Results for 'Ulf Abel'

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  1.  7
    Abel Bergaigne's Vedic religion.Abel Bergaigne - 1978 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. Edited by Maurice Bloomfield.
  2. Two Guises of the Good in Anscombe.Ulf Hlobil - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-10.
    The paper distinguishes two versions of the guise of the good in Anscombe’s Intention and raises some doubts about Francesco Orsi’s recent proposal for how these two versions hang together. While Orsi’s interpretation of the two versions are separately insightful and illuminating, Orsi’s “Anscombean argument” for connecting Anscombe’s two versions of the guise of the good is at odds with Anscombe’s own approach.
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  3. Against Boghossian, Wright and Broome on inference.Ulf Hlobil - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 167 (2):419-429.
    I argue that the accounts of inference recently presented (in this journal) by Paul Boghossian, John Broome, and Crispin Wright are unsatisfactory. I proceed in two steps: First, in Sects. 1 and 2, I argue that we should not accept what Boghossian calls the “Taking Condition on inference” as a condition of adequacy for accounts of inference. I present a different condition of adequacy and argue that it is superior to the one offered by Boghossian. More precisely, I point out (...)
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  4. A truth-maker semantics for ST: refusing to climb the strict/tolerant hierarchy.Ulf Hlobil - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-23.
    The paper presents a truth-maker semantics for Strict/Tolerant Logic (ST), which is the currently most popular logic among advocates of the non-transitive approach to paradoxes. Besides being interesting in itself, the truth-maker presentation of ST offers a new perspective on the recently discovered hierarchy of meta-inferences that, according to some, generalizes the idea behind ST. While fascinating from a mathematical perspective, there is no agreement on the philosophical significance of this hierarchy. I aim to show that there is no clear (...)
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  5. Reasons for Logic, Logic for Reasons: Pragmatics, Semantics, and Conceptual Roles.Ulf Hlobil & Robert Brandom - 2024 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Robert Brandom.
    This book presents a philosophical conception of logic -- "logical expressivism"-- according to which the role of logic is to make explicit reason relations, which are often neither monotonic nor transitive. It reveals new perspectives on inferential roles, sequent calculi, representation, truthmakers, and many extant logical theories.
  6. Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture.Ulf Hannerz - 1990 - Theory, Culture and Society 7 (2-3):237-251.
  7.  65
    Twelve-month-olds communicate helpfully and appropriately for knowledgeable and ignorant partners.Ulf Liszkowski, Malinda Carpenter & Michael Tomasello - 2008 - Cognition 108 (3):732-739.
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    Liberal Thought in Reasoning on CSR.Ulf Henning Richter - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (4):625 - 649.
    In this article, I argue that conventional reasoning on corporate social responsibility (CSR) is based on the assumption of a liberal market economy in the context of a nation state. I build on the study of Scherer and Palazzo (Acad Manage Rev 32(4):1096-1120, 2007), developing a number of criteria to identify elements of liberal philosophy in the ongoing CSR debate. I discuss their occurrence in the CSR literature in detail and reflect on the implications, taking into account the emerging political (...)
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    Children and the gender gap in foreign policy issues.Ulf Bjereld - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (2):303-316.
    This article seeks to contribute to the discussion of how the gender gap in foreign and security policy issues can be explained by examining how early the gender differences manifest themselves. All told, 251 Swedish children between the ages of six and nine were interviewed about their views on foreign aid, refugee policy, weapons exports, armed resistance, self-defense, and concern or fear about the outbreak of war. Opinion differences between boys and girls were then compared to the differences between adult (...)
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    World market governance.Ulf Dahlsten - 2012 - Complexity Economics 1 (1):61-90.
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    Fundort und Fundgebiet der Modeln aus Torslunda.Ulf Erik Hagberg - 1976 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 10 (1):323-349.
