Results for 'Sébastien Galland'

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    Sebastien Cuvelier God is A Filipino-Photographs.Sebastien Cuvelier - 2008 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 12 (2 & 3).
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  2. Philosophical foundations of effective field theories.Sébastien Rivat & Alexei Grinbaum - 2020 - European Physical Journal A 56 (3).
    This survey covers some of the main philosophical debates raised by the framework of effective field theories during the last decades. It is centered on three issues: whether effective field theories underpin a specific realist picture of the world, whether they support an anti-reductionist picture of physics, and whether they provide reasons to give up the ultimate aspiration of formulating a final and complete physical theory. Reviewing the past and current literature, we argue that effective field theories do not give (...)
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  3. The Professionalisation of Science – Claim and Refusal: Discipline Building and Ideals of Scientific Autonomy in the Growth of Prehistoric Archaeology. The Case of Georges Laplace's Group of Typologie Analytique, 1950s–1990s.Sébastien Plutniak - 2017 - Organon 49:105-154.
    The majority of analyses investigating the professionalisation of scientific domains tend to assume the linear and general features of this transformation. These studies focus on the shift from a non-professionalised state to a professionalised state. This dual approach, however, crucially lacks some other aspects of the process of professionalisation. This issue is discussed within the context of the growth of prehistoric archaeology in France from the 1940s, by observing scientific societies, national research organisations and their social networks. Looking at the (...)
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    The Sage and the People: The Confucian Revival in China.Sébastien Billioud & Joël Thoraval - 2015 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA. Edited by Joël Thoraval.
    Winner of the 2015 Pierre-Antoine Bernheim Prize for the History of Religion by the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-LettresAfter a century during which Confucianism was viewed by academics as a relic of the imperial past or, at best, a philosophical resource, its striking comeback in Chinese society today raises a number of questions about the role that this ancient tradition might play in a contemporary context. The Sage and the People is the first comprehensive enquiry into the "Confucian revival" that (...)
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    Unconscious task set priming with phonological and semantic tasks.Sébastien Weibel, Anne Giersch, Stanislas Dehaene & Caroline Huron - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):517-527.
    Whether unconscious stimuli can modulate the preparation of a cognitive task is still controversial. Using a backward masking paradigm, we investigated whether the modulation could be observed even if the prime was made unconscious in 100% of the trials. In two behavioral experiments, subjects were instructed to initiate a phonological or semantic task on an upcoming word, following an explicit instruction and an unconscious prime. When the SOA between prime and instruction was sufficiently long , primes congruent with the task (...)
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    La conception sémantique de la vérité: d'Alfred Tarski à Jaakko Hintikka.Sébastien Richard - 2008 - Louvain-la-Neuve: Academia-Bruylant.
    Sébastien Richard se propose dans ce quinzième volume des Cahiers du Centre de logique de présenter ces résultats, à la fois du point de vue des concepts philosophiques et du point de vue de la technique logique mis en jeu dans la ...
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  7. De Pascal a Locke: la reprise berkeleyenne des enjeux philosophiques concernant la tolerance religieuse et civile.Sebastien Charles - 2015 - In Sébastien Charles (ed.), Berkeley Revisited: Moral, Social and Political Philosophy. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation. pp. 177-190.
  8. Schelling et le problème de l'objectivité de la philosophie ; De l'esthétique au politique.Mildred Galland-Szymkoviak - 2010 - In Jean-François Courtine & Gérard Bensussan (eds.), Schelling. Paris: Les Editions du Cerf.
