Results for 'Tobias Störzinger'

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  1.  37
    Faces in Context: A Review and Systematization of Contextual Influences on Affective Face Processing.Matthias J. Wieser & Tobias Brosch - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Switching task sets creates event boundaries in memory.Yuxi Candice Wang & Tobias Egner - 2022 - Cognition 221 (C):104992.
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  3. Conceptual and empirical pinpointing of consciousness.Tobias A. Wagner-Altendorf - 2023 - Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 9 (1):51-65.
    Consciousness is targeted by both philosophers and neuroscientists; but different methodological premises and even different conceptions about what conscious experience is and how the challenges and potential problems associated with consciousness research should be formulated underlie the different approaches. Namely, whereas empirical data and the constant refinement of experimental procedures to expand and modify this body of empirical data and resulting empirical theories are crucial to neuroscience, the significance of empirical knowledge to philosophy is less clear: Although empirical data certainly (...)
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  4. Orthogonality of Phenomenality and Content.Gottfried Vosgerau, Tobias Schlicht & Albert Newen - 2008 - American Philosophical Quarterly 45 (4):309 - 328.
    This paper presents arguments from empirical research and from philosophical considerations to the effect that phenomenality and content are two distinct and independent features of mental representations, which are both relational. Thus, it is argued, classical arguments that infer phenomenality from content have to be rejected. Likewise, theories that try to explain the phenomenal character of experiences by appeal to specific types of content cannot succeed. Instead, a dynamic view of consciousness has to be adopted that seeks to explain consciousness (...)
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  5. 4-D Objects and Disposition Ascriptions.Tobias Hansson Wahlberg - 2009 - Philosophical Papers 38 (1):35-72.
    Disposition ascription has been discussed a good deal over the last few decades, as has the revisionary metaphysical view of ordinary, persisting objects known as 'fourdimensionalism'. However, philosophers have not merged these topics and asked whether four-dimensional objects can be proper subjects of dispositional predicates. This paper seeks to remedy this oversight. It argues that, by and large, four-dimensional objects are not suited to take dispositional predicates.
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  6. Causal powers and social ontology.Tobias Hansson Wahlberg - 2020 - Synthese 197 (3):1357-1377.
    Over the last few decades, philosophers and social scientists have applied the so-called powers ontology to the social domain. I argue that this application is highly problematic: many of the alleged powers in the social realm violate the intrinsicality condition, and those that can be coherently taken to be intrinsic to their bearers are arguably causally redundant. I end the paper by offering a diagnosis of why philosophers and social scientists have been tempted to think that there are powers in (...)
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    “Surprise” and the Bayesian Brain: Implications for Psychotherapy Theory and Practice.Jeremy Holmes & Tobias Nolte - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  8. More on how and why: cause and effect in biology revisited.Kevin N. Laland, John Odling-Smee, William Hoppitt & Tobias Uller - 2012 - Biology and Philosophy 28 (5):719-745.
    In 1961, Ernst Mayr published a highly influential article on the nature of causation in biology, in which he distinguished between proximate and ultimate causes. Mayr argued that proximate causes (e.g. physiological factors) and ultimate causes (e.g. natural selection) addressed distinct ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions and were not competing alternatives. That distinction retains explanatory value today. However, the adoption of Mayr’s heuristic led to the widespread belief that ontogenetic processes are irrelevant to evolutionary questions, a belief that has (1) hindered (...)
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  9. Institutional objects, reductionism and theories of persistence.Tobias Hansson Wahlberg - 2014 - Dialectica 68 (4):525-562.
    Can institutional objects be identified with physical objects that have been ascribed status functions, as advocated by John Searle in The Construction of Social Reality (1995)? The paper argues that the prospects of this identification hinge on how objects persist – i.e., whether they endure, perdure or exdure through time. This important connection between reductive identification and mode of persistence has been largely ignored in the literature on social ontology thus far.
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  10. Self as cultural construct? An argument for levels of self-representations.Alexandra Zinck, Daniela Simon, Martin Schmidt-Daffy, Gottfried Vosgerau, Kirsten G. Volz, Anne Springer & Tobias Schlicht - 2009 - Philosophical Psychology 22 (6):687-709.
