Results for 'Tomas Baum'

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  1.  11
    How the Critical Achievements Inform the Idea of Eternal Peace.Tomas Baum - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 589-600.
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    A Rational Basis for Chemoprevention of Prostate Cancer.Caroline J. Huang & Matthew L. Baum - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (12):27-29.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 12, Page 27-29, December 2011.
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  3. Peer-to-Peer Semantic Search Engine.Tomáš Havryluk & Ivan Jelínek - 2007 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 40 (3):215.
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  4. Nada y ontología en el pensamiento griego.Tomás Lorenzo Melendo Granados - 1985 - Anuario Filosófico 18 (1):77-102.
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  5. Intrinsic Ethics Regarding Integrated Assessment Models for Climate Management.Erich W. Schienke, Seth D. Baum, Nancy Tuana, Kenneth J. Davis & Klaus Keller - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (3):503-523.
    In this essay we develop and argue for the adoption of a more comprehensive model of research ethics than is included within current conceptions of responsible conduct of research (RCR). We argue that our model, which we label the ethical dimensions of scientific research (EDSR), is a more comprehensive approach to encouraging ethically responsible scientific research compared to the currently typically adopted approach in RCR training. This essay focuses on developing a pedagogical approach that enables scientists to better understand and (...)
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  6. Reason, Action, and Weakness of the Will. A Semantic Approach.Tomás Barrero - 2010 - Ideas Y Valores 59 (143):161–187.
    This paper develops some of Austin’s ideas on excuses, stressing their “dimensional” character and relating it to Searle’s distinction between intention-in-action and previous intention, in order to show that the original speech-act shaped distinction between weakness of the will and moral weakness can be embedded in a quite different theoretical framework such as Davidson’s, while Austin’s dimensional classification of actions cannot. Finally, the article analyzes how Grice’s critique of Davidson’s views on akrasia is more faithful to Austin and more radical (...)
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  7. Aristóteles: metafísica. Edición trilingüe por Valentín García Yebra.Tomás Mariano Calvo Martínez - 1970 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 5:87-89.
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  8. Donald Davidson: Čin, mysel, jazyk.Tomáš Marvan - 1999 - Filosoficky Casopis 47:317-320.
    [Donald Davidson: Action, Thought and Language.].
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    Pensamiento musical y siglo XX.Tomás Marco - 2002 - Madrid: Sociedad General De Autores Y.
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    Reconsidering cameraless photography.Tomáš Dvořák - 2022 - Philosophy of Photography 13 (1):3-15.
    This article introduces the Special Issue on cameraless photography and the translation of Georg Christoph Lichtenberg’s treatise on electrical figures. It summarizes previous discussions on cameraless photography, namely those by Geoffrey Batchen and suggests relating the photogram to current post-lenticular technologies such as radiography, digital scanning or machine vision. It outlines the emergence of cameraless imaging in late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century scientific research, taking Lichtenberg’s figures as an emblem of automatically generated images situated between duration and instantaneity, between image (...)
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    The meaning of a precedent.Barbara Baum Levenbook - 2000 - Legal Theory 6 (2):185-240.
    A familiar jurisprudential view is that a judicial decision functions as a legal precedent by laying down a rule and that the content of this rule is set by officials. Precedents can be followed only by acting in accordance with this rule. This view is mistaken on all counts. A judicial decision functions as a precedent by being an example. At its best, it is an example both for officials and for a target population. Even precedents outside of law function (...)
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    ¿Qué es una ‘religión’? Tres teorías recientes.José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 2016 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 21:31-49.
    In this work three recent proposal of analysis of the concept of ‘religion’ are discussed. There is a strong convergence between these three proposals in several points: all of them maintain that a religion should be the belief of something –a set of propositions, the object of a propositional attitude like a belief–, all of them maintain that the object of the belief should be a theory about the good, and all of them maintain that a religion should have important (...)
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  13.  47
    Per intellectum ad beatitudinem. Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure on the Role of Prudence in Human Life.Tomáš Machula - 2015 - Quaestio 15:517-529.
    This paper deals with the virtue of prudence in the thinking of Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure. It compares the two different approaches of Dominican and Franciscan High Medieval Scholasticism concerning the virtue of prudence, which is an intellectual virtue but one that is closely related to human acts and consequently to the final end of human life.
