Results for 'Sublime, The'

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  1. Sublimity: The Non-Rational and the Rational in the History of Aesthetics.James Kirwan - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    Sublimity addresses the nature of the sublime experience itself, and the function that experience has played, and continues to play, within aesthetic discourse. The book both updates and revises existing treatments of the sublime in the eighteenth century, examines its neglected role in the nineteenth century aesthetics, and analyzes the significance of the modifications the concept has undergone in order to serve the interests of contemporary aesthetics. The book thus offers the most comprehensive coverage of the history of the sublime (...)
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  2. Solitude and the Sublime: The Romantic Aesthetics of Individuation.Frances Ferguson (ed.) - 1992 - Routledge.
    As interest in aesthetic experience evolved in the eighteenth century, discussions of the sublime located two opposed accounts of its place and use. Ferguson traces these two positions - the Burkean empiricist account and the Kantian formalist one - to argue that they had significance of aesthetics, including recent deconstructive and New Historicist criticism.
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    Science Sublime: The Philosophy of the Sublime, Dewey's Aesthetics, and Science Education.Shane Cavanaugh - 2014 - Education and Culture 30 (1):57-77.
    Due to the historic separation of cognition and emotion, the affective aspects of learning are often seen as trivial in comparison to the more ‘essential’ cognitive qualities—particularly in science. We are taught that science should objectively scrutinize the world in search of answers, and science educators have been taught to look to scientists to guide their teaching of content and processes.2 As a result, science pedagogy characteristically instructs students to step back from objects and events in order to dispassionately observe (...)
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  4. The beautiful, the sublime, & the picturesque in eighteenth-century British aesthetic theory.Walter John Hipple - 1957 - Carbondale,: Southern Illinois University Press.
  5. Darwin’s Sublime: The Contest Between Reason and Imagination in On the Origin of Species.Benjamin Sylvester Bradley - 2011 - Journal of the History of Biology 44 (2):205-232.
    Recent Darwin scholarship has provided grounds for recognising the Origin as a literary as well as a scientific achievement. While Darwin was an acute observer, a gifted experimentalist and indefatigable theorist, this essay argues that it was also crucial to his impact that the Origin transcended the putative divide between the scientific and the literary. Analysis of Darwin’s development as a writer between his journal-keeping on HMS Beagle and his construction of the Origin argues the latter draws on the pattern (...)
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    Sublimity: The Non-Rational and the Irrational in the History of Aesthetics.Emily Brady - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 65 (2):242-244.
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    The Moment of the Sublime in Marc Richir’s Phenomenology.Focuses Primarily on the Methodological Problem of Motivation He Also has A. Cross-Disciplinary Interest & A. Monograph on Eugen Fink’S. Phenomenology of Dreaming Is Working on the Phenomenology of Dreaming He is the Author of Formen der Versunkenheit - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):171-185.
    In the final years of his life, the Belgian phenomenologist Marc Richir started to question if philosophical writing would become pointless when artists, great poets for example, have already achieved so well what philosophers have always aspired to achieve. There is no doubt that Richir considers himself in alliance with artists, since he basically believes that “phenomenology is trying to say the same thing as poets or musicians, or even possibly painters, but with philosophical language”. He seems thereby to imply (...)
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    Sublimity: The Non-Rational and the Irrational in the History of Aesthetics: Book Reviews. [REVIEW]Ronald Hepburn - 2007 - British Journal of Aesthetics 47 (2):217-219.
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    The Sublime, the Beautiful, and the Good.Herbert Ellsworth Cory - 1927 - International Journal of Ethics 37 (2):159-172.
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    Curious and sublime: the connection between uncertainty and probability in physics.Harvey R. Brown - unknown
    From its first significant appearance in physics, the notion of probability has been linked in the minds of physicists with the notion of uncertainty. But the link may prove to be tenuous, if quantum mechanics, construed in terms of the Everett interpretation, is anything to go by.
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  11. Ethics and Sublimation-the Ethics of Psychoanalysis By Lacan, Jacques-Dutch-Moyaert, P.Philipp W. Rosemann - 1995 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 3 (1):199-201.
  12. Beautiful and sublime: the aesthetics of running in a commodified world.Tim Gorichanaz - 2016 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 43 (3):365-379.
