Results for 'Transcendental genesis'

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  1. When transcendental genesis encounters the naturalization project.Natalie Depraz - 1999 - In Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, Bernard Pachoud & Jean-Michel Roy (eds.), Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. Stanford University Press. pp. 464--489.
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    From the historical a priori to the dispositif: Foucault, the phenomenological legacy, and the problem of transcendental genesis.Kevin Thompson - 2016 - Continental Philosophy Review 49 (1):41-54.
    What philosophical motivations lay behind the emergence of the genealogical method in Foucault’s thought? Pace traditional interpretations, I argue that genealogy is best construed as a supplementary addition to the archaeological mode of investigation. It addresses an issue that arose within the problematic to which the archaeological method responds, but which that method was not designed to solve: the problem of “transcendental genesis” as this issue was defined within the unique parameters set forth by the French phenomenological tradition.
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    Chapter seventeen when transcendental genesis encounters the naturalization project.Natalie Depraz - 1999 - In Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, Bernard Pachoud & Jean-Michel Roy (eds.), Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. Stanford University Press. pp. 464-489.
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    The Historical Genesis of the Kantian Concept of »Transcendental«.Marco Sgarbi - 2011 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 53:97-117.
    The concept of »transcendental« is undoubtedly one of the most important terms in Kantian philosophy. For over one hundred and fifty years major Kantian scholars have debated its origin and set out various interpretations. The Kant-Forschung has recently established four different possible sources: 1) Schulmetaphysik 2) Ch. Wolff; 3) A. G. Baumgarten; 4) J. H. Lambert. The aim of this essay is to suggest a different origin and genesis of the Kantian concept of »transcendental« by the methodologies (...)
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  5. Transcendental Idealism and Material Reality: Metaphysics of Scientific Objectivity in Husserl, Deleuze, and Kant.Bilge Akbalik - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Memphis
    This dissertation engages critically with the metaphysical implications of the respective transcendentalisms of Husserl, Deleuze, and Kant in an attempt to disclose their largely untapped resources for a renewed consideration of the ability of science to grasp reality as it is in-itself. Chapter 1 examines the metaphysical implications of Husserl’s critique of natural scientific objectivity in his later transcendental philosophy in connection to his early formulations of phenomenological objectivity around the axis of the distinction between metaphysics as the science (...)
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  6. Genesis and Trace: Derrida Reading Husserl and Heidegger.Simon Sparks (ed.) - 2005 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    In this study, Paola Marrati approaches—in an extremely insightful, rigorous, and well-argued way—the question of the philosophical sources of Derrida's thought through a consideration of his reading of both Husserl and Heidegger. A central focus of the book is the analysis of the concepts of genesis and trace as they define Derrida's thinking of historicity, time, and subjectivity. Notions such as the contamination of the empirical and the transcendental, dissemination and writing, are explained as key categories establishing a (...)
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    Genesis and trace: Derrida reading Husserl and Heidegger.Paola Marrati - 2005 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    In this study, Paola Marrati approaches—in an extremely insightful, rigorous, and well-argued way—the question of the philosophical sources of Derrida's thought through a consideration of his reading of both Husserl and Heidegger. A central focus of the book is the analysis of the concepts of genesis and trace as they define Derrida's thinking of historicity, time, and subjectivity. Notions such as the contamination of the empirical and the transcendental, dissemination and writing, are explained as key categories establishing a (...)
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    Originality and Genesis.Magdalena Wisniowska - 2020 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 14 (2):255-279.
    The topic of this paper is the concept of originality as it relates to the concept of genesis developed by Deleuze in his early essay ‘The Idea of Genesis in Kant's Esthetics’. Using the exhibition of Tim Bennett's as a starting point, it brings together two accounts of originality, the first postmodern one represented by Rosalind Krauss's ‘The Originality of the Avant-garde’ and the second genetic kind found in Deleuze's aforementioned essay, to show how originality and genesis (...)
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    Archi-violencia: génesis de la violência de la génesis en la filosofia de Derrida.Valeria Campos Salvaterra - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (4):99-124.
