  1.  36
    Establishment Violence in Philo and Luke: A Study in Non-Conformity to the Torah and Jewish Vigilante Reactions.Louis H. Feldman & Torrey Seland - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (1):154.
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  2. Peder Borgen.Torrey Seland - 2021 - In Peder Borgen (ed.), Illuminations by Philo of Alexandria: selected studies on interpretation in Philo, Paul and the Revelation of John. Boston: Brill.
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  3.  11
    Reading Philo: a handbook to Philo of Alexandria.Torrey Seland (ed.) - 2014 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    A contemporary of both Jesus and the apostle Paul, Philo was a prolific Jewish theologian, philosopher, and politician -- a fascinating, somewhat enigmatic figure -- who lived his entire life in Alexandria, Egypt. His many books are important sources for our understanding of ancient Judaism, early Christianity, and the philosophical currents of that time. Reading Philo is an excellent introductory guide to Philo s work and significance. The contributors -- all well-known experts on Philo of Alexandria -- discuss Philo in (...)
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