Results for 'Torre Lima'

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  1.  44
    Urban sustainable agriculture: The paradox of the chinampa system in Mexico City. [REVIEW]Pablo Torres-Lima, Beatriz Canabal-Cristiani & Gilberto Burela-Rueda - 1994 - Agriculture and Human Values 11 (1):37-46.
    Although the chinampa agriculture in Mexico City is considered an historical sustainable farming system,there have been few studies on its current status. This paper assesses the relationship between agroecological factors and socioeconomic strategies by analyzing urban forces, regional employment, and environmental concerns. Despite ecological deterioration caused by the urban expansion of Mexico City, the economic viability of this agricultural system is still based on the efficient use of farming technologies and resources management strategies that tend to maintain levels of productivity (...)
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    Teología y sexualidad: Caro cardo salutis.Torre Lima - 2008 - In Javier de la Torre, Madrigal Terrazas & J. Santiago, Sexo, sexualidad y bioética. Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas. pp. 233--278.
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    Mousiké.Alfredo Werney Lima Torres & José Renato de Araújo Sousa - 2017 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 28:93-103.
    Partindo do pensamento de Platão, mas especificamente em sua obra A República, em que o filósofo argumenta que a música e a poesia dos gregos não podem ser apenas estudadas como um fenômeno estético, porque elas se articulam intimamente com a moral e com a visão de mundo daquela sociedade, pretende-se compreender a relação entre logos e mousiké na cultura grega.
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    Tradução: de Lukács à escola de Frankfurt.Bruna Della Torre de Carvalho Lima & Eduardo Altheman Camargo Santos - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (spe):379-410.
    Thomas Kuhn is mostly known for his contributions to the philosophy of science. However, it was chiefly to investigations in philosophy of language that he dedicated the last part of his career. The aim of this paper is to present a systematic view of Kuhn’s main ideas on this subject. I start by describing his theory of concept, in particular what he says about kind terms. Such terms, acquired in blocks that form contrast sets or “taxonomies,” are learned through ostensible (...)
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    Entrevista Com Professoras(Es) de Filosofia Do Ensino Fundamental Do Ceará.Jocilaine Moreira Batista do Vale, Mario Jonny de Castro Cunha, Syssa Adley Rodrigues Monteiro, Fabiana Martins Tôrres, Antônio Alex Pereira de Sousa & Paulo Willame Araújo de Lima - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 29 (29):348-359.
    ENTREVISTA COM PROFESSORAS(ES) DE FILOSOFIA DO ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL DO CEARÁCom: Jocilaine Moreira Batista do Vale, Mario Jonny de Castro Cunha, Syssa AdleyRodrigues Monteiro, Fabiana Martins TôrresPor: Antônio Alex Pereira de Sousa, Paulo Willame Araújo de Lim.
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    Maria Emilia Amarante Torres Lima: A Rescue of the Memory of the Discourse Analysis in Brazil.Mailson Fernandes Cabral de Souza - 2021 - Bakhtiniana 16 (3):8-38.
    RESUMO Este artigo tem como propósito realizar um resgate da trajetória intelectual de Maria Emilia Amarante Torres Lima. A obra dessa pesquisadora constitui um importante testemunho da história da Análise do Discurso de linha francesa, assim como do vínculo inicial dessa disciplina com a Psicologia Social. Em sua tese de doutoramento, orientada por Michel Pêcheux, Lima desenvolveu um estudo pioneiro sobre o fenômeno do populismo no Brasil a partir da análise da construção e funcionamento dos discursos de 1º (...)
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    Digital Teaching Competence and Foreign Language Learning in Students of a National University in Lima.Betty Marlene Lavado Rojas, Dr Walter Pomahuacre Gómez, Magnolia Anyeli Castro Fernández, Edith Consuelo Zárate Aliaga & Magaly López Torres - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:115-127.
    The research shows the relationship between digital teaching competence and foreign language learning in students at a national university from Lima. It is a non-experimental descriptive study with a cross-sectional correlational design, applied to a sample of 151 students from Enrique Guzmán y Valle National University of Education. To collect data for the first variable, it was built a questionnaire with the response parameters of the Likert scale. Based on the Cronbach's Alpha test, this instrument reached a reliability index (...)
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  8. Metodología de la enseñanza del lenguaje y la redacción en espacios universitarios. Entrevista a Lenin Pantoja Torres.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2022 - Pucara. Revista de Humanidades 1 (33):1-5.
    Lenin Pantoja Torres nació el 11 de diciembre de 1988 en Lima (Perú). Ha realizado estudios literarios en pregrado y posgrado en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Cuenta con un máster en Innovación Pedagógica y Gestión de Centros Educativos por EUCIM Business School de España. Asimismo, es magíster en Educación con mención en Políticas y Gestión de la Educación por la Universidad de San Martín de Porres (Lima, Perú). Con respecto al ámbito laboral, se ha desempeñado (...)