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  9. Subjecthood and alterity in international law.Sebastien Jodoin - 2009 - In Desmond Manderson (ed.), Essays on Levinas and law: a mosaic. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    The archeological operation. A sociohistorical perspective on a discipline faced with developments in automatics and mathematics. France, Spain, Italy, in the second half of the 20th century (L'opération archéologique. Sociologie historique d'une discipline aux prises avec l'automatique et les mathématiques. France, Espagne, Italie, 2e moitié du XXe siècle).Sébastien Plutniak - 2017 - Dissertation, Ehess
    During the second half of the 20th century, attempts were made to operationally redefine various social activities, including those related to science, the military, administration and industry. These attempts were aided by scientific and technical innovations developed in the Second World War, and subsequently by the increase in use of automation in various domains. This Ph.D. thesis addresses these attempts from a sociohistorical perspective, focusing on the specific case of archaeology. During this period, the domain of archaeology underwent a process (...)
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  11. Quelle philosophie pour quelle mathématique?Sébastien Gandon - 2013 - Archives de Philosophie 76 (2):197-216.
  12. Assyrian Merchants meet Nuclear Physicists: History of the Early Contributions from Social Sciences to Computer Science. The Case of Automatic Pattern Detection in Graphs (1950s-1970s).Sébastien Plutniak - 2021 - Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 46 (4):547-568.
    Community detection is a major issue in network analysis. This paper combines a socio-historical approach with an experimental reconstruction of programs to investigate the early automation of clique detection algorithms, which remains one of the unsolved NP-complete problems today. The research led by the archaeologist Jean-Claude Gardin from the 1950s on non-numerical information and graph analysis is retraced to demonstrate the early contributions of social sciences and humanities. The limited recognition and reception of Gardin's innovative computer application to the humanities (...)
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    Discrepancies between Judgment and Choice of Action in Moral Dilemmas.Sébastien Tassy, Olivier Oullier, Julien Mancini & Bruno Wicker - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    L'immanence à la limite: recherches sur la phénoménologie de Michel Henry.Sébastien Laoureux - 2005 - Paris: Cerf.
    Michel Henry a fondé une partie de son oeuvre philosophique sur la phénoménologie matérielle. L'ouvrage tente d'en analyser la singularité, parmi les oeuvres d'autres phénoménologistes tels que Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Ricoeur et Derrida. Cette analyse renvoie à une interrogation de la phénoménologie matérielle elle-même et ouvre d'autres voies de réflexion.
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    Feeling of control of an action after supra and subliminal haptic distortions.Sébastien Weibel, Patrick Eric Poncelet, Yvonne Delevoye-Turrell, Antonio Capobianco, André Dufour, Renaud Brochard, Laurent Ott & Anne Giersch - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 35:16-29.
    Here we question the mechanisms underlying the emergence of the feeling of control that can be modulated even when the feeling of being the author of one’s own action is intact. With a haptic robot, participants made series of vertical pointing actions on a virtual surface, which was sometimes postponed by a small temporal delay (15 or 65 ms). Subjects then evaluated their subjective feeling of control. Results showed that after temporal distortions, the hand-trajectories were adapted effectively but that the (...)
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    Back to School: Matthew Kramer's Freedom of Expression as Self-Restraint.Sebastien Bishop - 2022 - Modern Law Review 86 (2):564-587.
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    Viral Integration and Consequences on Host Gene Expression.Sébastien Desfarges & Angela Ciuffi - 2012 - In Witzany Guenther (ed.), Viruses: Essential Agents of Life. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 147--175.
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    Les représentations de la famille chez les femmes iraniennes en couple mixte/non mixte.Nazanine Galland - 2009 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 1 (1):119-128.
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  19. Michel psellos panégyrique 1: Traduction princeps et commentaire.Sébastien Lüthi - 2007 - Byzantion 77:501-565.
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  20. Porphyre et la théologie de l'histoire d'Eusèbe de Césarée.Sébastien Morlet - 2004 - Dionysius 22:57-76.
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  21. Les Questions disputées sur le mystère de la Trinité: Le De Deo uno de saint Bonaventure?Sébastien Perdrix - 2007 - Revue Thomiste 107 (4):591-624.
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  22. On the heuristics of the Higgs mechanism.Sébastien Rivat - 2014 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 45:351–367.