    Resumen: El siguiente trabajo aborda la relación que tiene la violencia con el lenguaje y el discurso en la obra de Derrida, específicamente desde las nociones tempranas de violencia originaria, archi-violencia y violencia trascendental, con el fin de abrir la perspectiva de su análisis hacia una reflexión desde el problema del origen del sentido y su despliegue textual.La cuestión de la violencia será enfocada en torno a dos aspectos de la obra de Derrida: 1) la tesis general sobre la economía (...)
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    Encounters and the Differential Genesis of Thought in The Logic of Sense.Sean Bowden - 2022 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 16 (1):24-50.
    Several themes treated in chapter 3 of Difference and Repetition are addressed at greater length in The Logic of Sense, published one year later. In particular, Deleuze's critique of ‘the privilege of designation’ and ‘the modality of solutions’, along with his positive claims about the relation between sense and problems, arguably summarise a number of analyses found in The Logic of Sense. However, despite the convergence between Difference and Repetition and The Logic of Sense as regards the sense–problem relation, The (...)
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  11. (2 other versions)Kant's Transcendental Humanism.Henry E. Allison - 1971 - The Monist 55 (2):182-207.
    Perhaps the ultimate significance of Kant's Copernican revolution in philosophy lies in its attempted reconciliation of the transcendental, logical orientation of continental rationalism with the humanistic, psychological approach of British empiricism. With the rationalists, Kant distinguished sharply between questions concerning the causes and origins of our knowledge and questions about its limits and objective validity. Thus, a rigorous critique of psychologism, i.e. of any attempt to explain, or explain away the validity of either our cognitive or moral principles by (...)
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    La doble génesis semiótica y heurística del neodualismo postanalítico. (A través de Wittgenstein y Popper, según Wright y Apel).Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 16 (1-2):291-312.
    RESUMENSe reconstruye la doble génesis semiótica y a la vez heurística de los proyectos programáticos del primer Wittgenstein y Popper, como ellos mismos se reprocharon mutuamente por razones éticas contrapuestas en el así llamado “incidente del atizador” de 1946. Por su parte Wright y Apel también prolongaron este tipo de análisis acerca de las mutuas relaciones de subalternación y autodiferenciación o, por el contrario, de fundamentación y complementariedad recíproca, que se deberían establecer entre las correspondientes críticas del sentido y las (...)
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    The problem of Genesis in Husserl's philosophy.Jacques Derrida - 2003 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Derrida's first book-length work, The Problem of Genesis in Husserl's Philosophy , was originally written as a dissertation for his diplôme d'etudes superieures in 1953 and 1954. Surveying Husserl's major works on phenomenology, Derrida reveals what he sees as an internal tension in Husserl's central notion of genesis, and gives us our first glimpse into the concerns and frustrations that would later lead Derrida to abandon phenomenology and develop his now famous method of deconstruction. For Derrida, the problem (...)
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    The Genesis of Neo-Kantianism 1796–1880 by Frederick C. Beiser.Andrea Staiti - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (1):177-178.
    Frederick Beiser’s book is a valuable contribution to the revival of neo-Kantian studies characterizing the past few years: a trend that is blowing the dust off this important, yet hitherto neglected chapter of the history of philosophy. The quality of Beiser’s writing is excellent throughout, showing mastery of an impressive range of sources and treating with equal competence a variety of topics in epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, and philosophy of religion.In part 1, Beiser advances his most original historical claim about neo-Kantianism. (...)
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    The Problem of Genesis in Husserl's Philosophy.Marian Hobson (ed.) - 2003 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Derrida's first book-length work, _The Problem of Genesis in Husserl's Philosophy_, was originally written as a dissertation for his _diplôme d'études supérieures_ in 1953 and 1954. Surveying Husserl's major works on phenomenology, Derrida reveals what he sees as an internal tension in Husserl's central notion of genesis, and gives us our first glimpse into the concerns and frustrations that would later lead Derrida to abandon phenomenology and develop his now famous method of deconstruction. For Derrida, the problem of (...)
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    The Transcendental Fall In Kant and Schelling.Robert F. Brown - 1984 - Idealistic Studies 14 (1):49-66.