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  9. Wondering about the future.Stephan Torre - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 179 (8):2449-2473.
    Will it rain tomorrow? Will there be a sea battle tomorrow? Will my death be painful? Wondering about the future plays a central role in our cognitive lives. It is integral to our inquiries, our planning, our hopes, and our fears. The aim of this paper is to consider various accounts of future contingents and the implications that they have for wondering about the future. I argue that reflecting on the nature of wondering about the future supports an Ockhamist account (...)
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  10. Future-Directed Counterfactuals, Practical Reasoning, and the Open Future.Stephan Torre - forthcoming - Disputatio.
    One stark difference between the past and the future lies in our ability to shape the future in a way in which we are unable to shape the past. This paper investigates what kind of beliefs about the future serve as premises in our reasoning about how to act. If we think about belief in terms of agents representing the world, we cannot lose sight of the fact that agents are part of, and shape, the same world they represent. Beliefs (...)
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  11. The Growing Block, the Open Future and Future Truths.Stephan Torre - 2021 - Disputatio 13 (63):423-432.
    In Nothing to Come, Fabrice Correia and Sven Rosenkranz provide a sophisticated, compelling, and thoroughly defended account of the growing block theory. This note critically evaluates two aspects of this account. First, it evaluates Correia and Rosenkranz’s attempt at providing a grounding principle for future truths and argues that this principle fails to make progress in explaining why future truths are true. Second, it evaluates Correia and Rosenkranz’s construal of the open future arguing that the asymmetry in openness with respect (...)
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  12. In Defense of De Se Content.Stephan Torre - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 97 (1):172-189.
    There is currently disagreement about whether the phenomenon of first-person, or de se, thought motivates a move towards special kinds of contents. Some take the conclusion that traditional propositions are unable to serve as the content of de se belief to be old news, successfully argued for in a number of influential works several decades ago.1 Recently, some philosophers have challenged the view that there exist uniquely de se contents, claiming that most of the philosophical community has been under the (...)
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    Women in Blue: Structural and Individual Determinants of Sex Segregation in Blue-Collar Occupations.Margarita Torre - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (3):410-438.
    The number of women occupying male-dominated blue-collar jobs continues to be very low. This study examines segregation in the blue-collar trades, taking into consideration both structural and individual factors. Using nationally representative data for 25 countries, the study shows that segregation in the blue-collar sector does not vary with the strength of vocational education and training programs. At the individual level, findings reveal higher degrees of social reproduction among working-class families, but parental background alone does not fully account for the (...)
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    La salud en los pueblos indígenas: atención primaria e interculturalidad.Consuelo de Jesús Alban Meneses, Víctor Manuel Sellan Icaza & Consuelo Lorena Moran Alban - 2020 - Minerva 1 (3):23-34.
    Las naciones y pueblos indígenas presentan preocupantes índices respecto a la salud, así como otras carencias como la pérdida de sus tierras, la alimentación, la educación y, en general, el ejercicio de sus derechos, consagrados por organizaciones internacionales como la ONU y la OMS-OPS. En Ecuador, de acuerdo con el orden jurídico constitucional, se han instrumentado políticas de salud que incluyen el lineamiento general de un enfoque intercultural de la atenciónprimaria que incorpora los saberes y prácticas ancestrales. Mediante una revisión (...)
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  15. First-Person Imaginings.Stephan Torre - manuscript
    There are different ways in which imaginings can involve the first-person. I can imagine skiing down a mountain, looking down the slope, the wind whipping me in the face. I can also imagine myself skiing down a mountain from the outside, adopting the point of view of a spectator watching myself fly down the mountain. I can also imagine that I am someone else entirely, say Angela Merkel, skiing down a mountain. In this paper I develop and defend a new (...)
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  16. Literatura de hoy, mitos de siempre: René Belletto, un escritor francés de actualidad.José Manuel Torre Arca - 1991 - El Basilisco 10:68-75.
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    The People, Democracy, and Authoritarianism in Rafael Correa's Ecuador.Carlos Torre - 2014 - Constellations 21 (4):457-466.
  18. Dall'impegno contro l'antisemitismo alla Conferenza di Helsinki: Giorgio La Pira e il futuro della libertà religiosa europea.Giuseppe Dalla Torre - 2006 - Studium 102 (2):189-206.
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  19. El esclavo de su ignorancia.Ramón de la Torre - 1947 - México,:
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  20. Il cinema di fantascienza contemporaneo e le questioni bioetiche.Paola Dalla Torre - 2009 - Studium 105 (2):287-298.
