Results for 'Tilman Küchler'

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  1.  19
    Using coercion in mental disorders or risking the patient’s death? An analysis of the protocols of a clinical ethics committee and a derived decision algorithm.Tilman Steinert - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (8):552-556.
    While principle-based ethics is well known and widely accepted in psychiatry, much less is known about how decisions are made in clinical practice, which case scenarios exist, and which challenges exist for decision-making. Protocols of the central ethics committee responsible for four psychiatric hospitals over 7 years (N=17) were analysed. While four cases concerned suicide risk in the case of intended hospital discharge, the vast majority (N=13) concerned questions of whether the responsible physician should or should not initiate the use (...)
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    Artificial intelligence ELSI score for science and technology: a comparison between Japan and the US.Tilman Hartwig, Yuko Ikkatai, Naohiro Takanashi & Hiromi M. Yokoyama - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (4):1609-1626.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) has become indispensable in our lives. The development of a quantitative scale for AI ethics is necessary for a better understanding of public attitudes toward AI research ethics and to advance the discussion on using AI within society. For this study, we developed an AI ethics scale based on AI-specific scenarios. We investigated public attitudes toward AI ethics in Japan and the US using online questionnaires. We designed a test set using four dilemma scenarios and questionnaire items (...)
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    The Relativity of Discovery: Hilberts First Note on the Foundations of Physics.Tilman Sauer - 1999 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 53 (6):529-575.
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    Field equations in teleparallel space–time: Einstein’s Fernparallelismus approach toward unified field theory.Tilman Sauer - 2006 - Historia Mathematica 33 (4):399–439.
    This contribution gives an overview of Einstein's work on unified field theory. It characterizes this work from four perspectives, by looking at its conceptual, representational, biographical, and philosophical dimensions.
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    Heisenberg’s Umdeutung: a case for a (quantum-)dialogue between history and philosophy of science.Tilman Sauer & Raphael Scholl - 2016 - In Raphael Scholl & Tilman Sauer (eds.), The Philosophy of Historical Case Studies. Springer.
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  6. New Vistas on Old Problems.Tilman Sauer & Adrian Wüthrich (eds.) - 2013 - Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge.
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  7. Philosophical authority.Tilman Borsche - 2013 - In Yi Guo, Sasa Josifovic & Asuman Lätzer-Lasar (eds.), Metaphysical foundations of knowledge and ethics in Chinese and European philosophy. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
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    “Es ist in Namen, daß wir denken.” Lyotards Kritik des spekulativen Diskurses.Tilman Borsche - 1997 - In Christoph Hubig (ed.), Cognitio Humana - Dynamik des Wissens Und der Werte: Xvii. Deutscher Kongreß Für Philosophie Leipzig 23.–27. September 1996, Kongreßband: Vorträge Und Kolloquien. De Gruyter. pp. 380-394.
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    Können - Spielen - Loben: Cusanus 2014.Tilman Borsche, Harald Schwaetzer, Iñigo Kristien Marcel Bocken, Michael Eckert & Johann Kreuzer (eds.) - 2016 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
    Nikolaus von Kues, eine Schwellengestalt zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit, gewinnt in einer Zeit, die sich selbst als Ubergangsepoche wahrnimmt, wieder starkere Aufmerksamkeit. Er steht in dem noch ungewissen Morgenlicht einer Epoche, deren Abenddammerung gegenwartig vielfach diagnostiziert wird. Wichtige Themen, an denen Stellung und Bedeutung des Cusanus immer wieder aufbrechen, sind der Individualitatsbegriff, der cusanische Beitrag zur Ausbildung der modernen Naturwissenschaften, die Kreativitat des Denkens, die Reichweite seiner konjekturalen Erkenntnislehre und die gesellschaftliche Rolle der Toleranz im Dialog der Kulturen. Die kulturwissenschaftliche (...)
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    Nachruf Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Edelstein.Tilman Grammes - 2020 - Polis 24 (2):5-5.
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    Scharlatane der Aufklärung. Christoph Kaufmann und Alessandro Cagliostro.Tilman Hannemann - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 66 (2):163-185.
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    Pindars erste pythische Ode und ihre Vorlage.Tilman Krischer - 1985 - Hermes 113 (4):491-494.
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    Fünfzehntes Kapitel: Die Wurzeln des „Wissens“.Tilman Nagel - 2010 - In Mohammed: Zwanzig Kapitel Über den Propheten der Muslime. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 207-220.
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    In Allahs Kosmos: eine Abhandlung über das Menschsein im Islam.Tilman Nagel - 2022 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Die Vorstellung, dass die Welt aus sich selber erklärbar sei, ist für das europäische Denken eine Selbstverständlichkeit, die die Deutung des Menschseins einschiesst. Anders im Islam : Der Koran verkündet Allah als den einen niemals ruhenden Gestalter der Komos und des Schicksals des Menschen. Anhand von zahlreichen Quellen legt der autor dar, wie diese Glaubenswahrheit in der Geschichte des islamischen Menschenverständnises interpretiert wurde"-- Back cover.
