Results for 'Todor Jivkov'

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  1. Uchilishteto--most kŭm bŭdeshteto: sbornik statii po sluchaĭ 70-godishninata ot rozhdenieto na dr. Todor Zhivkov.Todor Zhivkov, V. Markova, T. Vladimirova & St Daskalova (eds.) - 1981 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauchnoizsledovatelski in-t po obshto obrazovanie "T. Samodumov,".
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  2. Todor Pavlov--viden teoretik na marksistko-leninskata filosofii︠a︡.Todor Pavlov, Sava Ganovski & Mikhail Dimitrov Bŭchvarov (eds.) - 1983 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo na Bŭlgarskata akademii︠a︡ na naukite.
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  3.  44
    Parentheticality, assertion strength, and polarity.Todor Koev - 2019 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (1):113-140.
    Sentences with slifting parentheticals The formal analysis of natural language, Mouton, The Hague, 1973) grammaticalize an intriguing interaction between truth-conditional meaning and speech act function. In such sentences, the assertion strength of the slifted clause is modulated by the parenthetical, which provides evidential support :480–496, 1952; Asher in J Semant 17:31–50, 2000; Rooryck in Glot Int 5:125–133, 2001; Jayez and Rossari in: Corblin, de Swart Handbook of French semantics, CSLI, Stanford, 2004; Davis et al. in Proc Semant Linguist Theory 17:71–88, (...)
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    The philosophy of Todor Pavlov.Todor Pavlov - 1975 - [Sofia]: Sofia Press.
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    Analytical Philosophy and Its Forgetfulness of the Continent. Gottfried Gabriel in conversation with Todor Polimenov.Gottfried Gabriel & Todor Polimenov - 2012 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review.
    Gottfried Gabriel is interviewed by Todor Polimenov about the relationship between analytic and continental philosophy.
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    Fragile Responsibilization: Rights and Risks in the Bulgarian Response to Covid-19.Todor Hristov - 2023 - Foucault Studies 35:97-121.
    This article discusses the Bulgarian response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Bulgarian case is characterized by an ineffective constitution of the individuals as subjects of responsibility for the health of the population, which resulted in a vaccine coverage considerably lower than the European average. The article argues that the fragile responsibilization is an effect of the response to the pandemic that, building on older post-socialist regulations of the access to healthcare, instead of restricting the circulation of bodies in general, tried (...)
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    Conspiracy theories and passion.Todor Hristov - 2024 - Pragmatics and Society 15 (6):884-904.
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    Mezhdunarodno zemedelsko organizirane: Zemedelski (Zelen) Internat︠s︡ional.Todor Kavaldzhiev - 2014 - Sofii︠a︡: "Chernat--Vasil Kolev".
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  9. (1 other version)Osvrti i prikazi.Todor Kuljić - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (2):247-251.
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  10. Dialeticheskata materialisticheska filosofii︠a︡.Todor Pavlov - 1956
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    Izbrannye filosofskie proizvedenii︠a︡.Todor Pavlov - 1961
  12.  10
    Gottfried Gabriel/Sven Schlotter, Frege und die kontinentalen Ursprünge der analytischen Philosophie.Todor Polimenov - 2019 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 126 (1):155-157.
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    Transformation of Graphic into Conceptual Artist: Innovations, Games and Improvisations.Todor Yalamov - 2021 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 30 (4):413-422.
    The paper problematizes the work and evolution of a Bulgarian artist from the point of view of the biographical approach, his artistic interventions and his re-legitimization as a contemporary artist. It discusses various aspects of contemporary art from the point of view of the artist, his interventions, market demands, the underlying contradictions, as well as the transformative tendencies in the small graphics. The paper argues that it is necessary to expand the understanding of contemporary art with certain actions of artists.
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    The additive group of the rationals does not have an automatic presentation.Todor Tsankov - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (4):1341-1351.
    We prove that the additive group of the rationals does not have an automatic presentation. The proof also applies to certain other abelian groups, for example, torsion-free groups that are p-divisible for infinitely many primes p, or groups of the form ⊕ p∈I Z(p ∞ ), where I is an infinite set of primes.
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    Naučno otkrivanje Boga.Todor Baković - 2003 - Podgorica: CID.
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    Nebo se otvara: kreativna dokolica.Todor Baković - 2007 - Podgorica: Pobjeda.
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    Filosofski i sot︠s︡iologicheski sŭchinenii︠a︡.Todor Ikonomov - 1983 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo Nauka i izkustvo. Edited by Mikhail Dimitrov Bŭchvarov.
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  18.  23
    About the rights with which we are born: The radical natural law and the social justice from K. Marx up to neoliberalism.Todor Kuljic - 2017 - Filozofija I Društvo 28 (1):153-174.