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  21. L'elefante cinese e l'America tra documentario e noir: Frammenti di passato e presente.Paola Dalla Torre - 2006 - Studium 102 (5):781-790.
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    The Sin of Man and the Love of God.Michael Torre - 1988 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 4:203-213.
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    Meta-Argumentation Modelling I: Methodology and Techniques.Guido Boella, Dov Gabbay, Leendert Torre & Serena Villata - 2009 - Studia Logica 93 (2-3):297-355.
    In this paper, we introduce the methodology and techniques of meta-argumentation to model argumentation. The methodology of meta-argumentation instantiates Dung’s abstract argumentation theory with an extended argumentation theory, and is thus based on a combination of the methodology of instantiating abstract arguments, and the methodology of extending Dung’s basic argumentation frameworks with other relations among abstract arguments. The technique of meta-argumentation applies Dung’s theory of abstract argumentation to itself, by instantiating Dung’s abstract arguments with meta-arguments using a technique called flattening. (...)
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  24. La défense des droits de l'homme et Humanisme intégral de Jacques Maritain : une vision personnaliste de la foi et de la politique pour aujourd'hui.Michael D. Torre - 2022 - In Hubert Borde & Bernard Hubert, Actualité de Jacques Maritain. Paris: Pierre Téqui éditeur.
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  25. Ota Weinberger and the Theory of Action.La Torre - 1994 - Rechtstheorie. Beiheft 14:159-170.
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    Dom Lambert beauduin.J. van Torre - 1956 - Bijdragen 17 (4):432-436.
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    Presentación: Kant: trescientos años después.Stéfano Straulino Torre - 2024 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 22 (149):7.
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  28. Critical Notice: The Open Future: Why Future Contingents Are All False, by Patrick Todd. [REVIEW]Stephan Torre - 2024 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (3):1036-1043.
    Patrick Todd's The Open Future defends the view that all future contingent statements, like ‘It will rain tomorrow’, are false.1 Not only is ‘It will rain tomor.
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  29. Restricted Diachronic Composition and Special Relativity.Stephan Torre - 2015 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 66 (2):235-255.
    When do objects at different times compose a further object? This is the question of diachronic composition. The universalist answers, ‘under any conditions whatsoever’. Others argue for restrictions on diachronic composition: composition occurs only when certain conditions are met. Recently, some philosophers have argued that restrictions on diachronic compositions are motivated by our best physical theories. In Persistence and Spacetime and elsewhere, Yuri Balashov argues that diachronic compositions are restricted in terms of causal connections between object stages. In a recent (...)
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    Definición de verdad y criterios de verdad en Kant.Stéfano Straulino Torre - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (11):132-159.
    En las pocas ocasiones en que Kant aborda el tema de la verdad, lo suele hacer en función de los problemas implicados en la definición nominal de verdad y en la búsqueda de un criterio de verdad. El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer una visión sinóptica del modo en que Kant plantea estas dos cuestiones. En la primera sección del trabajo se aborda el tema de la definición de la verdad. Primero explico qué es una definición y qué implica (...)
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  31. Eucaristía y vida contemplativa.Juan María de la Torre - 2011 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 35 (71):77-84.
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    Globalización, riesgo, reflexividad: tres temas de la teoría social contemporánea.Ramâon Ramos Torre, Fernando Garcâia Selgas & Antoni Ariäno Villarroya (eds.) - 1999 - Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociologicas Instituto de Demografia.
    Este libro recoge una veintena de estudios que, desde el punto de vista de la teoría social abordan aspectos variados de la Globalización, el Riesgo y la Reflexividad, considerados como los retos fundamentales con los que ha de enfrentarse la sociología actual.
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  33. Il banchetto di luxuria nell'opera in prosa di Seneca'.C. Torre - 1997 - Paideia 52:377-396.
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    „Totalitarismus des Seins“? Die Ethik bei Lévinas als Kritik am Denken Heideggers.Alfredo Rocha de la Torre - 2014 - In Inga Römer, Affektivität Und Ethik Bei Kant Und in der Phänomenologie. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 241-252.
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    Damascene, Aquinas, and Maritain on the Human Person.Michael Torre - 1998 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 14:15-26.
  36. The Collapse of the Rule of Law.Massimo Torre - 2012 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 41 (2).
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    The “Way” Toward E-leadership: Some Evidence From the Field.Teresina Torre & Daria Sarti - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  38. (1 other version)Knowledge of the Future and Reliable Belief-Forming Processes.Stephan Torre - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 1.
    This paper embraces the view that we have substantial knowledge of the future and investigates how such knowledge fundamentally differs from knowledge of the past and present. I argue for a new source of context-sensitivity with respect to knowledge attributions arising from presuppositions about reliable belief-forming processes. This context sensitivity has important consequences for knowledge of the future, as well as the appropriateness of assertions about the future. I argue that not only is knowledge of future events typically brought about (...)