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    Ehrenfels, Wagner und der Gestaltbegriff.Ulf Höfer - 2017 - In Jutta Valent & Ulf Höfer, Christian von Ehrenfels: Philosophie – Gestalttheorie – Kunst: Österreichische Ideengeschichte Im Fin de Siècle. De Gruyter. pp. 21-52.
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    Sammelsurium.Ulf Linde - 2011 - [Stockholm]: Albert Bonniers förlag.
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    2.4 Kachile–Concepts, Tools & Strategies for a Post-Conflict Environment.Ulf Richter - forthcoming - Common Knowledge: The Challenge of Transdisciplinarity.
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  15. Objectivity and historiographical research.Ulf SjOdell - 1978 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 14:175.
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    Formen von Konsumption, Lebensstilen und Öffentlichkeiten von Homer bis Theognis.Christoph Ulf - 2014 - Klio 96 (2):416-436.
    The term ‚consumption‘ includes the use of material and non-material goods. For some decades it has been successfully employed by several scientific disciplines to examine causal relationships between the various life styles and the respective historical circumstances. This paper applies the term to the way texts, prestige-goods and social rules are used in different situations. As case studies serve the ‚oriental‘ texts included in the „Iliad“, the Lydian goods as they are differently estimated by Sappho and Xenophanes, and the way (...)
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    Studie zur »skeptischen Generation«.Ulf Weissenfels - 1959 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 3 (1):166-174.
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    Pragmatic Realism, Religious Truth, and Antitheodicy: On Viewing the World by Acknowledging the Other by Sami Pihlström.Ulf Zackariasson - 2021 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 56 (4):620-624.
    Within the philosophy of religion, there are several different views on what to consider the discipline’s most fundamental topic. The answer that you offer at the meta-level is often more important than the concrete answers you, in the next stage, offer to that question which you have identified as the question to attend to. The identification serves, namely, as a hermeneutical principle for understanding and addressing other topics within the discipline. As regards analytic Anglo-American philosophy of religion, there has, for (...)
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  19. A Prelinguistic Gestural Universal of Human Communication.Ulf Liszkowski, Penny Brown, Tara Callaghan, Akira Takada & Conny de Vos - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (4):698-713.
    Several cognitive accounts of human communication argue for a language-independent, prelinguistic basis of human communication and language. The current study provides evidence for the universality of a prelinguistic gestural basis for human communication. We used a standardized, semi-natural elicitation procedure in seven very different cultures around the world to test for the existence of preverbal pointing in infants and their caregivers. Results were that by 10–14 months of age, infants and their caregivers pointed in all cultures in the same basic (...)
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    Facial reactions to emotional stimuli: Automatically controlled emotional responses.Ulf Dimberg, Monika Thunberg & Sara Grunedal - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (4):449-471.
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    Reply to Currie’s and Gilmore’s comments on Abell’s Fiction: A Philosophical Analysis.Catharine Abell - 2022 - British Journal of Aesthetics 62 (2):195-204.
    The metaphysical question of what determines the contents of fictive utterances is closely related to the epistemological question of how audiences identify the.
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  22. The Laws of Thought and the Laws of Truth as Two Sides of One Coin.Ulf Hlobil - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (1):313-343.
    Some think that logic concerns the “laws of truth”; others that logic concerns the “laws of thought.” This paper presents a way to reconcile both views by building a bridge between truth-maker theory, à la Fine, and normative bilateralism, à la Restall and Ripley. The paper suggests a novel way of understanding consequence in truth-maker theory and shows that this allows us to identify a common structure shared by truth-maker theory and normative bilateralism. We can thus transfer ideas from normative (...)
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    Stakeholder theory: A deliberative perspective.Ulf Henning Richter & Kevin E. Dow - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (4):428-442.
