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Thomas Tymoczko [23]T. Tymoczko [2]Tom Tymoczko [1]
  1. The four-color problem and its philosophical significance.Thomas Tymoczko - 1979 - Journal of Philosophy 76 (2):57-83.
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    New Directions in the Philosophy of Mathematics: An Anthology.Thomas Tymoczko (ed.) - 1998 - Princeton University Press.
    This expanded edition now contains essays by Penelope Maddy, Michael D. Resnik, and William P. Thurston that address the nature of mathematical proofs. The editor has provided a new afterword and a supplemental bibliography of recent work.
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  3. In Defense of Putnam’s Brains.Thomas Tymoczko - 1989 - Philosophical Studies 57 (3):281--97.
  4.  88
    An unsolved puzzle about knowledge.Thomas Tymoczko - 1984 - Philosophical Quarterly 34 (137):437-458.
  5. The exorcist's nightmare: A reply to Crispin Wright.Thomas Tymoczko & Jonathan Vogel - 1992 - Mind 101 (403):543-552.
    Crispin Wright tried to refute classical 'Cartesian' skepticism contending that its core argument is extendible to a reductio ad absurdum (_Mind<D>, 100, 87-116, 1991). We show both that Wright is mistaken and that his mistakes are philosophically illuminating. Wright's 'best version' of skepticism turns on a concept of warranted belief. By his definition, many of our well-founded beliefs about the external world and mathematics would not be warranted. Wright's position worsens if we take 'warranted belief' to be implicitly defined by (...)
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  6. Mathematics, science and ontology.Thomas Tymoczko - 1991 - Synthese 88 (2):201 - 228.
    According to quasi-empiricism, mathematics is very like a branch of natural science. But if mathematics is like a branch of science, and science studies real objects, then mathematics should study real objects. Thus a quasi-empirical account of mathematics must answer the old epistemological question: How is knowledge of abstract objects possible? This paper attempts to show how it is possible.The second section examines the problem as it was posed by Benacerraf in Mathematical Truth and the next section presents a way (...)
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    Sweet Reason: A Field Guide to Modern Logic.James M. Henle, Jay L. Garfield, Thomas Tymoczko & Emily Altreuter - 1995 - New York and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Jay L. Garfield & Thomas Tymoczko.
    _Sweet Reason: A Field Guide to Modern Logic, 2nd Edition_ offers an innovative, friendly, and effective introduction to logic. It integrates formal first order, modal, and non-classical logic with natural language reasoning, analytical writing, critical thinking, set theory, and the philosophy of logic and mathematics. An innovative introduction to the field of logic designed to entertain as it informs Integrates formal first order, modal, and non-classical logic with natural language reasoning, analytical writing, critical thinking, set theory, and the philosophy of (...)
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    A note on translations.Thomas Tymoczko - 1975 - Journal of Philosophy 72 (1):16-21.
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    Gödel and the concept of meaning in mathematics.Thomas Tymoczko - 1998 - Synthese 114 (1):25-40.
  10.  53
    Godel, Wittgenstein and the Nature of Mathematical Knowledge.Thomas Tymoczko - 1984 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1984:449-468.
    The nature of mathematical knowledge can be understood only by locating the knowing mathematician in an epistemic community. This claim is defended by extending Kripke's version of the Private Language Argument to include informal rules and using Godelian results to argue that such rules rules necessary in mathematics. A committed formalist might evade Kripke's original argument by positing internal mechanisms that determine rule -governed behavior. However, in the presence of informal rules, the formalist position collapses into the extreme skepticism that (...)
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  11.  44
    Mathematical Skepticism: Are We Brains in a Countable Vat?Thomas Tymoczko - 1989 - Philosophica 43.
  12. Mathematical Skepticism: Are We Brains in a Countable Vat? in Recent Issues in the Philosophy of Mathematics II.T. Tymoczko - 1989 - Philosophica 43:31-47.
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  13. ¿nuevas Direcciones En Filosofía De La Matemática?Thomas Tymoczko - 1997 - Agora 16 (2):123-137.
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    Sweet Reason: A Field Guide to Modern Logic.Tom Tymoczko & Jim Henle - 1998 - Philosophical Quarterly 48 (190):138-138.
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  15. Why I am not a Turing machine: Godel's theorem and the philosophy of mind.Thomas Tymoczko - 1990 - In Jay L. Garfield, Foundations of Cognitive Science: The Essential Readings. New York: Paragon House.
  16. Zróbmy miejsce matematykom w filozofii matematyki!Thomas Tymoczko - 1994 - Principia.
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    Livingston Eric. The ethnomethodological foundations of mathematics. Studies in ethnomethodology. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, Boston, and Henley, 1986, xiii + 241 pp. [REVIEW]Thomas Tymoczko - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (3):1104-1105.
  18. Logic. [REVIEW]Thomas Tymoczko - 1986 - Teaching Philosophy 9 (1):78-80.
  19.  45
    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Jesús Alcolea Banegas & Thomas Tymoczko - 1996 - Mind 105 (420):616-618.
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    Review of A. W. Moore, The Infinite[REVIEW]Thomas Tymoczko - 1994 - Philosophia Mathematica 2 (1).
  21.  24
    Review of J. P. King, The Art of Mathematics[REVIEW]Thomas Tymoczko - 1995 - Philosophia Mathematica 3 (1).
  22.  18
    Review of H. Wang, Computation, Logic, Philosophy: A Collection of Essays[REVIEW]Thomas Tymoczko - 1992 - Mind 101 (403).