    I have argued elsewhere that the traditional Augustinian account of the fall is conceptually defective. It offers causal explanations for the first instance of willing evil which violate affirmations of divine goodness and justice integral to Christian thought. Augustine is the most influential spokesperson for the conviction that the first human pair initiated fallenness on the earth by decisions and actions they took within time though indeed very near to time’s beginning. A supporting account, embellished imaginatively by the tradition, enlarges (...)
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    The Genesis of the Transcendent.Adrian Johnston - 2003 - Idealistic Studies 33 (1):57-82.
    Schelling argues that the Kantian transcendental apparatus lacks the ability to systematically ground itself. He insists that one must account for the prior emergence of experiential reality in addition to delineating this reality’s structure once constituted, and he presents his genetic model of epistemological subjectivity as a supplement completing the Kantian edifice. Although he never finally arrives at a satisfactory system of his own, Schelling repeatedly attempts, in various ways, to strike a productive compromise between transcendental and historico-genetic (...)
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    The Genesis of the Symbolic: On the Beginnings of Ernst Cassirer's Philosophy of Culture.Arno Schubbach - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter. Edited by Dale J. Hobbs.
    Ernst Cassirer's philosophy of culture has been much discussed in recent years. However, it remains unclear how it evolved from his older theory of knowledge. This study deals with this question on the basis of Cassirer's 'disposition' of a 'philosophy of the symbolic', reconstructed here for the first time. This text shows that the 'symbolic' refers to culture as a whole and to its inherent diversity. Therefore, 'the symbolic' includes the relationship between the general transcendental conditions of culture and (...)
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    The humanization of transcendental philosophy: studies on Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty.R. Sundara Rajan - 1997 - New Delhi: Tulika.
    This is a collection of three studies of both retrospective and prospective significance for the author s preoccupation with the philosophical problems arising out of the transcendentalist orientation. The aim of the present work is to focus on the notion of the paradoxical alliance of unity and difference of the transcendentalist ego and the human subject. To think this notion through in terms of its implications and consequences and to rethink the nature and method of philosophy, its relation to language (...)
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    Gedanken zur Genesis der Lebenswelt.Walter Biemel - 1993 - ProtoSociology 5:15-27.
    In part lit will be analysed the genesis of the term "lifeworld" in context of E. Husserl’s philosophy. In the Crisis of European Science Husserl shows that the Doxa has a special significance compared to Episteme. This corresponds with Hussser's thesis that the world of science requires always the lifeworld. The lifeworld is the result of the anonymous cons- titution of the transcentental ego. This constitution should be demonstrated in Husserl’s "ontology of lifeworld".In part II it will be demonstrated (...)
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  21. Genesis, instinct, and reconstruction: Nam-in Lee's Edmund Husserl's phänomenologie der instincte. [REVIEW]James G. Hart - 1998 - Husserl Studies 15 (2):101-123.
    Nam-In Lee’s impressive study of “instinct” in Husserl1 gives a new sense to Husserl’s self-description of his work as a preoccupation with beginnings (see p. x) because it seeks not only to integrate the theme of instinct systematically into Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology but to demonstrate that it has a fundamental position. I believe the author has successfully demonstrated his contention that other students of Husserl who have treated the theme of instinct as a marginal consideration failed to see that (...)
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    A Genesis of Speculative Empiricisms: Whitehead and Deleuze Read Hume.Russell J. Duvernoy - 2019 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 57 (4):459-482.
    Deleuze’s “transcendental empiricism” and the “empirical side” of Whitehead’s metaphysics are paradoxical unless placed in the context of their unorthodox readings of empiricism. I explore this context focusing on their engagements with Hume. Both subvert presumptions of a categorical gap between external nature and internal human experience and open possibilities for a speculative empiricism that is non-reductive while still affirming experience as source for philosophical thinking. Deleuze and Whitehead follow Hume in beginning with events of sensation as primary but (...)
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    The Other Husserl: The Horizons of Transcendental Phenomenology. [REVIEW]Steven Galt Crowell - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (1):132-133.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 40.1 (2002) 132-133 [Access article in PDF] Book Review The Other Husserl: The Horizons of Transcendental Phenomenology Donn Welton. The Other Husserl: The Horizons of Transcendental Phenomenology. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2000. Pp. xvi + 496. Cloth, $54.95. Few philosophers have been as ill-served by their reception as Husserl. The books he managed to publish during his lifetime provide a very (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty and the Permanent Dissonance of Being. The Temporal Extensions of the Transcendental Field in Phenomenology of Perception.Keith Whitmoyer - 2012 - Chiasmi International 14:363-381.