    In the United States, running as a leisure activity continues to grow in popularity. Healthism can explain some of this popularity, but it does not explain ultradistance running. Motivations for running can be seen through the framework of the Kantian beautiful and the sublime. Beauty arises through extrinsic motivation and relates to an economy of form, while the sublime arises through intrinsic motivation and relates to confronting the challenge of infinity. The commercial, casual, and competitive aspects of distance running correspond (...)
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  13. Beyond the sublime: The aesthetics of the analogy of being.John R. Betz - 2005 - Modern Theology 21 (3):367-411.
    This essay is concerned with modern and postmodern theories of the sublime and with a possible theological response to them. The essay first discusses the “modern sublime” and the “postmodern sublime”, and shows how these versions of the sublime terminate in one or the other form of “pure immanence” and, hence, are not sublime in any standard sense of the term. The essay then argues, in a second part, for an aesthetic of the beautiful and the sublime based upon the (...)
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    The Beautiful, The Sublime, & The Picturesque in Eighteenth-Century British Aesthetic Theory.Ronald W. Hepburn - 1960 - Philosophical Quarterly 10 (39):188-189.
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    The beautiful, the sublime the grotesque: the subjective turn in aesthetics from the Enlightenment to the present.Michael James Matthis (ed.) - 2010 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The eighteenth-century Enlightenment represents a turn toward experience, that is, toward the experiencing subject. Still the Enlightenment involves an aspiration toward objective truth in the ideals of the newly emerging sciences and in the experiments in democracy that were beginning to transform the political landscape of Europe and America. Immanuel Kant's towering philosophical achievement in his critical works helps to reformulate a meaning of objectivity that is congenial to the climate of inquiry and freedom in that remarkable century, a meaning (...)
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    Policing the Sublime: The Metaphysical Harms of Irreligious Clinical Ethics.Kimbell Kornu - 2022 - Christian Bioethics 28 (2):109-121.
    Janet Malek has recently argued that the religious worldview of the clinical ethics consultant should play no normative role in clinical ethics consultation. What are the theological implications of a normatively secular clinical ethics? I argue that Malek’s proposal constitutes an irreligious clinical ethics, which commits multiple metaphysical harms. First, I summarize Malek’s key claims for a secular clinical ethics. Second, I explicate both John Milbank’s notion of ontological violence and Timothy Murphy’s irreligious bioethics to show how they apply to (...)
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  17. The Sublime in Modern Philosophy: Aesthetics, Ethics, and Nature.Emily Brady - 2013 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    In The Sublime in Modern Philosophy: Aesthetics, Ethics, and Nature, Emily Brady takes a fresh look at the sublime and shows why it endures as a meaningful concept in contemporary philosophy. In a reassessment of historical approaches, the first part of the book identifies the scope and value of the sublime in eighteenth-century philosophy, nineteenth-century philosophy and Romanticism, and early wilderness aesthetics. The second part examines the sublime's contemporary significance through its relationship to the arts; its position with respect to (...)
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  18.  40
    The sublime: from antiquity to the present.Timothy M. Costelloe (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume offers readers a unique and comprehensive overview of theoretical perspectives on "the sublime," the singular aesthetic response elicited by phenomena that move viewers by transcending and overwhelming them. The book consists of an editor's introduction and fifteen chapters written from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. Part One examines philosophical approaches advanced historically to account for the phenomenon, beginning with Longinus, moving through eighteenth and nineteenth century writers in Britain, France, and Germany, and concluding with developments in contemporary continental (...)
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    The Kantian Sublime, the Postmodern, and the Avant‐Garde.Paul Crowther - 1993 - In Critical aesthetics and postmodernism. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Considers Lyotard's influential theory of the sublime. Explores the important links that he makes between the Kantian sublime, modernism, the postmodern, and the avant‐garde. Highlights problems in relation to these connections.
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  20. The limits of the sublime, the sublime of limits: Hermeneutics as a critique of the postmodern sublime.Jerome Carroll - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 66 (2):171–181.
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  21. Is the sublime sustainable?: a comparative aesthetics approach to the sublime.Peter L. Doebler - 2023 - Boston: Brill.
    Is the Sublime Sustainable?' introduces the key points of debate around the sublime while opening new avenues for future inquiry, especially through its comparative aesthetics approach. In it, you will discover how thinking on the sublime emerged historically and then engage with the recent critical scholarship on the topic, including from the fields of theology, philosophy, and literature. The critiques of the sublime are then expanded in dialogue with perspectives from Japanese aesthetics and art, shaping the argument that what is (...)
