Results for 'Temporality'

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  1. Temporal logic.Temporal Logic - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Otto Poggeler.Temporal Interpretation - 1982 - In Ronald Bruzina & Bruce W. Wilshire, Phenomenology: Dialogues and Bridges. State University of New York Press. pp. 79.
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    Leibniz on mathematics and the actually infinite division of matter, Samuel Levey.Temporal Parts Unmotivated - 1998 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 58 (2).
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  4. Vi. philosophy.Human Temporality & H. L. Dreyfus - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 2--150.
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  5. tive approach to elucidating the mechanism of organic behavior changes is more likely to clarify the basis of functional psychosis, by analogy, than the current Procrustean application of psychiatric nosology.Temporal Lobe Epilepsy - 1979 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga, Handbook of Behavioral Neurobiology. , Volume 2. pp. 78.
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  6. Barry Richards.Temporal Quantifiers Tenses & Semantic Innocence - 1987 - In Ernest LePore, New directions in semantics. Orlando: Academic Press. pp. 337.
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    La lección del finalismo moral en los cuentos maravillosos.Josep Temporal - 1999 - Anuario Filosófico 32 (2):543-549.
    The moral pedagogy in the fairy tales is simple but powerful. It is concentrated in the lesson –according to the message of Aristotle– about the finalism sense of action: it makes the child understand that the human answer is an action with sense. Everything in the fairy tale leads to this perspective. Moreover, it exemplifies MacIntyre’s opinion which says that current people tend to be proto-aristotelian and to understand their own life and the other’s in narrative terms.
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    " Il· luminar-te el rostre, estimat". Ressons de la caverna al cicle rondallístic de l'animal-nuvi.Josep Temporal I. Oleart - 1995 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 7:103.
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  9. Life and Death,„.Temporal Asymmetry - 1994 - American Philosophical Quarterly 31:235-244.
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  10. A Statement of Temporal Realism.Two Essays on Temporal Realism - 1996 - In Brian Jack Copeland, Logic and reality: essays on the legacy of Arthur Prior. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  11. Emily Grabham.Praxiographies' of Time : Law, Temporalities & Material Worlds - 2018 - In Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    A shooting room view oj doomsday, William Eckhardt.Temporal Horizons oj Justice - 1997 - Mind 106 (421).
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    What Moore's Paradox Is About, CLAUDIO DE ALMEIDA.Temporal Phase Pluralism - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62 (1).
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    Industria 4.0.Massimo Temporeli - 2019 - Scientia et Fides 22:11-30.
    Industry 4.0 The present work enables us to take the first steps in the world of the 4th Industrial Revolution, a world where robots, artificial intelligence and digital manufacturing technologies will change forever the way we design, produce and buy products and services. The first characteristics of this revolution is globalization: for the first time in history, an industrial transformation is taking place simultaneously on a global scale. The second key-factor is the word ecosystem: unlike the first three industrial revolutions (...)
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    Philosophical abstracts.Temporal Regression - 1997 - Review of Metaphysics 50 (1):703-736.
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    A Contribuição de Matéria e Memória Para o Estudo da Linguagem Na Filosofia de Henri Bergson.Vanessa de Oliveira Temporal - 2011 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 3 (6):75-92.
    Após uma breve retomada da tese bergsoniana da inadequabilidade da linguagem para exprimir o real, a qual está presente ao longo de toda sua obra, este trabalho procura mostrar de que modo Matéria e Memória contempla uma reflexão mais profunda sobre esta temática ao apresentar a noção de “aparelho motor”, que permite vislumbrar o fundamento corporal dos hábitos da prática e aponta para o problema de transpô-los sem crítica ao âmbito do pensamento especulativo. Em linhas gerais, procuramos entender de que (...)
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  17. Affectivity in Heidegger II: Temporality, Boredom, and Beyond.Lauren Freeman & Andreas Elpidorou - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (10):672-684.
    In ‘Affectivity in Heidegger I: Moods and Emotions in Being and Time’, we explicated the crucial role that Martin Heidegger assigns to our capacity to affectively find ourselves in the world. There, our discussion was restricted to Division I of Being and Time. Specifically, we discussed how Befindlichkeit as a basic existential and moods as the ontic counterparts of Befindlichkeit make circumspective engagement with the world possible. Indeed, according to Heidegger, it is primarily through moods that the world is ‘opened (...)