    This article has two aims. First, I undertake an extensive review of the Higgs mechanism and its connections with spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Goldstone theorem. I take the opportunity to expound and discuss a certain number of philosophical issues, amongst them surplus structure and redundancies. Second, I offer a defence of the metaphor according to which ‘gauge fields eat Goldstone bosons to gain a mass’ as sensible rather than merely misleading. It is sensible because there is a direct physical (...)
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    Nous, Machiavel et la démocratie.Sébastien Roman - 2017 - Paris: CNRS éditions.
    Il est commun, aujourd'hui, d'associer la démocratie au consensus, et ce d'une double manière : d'une part en admettant qu'elle est le meilleur régime politique possible, d'autre part en considérant que l'accord vaut intrinsèquement mieux que le désaccord, et l'entente que le conflit: La qualité de la démocratie tiendrait à ses débats publics, qui à la fois rendent possible la confrontation des points de vue, tout en y mettant fin par l'obtention de consensus éclairés et légitimés par la règle de (...)
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  24. Advancing the business and human rights agenda: Dialogue, empowerment, and constructive engagement.Marieke Leede Sébastien Mendea, Nicky Black Dorothée Baumann & Lindsay McShane Sara Lindeman - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (1).
    As corporations are going global, they are increasingly confronted with human rights challenges. As such, new ways to deal with human rights challenges in corporate operations must be developed as traditional governance mechanisms are not always able to tackle them. This article presents five different views on innovative solutions for the relationships between business and human rights that all build on empowerment, dialogue and constructive engagement. The different approaches highlight an emerging trend toward a more active role for corporations in (...)
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    Sur le rapport du réal et de l'idéal dans la nature.Mildred Galland-Szymkowiak - 2009 - Philosophie 102 (3):3-17.
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  26. Leibniz's Notion of Conditional Right and the Dynamics of Public Announcement.Sébastien Magnier & Shahid Rahman - unknown
    The main aim of our paper is to implement Leibniz's analysis of the conditional right in the framework of a dialogical approach to Public Announcement Logic. According to our view, on one hand: PAL furnishes a dynamic epistemic operator which models communication exchange between different agents that seems to be very close to Leibniz understanding of the dynamics between the truth of a proposition and the knowledge of the truth of that proposition (Leibniz calls the latter certification of its truth); (...)
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    High levels of psychopathic traits alters moral choice but not moral judgment.Sébastien Tassy, Christine Deruelle, Julien Mancini, Samuel Leistedt & Bruno Wicker - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
    Psychopathy is a personality disorder frequently associated with immoral behaviors. Previous behavioral studies on the influence of psychopathy on moral decision have yielded contradictory results, possibly because they focused either on judgment (abstract evaluation) or on choice of hypothetical action, two processes that may rely on different mechanisms. In this study, we explored the influence of the level of psychopathic traits on judgment and choice of hypothetical action during moral dilemma evaluation. A population of 102 students completed a questionnaire with (...)
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  28. Science et épistémologie selon Berkeley.Sébastien Charles (ed.) - 2004 - Presses de l’Université Laval.
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  29. What Makes the Identity of a Scientific Method? A History of the “Structural and Analytical Typology” in the Growth of Evolutionary and Digital Archaeology in Southwestern Europe (1950s–2000s).Sébastien Plutniak - 2022 - Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 5 (1).
    Usual narratives among prehistoric archaeologists consider typological approaches as part of a past and outdated episode in the history of research, subsequently replaced by technological, functional, chemical, and cognitive approaches. From a historical and conceptual perspective, this paper addresses several limits of these narratives, which (1) assume a linear, exclusive, and additive conception of scientific change, neglecting the persistence of typological problems; (2) reduce collective developments to personal work (e.g. the “Bordes’” and “Laplace’s” methods in France); and (3) presuppose the (...)
