Results for 'Toni-Lou* Marlow'

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  1.  27
    Photovoice and refugee research: The case for a ‘layers’ versus ‘labels’ approach to vulnerability.Louise Humpage, Farida Fozdar, Jay Marlowe & Lisa Hartley - 2019 - Research Ethics 15 (3-4):1-16.
    ‘Vulnerability’ is a key concept used to understand the ethical implications of conducting refugee-focused research. This case study illustrates the need to follow Luna’s call for a shift fr...
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    Abū Zayd al-Balkhī and the Naṣīḥat al-mulūk of Pseudo-Māwardī.Louise Marlow - 2016 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 93 (1):35-64.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 93 Heft: 1 Seiten: 35-64.
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    Cases and Commentaries.Lou Hodges, Stephen D. Isaacs, Lou Gelfand, Mary Grace O'Brien & Tony Mauro - 1994 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 9 (2):118-126.
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    The Hypothesis That Anorexia Nervosa Is a Passion: Clarifications and Elaborations.Louis C. Charland, Tony Hope, Anne Stewart & Jacinta Tan - 2013 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 20 (4):375-379.
    We are grateful for these two insightful commentaries, which both see novelty and value in the manner in which we invoke the hypothesis that anorexia nervosa is a passion, to help explain data from the Anorexia Experiences Study, which provides the basis of our inquiry. In this response, we wish to clarify and elaborate on our hypothesis; in particular, the difference between passions and moods, the manner in which our hypothesis touches on issues of authenticity and identity, and the compelling (...)
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    Medieval Reception of the Shāhnāma as a Mirror for Princes. By Nasrin Askari.Louise Marlow - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (4).
    The Medieval Reception of the Shāhnāma as a Mirror for Princes. By Nasrin Askari. Studies in Persian Cultural History, vol. 9. Leiden: Brill, 2016. Pp. xi + 398. $189, €136.
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    Marxism's Althusser: Toward a Politics of Literary TheoryFor MarxLenin and PhilosophyEssays in Self-CriticismReading CapitalFormalism and MarxismCriticism and IdeologyA Theory of Literary Production"Literature as an Ideological Form: Some Marxist Hypotheses,". [REVIEW]James H. Kavanagh, Louis Althusser, Etienne Balibar, Tony Bennett, Terry Eagleton & Pierre Macherey - 1982 - Diacritics 12 (1):25.
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    Guidelines for Assessment of Gait and Reference Values for Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters in Older Adults: The Biomathics and Canadian Gait Consortiums Initiative.Olivier Beauchet, Gilles Allali, Harmehr Sekhon, Joe Verghese, Sylvie Guilain, Jean-Paul Steinmetz, Reto W. Kressig, John M. Barden, Tony Szturm, Cyrille P. Launay, Sébastien Grenier, Louis Bherer, Teresa Liu-Ambrose, Vicky L. Chester, Michele L. Callisaya, Velandai Srikanth, Guillaume Léonard, Anne-Marie De Cock, Ryuichi Sawa, Gustavo Duque, Richard Camicioli & Jorunn L. Helbostad - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    C. Louth: Hölderlin and the Dynamics of Translation. Pp. x + 279. Oxford: Legenda , 1998. Paper, £27.50. ISBN: 1-900-755-11-4. [REVIEW]Tony Phelan - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (1):203-204.
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    Are You What You Read? Predicting Implicit Attitudes to Immigration Based on Linguistic Distributional Cues From Newspaper Readership; A Pre-registered Study.Dermot Lynott, Michael Walsh, Tony McEnery, Louise Connell, Liam Cross & Kerry O’Brien - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Counsel for Kings: Wisdom and Politics in Tenth-Century Iran. By Louise Marlow.Sarah Bowen Savant - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (4).
    Counsel for Kings: Wisdom and Politics in Tenth-Century Iran. By Louise Marlow. 2 vols. Edinburgh Studies in Classical Arabic Literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2016. Pp. xv + 344, viii + 384. $220, £150.
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    Why Some Value theorists have a Problem with Romantic Love.Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen - manuscript
    Paper read at the 32nd Conference on Value Inquiry: Reason and Evaluation, 8-10/4, 2005, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.
