Ulrich Charpa [30]U. Charpa [2]
  1.  84
    Darwin, Schleiden, Whewell, and the “London Doctors”: Evolutionism and Microscopical Research in the Nineteenth Century.Ulrich Charpa - 2010 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 41 (1):61-84.
    This paper discusses some philosophical and historical connections between, and within, nineteenth century evolutionism and microscopical research. The principal actors are mainly Darwin, Schleiden, Whewell and the “London Doctors,” Arthur Henfrey and Edwin Lankester. I demonstrate that the apparent alliances—particularly Darwin/Schleiden (through evolutionism) and Schleiden/Whewell (through Kantian philosophy of science)—obscure the deep methodological differences between evolutionist and microscopical biology that lingered on until the mid-twentieth century. Through an understanding of the little known significance of Schleiden’s programme of microscopical research and (...)
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    (1 other version)Vertrauensvorschuß und wissenschaftliches Fehlhandeln — Eine reliabilistische Modellierung der Fälle Abderhalden, Goldschmidt, Moewus und Waldschmidt-Leitz†.Ulrich Charpa & Ute Deichmann - 2004 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 27 (3):187-204.
    Reliabilist philosophy of science considers scientific misconduct a transgression against the principles of good cognitive practice. Good practice in research is characterised by the reliability, efficiency and fertility of the cognitive processes involved. The reliabilist approach is closely connected to the idea of mutual cognitive dependency of the research community. Trust in the testimony of others is not an inevitable but a favouring factor of scientific progress — and misconduct damages the testimonial chain, respectively the principle of trustworthiness. Within the (...)
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    On How Watson and Crick Discovered what Watson and Crick had Suggested: The "Folk" Concept of Discovery Rediscovered.Ulrich Charpa - 2008 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 30 (1):7 - 30.
    This article opens with general and historical remarks on philosophy of science's problems with the concept of discovery. Then, drawing upon simple examples of Watson's and Crick's non-philosophical usage, I characterize phrases of the type "x discovers y" semantically. It will subsequently be shown how widespread philosophical discussion on discovery violates the semantic constraints of phrases of the type "x discovers y." Then I provide a philosophical reconstruction of "x discovers y" that is in keeping with the "folk" notion of (...)
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    Grundprobleme der Wissenschaftsphilosophie.Ulrich Charpa - 1996
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    Philosophische Wissenschaftshistorie: Grundsatzfragen / Verlaufsmodelle.Ulrich Charpa - 1995 - Vieweg+Teubner Verlag.
    1474 wird in Basel ein stolzer Jiingling, angeklagt. Die Meinung der Experten ist eindeu­ tig. Es liege ein lusus naturae der iibelsten Sorte vor, ein wahrhaftes crimen, veriibt durch Hexerkraft. Die feierliche Hinrichtung findet wie iiblich vor einer begeisterten Menge auf dem Rathausplatz statt. Bei dem Angeklagten handelt es sich urn einen kleinen Hahn, be­ schuldigt und iiberfiihrt, ein Ei gelegt zu haben. l Die Zeiten iindem sich und die Expertenmeinungen mit ihnen. Die meisten Menschen aufgeklarterer Epochen wiirden wohl einiges (...)
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    A note on rational inquiry in literary criticism.Ulrich Charpa - 1983 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 14 (2):372-375.
    Am Beispiel eines neueren einschlägigen Themenbeitrages werden einige der Gründe dafür herausgestellt, daß die Bemühungen um eine Theorie der Literaturwissenschaft bisher kaum zu überzeugenden Ergebnissen geführt haben. Es handelt sich hierbei insonderheit um die Verwechslung von Methodenlehre und praktizierter Methode, die Nichtunterscheidung normativer und deskriptiver Aspekte sowie die unzulässige Ineinssetzung von philologischer Arbeit und großzügig verfahrender Textauslegung. In diesem Zusammenhang wird an die alexandrinischen Anfänge der Literaturwissenschaft erinnert, in denen die Interpretation als abschließende Überhöhung verbindlicher und empirisch ausgewiesener Kleinarbeit begriffen (...)
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  7. Methodologie der Verzeitlichung: Schieiden, Whewell und das entwicklungsgeschic..Ulrich Charpa - 1988 - Philosophia Naturalis 25 (1-2):75-109.
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  8. Neues zur Lehre von den Ganzen und Teilen.Ulrich Charpa - 1984 - Philosophische Rundschau 31:52.
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  9.  30
    On drawing distinctions between history and philosophy of science.Ulrich Charpa - 1985 - Erkenntnis 23 (3):251 - 253.
  10.  22
    (1 other version)Konstruktivistische erklärungstheorie AlS grundlage einer methodisch verfahrenden philologie?Ulrich Charpa - 1980 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 11 (1):95-102.
    Summary It is well known that Hempels ‘classical’ approach to scientific explanation leads to a lot of difficulties with regard to the real world of inquiry, especially to that of the humanities. Seen against this background alternative views on explanation have become more and more attractive during the last years. The present paper deals with a recent contribution made by O. Schwemmer (a representative of the ‘Erlanger Schule’). His conception of explanation is explicitly meant to apply to the actual practice (...)
