Results for 'Ulrich March'

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    Dauer und Wiederkehr: historisch-politische Konstanten.Ulrich March - 2005 - Schnellroda: Edition Antaios.
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    Jews and sciences in German contexts: case studies from the 19th and 20th centuries.Ulrich Charpa & Ute Deichmann (eds.) - 2007 - Mohr Siebeck.
    Problems, Phenomena, Explanatory Approaches Who is a German-Jewish Scientist? 1. The Einstein case and its paradoxes On 14 March 1929, Albert Einstein's ...
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    Christentum – Staat – Kultur: Akten des Kongresses der Internationalen Schleiermacher-Gesellschaft in Berlin, März 2006.Andreas Arndt, Ulrich Barth & Wilhelm Gräb (eds.) - 2008 - Walter de Gruyter.
    The volume contains the papers presented to the Schleiermacher Congress held in Berlin from 26th to 29th March 2006. The theme of the congress was “Christianity – State – Culture”, and it was organized by the International Schleiermacher Society in association with the Berlin Humboldt University Faculty of Theology and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The appendix contains the first edition of a reconstruction of the confirmation instruction given by Schleiermacher in 1831/32.
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    L’intégration par le droit dans la littérature postnationale sur l’Union européenne.Mathilde Unger - 2018 - Noesis 30:339-356.
    Ulrich Beck, Jean-Marc Ferry et Jürgen Habermas voient dans l’Union européenne la réalisation d’une démocratie postnationale, capable de se hisser au niveau des enjeux actuels. Les signes de cette réalisation ne se font toutefois pas jour dans des valeurs abstraites, mais dans l’expérience de l’européanisation, lors des commerces transfrontaliers. Après avoir présenté ce paradoxe dans les textes, nous suggérons que l’accent mis sur les expériences ordinaires tient à la place occupée par le droit dans la construction européenne. Le contrôle (...)
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    Reciprocity: Nuclear Risk and Responsibility.Paul Dumouchel - 2015 - ProtoSociology 32:166-183.
    Focusing on the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident, this article argues that there is or can be a form of reciprocity between the victims of a catastrophe and society at large to the extent that victims become the occasion and rationale for social reforms. The victims’ contribution to society in this case is the simple fact of being victims. Such a form of reciprocity requires a particular relation to time which Jean-Pierre Dupuy has recently analyzed. In the case of (...)
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    Hidden Historicity: The Challenge of Bohr's Philosophical Thought.Ulrich Röseberg - 1993 - In Jan Faye & Henry J. Folse (eds.), Niels Bohr and Contemporary Philosophy. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 325--343.
  7. Prospects for Probabilistic Theories of Natural Information.Ulrich E. Stegmann - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (4):869-893.
    Much recent work on natural information has focused on probabilistic theories, which construe natural information as a matter of probabilistic relations between events or states. This paper assesses three variants of probabilistic theories (due to Millikan, Shea, and Scarantino and Piccinini). I distinguish between probabilistic theories as (1) attempts to reveal why probabilistic relations are important for human and non-human animals and as (2) explications of the information concept(s) employed in the sciences. I argue that the strength of probabilistic theories (...)
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  8. Aksjologia formalna Henryka Elzenberga.Ulrich Schrade - 1986 - Studia Filozoficzne 253 (12).
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    Das philosophische System von Thomas Hobbes.Ulrich Weiss - 1980 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
  10. Th e Development of Husserl’s Ethics.Ulrich Melle - 1991 - Études Phénoménologiques 7 (13-14):115-135.
  11. Yixue yu zhexue.Ulrich Scherzler - 1987 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 2 (2):255-255.
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  12. The Theory of Reflexive Modernization.Ulrich Beck, Wolfgang Bonss & Christoph Lau - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (2):1-33.