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  14. Brandomian Aporia (and One Way Out).Tomas Marvan - 2002 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 37.
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    The book in times of globalization: An Argentinian reflection.Tomás Eloy Martínez - 2000 - Logos 11 (4):183-188.
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  16. (1 other version)The Davidson—Quine Dispute on Meaning and Knowledge: A Concise Guide.Tomas Marvan - 2007 - Theory of Science 16 (1).
  17. The role of coherence in legal reasoning.Barbara Baum Levenbook - 1984 - Law and Philosophy 3 (3):355 - 374.
    Many contemporary philosophers of law agree that a necessary condition for a decision to be legally justified, even in a hard case, is that it coheres with established law. Some, namely Sartorius and Dworkin, have gone beyond that relatively uncontroversial claim and described the role of coherence in legal justification as analogous to its role in moral and scientific justification, on contemporary theories. In this, I argue, they are mistaken. Specifically, coherence in legal justification is sometimes specific to a branch (...)
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  18.  10
    Apel na sobeckost nebo na rozumnost? Případová analýza s využitím Toulminova modelu argumentu.Tomáš Ondráček - 2019 - Filosofie Dnes 10 (2).
    Příspěvek se zaobírá Toulminovým přístupem k argumentaci. Hlavním cílem je přitom představit tento přístup a ukázat jeho aplikaci na vybraném materiálu. Klíčová otázka poté zní: V čem je Toulminův přístup stále aktuální a co může při zkoumání argumentů přinést? Cíle i odpovědi na otázku je dosahováno ve dvou základních krocích. V prvním kroku je probrána teorie argumentu, jak ji Toulmin prezentuje především ve své knize The Uses of Argument. Ve druhém kroku je pak Toulminův přístup aplikován na vybraný materiál, konkrétně (...)
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  19.  37
    Karel Kosík's Notion of "Positivism".Tomas Hribek - 2021 - In Jan Mervart, Joseph G. Feinberg & Ivan Landa (eds.), Karel Kosík's Dialectics of the Concrete. pp. 229-247.
    The most prominent Czech philosopher, Karel Kosík, makes a few hints to the Vienna Circle, Otto Neurath and "positivism" in his important book, DIALECTICS OF THE CONCRETE (1963). I mine these few remarks for a better understanding of the conflicts, as well as connections, between the social progressivism of the Vienna Circle and the later Marxist humanism.
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  20.  35
    A New Hierarchy of Infinitary Logics in Abstract Algebraic Logic.Carles Noguera & Tomáš Lávička - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (3):521-551.
    In this article we investigate infinitary propositional logics from the perspective of their completeness properties in abstract algebraic logic. It is well-known that every finitary logic is complete with respect to its relatively subdirectly irreducible models. We identify two syntactical notions formulated in terms of intersection-prime theories that follow from finitarity and are sufficient conditions for the aforementioned completeness properties. We construct all the necessary counterexamples to show that all these properties define pairwise different classes of logics. Consequently, we obtain (...)
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  21.  5
    Franz Ficker (1782-1849): österreichische Ästhetik unter Staatsaufsicht vor dem Herbartianismus.TomáS Hlobil - 2020 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Erste Monografie über Franz Fickers Ästhetik. Die Ästhetik des institutionell wichtigsten Universitätsästhetikers der österreichischen Monarchie des Vormärz wird institutionell als Bestandteil der österreichischen Universitätspolitik und ideell als Bestandteil der Geschichte der mitteleuropäischen Ästhetik untersucht.
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  22. The incongruity of incongruity theories of humor.Tomáš Kulka - 2007 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 14 (3):320-333.
    The article critically reviews the Incongruity Theory of Humor reaching the conclusion that it has to be essentially restructured. Leaving aside the question of scope, it is shown that the theory is inadequate even for those cases for which it is thought to be especially well suited – that it cannot account either for the pleasurable effect of jokes or for aesthetic pleasure. I argue that it is the resolution of the incongruity rather than its mere apprehension, which is that (...)
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  23. La noción Del esse en Los primeros escritos de santo Tomás de aquino.Escritos de Santo Tomás de Aquino - 1996 - Sapientia 199:59.