    La dissonance permanente de l’être.L’extension du champ transcendental dans Phénoménologie de la perceptionRépondant aux reproches d’idéalisme subjectif qui hantent la Phénoménologie de la perception depuis sa publication, le présent essai affirme que l’intention deMerleau-Ponty dans ce texte n’est pas de soutenir la primauté ontologique de la conscience constituante transcendantale, mais de restaurer une certaine« épaisseur temporelle » (Merleau-Ponty 1945, 459) à la théorie de la genèse du sens. Dans Le champ phénoménal, Le cogito, et finalement dans certaines des réflexions (...)
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    The Spinozism of Fichte’s Transcendental Argument in the Lecture Notes of 1804.George Di Giovanni - 2017 - Fichte-Studien 44:49-63.
    In a transcendental argument, a judgement ≫S is P≪ is unpacked into the two reflective claims: ≫I say that S is P≪, and ≫What I say is indeed the case≪; and the truth of the second is made to rest on the authority of the ≫I say≪ of the first. The argument has all the features of a testimony, where the reliability of the testimony (as in juridical cases) depends on the extent to which, in being rendered, it conforms (...)
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  26. The Factual Genesis of Judgment : what is at Stake in the Husserl-Sigwart Debate.Francesco Pisano - 2020 - Azimuth : Philosophical Coordinates in Modern and Contemporary Age 1 (15):43-59.
    What is the logical form of judgments, if they have one? This question remains an enigma for any transcendental approach to logical thought. The paper addresses the matter by following the debate between Edmund Husserl and Christoph Sigwart from 1890 to 1904. It shows the pivotal role that the problem of judgment played in this discussion. Since judgments were thought to be both refined mental acts and fundamental logical elements, the related issue was a thumbnail version of the broader (...)
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    Reply to Fagan: Hanging God at Auschwitz: The necessity of a solitary encounter with the Other as the genesis of Levinasian ethics.Amanda Loumanksy - 2009 - Contemporary Political Theory 8 (1):23-43.
    This paper is a response to Fagan's argument that Levinas's attempt to build an ethics, separated from politics, is misconceived. I take issue with her claim that the separation is untenable because the Third is always present in the encounter with the Other. I maintain that this conclusion fails to appreciate Levinas's attempt to resolve the apparent contradictions in his greatest work, Otherwise than Being. My approach, consciously in the Levinasian tradition, is elliptical in the sense that I seek not (...)
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    O problema da autoconstituição do eu transcendental na fenomenologia de Husserl: de Ideias I a Meditações Cartesianas.Carlos Diógenes Côrtes Tourinho - 2016 - Trans/Form/Ação 39 (3):87-100.
    RESUMO: O presente artigo aborda um tema específico da fenomenologia de Husserl: o problema da autoconstituição do eu transcendental. O artigo se encontra dividido em duas partes. Inicialmente, investiga o eu como polo idêntico que acompanha todos os vividos. Em seguida, introduz o problema da autoconstituição: ao constituir seus objetos, o eu transcendental se autoconstitui. Por fim, retoma o referido problema, para investigar a gênese temporal da vida subjetiva e a autoconstituição do ego por meio dos seus próprios (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty and the Transcendental Past.Benjamin Décarie-Daigneault - 2023 - Symposium 27 (2):218-244.
    Phenomenology’s reversal of naturalism hinges on the central claim that the worldly objects that we experience acquire their ontological solidity throughout series of intentional acts that are accomplished over the course of our subjective and intersubjective lives. This posture has historically given rise to realist critiques stating that such a “correlational” ontology undermines our capacity to formulate a coherent discourse on generative natural events that predate humans, such as the Big Bang, the Earth’s accretion, the formation of the oceans, etc. (...)
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    Ontological and epistemological models of the transcendent and transcendental in ancient metaphysics.Rafael Ayratovich Burkhanov & Anastasia Valerievna Dmitrieva - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):83-88.