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  11. Mister Bixby, Monsieur Bernard, and Some Other 19th Century Scientist–Philosophers on Knowledge-Based Actions.Ulrich Charpa - 2006 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 37 (2):257-268.
    Following Mr. Bixby and some other 19th century scientist-philosophers such as Claude Bernard, relevant scientific actions should, as a matter of primary importance, be explained with reference to the competence and not to the intentions of those involved. The background is a reliabilist virtue approach - a widespread tendency in 19th century epistemology and philosophy of science. Bixby's approach includes a critique of some constructivist arguments and establishes a mutually supportive connection to conceptions of scientific progress.
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  12.  58
    Final Discussion: Issues and Challenges for the Future.Rony Armon, Ulrich Charpa, Eric Davidson, Ute Deichmann, Raphael Falk, John Glass, Shimon Glick, Manfred Laubichler, Michel Morange & Isaac Yanni Nevo - 2012 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 55 (4):608-611.
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    Final Discussion: Issues and Challenges for the Future.Rony Armon, Ulrich Charpa, Eric Davidson, Ute Deichmann, Raphael Falk, John Glass, Shimon Glick, Manfred Laubichler, Michel Morange, Isaac, Addy Pross, Siegfried Roth & Varda Shoshan-Barmatz - 2012 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 55 (4):608-611.
  14.  4
    Albert Einstein.Ulrich Charpa & Armin Grunwald - 1993
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    (1 other version)Eine anmerkung zu Andreas kamlahs darstellung der 'normativ-analytischen' wissenschaftstheorie.Ulrich Charpa - 1981 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 12 (1):135-137.
    In an illuminating article A. Kamlah considers philosophy of science as an activity leading step by step from neutral descriptions to rational prescriptions. What his remarks do not offer us is a way of dealing with the troublesome ambiguities we find in the analyses provided by those philosophers of science who refuse to say whether they legislate how scientists should behave or describe how they do. In this context I want to draw attention to a helpful distinction H. A. Simon (...)
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    „Ich setze nur logisches Denken und die deutsche Sprache als bekannt voraus.“: Zur Geschichte deutschsprachiger jüdischer Mathematiker.Ulrich Charpa - 2010 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 18 (2):231-243.
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    Jews and sciences in German contexts: case studies from the 19th and 20th centuries.Ulrich Charpa & Ute Deichmann (eds.) - 2007 - Mohr Siebeck.
    Problems, Phenomena, Explanatory Approaches Who is a German-Jewish Scientist? 1. The Einstein case and its paradoxes On 14 March 1929, Albert Einstein's ...
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  18. John FW Herschels Methodologie der Erfahrungswissenschaft.Ulrich Charpa - 1987 - Philosophia Naturalis 24 (1):121-148.
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    Johnny Head-In-The-Air and Thales.Ulrich Charpa - 1984 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 5 (3):32-34.
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    Methodologie der Wissenschaft: Theorie literaturwissenschaftlicher Praxis?Ulrich Charpa - 1983 - New York: G. Olms.
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  21.  31
    (1 other version)Philologischer fortschritt.Ulrich Charpa - 1986 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 17 (2):229-255.
    This paper is an attempt to establish a general perspective on approaching the philosophy of philology historically. Part I examines the problem of relating history to philosophy of philology, with a view to stressing the importance of historical intuitions about the discipline. It is asserted that such intuitions do not exist for the whole range of philological activities but only for a certain kind. Part II gives a brief survey on the beginnings of philology in the Hellenistic Age in order (...)
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  22.  37
    Synthetic Biology and the Golem of Prague: Philosophical Reflections on a Suggestive Metaphor.Ulrich Charpa - 2012 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 55 (4):554-570.
    Not only the public debate about science but even the way scientists conceive their own work is to some extent determined by cultural images. In the case of synthetic biology, literary figures like the Golem of Prague and its successors, such as Frankenstein’s monster, seem to suggest themselves. This article reconstructs some cognitive structures underlying the surface of metaphorical thinking and shows how talking about synthetic biology as similar to Golem-making obscures important onto- logical, pragmatic, and ethical differences.
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  23. Scientific progress.U. Charpa - 1988 - Philosophische Rundschau 35 (1-2):117-131.
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  24. Wissenschaftlicher Fortschritt.Ulrich Charpa - 1988 - Philosophische Rundschau 35:117.
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  25.  54
    Marianne Scholz, Letzte Lebensstationen. Zum postakademischen Wirken des deutschen Botanikers Matthias Jacob Schleiden , Berlin 2001; dies., Matthias Jacob Schleiden in Tartu 1863–1864, Essen 2001. [REVIEW]Ulrich Charpa - 2003 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 34 (2):363-369.
  26. Peter Simons: Parts - a study in ontology. [REVIEW]Ulrich Charpa - 1989 - Philosophische Rundschau 36:333.
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