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    O Vaticano II na prática da igreja particular de Goiás - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2011v9n24p1341.Tomás Balduíno - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (24):1341-1360.
    Apresenta-se nesse texto as repercussões do Concílio Vaticano II na Igreja particular de Goiás. A fidelidade ao Concílio produziu efetiva participação de todos – presbíteros, religiosas e religiosos, leigos e leigas. Tomando como referências a vivência e experiência de pastor nessa diocese (1967-1998) e diversos estudos, Dom Tomás mostra os aspectos mais relevantes dessa história: as assembléias diocesanas, com participação de leitos (1968); as CEBs e a concretização da opção pelos pobres; as Escolas Bíblicas; a defesa da posse da terra, (...)
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  25.  25
    May an Artist’s Moral Ill Repute Affect the Meaning of Their Work? An Analysis from the Perspective of Speech Act Theory.Tomas Koblizek - forthcoming - The Journal of Ethics:1-19.
    The ethical criticism of art has recently begun to address the subject of immoral artists, with two questions seeming to dominate discussion. How does moral misconduct on the part of artists affect their work’s aesthetic value? How should the art world respond to cases of artists who have been accused of morally outrageous behaviour? Such value and policy debates are important, but they leave aside a pressing question towards which this article proposes a reorientation: What is the possible impact of (...)
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  26. Materialismus a hylemorfismus.Tomas Hribek - 2012 - Filosoficky Casopis 60 (4):585-600.
    [Materialism and Hylomorphism] The author disputes the view, expressed recently by Tomáš Machula a David Peroutka, that materialism, dominant in contemporary philosophy of mind, should be substituted by Thomist hylomorphism. The critique focuses on two aspects of Machula and Peroutka’s argument. Firstly, on their assumption that the contemporary preference for materialism is the result of chance (ignorance of the fact that in addition to materialism and dualism the position of hylomorphism is also available). This assumption fails to take into account (...)
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  27.  51
    Alex Rosenberg The Atheist’s Guide to Reality: Enjoying Life without Illusions.Stefanie Dach & Tomáš Marvan - 2014 - Science & Education 23 (3):695-706.
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  28.  24
    Zielinski y el suspenso homérico.Tomás Fernández - 2023 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 27 (1):113-130.
    Este artículo intentará explicar por qué, en un sistema narrativo como el homérico, donde no predominan los segundos planos ni los detrás de escenas, no existe un suspenso ligado a la incertidumbre sobre un desenlace; ligará este fenómeno a la llamada “ley de Zielinski” (I). Inspeccionará tentativas recientes de encontrar baches de suspenso en Homero (II). Finalmente, propondrá una explicación alternativa para el suspenso, que se centra en la empatía por un personaje y la inmersión en el mundo narrativo (III).
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  29.  7
    Politinė moralė kintančioje Europoje: Baltijos šalių ir Vidurio Europos perspektyva.Tomas Kavaliauskas - 2018 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 96:130-141.
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    Nuclear Power in Times of International Insecurity and Environmental Crisis.Tomáš Korda - 2023 - Filozofia 78 (10S):90-103.
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  31.  17
    Duplicaciones de la negatividad.Tomás Ramos Mejía - 2023 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 32 (63):81-106.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the way in which Kojève influences the thought of Georges Bataille and Jacques Lacan, with an emphasis on the way in which each understands violence. We will defend the thesis that, despite the important theoretical and stylistic distances that separate them, in both cases violence appears as a doubled negativity. In Bataille, violence is, on the one hand, negativity without employment - that is, woundedness, existential tearing - and, on the other hand, (...)
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  32.  13
    Presentación.Tomás Domingo Moratalla & José Alfredo Peris Cancio - 2017 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 13:19-24.
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  33. Quantum cognitive modeling of concepts: an introduction.Tomas Veloz & Pablo Razeto - 2019 - In Diederik Aerts, Dalla Chiara, Maria Luisa, Christian de Ronde & Decio Krause (eds.), Probing the meaning of quantum mechanics: information, contextuality, relationalism and entanglement: Proceedings of the II International Workshop on Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information: Physical, Philosophical and Logical Approaches, CLEA, Brussels. New Jersey: World Scientific.