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    The "Blackness of Blackness": A Critique of the Sign and the Signifying Monkey.Henry Louis Gates Jr - 1983 - Critical Inquiry 9 (4):685-723.
    Perhaps only Tar Baby is as enigmatic and compelling a figure from Afro-American mythic discourse as is that oxymoron, the Signifying Monkey.3 The ironic reversal of a received racist image of the black as simianlike, the Signifying Monkey—he who dwells at the margins of discourse, ever punning, ever troping, ever embodying the ambiguities of language—is our trope for repetition and revision, indeed, is our trope of chiasmus itself, repeating and simultaneously reversing in one deft, discursive act. If Vico and Burke, (...)
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  13. Anorexia Nervosa as a Passion.Louis C. Charland, Tony Hope, Anne Stewart & Jacinta Tan - 2013 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 20 (4):353-365.
    Contemporary diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa explicitly refer to affective states of fear and anxiety regarding weight gain, as well as a fixed and very strong attachment to the pursuit of thinness as an overarching personal goal. Yet current treatments for that condition often have a decidedly cognitive orientation and the exact nature of the contribution of affective states and processes to anorexia nervosa remains largely uncharted theoretically. Taking our inspiration from the history of psychiatry, we argue that conceptualizing anorexia (...)
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    Marx and the Concept of a Social Formation.Tony Burns - forthcoming - Historical Materialism.
    This paper discusses the significance of the concept of a social formation for historical materialism. It argues that the concept is wrongly thought to be associated uniquely with the writings of Louis Althusser and with structuralist Marxism. It can be found in the writings of Marx himself, as well as those of Lenin, and is central to an adequate understanding of classical Marxism. To illustrate its importance the paper shows how the concept may be used to shed new light on (...)
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    Tony Volpe. Science et théologie dans les débats savants de la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle: La genèse dans les Philosophical Transactions et le Journal des savants . Preface by Louis Ch'tellier. 467 pp., illus., tables, app., bibl., index. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2008. €65. [REVIEW]Rhoda Rappaport - 2009 - Isis 100 (4):914-915.
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    Tony Volpe, Science et théologie dans les débats savants de la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle: La Genèse dans les Philosophical Transactions et le Journal des savants. Preface by Louis Ch'tellier. Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes Sciences Religieuses, 133. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2008. Pp. 467. ISBN 978-2-503-52584-6. €65.00. [REVIEW]Victor Boantza - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Science 43 (2):296-297.
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    Loudun and London.Stephen Greenblatt - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 12 (2):326-346.
    Several years ago, in a brilliant contribution to the Collection Archives Series, Michel de Certeau wove together a large number of seventeenth-century documents pertaining to the famous episode of demonic possession among the Ursuline nuns of Loudun.1 One of the principal ways in which de Certeau organized his disparate complex materials into a compelling narrative was by viewing the extraordinary events as a kind of theater. There are good grounds for doing so. After all, as clerical authorities came to acknowledge (...)
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  18.  33
    Australian Poltergeist: The Stone-Throwing Spook of Humpty Doo and Many Other Cases by Tony Healy and Paul Cropper.Stephen Braude - 2015 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 29 (1).
    No doubt this breezily written and informative volume will fill a gaping lacuna in most JSE readers' knowledge of evidence for psychokinesis generally and poltergeist phenomena in particular. It certainly did for me. Healy and Cropper survey 52 different Australian cases, spanning the years 1845-2002. The first eleven chapters cover the authors' 11 strongest cases in considerable detail. Chapter 12 describes the remaining 41 cases more briefly, and catalogues all 52 cases in chronological order. Chapter 13 purports to wrap things (...)
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  19. Kant and Frege on existence.Toni Kannisto - 2018 - Synthese (8):01-26.
    According to what Jonathan Bennett calls the Kant–Frege view of existence, Frege gave solid logical foundations to Kant’s claim that existence is not a real predicate. In this article I will challenge Bennett’s claim by arguing that although Kant and Frege agree on what existence is not, they agree neither on what it is nor on the importance and justification of existential propositions. I identify three main differences: first, whereas for Frege existence is a property of a concept, for Kant (...)
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  20. Assigning Responsibilities to Institutional Moral Agents: The Case of States and Quasi-States.Toni Erskine - 2001 - Ethics and International Affairs 15 (2):67-85.