    How can one distinguish the concept of second modernity from the concept of postmodernity? Postmodernists are interested in deconstruction without reconstruction, second modernity is about deconstruction and reconstruction. Social sciences need to construct new concepts to understand the world dynamics at the beginning of the 21st century.Modernity has not vanished, we are not post it. Radical social change has always been part of modernity. What is new is that modernity has begun to modernize its own foundations. This is what it (...)
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    De Officiis..Marcus Tullius Cicero & Ulrich Zell - 2013 - Hardpress Publishing.
    Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made available for future generations to enjoy.
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  14. Too Much Time Has Been Spent on the Time Devoted to Homework : Motivation Is the Key Constant in Homework Research.Ulrich Trautwein, Oliver Ludtke, Benjamin Nagengast & Barbara Flunger - 2015 - In Frédéric Guay (ed.), Self-concept, motivation, and identity underpinning success with research and practice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
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  15. Joint action of large groups.Ulrich Baltzer - 2002 - In Georg Meggle (ed.), Social Facts and Collective Intentionality. Philosophische Forschung / Philosophical research. Dr. Haensel-Hohenhausen.
  16. Consciousness Again.Ulrich De Balbian - 2021 - Oxford: Academic.
    The tools employed might appear appropriate, the reasoning sound and argumentation valid, but the subject-matter, well one wonders what that has to do with philosophy, if anything at all? Viewing some of the topics one really wonders of the notion of philosophy is not stretched too far? So much that is passed off as philosophy itself or some kind of so-called interdisciplinary issues really appear as irrelevant. tempt to interpret, perceive and treat as if they a Topics from the grievance (...)
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  17. Kants Dreidimensionaler Vernunftbegriff Des Öffentlichen Rechts Und Seine Problematik.Ulrich Thiele - 1998 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 6.
    For the first time in his Doctrine of Right, Kant employs an expanded, three dimensional concept of public law. In addition to constitutional law, it also includes international law and cosmopolitan law. Each of these concepts of law is assigned its own principle of reason: constitutional law declares that a republic is the only rightful constitution for an individual state; international law requires at least an association of states with higher level instruments of coercion; and cosmopolitan law primarily defines the (...)
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    A single axiom for relevant implication.Dolph Ulrich - 2012 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 41 (1/2):13-16.
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  19. Bewusstsein und Ichheit.Georg Ulrich - 1905 - Philosophical Review 14:80.
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  20. Second-Order Photon-Photon.W. Ulrich - 1995 - In John Archibald Wheeler, Daniel M. Greenberger & Anton Zeilinger (eds.), Fundamental problems in quantum theory: a conference held in honor of Professor John A. Wheeler. New York: New York Academy of Sciences.
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    Heimatlos: Bekenntnisse eines Konservativen.Ulrich Greiner - 2017 - Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt.
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    End-of-Life Futility Conversations: When Language Matters.Connie M. Ulrich - 2018 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 60 (3):433-437.
    Caring for seriously ill patients and their families during times of extreme stress is a privilege, but it can also bring much sadness and ethical turmoil for everyone involved, particularly at end of life. Patients and their families and the nurses and physicians who care for them are uniquely bonded together as they discuss, discern, and deliberate on some of the most heart-wrenching life and death decisions any patient, parent, family member, or partner can make. Shifting from a curative mode (...)
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    Zeitgeist und Jugend.Ulrich Geyer - 1985 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 37 (2):169-172.
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    Form und Geschichte: Studie zu einigen methodisch zentralen Elementen der Kritik der politischen Ökonomie von Karl Marx.Ulrich Müller - 1977 - [S.N.].
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    Objektivität und subjektive Allgemeinheit. Über Natur und Grenzen ethischer Lebensverhältnisse mit Rücksicht auf Kierkegaard.Ulrich Müller - 1987 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 41 (4):613 - 632.
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    Keisler’s order is not linear, assuming a supercompact.Douglas Ulrich - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (2):634-641.