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    Die andere Moderne.Tilman Reitz - 2021 - Philosophische Rundschau 68 (1):31.
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    Das bloße Leben als utopischer Horizont – Politisches Denken im Corona-Notstand.Tilman Reitz - 2020 - Philosophische Rundschau 67 (2):107.
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    Nova Geminorum 1912 and the origin of the idea of gravitational lensing.Tilman Sauer - 2008 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 62 (1):1-22.
    Einstein’s early calculations of gravitational lensing, contained in a scratch notebook and dated to the spring of 1912, are reexamined. A hitherto unknown letter by Einstein suggests that he entertained the idea of explaining the phenomenon of new stars by gravitational lensing in the fall of 1915 much more seriously than was previously assumed. A reexamination of the relevant calculations by Einstein shows that, indeed, at least some of them most likely date from early October 1915. But in support of (...)
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  18.  23
    4 Is it possible to define a best practice standard for coercive treatment.Tilman Steinert & Peter Lepping - 2011 - In Thomas W. Kallert, Juan E. Mezzich & John Monahan (eds.), Coercive treatment in psychiatry: clinical, legal and ethical aspects. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 49.
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    Science, pseudo-science and moral values.Gila Gat-Tilman - 2008 - Jerusalem: Mazo Publishers. Edited by Liora Graham & Noam Primak.
    "Every professor knows his own area, but who is able to see the whole picture?" Based on the author's background and the wide-ranging areas she has studied in the university, Gila Gat-Tilman presents articles on science, psuedo-science and moral values from an all-encompassing perspective. The first article in this book represents an overview of science and academic knowledge. Articles that follow discuss moral values, the Sabbath, experiments on animals, and the philosophical questions of certainty. Additionally, she includes the biography (...)
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    C. Wright Mills: A Native Radical and His American Intellectual Roots.Rick Tilman - 1984 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    The first thorough examination of C. Wright Mills's intellectual roots, this book also is the first to present Mills's full analysis in his unpublished as well as published writings of the work of his precursors, mentors, and critics. Mills' intellectual line of descent is traced from the American institutional economists, especially Thorstein Veblen and Clarence Ayres, and the American pragmatists, especially John Dewey and George H. Mead—an evolution influenced though not determined by ideas from Europe. Always the critic and gadfly, (...)
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  21.  12
    Thorstein Veblen and the Enrichment of Evolutionary Naturalism.Rick Tilman - 2007 - University of Missouri.
    One of America’s most influential social critics, Thorstein Veblen authored works deeply rooted in evolutionary biology and American philosophical naturalism—both of which help explain his institutional economics and radical sociology. Now, one of today’s preeminent Veblen scholars ranges widely over the man’s writings to show how evolutionary naturalism underlies his social theory and criticism, shapes his satire, and binds his work together. Rick Tilman’s study focuses on the intersections of social theory and social psychology, political economy and political theory, (...)
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  22. Eliciting the plurality of causal reasoning in social-ecological systems research.Tilman Hertz, T. Homas Banitz, Rodrigo Martínez-Peña, Sonja Radosavljevic, Emilie Lindkvist, Lars-Göran Johansson, Petri Ylikoski & Maja Schlüter - 2024 - Ecology and Society 29 (1).
    Understanding causation in social-ecological systems (SES) is indispensable for promoting sustainable outcomes. However, the study of such causal relations is challenging because they are often complex and intertwined, and their analysis involves diverse disciplines. Although there is agreement that no single research approach (RA) can comprehensively explain SES phenomena, there is a lack of ability to deal with this diversity. Underlying this diversity and the challenge of dealing with it are different causal reasonings that are rarely explicit. Awareness of hidden (...)
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  23.  15
    Zeichen aus Asche. Lyotard und Derrida zum Holocaust.Tilman Beyrich - 2002 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 44 (2):218-236.
  24.  28
    Die Grenzen unserer Sprache bedeuten auch die Grenzen unserer Ethik.Tilman Borsche - 2013 - Wittgenstein-Studien 4 (1).
  25.  12
    Wahrsprechen, lügen und glauben.Tilman Borsche - 2019 - Nietzsche Studien 48 (1):84-98.
    All speech is a form of self-presentation, a performance on the stage of life, and since antiquity this has been accepted as much as lamented and rejected on moral grounds. Do we today, once again, live in times that justify this complaint? So-called ‘fake news’ are, first and foremost, simply ‘news,’ that is, information whose truth claims everyone needs to judge according to their own prejudices. Nietzsche’s skepticism about truth, at least since the early essay Ueber Wahrheit und Lüge im (...)