    The article is devoted to the analysis of ontological and epistemological models of the transcendent and transcendental in ancient philosophy, which allows us to understand the genesis and foundations of the main variants of metaphysics in classical thought. In general, constructions of ancient Greek thought are characterized by the understanding of the transcendent as "other" being, the higher sphere of the "cosmos of nature", which has specific spatio-temporal properties, which is outside the immanent world of man. Ontological terms, (...)
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    The Appropriation of the Husserlian Meaning of the Transcendental by Hermeneutic Phenomenology.Acylene Maria Cabral Ferreira - 2020 - Phainomenon 30 (1):41-68.
    Our goal is to investigate the extent of the appropriation, by hermeneutic phenomenology, of the concept of transcendental at work in descriptive psychology, where it plays the role of a universal principle of the constitutive genesis of intentionality. We aim to clarify how the very mode of operation of Husserlian phenomenology is crucial to the elaboration of fundamental ontology. Our hypothesis is that intentionality leads Heidegger to the discovery of time as a transcendental principle, of being as (...)
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    Questions of Genesis as Questions of Validity.Bernardo Ainbinder - 2020 - In Iulian Apostolescu & Claudia Serban (eds.), Husserl, Kant and Transcendental Phenomenology. De Gruyter. pp. 303-332.
  33. Some differences between Kant’s and Husserl’s conceptions of transcendental philosophy.Thomas J. Nenon - 2008 - Continental Philosophy Review 41 (4):427-439.
    This article compares the differences between Kant’s and Husserl’s conceptions of the “transcendental.” It argues that, for Kant, the term “transcendental” stands for what is otherwise called “metaphysical,” i.e. non-empirical knowledge. As opposed to his predecessors, who had believed that such non-empirical knowledge was possible for meta-physical, i.e. transcendent objects, Kant’s contribution was to show how there can be non-empirical (a priori) knowledge not about transcendent objects, but about the necessary conditions for the experience of natural, non-transcendent objects. (...)
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  34. The Necessity and Limits of Kant’s Transcendental Logic, with Reference to Nietzsche and Hegel.Max Gottschlich - 2015 - Review of Metaphysics 69 (2):287-315.
    Engaging with Kant’s transcendental logic seems to be a question of mere scholarly historical interest today. It is most commonly regarded a mixture between logic and psychology or epistemology, and by that, not a serious form of logic. Transcendental logic seems to be of no systematical impact on the concept of logic. My paper aims to disclose a different account on the endeavour of Kant’s transcendental logic in particular and of the “Critique of Pure Reason” (CPR) in (...)
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  35. From phenomenology to critical theory: The genesis of adorno’s critical theory from his reading of Husserl.Ernst Wolff - 2006 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 32 (5):555-572.
    This article investigates the importance of the evolution of Adorno’s interpretation of Husserl for the formation of his own philosophy. The weakness of Husserl’ notion of immediate data is revealed within the light of Hans Cornelius’s Transcendentale Systematik . When Adorno discovers in his Habilitationsschrift the importance of the social setting and ideological function of theory, he departs from Cornelius’ transcendentalism as norm for his reflection - and this insight is deployed against Husserl. Henceforth, Husserl’s philosophy is interpreted as idealist, (...)
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    Radical Immanence of Thought and the Genesis of Consciousness: Salomon Maïmon.Florian Vermeiren - 2019 - Kant Studien 110 (2):272-289.
    Salomon Maïmon argues that the formal determination of experience in Kant’s first Kritik insufficiently answers the question ‘quid juris?’. As an alternative to Kant’s theory, he develops a genetic transcendentalism in which experience is completely determined a priori. Discussing this genetic approach, I focus on how the spatiotemporal determinations of conscious experience are traced back to pure ideal relations. Relying on Leibniz and his theory of space and time, I explain how the extensive magnitudes of consciousness are founded in intensive (...)
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    Philosophical and cultural dimensions of the transcendental.L. Zelisko - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 67:21-27.