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  22. The Sublime in Antiquity.James I. Porter - 2015 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Current understandings of the sublime are focused by a single word and by a single author. The sublime is not a word: it is a concept and an experience, or rather a whole range of ideas, meanings and experiences that are embedded in conceptual and experiential patterns. Once we train our sights on these patterns a radically different prospect on the sublime in antiquity comes to light, one that touches everything from its range of expressions to its dates of emergence, (...)
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  23.  34
    The Theory of the Sublime From Longinus to Kant.Robert Doran - 2015 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Robert Doran offers the first in-depth treatment of the major theories of the sublime, from the ancient Greek treatise On the Sublime and its reception in early modern literary theory to the philosophical accounts of Burke and Kant. Doran explains how and why the sublime became a key concept of modern thought and shows how the various theories of sublimity are united by a common structure - the paradoxical experience of being at once overwhelmed and exalted - (...)
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  24. The Kantian sublime: from morality to art.Paul Crowther - 1989 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    A monograph devoted exclusively to Kant's theory of the sublime a subject currently witnessing a revival amongst European philosophers in relation to debates about the nature of postmodernism.
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    Kant’s Mathematical Sublime: The Absolutely Great in Aesthetic Estimation.Weijia Wang - 2020 - Kantian Review 25 (3):465-485.
    According to Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgement, in the end all estimation of magnitude is sensible, or ‘aesthetic’, and the absolutely great in aesthetic estimation is called ‘the mathematical sublime’. This article identifies the relevant sensible element with an inner sensation of a temporal tension: in aesthetic comprehension, the imagination encounters an inevitable tension between the successive reproduction of a magnitude’s individual parts and the simultaneous unification of these parts. The sensation of this tension varies in degree and (...)
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    The Role of the Sublime in Kant's Moral Metaphysics.John R. Goodreau - 1998 - Crvp.
    A survey of Kant's philosophical writings reveals an ongoing concern with the problem of moral motivation. The problem is expressed thusly: How can a judgment of the understanding provide a motive sufficient to move the will to an action? ;Kant provides one line of argument in his formal writings on moral theory. The feeling of respect that follows from the recognition of the nobility of the universal moral law provides the motivation or incentive. Through this feeling we are aware that (...)
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  27. The Sublime Authority of Ignorance, Neoliberal Nationalism and the Rise of the Demagogue.Nicola Clewer - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (42).
    This article explores the relationship between ignorance, authority and nationalism in neoliberal thought and practice to argue that, far from signalling its end, the recent global rise of the right-wing demagogue is firmly rooted in neoliberalism. Part one mobilises the aesthetic concept of the sublime to explore the central place of, and relationship between, ignorance and authority. Part two argues that neoliberalism has its own form of nationalism which is underpinned by a social Darwinist logic. It is here that we (...)
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    The Political Sublime.Michael J. Shapiro - 2018 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    The insistence of the sublime -- When the earth moves: toward a political sublime -- The racial sublime -- The nuclear sublime -- The industrial sublime -- The 9/11 terror sublime -- Afterword: It's all about duration.
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  29. (1 other version)The sublime.Philip Shaw - 2006 - New York: Routledge.
    Often labelled as "indescribable," the sublime is a term that has been debated for centuries amongst writers, artists, philosophers and theorists. Usually related to ideas of the great, the awe-inspiring and the overpowering, the sublime has become a complex yet crucial concept in many disciplines. Offering historical overviews and explanations, Philip Shaw looks at: · The legacy of the earliest, classical theories of the sublime through the romantic to the post-modern and avant-garde sublimity · The major theorists of the sublime (...)
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    The Abyss of Representation: Marxism and the Postmodern Sublime.George Hartley - 2003 - Duke University Press.
    From the Copernican revolution of Immanuel Kant to the cognitive mapping of Fredric Jameson to the postcolonial politics of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, representation has been posed as both indispensable and impossible. In his pathbreaking work, _The Abyss of Representation_, George Hartley traces the development of this impossible necessity from its German Idealist roots through Marxist theories of postmodernism, arguing that in this period of skepticism and globalization we are still grappling with issues brought forth during the age of romanticism and (...)
