Ulrich Wollner [7]U. Wollner [6]
  1. The Care of the Self in Plato's Gorgias.Ulrich Wollner - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (3):227-238.
    The paper offers an analysis of Plato’s conception of the care of the self in his Gorgias. There are two components of the self-care: self-knowledge and self-control. The first part deals with self-knowledge. The second part asks the question, wether there can be a fixed model of the individual soul’s order. The third part of the paper deals with Plato’s conception of self-control. The last part is concerned with the problem of a self-control training.
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    „Ani z duba ani zo skaly“ (Apol. 34d3-4).Ulrich Wollner - 2015 - Studia Philosophica 62 (1):17-24.
    Platónov Sókratés v záverečnom príhovore pred hlasovaním o svojej vine či nevine sudcom pripomína, že má rodinu, ktorá zahŕňa dospievajúceho syna a dvoch malých chlapcov. Pritom odkazuje na verše z Homérovej Odyssey, aby poukázal na skutočnosť, že sa nenarodil „ani z duba ani zo skaly“ (34d). Cieľom článku bude analyzovať a interpretovať zmysel uvedenej citácie v rámci Sókratovej argumentácie. V prvej časti sa autor sústredí na komparáciu Homérovho verša s jeho podobou v Platónovej Apológii. V druhej časti bude skúmať, akú (...)
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    Chápe Nussbaumová spôsobilosti ako slobody?Ulrich Wollner - 2021 - Filozofia 76 (2):97-109.
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    Funkcie hanby v Kalliklovej „otváracej reči“ (Gorg. 482c4 – 486d1).Ulrich Wollner - 2023 - Filozofia 78 (4):273-284.
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  5. Philosophy of the main representatives of 19th century French traditionalism: Selected problems.U. Wollner - 2002 - Filozofia 57 (4):259-274.
    The paper tries to introduce the substantial terms used by the traditionalist authors. In its first part a short characteristic of the French counter-revolutionary thought is given. The second, substantial part of the paper offers an interpretation of the basic concepts used by the traditionalists, such as "revolution", "society", "humans", "reason", "power" and "constitution".
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    Problém sebapoznanla V xenofóntovom diele memorabilia.Ulrich Wollner - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (7).
  7.  10
    Starosť O seba V platónovom dialógu gorgias.Ulrich Wollner - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (3).
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  8. The Problem of Self-Knowledger in Xenophon's Memorabilia.Ulrich Wollner - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (7):622-630.
    Many scholars suggest that one of the main differences between Xenophon’s and Plato’s portrayals of Socrates is in their emphases on the self-control the self-knowledge respectively. The aim of the paper is to examine the role the self-knowledge plays in Xenophon’s Memorabilia. In its first part Xenophon’s conception of the self-knowledge is analysed. Then it tries to answer the question whether the self-knowledge requires any preconditions. The last part is focused on the possible obstacles precluding the self-knowledge.
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