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  34.  12
    (1 other version)Svarstyti klausimai apie tiesą. Klausimas XIV. IX, X artikulai.Tomas Akvinietis - 2020 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 102.
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    Svarstyti klausimai apie tiesą. Klausimas XIV. Pratarmė ir pirmas artikulas.Tomas Akvinietis - 2018 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 97:99-104.
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    Suma prieš pagonis. Trečioji knyga. Apvaizda. 147–150 skyriai.Tomas Akvinietis - 2017 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 93:142-148.
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  37.  15
    Suma prieš pagonis trečioji knyga. apvaizda. 134–135 skyriai.Tomas Akvinietis - 2017 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 90:107-113.
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  38.  9
    Suma prieš pagonis. Trečioji knyga. Apvaizda.159–163 skyriai.Tomas Akvinietis - 2018 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 96:142-147.
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  39. (1 other version)Summa Theologica: Part I, Question I, Articles 1-10.Tomas Akvinsky - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (1):83-99.
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    Esencialismo y verdad.Tomás Alvira - 1982 - Anuario Filosófico 15 (2):149-158.
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    Libertad moral y unidad del hombre.Tomás Alvira - 1980 - Anuario Filosófico 13 (2):173-180.
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  42.  20
    Banko pertvarkymo teisiniai mechanizmai.Tomas Ambrasas - 2014 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 21 (1):89-114.
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  43.  10
    Wittgenstein on epistemological status of logic.Tomáš Čana - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (4).
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  44.  34
    Review essay / attempts as attacks.Barbara Baum Levenbook - 1999 - Criminal Justice Ethics 18 (1):52-60.
    R. A. Duff, Criminal Attempts Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996, xxvii + 420 pp.
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  45.  73
    Discretion and Dispositive Concepts.Barbara Baum Levenbook - 1981 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 11 (4):613 - 631.
    In this essay, I argue against a way of approaching the issue of Judicial discretion that finds its clearest exposition and highest development in recent works by Ronald Dworkin. This approach is too narrow. It ignores a kind of Judicial discretion whose existence has been maintained by jurists with discretionist sympathies, and which is philosophically significant. The kind of discretion it ignores raises the issue of the justification of adjudication as clearly as does the kind of discretion that it recognizes. (...)
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  46.  32
    Workplace Privacy: Different Views and Arising Issues.Tomas Bagdanskis & Paulius Sartatavičius - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (2):697-713.
    This article discusses the problematic aspects relating to the employee privacy in his workplace and its limits reacting to employer‘s interests. It contains analysis of National, European and transatlantic legislation of privacy in the workplace and concentrates on the electronic privacy (e-mails, communications, etc.). The article is based on legal acts and judgements of the Supreme court of Lithuania, European Court of Human Rights and other countries courts judgements in order to provide the legislative execution practice as well as reveal (...)
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  47.  12
    Criterios para una relación adecuada entre la Iglesia y el Estado en materia de obras benéficas y asistenciales.Tomás García Barberena - 1978 - Salmanticensis 25 (2):281-290.
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  48.  31
    Memoria, identidad y democracia.Tomás Valladolid Bueno - 2012 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 48:111-132.
    En este artículo se tratan los conceptos de identidad, memoria y democracia en relación con un tipo de sociedad donde prevalece el modelo identitario en un contexto de indi­vidualismo y globalización. El objetivo es señalar el contenido ético-político que podría proporcionar una identidad democrática y anamnética, así como indicar los problemas a los que debe hacer frente una teoría razonada de la democracia que se haga cargo de tal trabajo.
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  49. Metafísica de la dignidad humana.Tomás Lorenzo Melendo Granados - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico 27 (1):15-34.
    El análisis fenomenológico caracteriza a la dignidad humana mediante tres notas: elevación, intimidad y autonomía. La filosofía la describe como la su-perior bondad de lo absoluto. Y la ontología hace residir esa nobleza en la peculiar subsistencia del sujeto humano, que recibe en el alma espiritual, in-mortal y necesaria, el propio actus essendi.
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  50. El impacto del 98 en América y Europa: ética y política a finales del siglo XIX: el Ateneo de Madrid ante el 98.Tomás Mallo Gutiérrez - 1996 - El Basilisco 21:49-51.
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