    In this paper, we put forward an interdisciplinary framework describing different levels of self-representations, namely non-conceptual, conceptual and propositional self-representations. We argue that these different levels of self-representation are differently affected by cultural upbringing: while propositional self-representations rely on “theoretical” concepts and are thus strongly influenced by cultural upbringing, non-conceptual self-representations are uniform across cultures and thus universal. This differentiation offers a theoretical specification of the distinction between an independent and interdependent self-construal put forward in cross-cultural psychology. Hence, this does (...)
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  11. Sparse Causation and Mere Abundant Causation.Tobias Hansson Wahlberg - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (11):3259-3280.
    Setting off from a familiar distinction in the philosophy of properties, this paper introduces a tripartite distinction between sparse causation, abundant causation and mere abundant causation. It is argued that the contrast between sparse and mere abundant causation allows us to resolve notorious philosophical issues having to do with negative causation, causation involving institutional properties and physical macro-causation in a way that is unified, intuitive and in line with scientific doctrines and practices.
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  12. Towards a Deflationary Truthmakers Account of Social Groups.Tobias Hansson Wahlberg - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-18.
    I outline a deflationary truthmakers account of social groups. Potentially, the approach allows us to say, with traditional ontological individualists, that there are only pluralities of individuals out there, ontologically speaking, but that there are nevertheless colloquial and social-scientific truths about social groups. If tenable, this kind of theory has the virtue of being both ontologically parsimonious and compatible with ordinary and social-scientific discourse—a virtue which the stock reductive / ontological dependence accounts of social groups arguably lack.
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  13. Endurance Per Se in B-time.Tobias Hansson Wahlberg - 2009 - Metaphysica 10 (2):175-183.
    Three arguments for the conclusion that objects cannot endure in B-time even if they remain intrinsically unchanged are examined: Carter and Hestevolds enduring-objects-as-universals argument (American Philosophical Quarterly 31(4):269-283, 1994) and Barker and Dowe's paradox 1 and paradox 2 (Analysis 63(2):106-114, 2003, Analysis 65(1):69-74, 2005). All three are shown to fail.
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    Stitching together the heterogeneous party: A complementary social data science experiment.Morten A. Pedersen, Snorre Ralund, Mette M. Madsen, Tobias B. Jørgensen, Hjalmar B. Carlsen & Anders Blok - 2017 - Big Data and Society 4 (2).
    The era of ‘big data’ studies and computational social science has recently given rise to a number of realignments within and beyond the social sciences, where otherwise distinct data formats – digital, numerical, ethnographic, visual, etc. – rub off and emerge from one another in new ways. This article chronicles the collaboration between a team of anthropologists and sociologists, who worked together for one week in an experimental attempt to combine ‘big’ transactional and ‘small’ ethnographic data formats. Our collaboration is (...)
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    More on how and why: a response to commentaries.Kevin N. Laland, John Odling-Smee, William Hoppitt & Tobias Uller - 2013 - Biology and Philosophy 28 (5):793-810.
    We are grateful to the commentators for taking the time to respond to our article. Too many interesting and important points have been raised for us to tackle them all in this response, and so in the below we have sought to draw out the major themes. These include problems with both the term ‘ultimate causation’ and the proximate-ultimate causation dichotomy more generally, clarification of the meaning of reciprocal causation, discussion of issues related to the nature of development and phenotypic (...)
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  16. Geist, Materie, Menschenbild : Implikationen panpsychistischer Konzeptionen in der Philosophie des Geistes für wesentliche Aspekte des menschlichen Selbstverständnisses.Tobias A. Wagner-Altendorf - 2024 - Dissertation, Munich School of Philosophy
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    Studying Implicit Attitudes Towards Smoking: Event-Related Potentials in the Go/NoGo Association Task.Tobias A. Wagner-Altendorf, Arie H. van der Lugt, Jane F. Banfield, Jacqueline Deibel, Anna Cirkel, Marcus Heldmann & Thomas F. Münte - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Cigarette smoking and other addictive behaviors are among the main preventable risk factors for several severe and potentially fatal diseases. It has been argued that addictive behavior is controlled by an automatic-implicit cognitive system and by a reflective-explicit cognitive system, that operate in parallel to jointly drive human behavior. The present study addresses the formation of implicit attitudes towards smoking in both smokers and non-smokers, using a Go/NoGo association task, and behavioral and electroencephalographic measures. The GNAT assesses, via quantifying participants’ (...)