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    Roles, an interdisciplinary perspective.Guido Boella, Leendert van der Torre & Harko Verhagen - 2007 - Applied ontology 2 (2):81-88.
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    Institutions with a hierarchy of authorities in distributed dynamic environments.Guido Boella & Leendert van der Torre - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 16 (1):53-71.
    A single global authority is not sufficient to regulate heterogenous agents in multiagent systems based on distributed architectures, due to idiosyncratic local situations and to the need to regulate new issues as soon as they arise. On the one hand institutions should be structured as normative systems with a hierarchy of authorities able to cope with the dynamics of local situations, but on the other hand higher authorities should be able to delimit the autonomy of lower authorities to issue valid (...)
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. Ahsmann, J. Van Torre, P. van Doornik, J. De Fraine, J. Verbeke, P. Smulders, H. Jans, P. Grootens, P. Fransen, J. Kerkhofs, J. Beyer, J. Vanneste, J. Vercruysse, W. Boelens, M. Huybens, J. H. Nota, A. Poncelet, W. Couturier, E. Huffer, J. Defever, G. Jacqmotte, J. M. Kijm, Cl Beukers, M. Dierickx, G. Achten, J. De Cock, P. Ploumen & E. Bolsius - 1960 - Bijdragen 21 (4):429-464.
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  42. O Colégio de Aplicação da Ufrgs e suas precursoras: memórias apagadas // The Ufrgs School of Application and its precursors: memories deleted.Doris Bittencourt Almeida & Lima - 2015 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 20 (1):141-163.
    Neste estudo, busca-se historicizar os primeiros tempos do Colégio de Aplicação, importante espaço educativo em Porto Alegre/RS, Brasil, considerando seus entrelaçamentos às Faculdades de Filosofia e de Educação, valorizando o papel de Graciema Pachedo e Isolda Holmer Paes, professoras idealizadoras da instituição na década de 1950. A produção de memórias de instituições de ensino permite que se teçam interconexões entre as diferentes histórias vividas pelos sujeitos em termos políticos, sociais e educacionais, fomentando assim reflexões sobre as condições materiais nas quais (...)
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  43. Plano de ensino 1. identificação.Ismael Lima Leite - 2011 - Filosofia 31:10.
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    La naturaleza de las cosas como factor jurídico (Un aspecto del esfuerzo de los griegos por alcanzar la «ciencia de la justicia»).Ángel Sánchez de la Torre - 2003 - Arbor 175 (691):1111-1129.
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    En el corazón de lo imposible: Walter Benjamin, Marcel Proust y La Recherche.Bruna Della Torre - 2024 - Aisthesis 76:84-104.
    Este artículo explora la centralidad de la novela de Marcel Proust À la Recherche du temps perdu en la crítica literaria de Walter Benjamin. Celebrando el centenario del Instituto de Investigación Social, reevalúa cómo Benjamin se relacionó con la obra de Proust y destaca la importancia del arte y la literatura para una Teoría Crítica radical. Para Benjamin, Proust es un escritor subversivo que trasciende la novela como género y subvierte la relación entre la novela y el tiempo a través (...)
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  46. Do More Informed Citizens Make Better Climate Policy Decisions?Michael Lokshin, Ivan Torre, Michael Hannon & Miguel Purroy - manuscript
    This study explores the relationship between perceptions of catastrophic events and beliefs about climate change. Using data from the 2023 Life in Transition Survey, the study finds that contrary to conventional wisdom, more accurate knowledge about past catastrophes is associated with lower concern about climate change. The paper proposes that heightened threat sensitivity may underlie both the tendency to overestimate disaster impacts and increased concern about climate change. The findings challenge the assumption that a more informed citizenry necessarily leads to (...)
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    Freedom & Sin: Evil in a World Created by God by Ross McCullough.Michael D. Torre - 2024 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 98 (1):125-128.
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    Interlocución asistida como apoyo para la enseñanza en el posgrado.Yolanda González de la Torre & José Jiménez Mora - 2021 - Voces de la Educación 6 (11):60-74.
    This paper introduces the concept of assisted dialogue as a scaffolding tool for academic writing management shared for teachers and postgraduate students. The concept is characterized and examples of this type of intervention aimed at understanding general questions of educational research and the production of academic texts are presented.
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  49. La historia perdida de Kierkegaard y Adorno, de Asunción Herrera Guevara.Mariano C. Melero de la Torre - 2007 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):141-144.
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  50. La recuperación del paternalismo en la relación médico-paciente.José Luis de la Torre Díaz - 2008 - In Salomé Adroher Biosca, Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina. Cizur Menor: Thomson/Aranzadi.
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