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  26. Kriterien für Unterrichtsentwicklung im Lernfeld Gesellschaft/Politik.Tilman Grammes - forthcoming - Polis.
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    Die Vermittlung der Transzendenz in die Immanenz: Zur Gotik-Rezeption um 1800 vom Straßburger Münster zum Kölner Dom.Tilman Hannemann - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 28 (1):86-111.
    Zusammenfassung Die gotische Kirchenarchitektur galt in der Religionsphänomenologie als ein Ideal für die Vermittlung von Transzendenz. Historisch betrachtet avancierte zunächst im religiösen Umfeld des Sturm und Drang der zeichenhafte ‚Thurm‘ des Straßburger Münster zu einer natursprachlichen Repräsentation von,Wahrheit‘. Der Münsterturm wurde als Wahrnehmungsraum emotional codiert und eine kleine Pilgerpraxis entwickelte sich von 1770 bis 1780. Gut zwanzig Jahre später erneuerte Friedrich Schlegel im Zuge der deutschen Nationalbewegung die Rezeption der Gotik anhand des Kölner Doms. Dieser Artikel rekonstruiert die mediale Funktion (...)
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    Die Treibenden Kräfte der Griechischen Kulturentfaltung Als interdisziplinäres Problem.Tilman Krischer - 2001 - Hermes 129 (3):289-297.
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    Odysseus und Telemach.Tilman Krischer - 1988 - Hermes 116 (1):1-12.
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    Bill Clinton is the first lady of the USA: Making and unmaking analogies.Tilman Lichter - 1995 - Synthese 104 (2):285 - 297.
    Many accounts of analogy based on sentential semantics owe their continued popularity more to a lack of theoretical specificity than to their superior explicative power. I examine a recent attempt to remedy this situation.Conclusion: Once the sentential semantics account of analogy is spelled out in sufficient detail to permit its systematic application to a variety of cases, it quickly becomes apparent why it must fail, and why we should give preference to a multi-constraint theory of cognitive process instead.
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  31. Alexis de Tocqueville und der Liberalismus.Tilman Mayer & Thomas Wolf - 2004 - In Karlfriedrich Herb & Oliver Hidalgo (eds.), Alter Staat--neue Politik: Tocquevilles Entdeckung der modernen Demokratie. Baden-Baden: Nomos. pp. 7--97.
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    Indices.Tilman Nagel - 2010 - In Mohammed: Zwanzig Kapitel Über den Propheten der Muslime. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 319-330.
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    Zur Einführung.Tilman Nagel - 2010 - In Mohammed: Zwanzig Kapitel Über den Propheten der Muslime. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 7-16.
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    Einstein in Berlin: Dieter Hoffmann: Einstein’s Berlin: In the footsteps of a genius. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013, xiv+177pp, $45.00 PB.Tilman Sauer - 2014 - Metascience 23 (3):653-656.
    Books about Einstein abound but they sell. Perhaps more than with other subjects, if you want to publish a book about Einstein, you need to delimit your subject matter and target a sizeable audience. Topobiographies, as one might call them, that is, biographies with a focus on a specific location, are a popular way to meet this challenge. You are cutting down your subject matter to manageable proportions and you are addressing a naturally defined readership. With Einstein, topobiographical works almost (...)
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    Einstein on involutions in projective geometry.Tilman Sauer & Tobias Schütz - 2021 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 75 (5):523-555.
    We discuss Einstein’s knowledge of projective geometry. We show that two pages of Einstein’s Scratch Notebook from around 1912 with geometrical sketches can directly be associated with similar sketches in manuscript pages dating from his Princeton years. By this correspondence, we show that the sketches are all related to a common theme, the discussion of involution in a projective geometry setting with particular emphasis on the infinite point. We offer a conjecture as to the probable purpose of these geometric considerations.
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    Heinrich IV. Die Behauptung einer Persönlichkeit im Zeichen der Krise.Tilman Struve - 1987 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 21 (1):318-345.
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    Emile Durkheim and Thorstein Veblen on epistemology, cultural lag and social order.Rick Tilman - 2002 - History of the Human Sciences 15 (4):51-70.
    Despite their importance to the history of economics and social theory, social scientists and historians pay little heed to the structural similarities as well as the important divergences in the work of French-man Emile Durkheim (1858—1917) and American Thorstein Veblen (1857—1929). Consequently, this article places Durkheim and Veblen in their social and historical context, and then (1) their epistemologies are related to their use of cultural lag to explain the persistence of atavistic continuities in the existing order, (2) their theories (...)
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    Malebranche ou la Prière cartésienne.Alexandre Tilman-Timon - 1967 - Paris,: L'Auteur.
