessments of business ethics.Peter Arlow & Thomas A. Ulrich - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (4):295 - 302.
    A longitudinal survey of business graduates over a four-year period revealed stability over time in their assessments of proposals to improve business ethics except for significantly greater disapproval of government regulation. A comparison of graduates and executives indicate both favor developing general ethical business principles, business ethics courses, and codes of ethics, while disapproving government regulation and participation by religious leaders in ethical norms for business. The mean rankings by business graduates over time of factors influencing ethical conduct show significant (...)
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    Shoenfield is Gödel after Krivine.Thomas Streicher & Ulrich Kohlenbach - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (2):176-179.
    We show that Shoenfield's functional interpretation of Peano arithmetic can be factorized as a negative translation due to J. L. Krivine followed by Gödel's Dialectica interpretation. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim).
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    Informed Consent among Clinical Trial Participants with Different Cancer Diagnoses.Connie M. Ulrich, Sarah J. Ratcliffe, Camille J. Hochheimer, Qiuping Zhou, Liming Huang, Thomas Gordon, Kathleen Knafl, Therese Richmond, Marilyn M. Schapira, Victoria Miller, Jun J. Mao, Mary Naylor & Christine Grady - 2024 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 15 (3):165-177.
    Importance Informed consent is essential to ethical, rigorous research and is important to recruitment and retention in cancer trials.Objective To examine cancer clinical trial (CCT) participants’ perceptions of informed consent processes and variations in perceptions by cancer type.Design and Setting and Participants Cross-sectional survey from mixed-methods study at National Cancer Institute–designated Northeast comprehensive cancer center. Open-ended and forced-choice items addressed: (1) enrollment and informed consent experiences and (2) decision-making processes, including risk-benefit assessment. Eligibility: CCT participant with gastro-intestinal or genitourinary, hematologic-lymphatic (...)
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    The Association between Short Periods of Everyday Life Activities and Affective States: A Replication Study Using Ambulatory Assessment.Thomas Bossmann, Martina Kanning, Susanne Koudela-Hamila, Stefan Hey & Ulrich Ebner-Priemer - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    From "Fordism" to "Toyotism"? The Social Organization of the Labor Process in the Japanese Automobile Industry.Thomas Nialsch, Ulrich Jürgens & Knuth Dohse - 1985 - Politics and Society 14 (2):115-146.
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    Jenseits der Person: zur Subjektivierung von Kollektiven.Thomas Alkmeyer, Ulrich Bröckling & Tobias Peter (eds.) - 2018 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Biographical note: Thomas Alkemeyer (Dr. phil.) ist Professor für Soziologie und Sportsoziologie an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. Ulrich Bröckling (Dr. phil.) ist Professor für Kultursoziologie an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Tobias Peter (Dr. rer. pol.) ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Soziologie der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.
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    Evaluation of clinical information systems. What can be evaluated and what cannot?Thomas Bürkle, Elske Ammenwerth, Hans-Ulrich Prokosch & Joachim Dudeck - 2001 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 7 (4):373-385.
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    St. Galler Wirtschaftsethik: Programmatik, Positionen, Perspektiven.Thomas Beschorner, Peter Ulrich & Florian Wettstein (eds.) - 2015 - Marburg: Metropolis-Verlag.
  9.  16
    Societal Boundaries.Ulrich Brand, Barbara Muraca, Éric Pineault, Marlyne Sahakian, Anke Schaffartzik, Andreas Novy, Christoph Streissler, Helmut Haberl, Viviana Asara, Kristina Dietz, Miriam Lang, Ashish Kothari, Tone Smith, Clive Spash, Alina Brad, Melanie Pichler, Christina Plank, Giorgos Velegrakis, Thomas Jahn, Angela Carter, Qingzhi Huan, Giorgos Kallis, Joan Martínez Alier, Gabriel Riva, Vishwas Satgar, Emiliano Teran Mantovani, Michelle Williams, Markus Wissen & Christoph Görg - 2023 - In Nathanaël Wallenhorst & Christoph Wulf (eds.), Handbook of the Anthropocene. Springer. pp. 1647-1653.
    The notion of societal boundaries aims to enhance the debate on planetary boundaries. The focus is on capitalist societies as a heuristic for discussing the expansionary dynamics, power relations, and lock-ins of modern societies that impel highly unsustainable societal relations with nature. While formulating societal boundaries implies a controversial process – based on normative judgments, ethical concerns, and socio-political struggles – it has the potential to offer guidelines for a just, social-ecological transformation.
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  10. Governmentality: current issues and future challenges.Ulrich Bröckling, Susanne Krasmann & Thomas Lemke (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Routledge.