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    Humanism and Truth: Valla Writes Against the Donation of Constantine.Riccardo Fubini - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (1):79-86.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Humanism and Truth: Valla Writes against the Donation of ConstantineRiccardo FubiniTranslated by Anastasia Ananson and William ConnellThere has existed for a long time now in studies of Renaissance humanism (and not only as these have developed in a single country or disciplinary area) a tendency to consider from a prevalently formalist point of view what was instead an innovative and complex cultural experience. A particularly privileged position has been (...)
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    Sprachverständnis und biblisches Hören bei Augustin.Ulrich Duchrow - 1965 - Tübingen,: Mohr.
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    Russische Religionsphilosophen des 20. Jahrhunderts.Ulrich Schmid - 2003 - Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder.
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    (1 other version)Sein und heißen.Hans-Ulrich Hoche - 1985 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 16 (2):287-303.
    If identity is to be taken as a relation, not between any object and itself, nor between expressions , but between "intensions" or Fregean "Sinnen" of individual constants , then not only definite descriptions but also grammatically proper names ought to have intensions. This, however, has been repudiated by J. St. Mill and, more recently and more persuasively, by Saul Kripke. So an attempt will be made to interpret proper names as definite descriptions sui generis, namely, "rigid" descriptions referring to (...)
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    Introduction.Ulrich Drobnig & Christian von Bar - 2004 - In Ulrich Drobnig & Christian von Bar (eds.), The Interaction of Contract Law and Tort and Property Law in Europe: A Comparative Study. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Part Four: Information from Legal and Business Practice.Ulrich Drobnig & Christian von Bar - 2004 - In Ulrich Drobnig & Christian von Bar (eds.), The Interaction of Contract Law and Tort and Property Law in Europe: A Comparative Study. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Text of Articles.Ulrich Drobnig - 2007 - In Personal Security. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Siebzig Jahre nach Barmen.Ulrich H. J. Körtner - 2004 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 48 (1):2-6.
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    Inhalt.Ulrich Wilhelm Weiser, Henning Murmann, Albrecht Franz & Friederike Elias - 2014 - In Ulrich Wilhelm Weiser, Henning Murmann, Albrecht Franz & Friederike Elias (eds.), Praxeologie: Beiträge Zur Interdisziplinären Reichweite Praxistheoretischer Ansätze in den Geistes- Und Sozialwissenschaften. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. vii-2.
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    Anchoring: The Underestimated Manipulation of Decisions.Ulrich Helm, Catharina Clemens & Salome Kamenetskaia - 2023 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 109 (2):246-258.
    “Anchoring” is a tactic used to manipulate negotiation outcomes. It exploits the fact that people base their estimates of unknown quantities on initial values. If they are given these initial values, their estimations are influened by them. We will address whether there is a rational justification for people to be manipulated by anchoring. We will also look at how to recognize in a negotiation situation whether the anchor effect is being used against you, how to use the anchor effect to (...)
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    Inclusivity as Fairness.Michael R. Ulrich & Arpita Khanna - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (11):30-32.
    In their article Beyond Suppressing Testosterone: A Categorical System to Achieve a “Level Playing Field” in Sport, Jennings and Braun (2024) accurately display how the World Athletics’ (WA) restri...
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    (1 other version)A. V. lunačarskij und L. D. trockij. Eine kulturtheoretische kontroverse und ihre folgen.Jochen-Ulrich Peters - 1987 - Studies in East European Thought 33 (4):291-304.
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    Textkritische notizen zu sophokles und euripides.Ulrich Hübner - 1980 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 124 (1-2):175-188.
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    Unciceronisches in Ciceros philosophischen Schriften.Ulrich Hübner - 2007 - Hermes 135 (3):358-364.
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  41. Zum Schluss des Chattenkapitels der 'Germania'.Ulrich Hübner - 1994 - Hermes 122 (3):373.
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  42. Max Weber, W.I. Lenin, metaphysische oder dialektische Bestimmung des subjektiven Faktors.Ulrich Hedtke - 1981 - In Hubert Horstmann & Ulrich Hedtke (eds.), Denkweise und Weltanschauung: Studien zur weltanschaulichen und methodologischen Funktion der materialistischen Dialektik. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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    Zufall: ein interdisziplinäres Symposion.Ulrich Herkenrath, Harald Schwaetzer & August Herbst (eds.) - 2017 - Regensburg: S. Roderer-Verlag.