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  31. To make this emergence articulate: the beautiful, the tragic sublime, the good, and the shapes of common practice.Romand Coles - 2011 - In Ruth Weissbourd Grant, In search of goodness. London: University of Chicago Press.
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    The sublime in Schopenhauer's philosophy.Bart Vandenabeele - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The Sublime in Schopenhauer's Philosophy transforms our understanding of Schopenhauer's aesthetics and anthropology. Bart Vandenabeele breaks new ground by providing what is probably the first monograph to be devoted exclusively to Schopenhauer's theory of the sublime. The book focuses on Schopenhauer's conception of the sublime and how it relates to the individual and its attitude towards life. The author explores in unusual depth Schopenhauer's relation to Kant, whose follower and critic he was, and shows how Schopenhauer's aesthetic theory moves beyond (...)
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    A Response to Günter Figal’s Aesthetic Monism: Phenomenological Sublimity and the Genesis of Aesthetic Experience.GermanyIrene Breuer Irene Breuer Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Dipl-Ing Arch: Degree in Architecture Phil), Then Professor for Architectural Design Germanylecturer, Phenomenology at the Buwdaad Scholarship Buenos Airesto Midlecturer for Theoretical Philosophy, the Support of the B. U. W. My Research Focus is Set On: Ancient Greek Philosophy Research on the Reception of the German Philosophical Anthropology in Argentina Presently Working on Mentioned Research Subject, French Phenomenology Classical German, Architectural Theory Aesthetics & Design Cf: Https://Uni-Wuppertalacademiaedu/Irenebreuer - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):151-170.
    This paper aims to pay tribute to Figal’s comprehensive and innovative analysis of the artwork and beauty, while challenging both his realist position on the immediacy of meaning and his monist stance that reduces sublimity to beauty. To enquire into the origin of aesthetic feelings and sense, and thus, to break the hermeneutic circle, we first trace the origin of this reduction to the reception of Burke’s concept of the sublime by Mendelssohn and Kant. We then recur to Husserl and (...)
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    The Most Sublime Act: Essays on the Sublime.Tadeusz Rachwał & Tadeusz Sławek (eds.) - 1994 - Wydawnictwo Universytetu Śląskiego.
  35. The sublime and the other.Richard White - 1997 - Heythrop Journal 38 (2):125–143.
    What is the philosophical significance of the “sublime”, and does this concept still have any relevance to contemporary life? In this essay, I argue that the experience of the sublime is exceptionally important, insofar as it presents us with a general model for the experience of otherness, the encounter with transcendence itself, which might reasonably be viewed as impossible. As Rudolf Otto suggested, the experience of the sublime is closely related to the experience of the sacred; and even in Burke (...)
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  36. The Structure and Significance of Kant's Theory of the Sublime.Paul Crowther - 1987 - Dissertation, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
    Available from UMI in association with The British Library. Requires signed TDF. ;Kant's extensive discussion of the sublime has received scant attention. This neglect, indeed, is a general characteristic of the reception of Kant's aesthetics in the Anglo-American, and German traditions of philosophy in the twentieth century. The reasons behind it have been usefully summarised by Paul Guyer. ;My approach will be as follows. In Part One of this study , I shall first outline the sublime as it is understood (...)
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    The background of Edmund Burke's theory of the sublime.Theodore McGinnes Moore - 1933 - [Ithaca, N.Y.]: [Ithaca, N.Y.].
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  38. The Sublime: A Reader in British Eighteenth-Century Aesthetic Theory.Andrew Ashfield & Peter De Bolla (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This collection of texts on the Sublime provides the historical context for the foundation and discussion of one of the most important aesthetic debates of the Enlightenment. The significance of the Sublime in the eighteenth century ranged across a number of fields - literary criticism, empirical psychology, political economy, connoisseurship, landscape design and aesthetics, painting and the fine arts, and moral philosophy - and has continued to animate aesthetic and theoretical debates to this day. However, the unavailability of many of (...)
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    The Sublime for the Living: A Dialogue.Robert Clewis & Kathrine Cuccuru - 2021 - Itinera 21.
    Following the tradition of the philosophical dialogue, we reimagine our real conversation where we come to understand our respective views on the sublime. We aim to do so in a way that respects both the sublime’s complex philosophical past and its emerging future in empirical research. As in a traditional dialogue, this contrivance is supposed to enact a philosophical exchange. The following conversation reveals the interlocutors’ diverging, converging, and shifting understanding of the sublime in a way that a verbatim interview (...)