    By assembling authors with a wide range of different disciplinary backgrounds, from philosophy, literature, political science, sociology to medical anthropology ...
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  11. REVIEWS-Lanzelet.Ulrich Von Zatzikhoven, Thomas Kerth & Joseph M. Sullivan - 2007 - Speculum 82 (1):246.
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  12.  23
    A Local Connectionist Account of Consonant Harmony in Child Language.Thomas Berg & Ulrich Schade - 2000 - Cognitive Science 24 (1):123-149.
    This study represents an attempt to sketch a processing model of phonological development in children acquiring their first language. The investigation is framed within a local connectionist network in which activation spreads between levels and inhibition within levels. Three ways are focused on in which an emergent processing system may diverge from a fully developed one—hypoactivation (too little activation due to underdeveloped links), hyperactivation (too much activation due to overloaded links) and impaired self‐inhibition. With a view to determining how children's (...)
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  13. Auswahlbibliographie zur Michel Foucault-Rezeption.Ulrich Bröckling, Totale Mobilmachung Menschenführung im Qualitäts, Selbstmanagement In, Susanne Krasmann, Thomas Lemke, Eva Horn & Glossar der Gegenwart - 2004 - In Norbert Ricken & Markus Rieger-Ladich (eds.), Michel Foucault: pädagogische Lektüren. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. pp. 303.
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    Gouvernementalität der Gegenwart: Studien zur Ökonomisierung des Sozialen.Ulrich Bröckling, Susanne Krasmann, Thomas Lemke & Michel Foucault (eds.) - 2000 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Planetary Boundaries.Ulrich Brand, Barbara Muraca, Éric Pineault, Marlyne Sahakian, Anke Schaffartzik, Andreas Novy, Christoph Streissler, Helmut Haberl, Viviana Asara, Kristina Dietz, Miriam Lang, Ashish Kothari, Tone Smith, Clive Spash, Alina Brad, Melanie Pichler, Christina Plank, Giorgos Velegrakis, Thomas Jahn, Angela Carter, Qingzhi Huan, Giorgos Kallis, Joan Martínez Alier, Gabriel Riva, Vishwas Satgar, Emiliano Teran Mantovani, Michelle Williams, Markus Wissen & Christoph Görg - 2023 - In Nathanaël Wallenhorst & Christoph Wulf (eds.), Handbook of the Anthropocene. Springer. pp. 91-97.
    The planetary boundaries concept has profoundly changed the vocabulary and representation of global environmental issues. The article starts by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of planetary boundaries from a social science perspective. It is argued that the growth imperative of capitalist economies, as well as other particular characteristics detailed below, are the main drivers of the ecological crisis and exacerbated trends already underway. Further, the planetary boundaries framework can support interpretations that do not solely emphasize technocratic operational approaches and costs, (...)
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    Bioethical implications of pharmacogenomic treatment strategies.Thomas Meyer, Uwe Vinkemeier & Ulrich Meyer - 2002 - Ethik in der Medizin 14 (1):3-10.
    Definition of the problem: Recent progress in the pharmacological sciences provides a first glimpse of the development of an individual, genotype-based drug therapy in order to improve the efficiency of drug utilization. Genotyping of genetic polymorphisms in genes involved in drug response promises to optimize drug therapy fundamentally by identifying patients for whom a pharmaceutical agent may be effective and safe or contraindicated because of expected adverse drug reactions. Arguments: The new pharmacogenomic treatment strategies raise complex bioethical issues, because genetic (...)
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    Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in depression.Thomas E. Schlaepfer, Markus Kosel & Hans-Ulrich Fisch - 2006 - Poiesis and Praxis 4 (2):111-127.
    Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a relatively non-invasive technique to interfere with the function of small cortical areas through currents induced by alternating magnetic fields emanating from a handheld coil placed directly above the targeted area. This technique has clear effects on a whole range of measures of brain function and has become an important research tool in neuropsychiatry. More recently, TMS has been studied in psychiatry mainly to assess its putative therapeutic effects in the treatment of refractory major depression. Most (...)
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  18.  12
    The Russian Revolution as Ideal and Practice: Failures, Legacies, and the Future of Revolution.Thomas Telios, Dieter Thomä & Ulrich Schmid (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume aims to commemorate, criticize, scrutinize and assess the undoubted significance of the Russian Revolution both retrospectively and prospectively in three parts. Part I consists of a palimpsest of the different representations that the Russian Revolution underwent through its turbulent history, going back to its actors, agents, theorists and propagandists to consider whether it is at all possible to revisit the Russian Revolution as an event. With this problematic as a backbone, the chapters of this section scrutinize the ambivalences (...)
