Results for 'Uberto Pestalozza'

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    The Mediterranean Matriarchate: Its Primordial Character in the Religious Atmosphere of the Paleolithic Era.Uberto Pestalozza & James G. Labadie - 1955 - Diogenes 3 (12):50-61.
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    Uberto Pestalozza: L'éternel féminin dans la religion méditerranéenne. (Collection Latomus, lxxix.) Pp. 82. Brussels: Latomus, 1965. Paper, W. H. Adkins - 1968 - The Classical Review 18 (3):357-357.
  3. Reviews : Religione Mediterranea By Uberto Pestalozza Milano: Bocca, I95I, pp. 470.Momolina Marconi - 1953 - Diogenes 1 (2):102-104.
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    Lettere di Piero Martinetti a Uberto Pestalozza.Giovanni Rota - 2018 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 73 (1):163-180.
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    Uberto Decembrio, Four books on the commonwealth =.Paolo Ponzù Donato & Uberto Decembrio (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: Brill.
    Uberto Decembrio's Four Books on the Commonwealth (De re publica libri IV, ca. 1420), edited and translated by Paolo Ponzù Donato, is one of the earliest examples of the reception of Plato's Republic in the 15th century. This humanistic dialogue provides a thoughtful insight on themes such as justice, the best government, the morals of the prince and citizen, education, and religion. Decembrio's dialogue is dedicated to Filippo Maria Visconti, duke of Milan, the 'worst enemy' of Florence. Making use (...)
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    Scritti per Uberto Scarpelli.Uberto Scarpelli, Letizia Gianformaggio Bastida & Mario Jori (eds.) - 1997 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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    Contributo alla semantica del linguaggio normativo.Uberto Scarpelli - 1985 - Milano: A. Giuffrè. Edited by Anna Pintore.
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    Capitale sociale e reati contro il patrimonio. Il senso civico come fattore di prevenzione dei furti d'auto e delle rapine nelle province italiane.Uberto Gatti, Hans M. A. Schadee & Richard E. Tremblay - 2002 - Polis 16 (1):57-74.
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    La comunità civica come fattore di contenimento dei reati violenti. Uno studio criminologico sulle regioni e province italiane.Uberto Gatti & Richard E. Tremblay - 2000 - Polis 14 (2):279-300.
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  10. (1 other version)Esistenzialismo e marxismo.Uberto Scarpelli - 1949 - Torino,: Taylor.
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  11. Filosofia analitica, norme e valori.Uberto Scarpelli - 1962 - Milano,: Edizioni di Comunità.
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  12. Diritto e analisi del linguaggio.Uberto Scarpelli (ed.) - 1977 - Milano: Edizioni di Comunità.
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  13. La dimensione normativa della libertà.Uberto Scarpelli - 1964 - Rivista di Filosofia 55 (4):449-467.
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    Filosofia analitico e giurisprudenza.Uberto Scarpelli - 1953 - Milano,: Nuvoletti.
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    (1 other version)La définition en droit.Uberto Scarpelli - 1958 - Logique Et Analyse 1 (1):127-138.
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    Semantica, morale, diritto.Uberto Scarpelli - 1969 - Torino: G. Giappichelli.
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    Thomas Hobbes: linguaggio e leggi naturali : il tempo e la pena.Uberto Scarpelli - 1981 - Milano: Giuffrè.
  18.  23
    Capitale umano e criminalità. L'impatto a lungo termine degli investimenti in servizi per l'infanzia sulla distribuzione degli omicidi nelle provincie italiane.Uberto Gatti, Hans M. A. Schadee & Richard E. Tremblay - 2002 - Polis 16 (3):375-396.
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  19. Il positivismo giuridico rivisitato in Omaggio a Norberto Bobbio.Uberto Scarpelli - 1989 - Rivista di Filosofia 80 (3):461-475.