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  30. Abstraction in Archaeological Stratigraphy: a Pyrenean Lineage of Innovation (late 19th-early 21th century).Sébastien Plutniak - 2021 - In Sophie A. de Beaune, Alessandro Guidi, Oscar Moro Abadia & Massimo Tarantini (eds.), New Advances in the History of Archaeology. Archaeopress. pp. 78-92.
    Methodological innovations have a special status in disciplinary histories, because they can be widely adopted and anonymised. In the 1950s, this occurred to Georges Laplace’s innovative use of 3-dimensional metric Cartesian coordinate system to record the positions of archaeological objects. This paper proposes a conceptual and social history of this process, with a focus on its spatial context, the Pyrenean region (Spain, Basque Country, and France). Main results of this research based on archives, publications, and bibliometric data, include: 1) a (...)
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    The Disabled Contract: Severe Intellectual Disability, Justice and Morality.Jonas-Sébastien Beaudry - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Social contract theories generally predicate the authority of rules that govern society on the idea that these rules are the product of a contractual agreement struck between members of society. These theories embody values, such as equality, reciprocity and rationality, that are highly prized within our culture. Yet a closer inspection reveals that these features exclude other important values, relations and even persons from the realm of contractual morality and justice, especially people with severe intellectual disabilities. Jonas-Sébastien Beaudry explores (...)
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    El mecanicismo cartesiano malentendido: Estudio sobre Los manuscritos fiLosóficos clandestinos Del siglo XVIII.Sébastien Charles & Del Cartesianismo la Crítica - 2007 - In Jorge Martínez Contreras, Aura Ponce de León & Luis Villoro (eds.), El saber filosófico. México, D.F.: Asociación Filosófica de México. pp. 396.
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  33. La Figure de Berkeley Dans la Pensee des Lumieres: Immaterialisme Et Scepticisme au Xviiie Siecle.Sebastien Charles - 2001 - Dissertation, University of Ottawa (Canada)
    Notre travail doctoral s'articule autour de deux questions: comment la pensee de Berkeley, qui semble en accord avec celle de la majorite des penseurs des Lumieres sur un certain nombre de points bien precis , a-t-elle ete percue par ceux-ci comme l'antithese meme de leur projet epistemologique? Pourquoi l'immaterialisme berkeleyen a-t-il ete confondu durablement avec une position solipsiste, que l'on qualifiait d'egciiste au XVIIIe siecle, l'egoisme revenant a se penser seul existant? Tres vite, nous nous sommes rendu compte que le (...)
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    Voltaire philosophe: regards croisés.Sébastien Charles & Stéphane Pujol (eds.) - 2017 - Ferney-Voltaire: Centre international d'étude du XVIIIe siècle.
    Voltaire historien de la philosophie. De l'Antiquité au Grand Siècle Renan Laruc, Porphyre de Tyr, héros voltairien; Marc-André Nadeau, Défense et critique de Montaigne dans les Lettres philosophiques; Véronique Le Ru, Voltaire, lecteur de Descartes; Gerhardt Stenger, Un philosophe peut en cacher un autre: Malebranche et Spinoza dans Tout en Dieu; Lorenzo Bianchi, Voltaire lecteur et critique de Bayle; Miguel Benitez, Locke, Voltaire et la matière pensante; Claire Fauvergue, Voltaire et l'idée d'automate. Voltaire et la philosophie des Lumières Debora Sicco, (...)
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  35. Erratum.Sébastien Magnier - 2015 - In Matthias Armgardt, Patrice Canivez & Sandrine Chassagnard-Pinet (eds.), Past and Present Interactions in Legal Reasoning and Logic. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
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    Sartre et Benny Lévy: une amitié intellectuelle, du maoïsme triomphant au crépuscule de la révolution.Sébastien Repaire - 2013 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Mars 1980. Une série d'entretiens publiés par le Nouvel Observateur fait scandale. Jean-Paul Sartre, un mois avant sa mort, y révoque des pans entiers de son oeuvre, dénigrant la notion d'angoisse et reléguant l'athéisme pour s'intéresser au messianisme juif et à la résurrection des corps. Face à lui, son dernier secrétaire, Benny Lévy. Accusé par Simone de Beauvoir de manipuler Sartre, Benny Lévy offre à l'écrivain une dernière occasion de revisiter son oeuvre.