    Solving complex spiritual problems of modern life leads us to rethinking its higher meanings, absolute values, essences. Philosophical and cultural worldview, as the supreme form of knowledge and comprehension of the existence of the world and man, now directs the study of the root causes, the essential foundations of the world order, the disclosure of the deep meaning of what is happening to the world, society, culture and man, focuses on the creation of universal explanatory models of things, its individual (...)
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    Paradoxes of Pure Experience: From the Radical to the Transcendental with James and Deleuze.Russell J. Duvernoy - 2021 - Contemporary Pragmatism 18 (4):407-429.
    This paper investigates the relationship between James’ radical empiricism and Deleuze’s study of the genesis of sense without a transcendental subject as necessary condition. It shows that James’ concept of pure experience changes the form of relation between mind and world. Considering how to conceptualize experience without a fixed metaphysical or transcendental subject destabilizes ontological identity, leads to a founding conceptual divergence from traditional phenomenology, and motivates Deleuze’s efforts towards transcendental empiricism. The paper reads Deleuze’s work (...)
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  39. (2 other versions)Epigénesisy validez: EI papel de la embriología en el programa transcendental de Kant (epigenesis and validity: The role of the embriology in Kant's transcendental program).Eugenio Moya - 2005 - Theoria 20 (2):143-166.
    Este artículo examina eI significado de los términos biológicos “epigénesis” y “preformación” en eI desarrollo imelectual de Kant, así como sus implicaciones epistemológicas. De hecho, las ideas de espontaneidad y sistema, centrales en la teoría kantiana de la mente, encontraron su analogía empírica en la idea de epigénesis de la naturaleza, una noción que Kant utiliza para dar respuesta a la cuestión de la genesis y validez de las represenraciones puras. Para el autor, la idea de epigénesis compendia la (...)
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  40. The Sublime Conditions of Contemporary Art.Stephen Zepke - 2011 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 5 (1):73-83.
    Deleuze's relationship to Kant is intricate and fundamental, given that Deleuze develops his transcendental philosophy of difference in large part out of Kant's work. In doing so he utilises the moment of the sublime from the third Critique as the genetic model for the irruption of the faculties beyond their capture within common sense. In this sense, the sublime offers the model not only for transcendental genesis but also for aesthetic experience unleashed from any conditions of possibility. (...)
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    Phénoménologie Ou Structuralisme. Foucault, Derrida Et la Synthèse Passive.Vittorio Perego - 2023 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 12 (1):30-47.
    Foucault and Derrida react in two different ways to the new paradigm imposed by structuralism. Foucault uses structuralism to overcome phenomenology, in fact structuralism shows the naivety of phenomenology, in its claim to rely on conscience to constitute meaning. Instead, Derrida on the contrary immediately nurtures a certain distrust of structuralism, especially in its philosophical ambitions and uses the resources of phenomenology to criticize it, showing the metaphysical implications operating in it. We want to show how this opposing position is (...)
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  42. Transcendent occurrence and body happens - the occurrence of Husserl and Heidegger's phenomenological interpretation of phenomenology.Nam-in Lee - 2009 - Philosophy and Culture 36 (4):31-49.
    In this article, the author attempts to explain, the occurrence of Husserl and Heidegger's phenomenological interpretation of phenomenology there is a fundamental similarity. I have taken the approach is to analyze the phenomenology of Husserl and Heidegger's interpretation of the occurrence of the phenomenon of learning among the "place" concept. The author describes the place as a transcendental phenomenology of Husserl's main themes occur, and occur as the body phenomenology of Heidegger's interpretation of the main issues between the two (...)
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    (1 other version)Subjectivity and Living Work in Michel Henry’s Phenomenology of Life.Myriam Díaz Erbetta - 2017 - Cinta de Moebio 60:254-267.
    Resumen: A partir de sus análisis en torno a la realidad económica y social en el pensamiento de Marx, el filósofo francés Michel Henry propone que el fundamento de la economía es la subjetividad, o más bien la vida, pues es el trabajo, en cuanto “praxis viviente”, lo que define la realidad. El trabajo viviente produce y mantiene en el ser a los otros elementos de la economía, es el único que produce valor. El trabajo de cada sujeto, bajo esta (...)
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  44. La genèse de l’affectivité : tendance, pulsion et sentiment chez Fichte à l’époque d’Iéna.Augustin Dumont - 2011 - Philosophiques 38 (2):559-578.