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    Inklusion. Genealogie und Dispositivanalyse eines Leitbegriffs der Gegenwart.Anne Waldschmidt & Tobias Peter - 2017 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 14 (1):29-52.
    Zusammenfassung In der soziologischen Diskussion spielen Begriff und Konzept der Inklusion – verstanden als umfassende Teilhabe aller Gesellschaftsmitglieder – aktuell eine große Rolle. Gleichzeitig gibt es eine entsprechende Konjunktur in den politischen, medialen und pädagogischen Diskursen. Über das Bildungssystem hinaus, wo Inklusion vor allem mit Blick auf die schulische Erziehung behinderter Kinder diskutiert wird, ist der Inklusionsgedanke auch in anderen Lebensbereichen, etwa im Sport oder Arbeitsleben, von Bedeutung. Insgesamt fällt auf, dass die soziologische Theorie und die gesellschaftliche Diskussion zwar lose (...)
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  19. Regional Cultures and the Psychological Geography of Switzerland: Person–Environment–Fit in Personality Predicts Subjective Wellbeing.Friedrich M. Götz, Tobias Ebert & Peter J. Rentfrow - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  20. Homo heuristicus Outnumbered: Comment on Gigerenzer and Brighton (2009).Benjamin E. Hilbig & Tobias Richter - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (1):187-196.
    Gigerenzer and Brighton (2009) have argued for a “Homo heuristicus” view of judgment and decision making, claiming that there is evidence for a majority of individuals using fast and frugal heuristics. In this vein, they criticize previous studies that tested the descriptive adequacy of some of these heuristics. In addition, they provide a reanalysis of experimental data on the recognition heuristic that allegedly supports Gigerenzer and Brighton’s view of pervasive reliance on heuristics. However, their arguments and reanalyses are both conceptually (...)
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    Online hate: A European communication perspective.Heidi Vandebosch & Tobias Rothmund - 2024 - Communications 49 (3):371-377.
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  22. Are there any Institutional Facts?Tobias Hansson Wahlberg - 2019 - In Robin Stenwall & Tobias Hansson Wahlberg, Maurinian Truths : Essays in Honour of Anna-Sofia Maurin on her 50th Birthday. Lund, Sverige: Department of Philosophy, Lund University. pp. 83-88.
  23.  24
    Editorial: Business Ethics in a European Perspective: A Case for Unity in Diversity?Michael S. Aßländer, Tobias Gössling & Peter Seele - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 139 (4):633-637.
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    A Diffusion Model Analysis of Magnitude Comparison in Children with and without Dyscalculia: Care of Response and Ability Are Related to Both Mathematical Achievement and Stimuli.Carsten Szardenings, Jörg-Tobias Kuhn, Jochen Ranger & Heinz Holling - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Nonbinding Legal Instruments in Governance for Global Health: Lessons from the Global AIDS Reporting Mechanism.Allyn Taylor, Tobias Alfvén, Daniel Hougendobler & Kent Buse - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (1):72-87.
    In recent debates surrounding World Health Organization reform, international lawmaking has received unprecedented attention as a future priority function of the Organization. Although WHO's constitutional lawmaking authority was historically neglected and even resisted by WHO and its Member States until the adoption of its first treaty a decade ago, the widespread consensus in favor of a central role for lawmaking in visions of a reformed WHO reflects the crystallization of contemporary approaches to global health governance. Today it is widely recognized (...)
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    De leiderschapsstijl van Leterme en het falen van de staatshervorming.Tobias Van Assche - 2010 - Res Publica 52 (1):97-114.
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    Methodology in aesthetics: the case of musical expressivity.Erkki Huovinen & Tobias Pontara - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 155 (1):45 - 64.
    A central method within analytic philosophy has been to construct thought experiments in order to subject philosophical theories to intuitive evaluation. According to a widely held view, philosophical intuitions provide an evidential basis for arguments against such theories, thus rendering the discussion rational. This method has been the predominant way to approach theories formulated as conditional or biconditional statements. In this paper, we examine selected theories of musical expressivity presented in such logical forms, analyzing the possibilities for constructing thought experiments (...)