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  18. Sounds and temporality.Jonathan Cohen - 2010 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 5:303-320.
    What is the relationship between sounds and time? More specifically, is there something essentially or distinctively temporal about sounds that distinguishes them from, say, colors, shapes, odors, tastes, or other sensible qualities? And just what might this distinctive relation to time consist in? Apart from their independent interest, these issues have a number of important philosophical repercussions. First, if sounds are temporal in a way that other sensible qualities are not, then this would mean that standard lists of paradigm secondary (...)
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  19. Being-in-the-world, Temporality and Autopoiesis.Marilyn Stendera - 2015 - Parrhesia 24:261-284.
    To understand the radical potential of Heidegger’s model of practice, we need to acknowledge the role that temporality plays within it. Commentaries on Heidegger’s account of practical engagement, however, often leave the connection between purposiveness and temporality unexplored, a tendency that persists in the contemporary discourse generated by the interaction between the phenomenological tradition and certain approaches within cognitive science. Taking up a temporality-oriented reading that redresses this can, I want to argue here, reveal new illuminating sites (...)
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    Enacting a Jazz Beat: Temporality in Sonic Environment and Symbolic Communication.Mattias Solli & Thomas Netland - 2021 - British Journal of Aesthetics 61 (4):485-504.
    What does it mean to enact a jazz beat as a creative performer? This article offers a critical reading of Iyer’s much-cited theory on rhythmic enaction. We locate the sonic environment approach in Iyer’s theory, and criticize him for advancing a one-to-one relationship between everyday perception and full-fledged aural competence of jazz musicians, and for comparing the latter with non-symbolic behaviour of non-human organisms. As an alternative, we suggest a Merleau-Ponty-inspired concept of rhythmic enaction, which we call the enactive communicative (...)
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  21. Edit doron/agency and voice: The semantics of the semitic templates.Karlos Arregi, Clausal Pied-Piping, Richard Larson, Sungeun Cho & Temporal Adjectives - 2003 - Natural Language Semantics 11:395-396.
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  22. La lección del finalismo moral en los cuentos maravillosos.Josep Temporal I. Oleart - 1999 - Anuario Filosófico 32 (64):543.
    The moral pedagogy in the fairy tales is simple but powerful. It is concentrated in the lesson -according to the message of Aristotle- about the finalism sense of action: it makes the child understand that the human answer is an action with sense. Everything in the fairy tale leads to this perspective. Moreover, it exemplifies MacIntyre's opinion which says that current people tend to be proto-aristotelian and to understand their own life and the other's in narrative terms.
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    The temporality of God.Keith Ward - 2001 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 50 (1/3):153-169.
  24. Does reliabilism have a temporality problem?Jeffrey Tolly - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (8):2203-2220.
    Matthew Frise claims that reliabilist theories of justification have a temporality problem—the problem of providing a principled account of the temporal parameters of a process’s performance that determine whether that process is reliable at a given time. Frise considers a representative sample of principled temporal parameters and argues that there are serious problems with all of them. He concludes that the prospects for solving the temporality problem are bleak. Importantly, Frise argues that the temporality problem constitutes a (...)
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  25. Part I. The temporality of surprise: A dynamic process opening up possibilities: 1. Neurophenomenology of surprise.Michel Bitbol - 2019 - In Natalie Depraz & Agnès Celle, Surprise at the intersection of phenomenology and linguistics. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  26. Heidegger and Strauss: Temporality, Religion and Philosophy.Laurence Berns - 2000 - Interpretation 27 (2):99-104.
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  27. Temporality, critique and meaning.Stephen Findley - 2001 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 27 (2):118-124.
    , Technology, Time and the Conversations of Modernity (reviewed by Stephen Findley).
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    Self-Awareness, Temporality, and Alterity: Central Topics in Phenomenology.Dan Zahavi (ed.) - 1998 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Focusing on the topics of self-awareness, temporality, and alterity, this anthology contains contributions by prominent phenomenologists from Germany, Belgium, France, Japan, USA, Canada and Denmark, all addressing questions very much in the center of current phenomenological debate. What is the relation between the self and the Other? How are self-awareness and intentionality intertwined? To what extent do the temporality and corporeality of subjectivity contain a dimension of alterity? How should one account for the intersubjectivity, interculturality and historicity of (...)