    À partir d’une discussion critique des traductions françaises usuelles du premier Fichte, cet article voudrait déployer à nouveaux frais chacune des étapes qui constituent la genèse transcendantale de l’affectivité chez cet auteur, essentiellement à partir de la Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre et de la Wissenschaftslehre Nova Methodo . Les concepts de Tendenz, Trieb et Gefühl sont disséqués, analysés en profondeur, et inscrits dans la dynamique générale de l’imagination transcendantale.From a critical discussion of the usual french traductions of the first Fichte, (...)
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  45. Freedom.Kienhow Goh - 2020 - In Marina F. Bykova (ed.), The Bloomsbury Handbook to Fichte. New York: Bloomsbury. pp. 391-98.
    No concept is more controversial in, and yet more central to, the Wissenschaftslehre than that of freedom. This chapter presents Fichte as an empirical indeterminist and a transcendental determinist. Underlying his better-known empirical account of freedom of voluntary choice, I argue, is a transcendental account of “freedom in itself.” The latter, given from the transcendental viewpoint, presents my world as a thoroughly determinate system of possible (inner and outer) experience, including the possible experience of what I can (...)
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    The Subjectivity of Effective History and the Suppressed Husserlian Elements in Gadamer’s Philosophical Hermeneutics.Sebastian Luft - 2007 - Idealistic Studies 37 (3):219-254.
    This essay makes two claims. The first, exegetical, point shows that there are Husserlian elements in Gadamer’s hermeneutics that are usually overlooked. The second, systematic, claim takes issue with the fact that Gadamer saw himself in alliance with the project of the later Heidegger. It would have been more fruitful had Gadamer aligned himself with Husserl and the enlightenment tradition. following Heidegger in his concept of “effective history,” Gadamer risks betraying the main tenets of the enlightenment by shifting the weight (...)
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  47. Michel Henry et la critique du politique.Frédéric Seyler - 2009 - Studia Phaenomenologica 9:351-377.
    Does Michel Henry’s Phenomenology of life include an ethical and political dimension? It appears that the writings about Marx already include such aspects, especially in reference to the problem of social determinism. More generally, however, our attention must be focused on what Henry calls the transcendental genesis of politics which accounts for the lack of autonomy of the political field, just like in the case of economics. Politics may then be analyzed against that background, for instance in the (...)
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    La genèse et la trace: Derrida lecteur de Husserl et Heidegger.Paola Marrati - 1998 - Boom Koninklijke Uitgevers.
    This book aims at a philosophical reading of Derrida's work through a discussion of the most important issues of Derrida's confrontation with Husserl and Heidegger. The Derridean notions of trace and writing are elaborated as an answer to the difficulties of Husserlian conception of a transcendental genesis; they are also a challenge to the Heideggerian thinking of the originary finitude of Dasein, as well as to the determination of difference as ontological difference.
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    D. C. S. Oosthuizen on Husserl’s Doctrine of Constitution.Catherine F. Botha - 2016 - Husserl Studies 32 (2):131-147.
    The following is an English translation of the 1960 paper by the South African philosopher D. C. S. Oosthuizen entitled “Die Transendentaal-Frenomenologiese Idealisme: ‘n Aspek van die konstitusie-probleem in die filosofie van Edmund Husserl,” preceded by a few contextualizing remarks by the translator. The paper attempts to show that the phenomenological, eidetic and transcendental reductions, the problem of constitution and transcendental genesis are indispensable parts of the transcendental phenomenological method. It then demonstrates that this method and (...)
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    Depersonalization, Alienation, and Depresentation in Husserl and Beyond.István Fazakas - forthcoming - Husserl Studies:1-21.
    In a late manuscript, Husserl explicitly addresses the problem of depersonalization. Depersonalization is described as a rupture in a certain layer of experience, which, however, does not touch the fundamental unity of the underlying genesis. After a brief recapitulation of historical approaches to depersonalization, I’ll come to comment on this passage. To assess Husserl’s contribution to the clinical understanding, and more specifically to the phenomenology of depersonalization, it is essential to understand his concept of personhood. In Husserl’s account of (...)
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