Susan K. Wood [5]Susan Wood [2]Susan B. Wood [1]Susan Bauer Wood [1]
  1. Boole's criteria for validity and invalidity.John Corcoran & Susan Wood - 1980 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 21 (4):609-638.
    It is one thing for a given proposition to follow or to not follow from a given set of propositions and it is quite another thing for it to be shown either that the given proposition follows or that it does not follow.* Using a formal deduction to show that a conclusion follows and using a countermodel to show that a conclusion does not follow are both traditional practices recognized by Aristotle and used down through the history of logic. These (...)
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    The switches "paradox" and the limits of propositional logic.John Corcoran & Susan B. Wood - 1973 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 34 (1):102-108.
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    Cardiac autonomic imbalance by social stress in rodents: understanding putative biomarkers.Susan K. Wood - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Authority and Leadership in the Church: Past Directions and Future Possibilities by Thomas P. Rausch, S.J.Susan Wood - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (1):165-168.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 165 arguments. He meets them head on, on their ground; whether or not he is deemed successful, he presents a challenge not only to the philosophers he adduces but also to anyone in the Thomistic tradition who has judged confrontation with contemporary critics to he fruitless. JANICE L. SCHULTZ Canisius College Buffalo, New York Authority and Leadership in the Church: Past Directions and Future Possibilities. By THOMAS (...)
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    Catholicism Opening to the World and Other Confessions: Vatican Ii and its Impact.John Borelli, Drew Christiansen, Gerard Mannion, Jason Welle O. F. M., Vladimir Latinovic, John O’Malley, Agnes de Dreuzy, Charles E. Curran, Matthew A. Shadle, Patricia Madigan, Mary McClintock Fulkerson, Anne E. Patrick, Jan Nielen, Agnes M. Brazal, Paul G. Monson, Dale T. Irvin, Dagmar Heller, Anastacia Wooden, Mark D. Chapman, Dorothea Sattler, Patrick J. Hayes, Susan K. Wood, H. E. Cardinal W. Kasper & Brian Flanagan - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume explores how Catholicism began and continues to open its doors to the wider world and to other confessions in embracing ecumenism, thanks to the vision and legacy of the Second Vatican Council. It explores such themes as the twentieth century context preceding the council; parallels between Vatican II and previous councils; its distinctively pastoral character; the legacy of the council in relation to issues such as church-world dynamics, as well as to ethics, social justice, economic activity. Several chapters (...)
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    Spiritual Exegesis and the Church in the Theology of Henri de Lubac.Susan K. Wood - 1998 - William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    The only study of de Lubac that interprets his theology through the categories of medieval exegesis, this volume shows that the principles of spiritual exegesis provided de Lubac with the intellectual tools for thinking about a theology of history, a theology of symbol and sacrament, and a theology of the church's relationship to Christ and the Eucharist.
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    The Ecumenical Imperative After Vatican II: Achievements and Challenges.Susan K. Wood - 2018 - In Vladimir Latinovic, Gerard Mannion & O. F. M. Jason Welle (eds.), Catholicism Opening to the World and Other Confessions: Vatican Ii and its Impact. Springer Verlag. pp. 309-325.
    The more than fifty years of dialogue since Vatican II launched the Catholic Church into the ecumenical movement have resulted in significant convergence, but reception of these results remains slow and inconclusive despite the stunning success of the Joint Declaration on Justification signed in 1999. This presentation explores some of the challenges for reception within the ecclesial and social context of ecumenical relationships today and discusses why the ecumenical imperative is even more critical at this point in time. It also (...)
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    The Church: Learning and Teaching by Ladislas Orsy, S.J. [REVIEW]Susan K. Wood - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (3):519-521.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 519 The Church: Learning and Teaching. By LADISLAS ORSY, S.J. Wilmington, Delaware: Michael Glazier, Inc., 1987. Pp. 172. $14.95. This work develops (and repeats) some of the ideas in Orsy's ar· ticle, "Magisterium: Assent and Dissent," TS 48 (1987), 473-497. One of the most neuralgic issues in the Church today is the relation· ship between the magisterium and theologians. This extended essay, notable for its irenic tone, (...)
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