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  20. Il problema della definizione e il concetto di diritto.Uberto Scarpelli - 1955 - Milano,: Nuvoletti.
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  21. Le «proposizioni giuridiche» come precetti reiterati.Uberto Scarpelli - 1967 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 44:465-482.
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    La Teoria generale del diritto: problemi e tendenze attuali : studi dedicati a Norberto Bobbio.Norberto Bobbio & Uberto Scarpelli - 1983 - Edizioni di Comunità.
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    Società, norme e valori: studi in onore di Renato Treves.Renato Treves, Uberto Scarpelli & Vincenzo Tomeo (eds.) - 1984 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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  24. Libertà come fatto e come valore.Norberto Bobbio, Uberto–Passerin D'Entrèves & Felix R. Alessandro–Oppenheim - 1965 - Rivista di Filosofia 56 (3):335.
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  25. Scarpelli Uberto. La définition en droit. Logique et analyse , n.s. vol. 1 , pp. 127–138.A. Robinson - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (1):90-90.
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    (1 other version)Pestalozza, August Graf von, Der Idealismus in den Erziehungsbestrebungen der Neuzeit. [REVIEW]Konrad Eilers - 1923 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 28:175.
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  27. Ricordo di Uberto Scarpelli.N. Bobbio - 1994 - Rivista di Filosofia 85 (3):439-457.
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  28. Termini axiologici in Karl Engisch, Uberto Scarpelli, Georg Henrik von Wright.Alessandro Olivari - 2008 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 85 (1):97-111.
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    Forme della volontà e impronte di norme nella formazione della norma consuetudinaria.Lorenzo Passerini Glazel - 2020 - Noesis 34:71-88.
    Custom is a complex phenomenon, and one that is hardly given a satisfying account, especially if it is assumed, as many legal positivists do, that law is only produced through acts of will. After examining five main reasons for the complexity of custom, I will consider Uberto Scarpelli’s thesis that customary law can be given an account within legal positivism through a reinterpretation of norm-generating facts as the manifestations of a will. But what kind of will is implied here, (...)
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  30. Filosofia Analitica 1993 Bilanci E Prospettive.Piergiorgio Donatelli & Luciano Floridi (eds.) - 1993 - Lithos.
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    Plato in the Italian Renaissance.James South - 1997 - Review of Metaphysics 51 (1):157-158.
    This is a one-volume edition of the original two-volume work published in 1990 with a second edition in 1991. The work falls into two main parts. Volume 1 is devoted to a series of studies describing the revival and dissemination of Plato in the Italian Renaissance. There are four main parts to the first volume. The first part treats the revival of Platonic studies in early fifteenth-century Florence. Here the figure of Leonardo Bruni looms large. Part 2 deals with the (...)
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    Chrysoloras, Manuel.Athanasia Theodoropoulou - 2019 - Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy.
    Manuel Chrysoloras was a Byzantine scholar and diplomat. He is best known as the first notable professor of Greek language in Italy. He occupied the chair of Greek at the Florentine Studium, and he also taught Greek occasionally in Pavia, Milan, and Rome. Among his students were some of the prominent early Italian humanists including Leonardo Bruni, Uberto Decembrio, Guarino of Verona, Pier Paolo Vergerio, Palla Strozzi, Roberto Rossi, Jacopo Angeli da Scarperia, Cencio de’ Rustici, and others. His method (...)
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  33. Per un'interpretazione retorica della verità processuale di Enrico Opocher (1914-2004).Maurizio Manzin - 2006 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 83 (1):41-53.
    Enrico Opocher, one of the most important Italian legal philosophers in the last century, died on March 3, 2004. For almost four decades, he was Director of the prestigious Insitute of Philosophy of Law and Comparative Law in the University of Padua. Together with Norberto Bobbio, Sergio Cotta, Uberto Scarpelli and few others, he represented a generation as well as a season of deep renewal in Italian philosophy of law and politics. In the legal thought of the postwar period, (...)
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