    The natural law is a overempiric law that does not owe his dignity to the legal norm than to the intrinsic qualities of a human being. This paper presents a different hierarchical position of the natural law in the critics of capitalism from K. Marx to our days and its different intonation as a superpositive framework of justice. One should analytically differentiate between theoretical search for social justice in the philosophy of the natural law and empirical identification of power relations (...)
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  19.  35
    Memory of titoism: Hegemony frameworks.Todor Kuljic - 2010 - Filozofija I Društvo 21 (2):225-250.
    U radu se analizira slika danasnjeg hegemonog secanja na titoizam. Prikazane su raznovrsne instrumentalne redukcije u domacoj kulturi secanja koje obuhvataju demonizacije i negativne simbolizacije titoizma. Blize su razmotreni raznovrsni mitovi i ideologizacije kod pamcenja titoizma, zatim cinioci selektivnog secanja i novi sklop secanja na titoizam. Uoceno je da su privatizacija i retradicionalizacija glavni cinioci kreiranja novih okvira za pamcenje socijalizma i za novu negativnu simbolizaciju titoizma.
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  20.  13
    Heights We Live By.Todor Mitrović - 2020 - Philotheos 20 (2):304-323.
    This paper deals with the latent religious aspects of the tremendous impact that the Inter­net manifests in every single segment of contemporary culture. Through comparative research of the ways primordial, archetypal cognitive matrices migrated throughout different modalities of our thinking and behavior in the 20th and 21st centuries, the following research argues that deep religious longings might have been hidden (ignored, even abused) in the various ways the planetary informational network is exploited in our times. As a consequence, an alarming (...)
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  21. Z vedeckého života.Todor Pavlov A. Teória Odrazu - 1977 - Filozofia 32:94.
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  22. Zakonomernost i prichinnost.Todor Pavlov - 1948
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    Istina i smisŭl: kategorii na logicheskii︠a︡ analiz na ezika.Todor Polimenov - 2018 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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    Istorijske, politicke i herojske generacije nacrt okvira i primena.Todor Kuljic - 2008 - Filozofija I Društvo 19 (1):69-107.
    In diesem Texte werden die Kriterien zur Differenzierung von historischen, politischen und heroischen Generationen und ihren Hauptarten in USA, BR Deutschland, China, Serbien und Croatien er?rtert. Kriege und Revolutionen werden als zentrale generationsschaffende Ereignisse markiert. Es werden auch die konstruierten wie auch zugeschriebenen Generationsidentit?tsarten dargestellt. Die Generation ist als eine mehr oder wenig klare Gruppe aufgefa?t, die durch Zusammensetzung von biographischem und kollektivem Ged?chtnis entstanden ist. Die Generation als eine Art von Zeitstruktur ist bei der Reduktion und Erkl?rung der Vergangenheit (...)
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  25.  16
    Political theology: Possibility of comparison of the usage of death in theology and politics.Todor Kuljic - 2014 - Filozofija I Društvo 25 (1):208-218.
    This paper considers the epistemological value of the concept of political theology in thanatopolitics. The concept can be useful if one wants to interpret political usage of death. In addition to blurred boundaries between politics and theology, there is a more general and deeper socially integrative affinity between the two. In addition, there have been various politicizations of salvation in the past and in the present. Every political theology accentuates obedience as an immanent condition of salvation, although interpretation of death (...)
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  26. Religia a postęp społeczny.Todor Stojczew - 1969 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 2 (11):68-84.
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    Die linke und die rechte todesauffassung: Zur kritik einer antitotalitären thanatologie.Todor Kuljic - 2011 - Filozofija I Društvo 22 (4):111-126.
    Rad je deo kritike vladajuceg diskursa o smrti i o umiranju. Razmotreni su dublji segmenti kod poimanja smrti u ideologiji levice i desnice. Kao neosnovano je uoceno i problematizovano antitotalitarno izjednacavanje vidjenja smrti kod komunista i fasista. Mistifikovanja i pravdanja zrtve koja je pala u slavu bozje volje, rasne krvi ili klase nisu istovetna. Razlicit je stupanj iracionalizacije i drugaciji je sadrzaj nade u spasenje. Razlicita politicka upotreba smrti prikazana je na primerima ideologije i prakse fasizma i socijalizma. Za razliku (...)
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  28.  51
    Der soziale Tod.Todor Kuljic - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (3):106-115.
    Der folgende Text geh?rt zur kritischen Thanatologie. In allen bekannten Kulturen wurden Normen f?r den guten und den schlechten Tod von der herrschenden normativen Thanatologien aufgestellt und Kontrollmechanismen installiert. Pr?mortales und postmortales soziales Sterben ist eine Art der Exklusion der Anderen und wird unter?schiedlich bestimmt: als damnatio memoriae, atlantische Sklaventum, Randst?ndigkeit, Isolation oder als Rollenverlust. Das soziale Tod hat einen Klassenaspekt, als den ganzen Klassen Ged?chtnis entnommen wurde. Hier werden nur einige Arten und Beispilen des sozialen Mord kritisch er?rtert: damnatio (...)