    Organizations routinely make choices when addressing conflicting stakes of their stakeholders. As stakeholder theory continues to mature, scholars continue to seek ways to make it more usable, yet proponents continue to debate its legitimacy. Various scholarly attempts to ground stakeholder theory have not narrowed down this debate. We draw from the work of Juergen Habermas to theoretically advance stakeholder theory, and to provide practical examples to illustrate our approach. Specifically, we apply Habermas’ language-pragmatic approach to extend stakeholder theory by advancing (...)
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  24. Forces by Which We Live: Religion and Religious Experience from the Perspective of a Pragmatic Philosophical Anthropology.Ulf Zackariasson - 2002
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  25. Real patterns and indispensability.Abel Suñé & Manolo Martínez - 2021 - Synthese 198 (5):4315-4330.
    While scientific inquiry crucially relies on the extraction of patterns from data, we still have a far from perfect understanding of the metaphysics of patterns—and, in particular, of what makes a pattern real. In this paper we derive a criterion of real-patternhood from the notion of conditional Kolmogorov complexity. The resulting account belongs to the philosophical tradition, initiated by Dennett :27–51, 1991), that links real-patternhood to data compressibility, but is simpler and formally more perspicuous than other proposals previously defended in (...)
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  26. Teleo-Inferentialism.Ulf Hlobil - 2022 - Philosophiocal Topics 50 (1):185-211.
    The paper presents teleo-inferentialism, which is a novel meta-semantic theory that combines advantages of teleosemantics and normative inferentialism. Like normative inferentialism, teleo-inferentialism holds that contents are individuated by the norms that govern inferences in which they occur. This allows teleo-inferentialism to account for sophisticated concepts. Like teleosemantics, teleo-inferentialism explains conceptual norms in a naturalistically acceptable way by appeal to the broadly biological well-functioning of our innate capacities. As a test-case for teleo-inferentialism, I discuss how the view handles Kripkenstein-style meaning skepticism.
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  27. Anti-Normativism Evaluated.Ulf Hlobil - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 23 (3):376-395.
    I argue that recent attempts to show that meaning and content are not normative fail. The two most important arguments anti-normativists have presented are what I call the ‘argument from constitution’ and the ‘argument from guidance’. Both of these arguments suffer from the same basic problem: they overlook the possibility of focusing on assessability by norms, rather than compliance with norms or guidance by norms. Moreover, I argue that the anti-normativists arguments fail even if we ignore this basic problem. Thus, (...)
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  28. Explaining Deontic Status by Good Reasoning.Ulf Hlobil - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    This paper offers an account of deontic normativity in terms of attributive goodness. An action is permissible for S in C just in case there is a good practical inference available to S in C that results in S performing (or intending to perform) the action. The standards of goodness for practical inferences are determined by what is a good or bad exercise of the human capacity of practical reason, which is an attributive (and not a deontic) assessment.
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  29. Logic is Not Science.Ulf Hlobil - forthcoming - In Sanderson Molick, Demarcating logic and science: exploring new frontiers. Springer.
    I argue that logic is unlike science in its methodology, thus rejecting anti-exceptionalism about logic. Logic has a mathematical and a philosophical part. In its mathematical part, the methodology of logic is like that of mathematics, and no need to choose between theories arises in that part. In its philosophical part, the methodology of logic is like that of philosophy. Philosophy and mathematics are both unlike the empirical sciences in their methodology. So logic is unlike the empirical sciences in its (...)
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    Entre la retórica y la dialéctica.Abel Casanave - 2008 - Manuscrito 31 (1):11-18.
    En este artículo proponemos que el examen del concepto de demostración de Oswaldo Chateaubriand en los capítulos 19, 20 y 21 de la Parte II de Logical Forms incluye aspectos retóricos y dialécticos .In this paper we argue that Oswaldo Chateaubriand’s conception of proof, in chapters 19, 20, and 21 of Part II of Logical Forms, incorporates rhetorical aspects , and dialectical aspects.
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    The Garden: blending in the semiotics of songs.Ulf Cronquist & Per Aage Brandt - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (246):49-59.