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    Preface.Thomas Telios, Dieter Thomä & Ulrich Schmid - 2019 - In Thomas Telios, Dieter Thomä & Ulrich Schmid (eds.), The Russian Revolution as Ideal and Practice: Failures, Legacies, and the Future of Revolution. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-17.
    The Russian Revolution is a historical milestone both politically and theoretically. Its supporters found in it the consummation of all history that preceded it and the springboard towards a new history absolved from all grievances. Its opponents saw in it a violent coup d’ etat leading to the destruction of a state, the beginning of the division of the world in two hostile camps and last but not least one of the paradigmatic examples of an almost unprecedented authoritarianism. This book (...)
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  20. Evaluation of clinical information systems. What can be evaluated and what cannot.Burkle Thomas, Ammenwerth Elske, Prokosch Hans-Ulrich & Dudeck Joachim - 2001 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 7 (4).
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  21. Sozialgeschichte der Aufklärung in Frankreich: 12 Original-Beiträge.Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Rolf Reichardt & Thomas Schleich (eds.) - 1981 - Wien: Oldenbourg.
    T. 1. Synthese und Theorie. Trägerschichten.
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  22. From Foucault's lectures at the Collège de france to studies of governmentality : an introduction.Ulrich Bröckling, Susanne Krasmann & Thomas Lemke - 2011 - In Ulrich Bröckling, Susanne Krasmann & Thomas Lemke (eds.), Governmentality: current issues and future challenges. New York: Routledge. pp. 1.
  23. Naturphilosophie. Ein Lehr- und Studienbuch.Thomas Kirchhoff, Nicole Christine Karafyllis, Dirk Evers, Brigitte Falkenburg, Myriam Gerhard, Gerald Hartung, Jürgen Hübner, Kristian Köchy, Ulrich Krohs, Thomas Potthast, Otto Schäfer, Gregor Schiemann, Magnus Schlette, Reinhard Schulz & Frank Vogelsang (eds.) - 2017 - Tübingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck / UTB.
    Was ist Natur oder was könnte sie sein? Diese und weitere Fragen sind grundlegend für Naturdenken und -handeln. Das Lehr- und Studienbuch bietet eine historisch-systematische und zugleich praxisbezogene Einführung in die Naturphilosophie mit ihren wichtigsten Begriffen. Es nimmt den pluralen Charakter der Wahrnehmung von Natur in den philosophischen Blick und ist auch zum Selbststudium bestens geeignet.
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    Corrigendum: A Novel Test of Pure Irrelevance-Induced Blindness.Christian Büsel, Thomas Ditye, Lukas Muttenthaler & Ulrich Ansorge - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Reviews. [REVIEW]Thomas Mormann, Maria Galavotti, Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze, Maria Reicher & Ulrich Majer - 2001 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 8:329-360.
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    A Novel Test of Pure Irrelevance-Induced Blindness.Christian Büsel, Thomas Ditye, Lukas Muttenthaler & Ulrich Ansorge - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Verzeichnis der Doktoranden und Habilitanden Rüdiger Voigts.Sven Römer-Hillebrecht, Thomas Drysch, Karin Weiß, Ulrich Müller, Martin Seybold, Guido Pöllmann, Erhard Treutner, Peter Nahamowitz, Nikolaus Dimmel & Stefan Machura - 2006 - In Ralf Walkenhaus & Rüdiger Voigt (eds.), Staat im Wandel: Festschrift für Rüdiger Voigt zum 65. Geburtstag. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner.
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    The Mamluks in Egyptian Politics and Society.Christopher S. Taylor, Thomas Philipp & Ulrich Haarmann - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (1):118.
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    Do Subliminal Fearful Facial Expressions Capture Attention?Diane Baier, Marleen Kempkes, Thomas Ditye & Ulrich Ansorge - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In two experiments, we tested whether fearful facial expressions capture attention in an awareness-independent fashion. In Experiment 1, participants searched for a visible neutral face presented at one of two positions. Prior to the target, a backward-masked and, thus, invisible emotional or neutral face was presented as a cue, either at target position or away from the target position. If negative emotional faces capture attention in a stimulus-driven way, we would have expected a cueing effect: better performance where fearful or (...)
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  30. Psychobiology of altered states of consciousness.Dieter Vaitl, Niels Birbaumer, John Gruzelier, Graham A. Jamieson, Boris Kotchoubey, Andrea Kübler, Dietrich Lehmann, Wolfgang H. R. Miltner, Ulrich Ott, Peter Pütz, Gebhard Sammer, Inge Strauch, Ute Strehl, Jiri Wackermann & Thomas Weiss - 2005 - Psychological Bulletin 131 (1):98-127.