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  44. Robert Bellarmin und die Vulgata. Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion uber die papstliche Unfehlbarkeit.Ulrich Horst - 2008 - Theologie Und Philosophie 83 (2):179.
    Während seines Aufenthalts in Löwen machte Bellarmin Bekanntschaft mit einer humanistisch geprägten Exegese, wie sein Brief an Kardinal Sirleto zeigt, in dem es um die Autorität der Vulgata und deren Verhältnis zu den biblischen Sprachen geht. Auch später wird er sich auf Löwener Theologen berufen. Er war also gut vorbereitet, als er den Auftrag erhielt, an der Revision der durch Papst Sixtus V. publizierten Bibel mitzuwirken, deren Korrekturbedürftigkeit Bellarmin erkannt hatte. Um das Ansehen des Papstes zu schonen, schlug er vor, (...)
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    The relation of logic and intuition in Kant's philosophy of science, particularly geometry.Ulrich Majer - 2006 - In Emily Carson & Renate Huber (eds.), Intuition and the Axiomatic Method. Springer. pp. 47--66.
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    A clinical method in applied social science.David N. Ulrich - 1949 - Philosophy of Science 16 (3):243-249.
    In his memorandum, “The Role of Applied Social Science in the Formation of Policy,” Professor Merton has stated that “… all applied social science involves advice.” While this statement obviously does not mean that the social scientist is limited solely to giving advice, it does imply a frame of reference in which the primary function of the social scientist appears to be obtaining information, analyzing it, and presenting the results to the policy-maker.
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  47. Das Gute und Gewissen in Hegels Rechtsphilosophie – das Wahre im christlichen Gottesbild und Glauben.Dennis Ulrich - forthcoming - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie.
    Zusammenfassung Im Nachfolgenden wird sich mit Hegels Definition des Guten und Gewissens in seiner Rechtsphilosophie auseinandergesetzt, um von dieser aus Parallelen zum christlichen Gottes- und Glaubensbegriff aufzuzeigen. Dabei steht nicht die Theologie bzw. theologische Philosophie Hegels im Mittelpunkt, sondern sein Postulat einer Wahrheit, woraus sich Ansätze der Argumentation für das des christlichen Glaubens als der einen Wahrheit ableiten lassen. Obwohl Hegels Rechtsphilosophie breit untersucht worden ist, wurden seine Überlegungen zum Guten, Gewissen und Wahren für die theologische Diskussion noch nicht verwendet. (...)
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  48. God’s Commandments and their Political Presence: Notes of a Tradition on the ‘Ground’ of Ethics.Hans G. Ulrich - 2010 - Studies in Christian Ethics 23 (1):42-58.
    The paper describes the biblical understanding of God’s commanded law in its indispensable political form, i.e. the law of God’s people. This is distinct from a confinement of God’s commandments to a moral code independent from that political context as it is present as the ‘political worship’ of God’s people.This worship has to be seen as the ground for ethics. From here follow consequences for human laws and legislation concerning human life forms. That disposition of theological ethics has been elaborated (...)
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  49. Issues Around Reflective Abstraction in Mathematics Education.C. Ulrich - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (3):370-371.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Examining the Role of Re-Presentation in Mathematical Problem Solving: An Application of Ernst von Glasersfeld’s Conceptual Analysis” by Victor V. Cifarelli & Volkan Sevim. Upshot: Cifarelli and Sevim’s analysis of Marie’s problem solving activity raises two questions for me. The first regards what Marie is reflectively abstracting: the use of the generic phrase her solution activity finesses a largely unarticulated disagreement in the mathematics education community about what the nature of actions are in Piaget’s (...)
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    Pregnant Women and Equitable Access to Emergency Medical Care.Michael R. Ulrich - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (7):57-59.
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