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  29. Dialekticheskii︠a︡t materializŭm--edinstvenata nauchna filosofii︠a︡.Todor Pavlov - 1948 - [Sofii︠a︡]: Narodna mladezh.
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  30. K dialekticheskomu edinstvu Darvinizma i genetiki.Todor Pavlov - 1970 - Moskva,: Progress.
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  31. Leninskai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡ otrazhenii︠a︡ i sovremennostʹ.Todor Pavlov (ed.) - 1969 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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  32. Misŭl i delo.Todor Pavlov - 1966 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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  33. Poznavaemost na sveta.Todor Pavlov - 1950
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    Wittgenstein in Conversation with His Sources – H. Biesenbach: Anspielungen und Zitate im Werk Ludwig Wittgensteins (2011).Todor Polimenov - 2012 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review.
    Review of H. Biesenbach: Anspielungen und Zitate im Werk Ludwig Wittgensteins (2011).
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    Full algebra of generalized functions and non-standard asymptotic analysis.Todor D. Todorov & Hans Vernaeve - 2008 - Logic and Analysis 1 (3-4):205-234.
    We construct an algebra of generalized functions endowed with a canonical embedding of the space of Schwartz distributions.We offer a solution to the problem of multiplication of Schwartz distributions similar to but different from Colombeau’s solution.We show that the set of scalars of our algebra is an algebraically closed field unlike its counterpart in Colombeau theory, which is a ring with zero divisors. We prove a Hahn–Banach extension principle which does not hold in Colombeau theory. We establish a connection between (...)
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  36. Istorii︠a︡ na filosofskata misŭl v Bŭlgarii︠a︡.Todor Pavlov (ed.) - 1970 - Sofii︠a︡,: BAN.
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  37. Marksicheskii︠a︡t dialekticheski metod.Todor Pavlov - 1948 - [Sofii︠a︡]: Narodna mladezh.
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  38. Ob ėstetike Gegeli︠a︡.Todor Pavlov - 1974
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  39. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Ästhetik.Todor Pavlov - 1963 - Berlin,: Aufbau-Verlag.
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  40. Filosofii︠a︡ i fizika.Todor Pavlov - 1950
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    Izbrani filosofski sŭchinenii︠a︡ v tri toma.Todor Pavlov - 1985 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo Nauka i izkustvo. Edited by Mikhail Dimitrov Bŭchvarov.
    t. 1. Filosofski sŭchinenii︠a︡, 1933-1937 ; Obshta teorii︠a︡ na izkustvoto -- t. 2. Teorii︠a︡ na otrazhenieto. 5. izd. -- t. 3. Izbrani filosofski sŭchinenii︠a︡, 1961-1976.
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  42. Leninskata teorii︠a︡ na otrazhenieto i sŭvremennostta. Pavlov, Todor, [From Old Catalog], Sheptulin, Aleksandr Petrovich, Gindev & Panaĭot Atanasov (eds.) - 1969
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  43. Leninskai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡ otrazhenii︠a︡ i sovremennai︠a︡ nauka. Pavlov, Todor & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1973
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    Marxism-Leninism and the Copernican Revolution in Philosophy.Todor Pavlov - 1974 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 13 (1):4-23.
    Copernican revolutions have often been the subject of discussion in the history of philosophy and of thought in the special sciences. Kant, for example, lived with the idea that it was necessary to carry out, and later that he had carried out, a Copernican revolution in the realm of philosophical thought. What was the essence of this "Copernican" revolution of Kant's?
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  45. Grundgesetze der Kunst.Todor Pavlov - 1964 - Dresden,: Verlag der Kunst.
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  46. Leninskai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡ otrazhenii︠a︡ v svete razvitii︠a︡ nauki i praktiki.Todor Pavlov (ed.) - 1981 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo Nauka i iskusstvo.
    t. 1. Otrazhenie, poznanie, tvorchestvo.
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  47. (1 other version)Osnovni vŭprosi na estetikata.Todor Pavlov - 1949
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  48. Teorii︠a︡ta na otrazhenieto i nashata sŭvremennost.Todor Pavlov - 1961
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  49. (1 other version)Teorii︠a︡ na otrazhenieto.Todor Pavlov - 1945
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  50. (1 other version)Teorii︠a︡ otrazhenii︠a︡.Todor Pavlov - 1936 - Moskva,: Gos. sotsialʹno-ekon. izd-vo.
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