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  29. Shame and the temporality of social life.Lisa Guenther - 2011 - Continental Philosophy Review 44 (1):23-39.
    Shame is notoriously ambivalent. On one hand, it operates as a mechanism of normalization and social exclusion, installing or reinforcing patterns of silence and invisibility; on the other hand, the capacity for shame may be indispensible for ethical life insofar as it attests to the subject’s constitutive relationality and its openness to the provocation of others. Sartre, Levinas and Beauvoir each offer phenomenological analyses of shame in which its basic structure emerges as a feeling of being exposed to others and (...)
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  30. Implicit and Explicit Temporality.Thomas Fuchs - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (3):195-198.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 12.3 (2005) 195-198 [Access article in PDF] Implicit and Explicit Temporality Thomas Fuchs Keywords implicit/explicit temporality, embodiment, intersubjectivity, desynchronization, melancholia, schizophrenia Since Minkowski (1970), Strauss (1966), v. Gebsattel (1954), and Tellenbach (1980), temporality has been a main subject of phenomenological psychiatry. Drawing on philosophical concepts of Bergson, Husserl, and Heidegger, these authors have analyzed psychopathologic deviations of time experience, mainly from an (...)
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  31. Shame and temporality in the streets : consumerism, technology, truth and raw life.Ladson Hinton - 2017 - In Ladson Hinton & Hessel Willemsen, Temporality and Shame: Perspectives From Psychoanalysis and Philosophy. New York: Routledge.
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  32. Some Free Thinking about Time.Two Essays on Temporal Realism - 1996 - In Brian Jack Copeland, Logic and reality: essays on the legacy of Arthur Prior. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  33. Entailments in finite-state temporality.Tim Fernando - manuscript
    The “surge in use of finite-state methods” ([10]) in computational linguistics has largely, if not completely, left semantics untouched. The present paper is directed towards correcting this situation. Techniques explained in [1] are applied to a fragment of temporal semantics through an approach we call finite-state temporality. This proceeds from the intuition of an event as “a series of snapshots” ([15]; see also [12]), equating snapshots with symbols that collectively form our alphabet. A sequence of snapshots then becomes a (...)
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  34. Poincaré, Sartre, Continuity and Temporality.Jonathan Gingerich - 2006 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 37 (3):327-330.
    In this paper, I examine the relation between Henri Poincaré’s definition of mathematical continuity and Sartre’s discussion of temporality in Being and Nothingness. Poincaré states that a series A, B, and C is continuous when A=B, B=C and A is less than C. I explicate Poincaré’s definition and examine the arguments that he uses to arrive at this definition. I argue that Poincaré’s definition is applicable to temporal series, and I show that this definition of continuity provides a logical (...)
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    Enactive individuation: technics, temporality and affect in digital design and fabrication.Kåre Stokholm Poulsgaard - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (1):281-298.
    The nature of creative engagement with computers and software presents a number of challenges to 4E cognition and requires the development of analytical frameworks that can encompass cognitive processes as they extend across material and informational realms. Here I argue that an enactive view of mind allows for better understanding of digital practice by advancing a dynamic, transactional, and affective framework for the analysis of computational design. This enactive framework is in part developed through the Material Engagement Theory put forward (...)
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    Being without time: Temporality and the white gaze.Alfred Frankowski - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (13):1285-1287.
  37. Future or future past-Temporality between praxis and poiesis in Heidegger's' Being and Time'.F. O. Murchadha - 1998 - Philosophy Today 42 (3):262-269.
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    The phenomenology of psychedelic temporality: current knowledge, open questions, and clinical applications.Riccardo Miceli McMillan, Jack Reynolds & Anthony Fernandez - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology:1-28.
    Current evidence suggests that the efficacy of psychedelic therapy depends, in part, on the character of psychedelic experiences themselves. One pronounced aspect of psychedelic experiences is alterations to the experience of time, including reports of timelessness or transcending time. However, how we should interpret such reports remains unclear, and this lack of clarity has philosophical and clinical implications. For instance, “true” timelessness may be considered antithetical to having any experience at all, and descriptions of experiences involving “timelessness” are known to (...)