    Determining who, or indeed what, is to respond to prescriptions for action in cases of international crisis is a critical endeavor. Without such an allocation of responsibilities, calls to action–whether to protect the environment or to rescue distant strangers–lack specified agents, and, therefore, any meaningful indication of how they might be met. A fundamental step in arriving at this distribution of duties is identifying moral agents in international relations, or, in other words, identifying those bodies that can deliberate and act (...)
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  21. " Maneiras modernas" de.Saque Imperialista & Dilermando Toni - 1992 - Princípios 24.
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  22. Three Problems in Westphal's Transcendental Proof of Realism.Toni Kannisto - 2010 - Kant Studien 101 (2):227-246.
    The debate on how to interpret Kant's transcendental idealism has been prominent for several decades now. In his book Kant's Transcendental Proof of Realism (2004) Kenneth R. Westphal introduces and defends his version of the metaphysical dual-aspect reading. But his real aim lies deeper: to provide a sound transcendental proof for (unqualified) realism, based on Kant's work, without resorting to transcendental idealism. In this sense his aim is similar to that of Peter F. Strawson – although Westphal's approach is far (...)
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    Automated reformulation of specifications by safe delay of constraints.Marco Cadoli & Toni Mancini - 2006 - Artificial Intelligence 170 (8-9):779-801.
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  24. La gestión: la taumaturgia contemporánea.Toni Rodon I. Casarramona - 2009 - A Parte Rei 63:13.
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    The 'Sub-Rational' in Scottish Moral Science.Toni Vogel Carey - 2011 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 9 (2):225-238.
    Jacob Viner introduced the term ‘sub-rational’ to characterize the faculties – human instinct, sentiment and intuition – that fall between animal instinct and full-blown reason. The Scots considered sympathy both an affective and a physiological link between mind and body, and by natural history, they traced the most foundational societal institutions – language and law, money and property – to a sub-rational origin. Their ‘social evolutionism’ anticipated Darwin's ‘dangerous idea’ that humans differ from the lower animals only in degree, not (...)
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    Abschiedlich leben! Ein Plädoyer.Toni Tholen - 2024 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 49 (2):237-242.
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    "Perinatal drug use--a different perspective: commentary on" Birth penalty.Toni M. Vezeau - 1990 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 1 (2):143-145.
  28.  13
    Conocer Rousseau y su obra.Toni Vicens - 1978 - Barcelona: DOPESA.
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    Introduction to Recent Work on Intrinsic Value.Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen & Michael J. Zimmerman - 2005 - In Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen & Michael J. Zimmerman, Recent work on intrinsic value. Dordrecht: Springer.
  30. Development of role-play scenarios for teaching responsible conduct of research.C. Loui - unknown - Science and Engineering Ethics.
    We describe the development, testing, and formative evaluation of nine role-play scenarios for teaching central topics in the responsible conduct of research to graduate students in science and engineering. In response to formative evaluation surveys, students reported that the role-plays were more engaging and promoted deeper understanding than a lecture or case study covering the same topic. In the future, summative evaluations will test whether students display this deeper understanding and retain the lessons of the role-play experience.
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    The Place of Arbitration and Mediation in Ancient Systems of International Ethics.Louise E. Matthael - 1908 - Classical Quarterly 2 (04):241-.
    There can be no doubt that the Romans were very much influenced in their use of interstate arbitration by the Greeks. This statement can be made without affecting the question as to whether the actual principle of arbitration was known to them before their contact with the Greeks. Either the practice sprang up independently in Italy and Greece owing to similarity of conditions, or else it was part of the same stock of political and social ideas inherited by each race (...)
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    On the acceptability of arguments and its fundamental role in nonmonotonic reasoning, logic programming and n-person games: 25 years later.Pietro Baroni, Francesca Toni & Bart Verheij - 2020 - Argument and Computation 11 (1-2):1-14.
  33. Memory, Creation, and Writing.Toni Morrison - 1984 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 59 (4):385-390.
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    Don’t Blame Adam Smith.Toni Vogel Carey - 2009 - Philosophy Now 73:19-22.
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    Parsimony, In As FewWords As Possible.Toni Vogel Carey - 2010 - Philosophy Now 81:6-8.