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    The Western Theory of Tradition: Terms and Paradigms of the Cultural Sublime.Sanford Budick - 2000 - Yale University Press.
    A study of cultural tradition. Sanford Budick reveals an operative concept of Western cultures: according to this concept, the art of freely receiving and handing on cultural tradition and the act of achieving moral and aesthetic freedom in sublime representation are the same phenomenon.
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  41. The sublime: groundwork towards a theory.Lap-Chuen Tsang - 1998 - Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
    An important work offering a viable theory for the concept of "Sublime" in philosophy.
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  42. The sublime.Garrett Baxter - 1929 - [Norfolk, Va.]: The Economic press.
  43. The Sublime of Consciousness.Takuya Niikawa & Uriah Kriegel - 2025 - British Journal of Aesthetics 65 (1):113-130.
    The aesthetic tradition has identified as paradigmatically sublime such objects as imposing mountains and intense storms, as well as monumental art. But the tradition also acknowledges less paradigmatic cases, including sometimes mathematical structures or abstract concepts. In this paper, we argue that there is also a case for considering phenomenal consciousness—the experiential quality of subjective awareness—as a sublime phenomenon. One appreciates this, we argue, when one is struck by (fitting) awe upon contemplating (a) the perplexing existence of something like phenomenal (...)
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    The sublime and its teleology: Kant, German idealism, phenomenology.Donald Loose (ed.) - 2011 - Boston: Brill.
    Based on their critical analysis of Kant's "Critique of Judgment", the authors of this book show from different perspectives in what way the Kantian concept of the sublime is still a main stream of inspiration for contemporary thinking.
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  45. The Sublime in the Pedestrian: Figures of the Incognito in Fear and Trembling.Martijn Boven - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (3):500-513.
    This article demonstrates a novel conceptualization of sublimity: the sublime in the pedestrian. This pedestrian mode of sublimity is exemplified by the Biblical Abraham, the central figure of Kierkegaard’s pseudonymous Fear and Trembling. It is rooted in the analysis of one of the foundational stories of the three monotheistic religions: Abraham’s averted sacrifice of his son Isaac. The defining feature of this new, pedestrian mode of sublimity is that is remains hidden behind what I call a total incognito. It is (...)
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    The sublime pleasures of tragedy: a study of critical theory from Dennis to Keats.William Price Albrecht - 1975 - Lawrence: University Press of Kansas.
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    The sublime.Samuel Holt Monk - 1960 - [Ann Arbor]: University of Michigan Press.
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    Lessons on the Analytic of the Sublime: Kant's Critique of Judgment, [Sections] 23-29.Elizabeth Rottenberg (ed.) - 1994 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    Over the past decade, radical questioning of the grounds of Western epistemology has revealed that some antinomies of the aesthetic experience can be viewed as a general, yet necessarily open, model for human understanding. This book is a rigorous _explication de texte_ of a central text for this thesis, Kant's Analytic of the Sublime.
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    Semantic and Stylistic Features of Kant’s Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime: The Art of Seeing and Describing an Object.Anastasia V. Babaeva, Ludmila V. Guseva & Olga M. Kim - 2022 - Kantian Journal 41 (2):68-95.
    Immanuel Kant’s Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime is examined in the context of the emergence of the epistemological practice of scientific observation. By focusing on the genre-stylistic and semantic-structural features of the text the authors demonstrate the mechanisms of observation as well as the methods of describing the results characteristic of mid-eighteenth century science. The authors consider Kant’s treatise to be a hybrid text: on the one hand, it attests to the importance of the natural (...)
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    The phantasia of the poet and of the orator in the Pseudo-Longinus’s On the Sublime: the last act of an ancient debate.Alexis Richard & Vanessa Molina - 2019 - Methodos 19.
    Qu’est-ce qui fait qu’un discours atteint son effet? Comment évaluer celui-ci? Au premier siècle, Pseudo-Longin compose le traité Du Sublime et y étudie ce qui mène l’expression linguistique à son plus haut degré d’efficacité. Pour l’atteindre, un rôle fondamental est attribué à la phantasia, assimilée par la plupart des auteurs anciens à ce qui, dans le discours, produit des « images ». Le texte qui suit s’arrête à démontrer, d’une part, la place occupée par Pseudo-Longin dans le long débat philosophique (...)
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