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    The Animal According to Berkeley.Sebastien Charles - 2010 - In Silvia Parigi (ed.), George Berkeley: Religion and Science in the Age of Enlightenment. Springer.
  38. À distances raisonnables des structuralismes : logique, langage, formalisation et sciences de l’homme. Une dispute du 20e siècle finissant.Sébastien Plutniak - 2019 - Zilsel. Science, Technique, Société 6:70-115.
    1. Une dispute épistémologique 1.1 Quatre itinéraires à proximité puis à distance des structuralismes 1.2 Un différend sur les « usages réglés du rationalisme » en sciences de l’homme 2. Les mots et les descriptions en sciences de l’homme 2.1 Une commune limitation du déterminisme linguistique 2.2 Un problème philosophique implicite : descriptions définies et noms propres 2.3 L’usage des descriptions définies en sciences de l’homme 2.4 Les (semi-)noms propres des sciences historiques 2.5 Le degré de généralité des concepts employés (...)
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  39. Incubation, insight, and creative problem solving: A unified theory and a connectionist model.Sébastien Hélie & Ron Sun - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (3):994-1024.
    This article proposes a unified framework for understanding creative problem solving, namely, the explicit–implicit interaction theory. This new theory of creative problem solving constitutes an attempt at providing a more unified explanation of relevant phenomena (in part by reinterpreting/integrating various fragmentary existing theories of incubation and insight). The explicit–implicit interaction theory relies mainly on 5 basic principles, namely, (a) the coexistence of and the difference between explicit and implicit knowledge, (b) the simultaneous involvement of implicit and explicit processes in most (...)
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  40. Refrain from Standards? French, Cavemen and Computers. A (short) Story of Multidimensional Analysis in French Prehistoric Archaeology.Sébastien Plutniak - 2015 - In Oliver Schlaudt & Lara Huber (eds.), Standardization in Measurement. Philosophical and Sociological Issues. pp. 39-52.
    Focusing on the history of prehistoric archaeology in the 20th century, this papers shows (1) that statistical multidimensional analyses were carried out by a new kind of actors who challenged the previous common language shared by prehistorians. This fundamental change was important, considering that (2) language is a fundamental point for the epistemology of archaeology. However, a comparison of multidimensional analyses applications over time shall make clear that (3) the differences are mostly a generational matter: the transmission processes between them (...)
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  41. Pierre-Daniel Huet’s Readings in Scepticism.Sébastien Charles - 2016 - In Sébastien Charles & Plínio Junqueira Smith (eds.), Academic Scepticism in the Development of Early Modern Philosophy. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Logic Based Merging.Sébastien Konieczny & Ramón Pino Pérez - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (2):239-270.
    Belief merging aims at combining several pieces of information coming from different sources. In this paper we review the works on belief merging of propositional bases. We discuss the relationship between merging, revision, update and confluence, and some links between belief merging and social choice theory. Finally we mention the main generalizations of these works in other logical frameworks.
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  43. Input and Output Legitimacy of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives.Sébastien Mena & Guido Palazzo - 2012 - Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (3):527-556.
    In a globalizing world, governments are not always able or willing to regulate the social and environmental externalities of global business activities. Multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSI), defined as global institutions involving mainly corporations and civil society organizations, are one type of regulatory mechanism that tries to fill this gap by issuing soft law regulation. This conceptual paper examines the conditions of a legitimate transfer of regulatory power from traditional democratic nation-state processes to private regulatory schemes, such as MSIs. Democratic legitimacy is (...)