    After giving some contextual information, we propose an analysis of music and meaning in the song “The Garden,” as performed by the rock group Einstürzende Neubauten in the official video from the 1996 release of the album Ende Neu. We present a semiotic blending model of the narrative content of the song and of its imagery, partly determined by the structure and character of the music. Finally, we add a view of the apocalyptic perspective of some comparable creations.
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  32. Studies in Science and Theology, vol. 9(2003–2004), Lunds Universitet, Lund.Ulf Görman, Willem B. Drees & Hubert Meisinger (eds.) - 2004
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  33. La complexité culturelle.Ulf Hannerz - forthcoming - Manuscrito.[Links].
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  34. Hargas in Hebrew muwässahas.Ulf Haxen - 1982 - Al-Qantara 3 (1):473-482.
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    Defekte gegenstände und andere aspekte der ontologie meinongs.Ulf Höfer - 2005 - In Alfred Schramm, Meinongian Issues in Contemporary Italian Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 241-267.
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    Construct validity of the SF‐12 in three different samples.Ulf Jakobsson, Albert Westergren, Susanne Lindskov & Peter Hagell - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (3):560-566.
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    Kausalitet och semantik: ett bidrag till belysningen av förhållandet mellan lingvistisk språkteori och hermeneutisk fenomenologi.Ulf Ottosson - 1996 - Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
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    Marxismus, Pragmatismus und Postmetaphysik: Vom Finden zum Machen.Ulf Schulenberg - 2024 - Springer Verlag.
    Vom Finden zum Machen bietet die erste ausführliche Diskussion über die Beziehung zwischen Marxismus und Pragmatismus. Diese beiden Philosophien der Praxis sind nicht unvereinbar, und eine Analyse ihrer Beziehung hilft, beide besser zu verstehen. Im Rahmen eines transatlantischen theoretischen Dialogs werden in diesem Buch Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen diesen Philosophien erörtert. Es handelt sich um eine interdisziplinäre Studie, die Philosophie, amerikanische und europäische Geistesgeschichte und Literaturwissenschaft zusammenführt. Schulenbergs Buch zeigt, dass der Versuch, die Dialektik von Marxismus und Pragmatismus zu erhellen, (...)
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    Pragmatism and Moral Critique of Religion.Ulf Zackariasson - 2010 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 31 (1):3 - 14.
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    Miracle and the Miraculous: A Pragmatic Approach.Ulf Zackariasson - 2016 - Pragmatism Today 7 (1):100-112.
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  41. There Are Diachronic Norms of Rationality.Ulf Hlobil - 2015 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):38-45.
    Some philosophers have recently argued that there are no diachronic norms of epistemic rationality, that is, that there are no norms regarding how you should change your attitudes over time. I argue that this is wrong on the grounds that there are norms governing reasoning.
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  42. Intrinsic Responsibility for Rule-Following.Ulf Hlobil - forthcoming - Topoi:1-12.
    Abstract The paper explores responses to an inconsistent quartet of theses regarding rule-following. In addressing this inconsistent quartet, two lines of thought pull in opposite directions. On the one hand, it can seem that rule-following cannot require acts that shape or guide themselves or acts that require infinitely many similar acts. On the other hand, rule-following seems to require that we are responsible for our acts of rule-following in a special way. It is difficult to see how these thoughts can (...)
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    Cold War at Porton Down: Informed Consent in Britain's Biological and Chemical Warfare Experiments.Ulf Schmidt - 2006 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 15 (4):366-380.
    By the end of the Second World War the advancing allied forces discovered a new nerve gas in Germany. It was called Tabun. Codenamed GA, it was found to be extremely toxic. British experts were immediately dispatched to examine the agent. On arrival, they discovered that German scientists had also developed even more toxic nerve agents, including Sarin, known as GB. The first organized testing of Sarin on humans began in October 1951 at Porton Down in Wiltshire, Britain's biochemical warfare (...)