  31. Thomas Samuel Kuhn.Ulrich Eith - 2004 - In Gisela Riescher (ed.), Politische Theorie der Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen. Von Adorno bis Young. Alfred Kröner Verlag. pp. 343--268.
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    Das philosophische System von Thomas Hobbes.Ulrich Weiss - 1980 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
  33.  19
    Hans-Georg Gadamers Sprachlichkeit der hermeneutischen Erfahrung im Wechselspiel von Vernunft und Erfahrung, Wissenschaft und/oder soziale Vorstellungen, Tradition(en) und/oder Gemeinschaft am Beispiel von Thomas Morus' Utopia.Ulrich Arnswald - 2022 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 24 (1):157-191.
    Hermeneutics can be understood on the one hand as the art of interpretation, and on the other hand as a medium for dealing with the past, for conveying events, contexts or even writings in new ways of speaking for new recipients. The interpretation of writings, however, places special demands on hermeneutics: it does not take place in a sterile vacuum, but is rather embedded in a social and cultural context that shapes the interpretation or mediation and is an expression of (...)
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    Dislocation storage in single slip-oriented Cu micro-tensile samples: new insights via X-ray microdiffraction.C. Kirchlechner, D. Kiener, C. Motz, S. Labat, N. Vaxelaire, O. Perroud, J. -S. Micha, O. Ulrich, O. Thomas, G. Dehm & J. Keckes - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (7-9):1256-1264.
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    Feelings about Meeting Them? Episodic and Chronic Intergroup Emotions Associated with Positive and Negative Intergroup Contact As Predictors of Intergroup Behavior.Mathias Kauff, Frank Asbrock, Ulrich Wagner, Thomas F. Pettigrew, Miles Hewstone, Sarina J. Schäfer & Oliver Christ - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  36. Thomas Nagel, Wie ist es, eine Fledermaus zu sein?Ulrich Diehl (ed.) - 2016 - Reclam.
    Kann ein Mensch wirklich verstehen, wie es ist, eine Fledermaus zu sein? Natürlich nicht. Er kann sich nur vorstellen, wie es sich anfühlen könnte. Nagel zeigt damit dem Menschen die Grenzen seiner Erkenntnis- und Empathiefähigkeit auf. Radikal, provokativ und erhellend zugleich, ist der Essay von 1974 einer der am häufigsten zitierten philosophischen Aufsätze des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ulrich Diehl erklärt in einem Nachwort die besondere Bedeutung und spannende Wirkungsgeschichte dieses Klassikers der Philosophie des Geistes.
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  37.  15
    Wege in die Nachfolge Christi: die Theologie des Ordensstandes nach Thomas von Aquin.Ulrich Horst - 2006 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
    Die Bettelorden der Franziskaner und Dominikaner sahen sich ab 1250 gezwungen, ihre Existenz und ihre Aktivitaten in Predigt und Theologie zu rechtfertigen. In diesen auf hohem intellektuellen Niveau ausgefochtenen Kontroversen spielte der 1252 von Koln nach Paris berufene Thomas von Aquin eine herausragende Rolle, die in der hier vorgestellten Studie im einzelnen untersucht wird. Das zentrale Dokument ist die vom Autor analysierte Schrift des Aquinaten Contra impugnantes, die zugleich Apologie und Programm ist, in dem sich das Selbstverstandnis einer neuen (...)
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  38.  30
    Wege zur Politischen Philosophie.Ulrich Diehl & Gabriele von Sivers (eds.) - 2005 - Königshausen und Neumann.
    Der Laureatus dieser Schrift hatte 1986 Hans Jonas eröffnet, daß er an einer Politischen Philosophie arbeite, aus der, wie die Autoren dieses Bandes wissen, nichts geworden ist und von der man auch sonst nicht viel vernommen hat. Jonas wandte damals ein: "Wie wollen Sie der Politischen Vernunft auf die Beine helfen? Das Wissen über die politischen Bewußtseinsvoraussetzungen in uns und ihre Struktur in Gesellschaften ist in esoterische Teilbestände und exoterische politische Religionen, Ideologien und Denkschulen zerfallen. Diese Angelegenheit müßte einer umfassenden (...)
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    Ulrich of Strasbourg.Levian Thomas - 1952 - Modern Schoolman 30 (1):21-32.
