Results for 'Śuklā Mukharjī'

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    Mukharji on the new jurisprudence.Prasanta Bihari Mukharji - 1970 - Calcutta,: Eastern Law House.
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    A Roundtable Discussion on Collecting Demographics Data.Projit Bihari Mukharji, Myrna Perez Sheldon, Elise K. Burton, Sebastián Gil-Riaño, Terence Keel, Emily Merchant, Wangui Muigai, Ahmed Ragab & Suman Seth - 2020 - Isis 111 (2):310-353.
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    The new jurisprudence: the grammar of modern law.Prasanta Bihari Mukharji - 2016 - Kolkata: Eastern Law House. Edited by Amitava Lala, Purnendu Bhattacharyya & N. L. Mitra.
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    Aesthetics as Mass Culture in Indian Antiquity.A. C. Sukla - 1997 - Dialogue and Universalism 7 (3):91-99.
    Aesthetics originated in ancient India as a descriptive account of the drama which was meant for both entertainment and education of the mass. If the drama was a mass medium, aesthetics — its account — represented the mass culture. Philosophical thinking, rigorous ethical practices and the dramatic art had a common aim — experience of the Reality as a whole. The difference was that while the first two were accessible to only a few elite or intellectuals, the third one was (...)
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  5. Indian Intercultural Poetics: the Sanskrit Rasa-Dhvani Theory.Ananta Charan Sukla - 2016 - Cultura 13 (2):13-18.
    Rasa, Dhvani and Rasa-Dhvani are the major critical terms in Sanskrit poetics that developed during the post-Vedic classical period. Rasa is used by a sage named Bharata to denote the aesthetic experience of a theatrical audience. But Anandavardhana and Abhinavagupta intermedialize this experience by extending it to a reader of poetry. They argue that rasa is also generated by a linguistic potency called dhvani. Some critics like Bhoja also proposed generation of rasa by pictorial art, and further, some modern critics (...)
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    A Humble Genre: History of Isis Book Reviews.Projit Bihari Mukharji & Charu Singh - 2024 - Isis 115 (3):643-652.
  7.  21
    Parachemistries: Colonial chemopolitics in a zone of contest.Projit Bihari Mukharji - 2016 - History of Science 54 (4):362-382.
    The globalization of modern chemistry through European colonialism resulted, by the end of the nineteenth century, in the emergence of a number of parachemical knowledges. Parachemistries were bodies of non-European knowledge which came to be related to modern chemistry within particular historical milieux. Their relationship with modern chemistry was not necessarily epistemic and structural, but historical and performative. Actual historically located intellectuals posited their relationship. Such relationships were not merely abstract intellectual exercises; at a time when the practical uses of (...)
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    Bhedaratnam. Śaṅkaramiśra & Rājārāma Śukla - 2003 - Vāraṇāsī: Sampūrṇānanda-Saṃskr̥ta-Viśvavidyālaya. Edited by Rājārāma Śukla.
    Treatise on Nyaya and Vaiśeṣika philosophy.
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    Buddhism, Buddhists, and Buddhist studies.Hari Śaṅkara Śukla & Lālajī (eds.) - 2012 - Delhi: Buddhist World Press.
    Papers presented at the International Conference on "the State of Buddhism, Buddhists and Buddhist Studies in India and Abroad", held at Banaras Hindu University during 2-4 January 2009. Commemoration volume on the birth centenary of Bhikku Jagdish Kashyap, 1908-1976.
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    Siddhānta-rahasyam evaṃ Madhurāshṭaka: anuśīlana. Vallabhācārya & Govardhananātha Śukla - 1979 - Alīgaṛha: Vallabha-Śodha Saṃsthāna. Edited by Vallabhācārya & Govardhananātha Śukla.
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    Bhāratīya darśana meṃ bhrama: Bhāmatī ke viśesha sandarbha meṃ.Dīnānātha Śukla - 1998 - Dillī: Pratibhā Prakāśana.
    Study on the concept of illusion in Indic philosophy with special references to Bhāmatī of Vācaspatimiśra, fl. 976-1000, supercpmmentary on Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyaṇa.
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    Representation in Painting and Drama: Arguments from Indian Aesthetics.Ananta Ch Sukla - 2000 - In Ananta Charana Sukla, Art and Representation: Contributions to Contemporary Aesthetics. Westport, CT, USA: Praeger.
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  13. The concept of imitation in Greek and Indian aesthetics.Ananta Charana Sukla - 1977 - Calcutta: Rupa.
    The author has made a detailed study, more detailed, he rightly claims, than hitherto attempted, of the concept of mimesis in aesthetic thought and has devoted equal space to Greek and Sanskrit writers... Wilamowitz, the doyen of modern classical scholars, describes mimesis as a 'fatal word' 'rapped out' by Plato. But the present author has demonstrated with great cogency that the word was not 'rapped out' by Plato at all, and that the concept and the word are both as old (...)
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    Art and essence.Stephen Davies & Ananta Charana Sukla (eds.) - 2003 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    Presents a wide offering of contemporary philosophical perspectives--including theoretical, historical, cross-cultural, and evolutionary--regarding the nature of art and the possibility of its definition.
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  15. Thank You to Our Reviewers.Elise K. Burton & Projit Bihari Mukharji - 2025 - Isis 116 (1):1-2.
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    From History of Colonial Medicine to Plural Medicine in a Global Perspective.Waltraud Ernst & Projit B. Mukharji - 2009 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 17 (4):447-458.
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    Bauddhaparamparāyāḥ vaiśvikasandeśaḥ Pālisāhityasya viśeshasandarbhe =.Radhavallabh Tripathi & Śuklā Mukharjī (eds.) - 2010 - Naī Dillī: Rāshṭriya Saṃskr̥ta Saṃsthāna.
    Contributed seminar papers; seminar organized by Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan.
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    SUKLA, ANANTA CH., ed. Fiction and Art: Explorations in Contemporary Theory. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015, 416 pp., $39.95 paper. [REVIEW]Bradley Elicker - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 75 (2):217-220.
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  19. Ananta Ch. Sukla, ed., Art and Experience. [REVIEW]Thorsten Botz-Bornstein - 2004 - Philosophy in Review 24:68-70.
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    Projit Bihari Mukharji, Brown Skins, White Coats: Race Science in India, 1920–66, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2022, ISBN: 0226823016, 348 pp. [REVIEW]Thiago Pinto Barbosa - 2023 - Journal of the History of Biology 56 (3):571-573.
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    Projit Bihari Mukharji. Doctoring Traditions: Ayurveda, Small Technologies, and Braided Sciences. 374 pp., figs., tables, bibl., index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2016. $45. [REVIEW]Sundar Sarukkai - 2017 - Isis 108 (4):935-936.
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    The encyclopedic philosophy of Michel Serres: writing the modern world and anticipating the future.Keith A. Moser - 2016 - Augusta, Georgia: Anaphora Literary Press.
    This monograph represents the first comprehensive study dedicated to the interdisciplinary French philosopher Michel Serres. As the title of this project unequivocally suggests, Serres s prolific body of work paints a rending portrait of what it means for a sentient being to live in the modern world. This book reflects Serres s profound conviction that philosopher c est anticiper / to philosophize (about something) is to anticipate ( Philosophie Magazine ). According to Serres, a philosopher is someone who possesses an (...)
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