  36.  18
    Engaging the Thought of Bernard Lonergan.Louis Roy - 2016 - Chicago: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Bernard Lonergan was a Canadian Jesuit philosopher, theologian, and humanist who taught in Montreal, Toronto, Rome, and Boston. His groundbreaking works Insight: A Study of Human Understanding and Method in Theology attempt to discern how knowledge is advanced in the natural sciences, the human studies, the arts, ethics, and theology. In Engaging the Thought of Bernard Lonergan, Louis Roy stresses the empirical aspect of Lonergan’s cognitional theory in relation to the role of meaning, objectivity, subjectivity, and historical consciousness. Rather than (...)
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  37. Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2018).Michael Thielscher, Francesca Toni & Frank Wolter (eds.) - 2018
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    Pateka.Toni Gičevski - 2014 - Skopje: Kultura.
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    El tratamiento numérico de la realidad. Reflexiones sobre la importancia actual de la estadística en la sociedad de la información.Toni Monleón-Getino - 2010 - Arbor 186 (743):489-497.
    La estadística se ha convertido en un método práctico para describir los valores de datos económicos, políticos, sociales, psicológicos, médicos, biológicos y físicos, como herramienta para relacionar y analizar dichos datos. El trabajo del estadístico no consiste sólo en obtener, reunir o tabular los datos, sino sobre todo el proceso de interpretación de esa información solo o en colaboración con los expertos en cada ámbito. A pesar de que es imposible entender la Sociedad de la Información sin la estadística, es (...)
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  40. Beyond the concept of culture, or how knowing the cultural formula does not predict clinical success.Toni Tripp-Reimer & S. Fox - 1990 - In Joanne McCloskey Dochterman & Helen K. Grace, Current Issues in Nursing. Mosby. pp. 542--546.
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    Does Your Religion Make a Difference in Your Business Ethics? The Case of Consolidated Foods.Louke Van Wensveen Siker, James A. Donahue & Ronald M. Green - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (11):819 - 832.
    While the literature in business ethics abounds with philosophical analyses, perspectives from religious thinkers are curiously underrepresented. What religious analysis has occured has often been moralistic in tone, more fit to the pulpit than the classroom or the boardroom. In the three essays that follow, presented originally at a panel at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion in 1989, ethicists from the Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Jewish traditions analyze a case study familiar to many who teach and (...)
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    Kicking Bodies and Damning Souls: The Danger of Harming “Innocent” Individuals While Punishing “Delinquent” States.Toni Erskine - 2010 - Ethics and International Affairs 24 (3):261-285.
    Institutions can be assigned duties, and thus can also be blamed for failing to discharge them. But how can we respond to this type of failure? Punishment is a prominent and problematic response to institutional delinquency.
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    (1 other version)Kant’s Treasure Hard-to-Attain.Louis Agosta - 1978 - Kant Studien 69 (1-4):422-443.
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    (1 other version)Éléments d'autocritique.Louis Althusser - 1974 - [Paris]: Hachette.
    Éléments d'autocritique.--Sur l'évolution du jeune Marx.
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    Public Management and the Common Good.Louis C. Gawthrop - 1994 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 3 (1):17-46.
  46.  13
    Sydney Street Style.Toni Johnson-Woods, Vicki Karaminas, Kate Disher-Quill & Justine Taylor - 2014 - Intellect.
    In a rapidly changing global fashion system, new centres such as Shanghai are joining other cities such as Dubai, Moscow, and Mumbai as global fashion capitals. Street Style is a series that explores and reveals the relationship between culture, the city, and the street fashion. Books in the series use a predominantly visual approach paired with critical analysis, and are inspired by street fashion blogs, magazines, and other fashion incubators such as internet sites. Australian fashion is an up and coming (...)
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  47. Hommage à Wlodek.Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen, Björn Petersson, Jonas Josefsson & Dan Egonsson (eds.) - 2007
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    Domenico campagnola's premonition of meliboeus.Louis Waldman - 1992 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 55 (1):270-272.
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    (1 other version)De quelques caractères de la pensée symbolique.Louis Weber - 1929 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 36 (3):343 - 359.
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    La France au point de vue moral a propos d'un livre récent.Louis Weber - 1900 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 8 (3):363 - 380.
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