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    Einstein Equations and Hilbert Action: What is missing on page 8 of the proofs for Hilbert's First Communication on the Foundations of Physics?Tilman Sauer - 2005 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 59 (6):577-590.
    The history of the publication of the gravitational field equations of general relativity in November 1915 by Einstein and Hilbert is briefly reviewed. An analysis of the internal structure and logic of Hilbert's theory as expounded in extant proofs and in the published version of his relevant paper is given with respect to the specific question what information would have been found on a missing piece of Hilbert's proofs. The existing texts suggest that the missing piece contained the explicit form (...)
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    Einstein’s quantum theory of the monatomic ideal gas: non-statistical arguments for a new statistics.Tilman Sauer & Enric Pérez - 2010 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 64 (5):561-612.
    In this article, we analyze the third of three papers, in which Einstein presented his quantum theory of the ideal gas of 1924–1925. Although it failed to attract the attention of Einstein’s contemporaries and although also today very few commentators refer to it, we argue for its significance in the context of Einstein’s quantum researches. It contains an attempt to extend and exhaust the characterization of the monatomic ideal gas without appealing to combinatorics. Its ambiguities illustrate Einstein’s confusion with his (...)
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  41.  15
    Der homerische Aphroditehymnus als poetische Konstruktion.Tilman Krischer - forthcoming - Hermes.
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    Buddhist councils in a time of transition: globalism, modernity and the preservation of textual traditions.Tilman Frasch - 2013 - Contemporary Buddhism 14 (1):38-51.
    This article looks at what is genuinely new in the Buddhist transnationalism of the modern period. It examines the history of Buddhist councils and synods from the early gatherings after the demise of the Buddha to the Buddhist World Council in the twentieth century. These often international events followed a role-model, defined by the first three councils, of creating and handing down an authoritative version of the Buddha's teachings (dhamma) while they could also lead to a ?purification? of the monks' (...)
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  43.  9
    Plessner in Wiesbaden.Tilman Allert & Joachim Fischer (eds.) - 2014 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    ​„Plessner in Wiesbaden“ schildert das Leben und Werk eines Philosophen und Soziologen (1892-1985), der das 20. Jahrhundert durchlebt, durchlitten und durchdacht hat. Ausgangspunkt ist das jüngere Interesse seiner Geburts- und Heimatstadt an dem großen Sohn der Stadt, das sich in der Stiftung eines „Wiesbadener Plessner Preises“ manifestiert. Damit wird ein Schlüsseldenker der modernen Philosophischen Anthropologie gewürdigt. Neben einigen Beiträgen zu Plessner in Wiesbaden enthält der Band auch Beiträge zu Plessners anderen Lebens- und Wirkungsstationen wie Heidelberg, Erlangen, Köln, Groningen, Göttingen, New (...)
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    Blick und Bild im Spannungsfeld von Sehen, Metaphern und Verstehen.Tilman Borsche, Johann Kreuzer & Christian Strub - 1998
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    Individuation und Emanzipation: gesellschaftskritische Potentiale in der Psychologie C.G. Jungs.Tilman Tönnies Evers & Ingrid Riedel (eds.) - 1990 - Hofgeismar: Evangelische Akademie Hofgeismar.
  46.  7
    Das ethisch Erlaubte: Erlaubnis, Verbindlichkeit und Freiheit in der evangelisch-theologischen Ethik.Tilman Fuss - 2011 - Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
    Die Beurteilung von Handlungen als ethisch erlaubt gehort zum moralischen Bewusstsein und zur moralischen Verstandigung. In der theologischen Ethik gab es jedoch Kritik an der Kategorie des ethisch Erlaubten, am grundsatzlichsten bei Friedrich Schleiermacher. Die Kritiker vertraten die These, dass sich alle moglichen Handlungen als entweder moralisch geboten oder verboten ausweisen liessen und dass eine mittlere Kategorie des bloss Erlaubten die Klarheit ethischer Verbindlichkeit trube. Fuss analysiert die Argumentationen reprasentativer evangelischer Ethiker vor allem des 19. und fruhen 20. Jahrhunderts, die (...)
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    Was sagt das Läuten den Leuten?: Das Selbstverständnis des kirchlichen Glockenläutens in der pluralistischen Gesellschaft.Tilman Fuß - 2021 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 65 (4):293-300.
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    Die Webelist der Penelope.Tilman Krischer - 1993 - Hermes 121 (1):3-11.
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    Mit skeptischen Fragen durch die Philosophiegeschichte.Tilman Lücke - 2002 - In Holger Burckhart & Horst Gronke (eds.), Philosophieren aus dem Diskurs. Königshausen und Neumann. pp. 45.
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  50. Aufklarung im Islam? : Aufklarung über den Islam!Tilman Nagel - 2017 - In Thomas Göller (ed.), Grundlagen der Religionskritik. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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