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  28. The Truth about Social Entities.Tobias Hansson Wahlberg - 2023 - In Andrés Garcia, Mattias Gunnemyr & Jakob Werkmäster, Value, Morality & Social Reality: Essays dedicated to Dan Egonsson, Björn Petersson & Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen. Department of Philosophy, Lund University. pp. 483-497.
  29. Vad är en grupp?Tobias Hansson Wahlberg - 2023 - Svensk Filosofi.
  30. "Ethical problems concerning transgender persons: Limiting factors of present concepts of" transsexualism".Jan Steinmetzer, Dorninik Gross & Tobias Heinrich Duncker - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (1):39-54.
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    Protecting against mental impasses: Evidence of selective retrieval mitigating the impact of fixation in creative problem solving.Paula Gauselmann, Christian Frings, Markus Schmidt & Tobias Tempel - 2023 - Cognition 239 (C):105547.
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    When at rest: “Event-free” active inference may give rise to implicit self-models of coping potential.Ryan J. Murray, Philip Gerrans, Tobias Brosch & David Sander - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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    Dissolving McTaggart’s Paradox.Tobias Hansson Wahlberg - 2013 - In Christer Svennerlind, Almäng Jan & Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson, Johanssonian Investigations: Essays in Honour of Ingvar Johansson on His Seventieth Birthday. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 240-258.
  34.  53
    Tobias Kasmann: Wertholismus. Zur Einheit des moralischen Urteils: Münster: Mentis 2015, ISBN 9783957430359, 234 Pages, € 38.Tobias Gutmann - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (4):1075-1077.
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    Does Feedback-Related Brain Response during Reinforcement Learning Predict Socio-motivational (In-)dependence in Adolescence?Diana Raufelder, Rebecca Boehme, Lydia Romund, Sabrina Golde, Robert C. Lorenz, Tobias Gleich & Anne Beck - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:190427.
    This multi-methodological study applied functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate neural activation in a group of adolescent students ( N = 88) during a probabilistic reinforcement learning task. We related patterns of emerging brain activity and individual learning rates to socio-motivational (in-)dependence manifested in four different motivation types (MTs): (1) peer-dependent MT, (2) teacher-dependent MT, (3) peer-and-teacher-dependent MT, (4) peer-and-teacher-independent MT. A multinomial regression analysis revealed that the individual learning rate predicts students’ membership to the independent MT, or the peer-and-teacher-dependent (...)
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    Introduction.Maja Bak Herrie & Tobias Dias - 2024 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 33 (68).
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    The Emergence of a New Human Being.Luce Irigaray & Tobias Müller - 2022 - Angelaki 27 (5):174-181.
    In this interview, Luce Irigaray talks about how two of her latest books, Towards a New Human Being and To Be Born, relate to her wider work and her most well-known theoretical contributions. Iriga...
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    Inhibitory Control in Speech Comprehension among Dai–Han Bilingual Children.Yun Tao, Zhi Liu, Tobias Tempel, Rui Chen, Xie Ma, Xiaoxi Wang, Yan Liu & Yongxia Qu - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  39.  51
    The Influence of Human Body Orientation on Distance Judgments.Edgard Jung, Kohske Takahashi, Katsumi Watanabe, Stephan de la Rosa, Martin V. Butz, Heinrich H. Bülthoff & Tobias Meilinger - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The implicit use of spatial information develops later for crossmodal than for intramodal temporal processing.Brigitte Röder, Birthe Pagel & Tobias Heed - 2013 - Cognition 126 (2):301-306.
  41.  33
    Kirrha 2008‑2015 : un bilan d’étape.Raphaël Orgeolet, Despoina Skorda, Julien Zurbach, Lou de Barbarin, Reine Marie Bérard, Brice Chevaux, Jonhatan Hubert, Tobias Krapf, Anna Lagia, Alexia Lattard, Raphaëlle Lefebvre, Jérémy Maestracci, Alexandre Mahé, Ioanna Moutafi & Simon Sedlbauer - 2017 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 141:41-116.
    Cet article constitue la présentation des recherches effectuées par une équipe franco-grecque sur le tell de Kirrha en Phocide entre 2008 et 2015, et représente la publication préliminaire des structures archéologiques mises au jour. Deux secteurs distants l’un de l’autre ont été fouillés, révélant une dense occupation de l’Helladique Moyen, ainsi que des niveaux s’étageant jusqu’à l’Helladique Récent III. Notamment, une nécropole de la période transitionnelle (Helladique Moyen III – Helladique Récent I/II) a été fouillée dans la partie occidentale du (...)