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  44. A Nonmonotonic Sequent Calculus for Inferentialist Expressivists.Ulf Hlobil - 2016 - In Pavel Arazim & Michal Dancak, The Logica Yearbook 2015. College Publications. pp. 87-105.
    I am presenting a sequent calculus that extends a nonmonotonic consequence relation over an atomic language to a logically complex language. The system is in line with two guiding philosophical ideas: (i) logical inferentialism and (ii) logical expressivism. The extension defined by the sequent rules is conservative. The conditional tracks the consequence relation and negation tracks incoherence. Besides the ordinary propositional connectives, the sequent calculus introduces a new kind of modal operator that marks implications that hold monotonically. Transitivity fails, but (...)
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  45. (1 other version)On Anscombe’s Philosophical Method.Ulf Hlobil & Katharina Nieswandt - 2016 - Klēsis Revue Philosophique 35:180-198.
    While many of Elizabeth Anscombe’s philosophical views are well-known (e.g. her views on practical knowledge or consequentialism), little has been written on her philosophical method, i.e., on her way of doing philosophy. This is unfortunate, for two reasons: First, the failure to understand Anscombe’s method is a major stumbling block for many of her readers. Second, and more importantly, we can still learn a lot from Anscombe’s way of doing philosophy: Her view differs considerably from current alternatives in metaphilosophy. Here (...)
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    Reconceptualizing Moral Disengagement as a Process: Transcending Overly Liberal and Overly Conservative Practice in the Field.Ulf Schaefer & Onno Bouwmeester - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (3):525-543.
    Moral disengagement was initially conceptualized as a process through which people reconstrue unethical behaviors, with the effect of deactivating self-sanctions and thereby clearing the way for ethical transgressions. Our article challenges how researchers now conceptualize moral disengagement. The current literature is overly liberal, in that it mixes two related but distinct constructs—process moral disengagement and the propensity to morally disengage—creating ambiguity in the findings. It is overly conservative, as it adopts a challengeable classification scheme of “four points in moral self-regulation” (...)
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    Pragmatism, Humanism, and Form.Ulf Schulenberg - 2021 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 13 (2).
    Pragmatism is a humanist philosophy that tells an antifoundationalist and antirepresentationalist story of progress and emancipation. While most theoretical approaches since the 1960s have radically rejected the humanist legacy, in pragmatism a particular understanding of humanism has persisted. This persistence of humanism is of the utmost importance, since one can only grasp the unique contemporary significance of pragmatism when one appreciates how pragmatism, humanism, anti-authoritarianism, and postmetaphysics are interlinked, and how this link has gained in importance after the exhaustion of (...)
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    Patriarchal Machines and Masculine Embodiment.Ulf Mellström - 2002 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 27 (4):460-478.
    Hegemonic masculinity is a concept that has been of central concern in gender research on different masculinities. However, with the exception of the pioneering work of Wajcman, it has not been widely discussed in relation to studies of science and technology. In this article, which mainly draws on anthropological fieldwork among car and motor mechanics in Penang, Malaysia, a certain form of hegemonic masculinity, based on an intimate embodied interaction with machines, is being discussed. Such a masculinity is furthermore founded (...)
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  49. Limits of Abductivism About Logic.Ulf Hlobil - 2020 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103 (2):320-340.
    I argue against abductivism about logic, which is the view that rational theory choice in logic happens by abduction. Abduction cannot serve as a neutral arbiter in many foundational disputes in logic because, in order to use abduction, one must first identify the relevant data. Which data one deems relevant depends on what I call one's conception of logic. One's conception of logic is, however, not independent of one's views regarding many of the foundational disputes that one may hope to (...)
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    Das Versprechen der Rationalität: Visionen und Revisionen der Aufklärung.Ulf Bohmann (ed.) - 2012 - München: Wilhelm Fink.
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