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  40. Philosophie der Lebenswissenschaften.Susanne Bauer, Lara Huber, Marie I. Kaiser, Lara Keuck, Ulrich Krohs, Maria Kronfeldner, Peter McLaughlin, Kären Nickelson, Thomas Reydon, Neil Roughley, Christian Sachse, Marianne Schark, Georg Toepfer, Marcel Weber & Markus Wild - 2013 - Information Philosophie 4:14-27.
    This paper summarizes (in German) recent tendencies in the philosophy of the life sciences.
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    Essays on Politics and Society.John M. Ulrich, Lowell T. Frye & Chris Ramon Vanden Bossche (eds.) - 2022 - University of California Press.
    _Essays on Politics and Society_ brings together the most significant writings on the topic by the acclaimed Victorian historian, social critic, and essayist Thomas Carlyle. This volume includes some of his most well-known and influential pieces, such as "Characteristics" and "Chartism." In keeping with the Norman and Charlotte Strouse Edition of the Writings of Thomas Carlyle, these essays are accompanied by a thorough historical introduction to the material, extensive notes providing historical and cultural context while expanding on references (...)
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    Fast and frugal heuristics are plausible models of cognition: Reply to Dougherty, Franco-Watkins, and Thomas (2008).Gerd Gigerenzer, Ulrich Hoffrage & Daniel G. Goldstein - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (1):230-239.
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    Ulrich Kühne, Die Methode des Gedankenexperiments: Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt a. Main, 2005, 409 S., €14, ISBN 3-518-29342-7. [REVIEW]Thomas Brückner - 2008 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 39 (1):161-165.
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    Vom Medizinstudenten zum Doktor: Die Gottinger Medizinischen Promotionen im 18. Jahrhundert. Ulrich Trohler, Sabine Mildner-Mazzei.Thomas Broman - 1994 - Isis 85 (2):337-338.
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    Philosophy of biology, German styleReview of Ulrich Krohs and Georg Toepfer : Philosophie der Biologie: Eine Einführung [Philosophy of Biology: An Introduction].Thomas A. C. Reydon - 2007 - Biology and Philosophy 22 (4):619-626.
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    Heike Behlmer/Thomas L. Gertzen/Orell Witthuhn (Hg.), Der Nachlass Paul de Lagarde. Orientalistische Netzwerke und antisemitische Verflechtungen (= Europäisch-Jüdische Studien Beiträge, Bd. 46), Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter/Oldenbourg 2020, 228 S. [REVIEW]Ulrich Sieg - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 73 (2):155-157.
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    Wittgenstein und die Metapher.Ulrich Arnswald, Jens Kertscher & Matthias Kross (eds.) - 2004 - Berlin: Parerga.
    Includes articles by: Ulrich Arnswald, Jens Kertscher, Matthias Kross, Thomas Macho, Walter Mesch, Dieter Mersch, Regine Munz, Hans Julius Schneider, Hans-Peter Schutt, Ilse Somavilla, Samuel C. Wheeler III, Anja Weiberg, Rüdiger Zill.
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    Moser, Ulrich: Frühe Störungen, Mikrowelten und Beziehungsregulierung. Fragmente zu einer Theorie des Phantasierens. Frankfurt/M. 2016. 172 Seiten, € 19,90. [REVIEW]Thomas Anstadt - 2019 - Psyche 73 (8):629-631.
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    Rezension: Zehn Jahre Gesellschaft für Ethnographie/Europäische Ethnologie in Berlin. Wolfgang Jacobeit zum 80. Geburtstag von Thomas Scholze/Leonore Scholze-Irrlitz.Ulrich van der Heyden - 2002 - Berichte Zur Wissenschafts-Geschichte 25 (3):170-170.
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  50. Ist Jaspers ein Kantianer?Ulrich Diehl - 2008 - In K. Eming Th Fuchs (ed.), Karl Jaspers – Philosophie und Psychopathologie. Universitätsverlag Winter.
    Die Frage, ob Karl Jaspers ein Kantianer ist, wird nicht nur kompetente Jasperskenner überraschen, sondern auch die meisten Philosophiehistoriker, die mit der Geschichte der Philosophie der Neuzeit und Moderne vertraut sind. Denn einerseits werden nicht nur die meisten Jasperskenner, sondern auch die meisten Philosophiehistoriker überhaupt, diese Frage zunächst einmal mit einem gewissen Recht verneinen. Denn der überlieferten Lehrmeinung zufolge, war Jaspers kein Kantianer, sondern ein Existenzphilosoph. Andererseits werden vermutlich die meisten Jasperskenner und Philosophiehistoriker zugestehen, dass Kant für Jaspers zumindest einer (...)
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