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  42. Trust me! Parental embodied mentalizing predicts infant cognitive and language development in longitudinal follow-up.Dana Shai, Adi Laor Black, Rose Spencer, Michelle Sleed, Tessa Baradon, Tobias Nolte & Peter Fonagy - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Children’s cognitive and language development is a central aspect of human development and has wide and long-standing impact. The parent-infant relationship is the chief arena for the infant to learn about the world. Studies reveal associations between quality of parental care and children’s cognitive and language development when the former is measured as maternal sensitivity. Nonetheless, the extent to which parental mentalizing – a parent’s understanding of the thoughts, feelings, and attitudes of a child, and presumed to underlie sensitivity – (...)
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  43. Systematics of Humankind. Palma 2000: An international working group on systematics in human paleontology.C. J. Cela-Conde, E. Aguirre, F. J. Ayala, P. V. Tobias, D. Turbon, L. C. Aiello, M. Collard, M. Goodman, C. P. Groves & F. Clark Howell - forthcoming - Ludus Vitalis.
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    Integrating constraint solving into proof planning.Erica Melis, Jürgen Zimmer & Tobias Müller - 2000 - In Dov M. Gabbay & Maarten de Rijke, Frontiers of combining systems 2. Philadelphia, PA: Research Studies Press. pp. 32--46.
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    Non-invasive Mapping of Face Processing by Navigated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.Stefanie Maurer, Katrin Giglhuber, Nico Sollmann, Anna Kelm, Sebastian Ille, Theresa Hauck, Noriko Tanigawa, Florian Ringel, Tobias Boeckh-Behrens, Bernhard Meyer & Sandro M. Krieg - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  46.  58
    Beyond the clinic. Conceptual considerations on transferring ethics to decentralized health care facilities using the example of the BruderhausDiakonie Reutlingen.Christiane Burmeister, Ariane Iller, Robert Ranisch, Cordula Brand, Tobias Staib & Uta Müller - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (2):275-292.
    Definition of the problemMedical and nursing care often takes place within complex organizational structures that comprise numerous facilities at numerous locations. We introduce an interactive ethical concept, designed in cooperation with the diaconal foundation BruderhausDiakonie Reutlingen and the International Centre for Ethics in Science, University of Tübingen, to address the particular needs of such organizations.ArgumentsTherefore we portray the interactive Nijmegen Model which combines an ethics committee located at the management level and situational ethical case deliberations on the ward in order (...)
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    Multimodal Communication in Aphasia: Perception and Production of Co-speech Gestures During Face-to-Face Conversation.Basil C. Preisig, Noëmi Eggenberger, Dario Cazzoli, Thomas Nyffeler, Klemens Gutbrod, Jean-Marie Annoni, Jurka R. Meichtry, Tobias Nef & René M. Müri - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:360859.
    The role of nonverbal communication in patients with post-stroke language impairment (aphasia) is not yet fully understood. This study investigated how aphasic patients perceive and produce co-speech gestures during face-to-face interaction, and whether distinct brain lesions would predict the frequency of spontaneous co-speech gesturing. For this purpose, we recorded samples of conversations in patients with aphasia and healthy participants. Gesture perception was assessed by means of a head-mounted eye-tracking system, and the produced co-speech gestures were coded according to a linguistic (...)
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    Campagnes d’étude 2012-2013.Raphaël Orgeolet, Despina Skorda, Julien Zurbach, Anna Lagia, Ioanna Moutafi, Tobias Krapf, Bastien Simier, Reine-Marie Bérard, Gilles Sintès & Antoine Chabrol - 2014 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 138 (2):691-693.
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    Editorial: Social and Emotional Influences on Human Development: Perspectives From Developmental Neuroscience.Nicola K. Ferdinand, Markus Paulus, Tobias Schuwerk & Nina Kühn-Popp - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Improving care quality and preventing maltreatment in institutional care – a feasibility study with caregivers.Katharin Hermenau, Elisa Kaltenbach, Getrude Mkinga & Tobias Hecker - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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