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  39. Memory and temporality: A phenomenological alternative.Jose M. Arcaya - 1989 - Philosophical Psychology 2 (1):101-110.
    The notion of memory storage, central to most contemporary theories of remembering, is challenged from a philosophical perspective as being contradictory and untenable. It criticizes this storage hypothesis as relying upon a linear explanation of time, an assumption which results in infinite regression, solipsism, and a failure to contact the real past. A model based on the phenomenological viewpoints of Edmund Husserl and Maurice Merleau-Ponty is offered as an alternative paradigm. Finally, a research method suggested by this descriptive approach to (...)
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    Neural correlates of temporality: Default mode variability and temporal awareness.Dan Lloyd - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):695-703.
    The continual background awareness of duration is an essential structure of consciousness, conferring temporal extension to the many objects of awareness within the evanescent sensory present. Seeking the possible neural correlates of ubiquitous temporal awareness, this article reexamines fMRI data from off-task “default mode” periods in 25 healthy subjects studied by Grady et al. , 2005). “Brain reading” using support vector machines detected information specifying elapsed time, and further analysis specified distributed networks encoding implicit time. These networks fluctuate; none are (...)
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  41. Existential temporality in Being and time (why Heidegger is not a pragmatist).William D. Blattner - 1992 - In Hubert L. Dreyfuss & Harrison Hall, Heidegger: a critical reader. Cambridge, USA: Blackwell. pp. 99--129.
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  42. Memory, consciousness, and temporality: What is retrieved and who exactly is controlling the retrieval?G. Barba - 2000 - In Endel Tulving, Memory, Consciousness, and the Brain: The Tallinn Conference. Psychology Pr.
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    A Mosaic Temporality: New Dynamics of the Gender and Marriage System in Contemporary Urban China.Ji Yingchun - 2017 - Temporalités 26.
    Contemporary Chinese society has witnessed ongoing complex institutional and cultural reconfiguration, driven by the transition from the socialist planned economy to marketization and later its deep engagement in globalization and neoliberalism. In this reshaping of Chinese society, tradition and modernity, the resurgence of patriarchal Confucian tradition, the socialist version of modernity, the capitalist version of modernity, and the socialist heritage intermingle, and all seem to define a mosaic temporality.Facing the increasing uncertainties of the market, family members in post-reform China (...)
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    Temporality, Pleasure, and the Angelic in Teaching: Toward a Pictorial-Ontological Turn in Education.Joris Vlieghe & Tyson E. Lewis - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 51 (2):59-81.
    In this article, we explore the possibilities that works of art might possess for looking in original and unforeseen ways into something that, at first sight, has little to do with arts and artistic practice. To be more precise, we present here three artistic representations, taken from various times and style periods, that depict a well-known figure in art history: angels. A detailed description and analysis of these images give us the opportunity to figure out something about another figure, which (...)
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    On the musically melancholic: temporality and affects in western music history.Yonatan Bar-Yoshafat - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (6):918-938.
    ABSTRACT Music’s power to express and arouse feelings has been one of its principal attributes from antiquity. While the topic remains prevalent in contemporary discourse, relatively little attention had been given to specifically melancholic expressions in European music. The article examines various stages in western music history vis-à-vis the changing formulations and receptions of melancholy as a cultural phenomenon, from the time it was perceived as a sign of either a physical or a moral problem to later historical periods, when (...)
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    Spatiality Temporality and the Probelm of Foundation in Being and Time.Yoko Arisaka - 1996 - Philosophy Today 40 (1):36-46.
  47. Truth and Temporality in Aristotle.Charlene Elsby - unknown
  48. Emotion and temporality.G. Florival - 1987 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 85 (66):198-225.
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    Makeshift: Phenomenology of Original Temporality.James Luchte - 2003 - Philosophy Today 47 (3):252-257.
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    Migrant Memories and Temporality.Luiz Felipe Baêta Neves - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (1):27-33.
    The text analyses rituals as endeavours to preserve the identity of a people or a portion of a people. Rituals present or re-present the supposed common history of all the migrants. Social memory and history then tend to merge and to forget... forgetfulness is the driving force behind the writing of history. Particularly critical is the moment when the migration starts, because the need to adapt to new conditions as well as to maintain what is represented as their social identity (...)
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