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    Préludes à Sphères. L’amorce du grand récit fantastique de Peter Sloterdijk : une lecture de La domestication de l’Être.Sébastien Mussi - 2007 - Horizons Philosophiques 17 (2):45-59.
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    Advancing the Business and Human Rights Agenda: Dialogue, Empowerment, and Constructive Engagement.Sébastien Mena, Marieke de Leede, Dorothée Baumann, Nicky Black, Sara Lindeman & Lindsay McShane - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (1):161 - 188.
    As corporations are going global, they are increasingly confronted with human rights challenges. As such, new ways to deal with human rights challenges in corporate operations must be developed as traditional governance mechanisms are not always able to tackle them. This article presents five different views on innovative solutions for the relationships between business and human rights that all build on empowerment, dialogue and constructive engagement. The different approaches highlight an emerging trend toward a more active role for corporations in (...)
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    Advancing the Business and Human Rights Agenda: Dialogue, Empowerment, and Constructive Engagement.Sébastien Mena, Marieke Leede, Dorothée Baumann, Nicky Black, Sara Lindeman & Lindsay Mcshane - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (1):161-188.
    As corporations are going global, they are increasingly confronted with human rights challenges. As such, new ways to deal with human rights challenges in corporate operations must be developed as traditional governance mechanisms are not always able to tackle them. This article presents five different views on innovative solutions for the relationships between business and human rights that all build on empowerment, dialogue and constructive engagement. The different approaches highlight an emerging trend toward a more active role for corporations in (...)
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  47. Fictions in Berkeley:: From Epistemology to Morality.Sébastien Charles - 2009 - Berkeley Studies:13-21.
    In the classical era, imagination garnered poor press: fooling the senses, perverting judgment, subverting reason, skewing social relations, and generally providing wrong ideas about the way things are; it was a faculty of which to beware. Occasionally it was recognized as not being entirely without value—Descartes, for example, insisted on its great usefulness as a figurational function in simplifying the work of the understanding in geometry. The traditional tendency in philosophy, though, was to denigrate imagination for its misleading nature and (...)
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    Marcel Conche ou le regard sceptique.Sébastien Charles - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (1):59 - 67.
    Selon Marcel Conche, le scepticisme est aujourd'hui l'horizon indépassable de toute philosophie. Cette opinion se justifie chez lui de diverges manieres et se présente sous différentes facettes. Mais il pense pouvoir échapper aux tentations relativistes ou nihilistes. Marcel Conche thinks that skepticism is nowadays the impassable philosophical horizon of every philosophy. Several reasons account for such a point of view, but Conche aims at eschewing both relativistic and nihilist temptations.
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    Molecular characterization of bacteria associated with the trophosome and the tube of Lamellibrachia sp., a siboglinid annelid from cold seeps in the eastern Mediterranean.Sébastien Duperron, Dirk De Beer, Magali Zbinden, Antje Boetius, Vanessa Schipani, Nacera Kahil & Françoise Gaill - 2009 - FEMS Microbiology Ecology 69 (3):395-409.
    Specimens of Lamellibrachia (Annelida: Siboglinidae) were recently discovered at cold seeps in the eastern Mediterranean. In this study, we have investigated the phylogeny and function of intracellular bacterial symbionts inhabiting the trophosome of specimens of Lamellibrachia sp. from the Amon mud volcano, as well as the bacterial assemblages associated with their tube. The dominant intracellular symbiont of Lamellibrachia sp. is a gammaproteobacterium closely related to other sulfide-oxidizing tubeworm symbionts. In vivo uptake experiments show that the tubeworm relies on sulfide for (...)
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    New object onsets reduce conscious access to unattended targets.Sébastien Marti, Véronique Paradis, Marc Thibeault & Francois Richer - 2006 - Vision Research 46 (10):1646-1654.
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