Results for 'Steinlen, Théophile Alexandre'

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    La chasse d'Alexandre.Théophile Homolle - 1897 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 21 (1):598-600.
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    How to notate a crossing of strings? On Modesto Dedò’s notation of braids.Michael Friedman - 2020 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 74 (4):281-312.
    As is well known, it was only in 1926 that a comprehensive mathematical theory of braids was published—that of Emil Artin. That said, braids had been researched mathematically before Artin’s treatment: Alexandre Theophile Vandermonde, Carl Friedrich Gauß and Peter Guthrie Tait had all attempted to introduce notations for braids. Nevertheless, it was only Artin’s approach that proved to be successful. Though the historical reasons for the success of Artin’s approach are known, a question arises as to whether other approaches (...)
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  3. What is it like to lack mineness? Depersonalization as a probe for the scope, nature and role of mineness.Alexandre Billon - 2023 - In M. Guillot & M. Garcia-Carpintero, Self-Experience: Essays on Inner Awareness. Oxford University Press. pp. 314-342.
    Patients suffering from depersonalization complain of feeling detached from their body, their mental states, and actions or even from themselves. In this chapter, I argue that depersonalization consists in the lack of a phenomenal feature that marks my experiences as mine, which is usually called “mineness,” and that the study of depersonalization constitutes a neglected yet incomparable probe to assess empirically the scope, role, and even the nature of mineness. Here is how I will proceed. After describing depersonalization (§2) and (...)
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    Discussions of DBS in Neuroethics: Can We Deflate the Bubble Without Deflating Ethics?Alexandre Erler - 2021 - Neuroethics 14 (1):75-81.
    Gilbert and colleagues are to be commended for drawing our attention to the need for a sounder empirical basis, and for more careful reasoning, in the context of the neuroethics debate on Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and its potential impact on the dimensions of personality, identity, agency, authenticity, autonomy and self (PIAAAS). While acknowledging this, this extended commentary critically examines their claim that the real-world relevance of the conclusions drawn in the neuroethics literature is threatened by the fact that the (...)
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  5. Intervenir auprès des enseignants en formation pour favoriser un développement global.Alexandre Buysse - 2018 - Revue Phronesis 7 (4):20-35.
    In this theoretical contribution, we interpret the notion of professional development in the light of concepts coming from cognitive development. This brings us to consider teacher training as not only having to allow the elaboration of skills, but also as having to encourage the development of new cognitive structures. We explore the theoretical concepts in relation with certain processes revealed by the reflexive texts of the students. Finally, we propose ways that could foster certain dimensions of global professional development in (...)
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  6. Fact, Fiction and Virtual Worlds.Alexandre Declos - 2020 - In R. Pouivet & V. Granata, Epistemology of Aesthetics. Rennes, France: Presses Universitaires de Rennes. pp. 195-219.
    This paper considers the medium of videogames from a goodmanian standpoint. After some preliminary clarifications and definitions, I examine the ontological status of videogames. Against several existing accounts, I hold that what grounds their identity qua work types is code. The rest of the paper is dedicated to the epistemology of videogaming. Drawing on Nelson Goodman and Catherine Elgin's works, I suggest that the best model to defend videogame cognitivism appeals to the notion of understanding.
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    Demain, l'épistocratie?Alexandre Viala & Paul Amselik (eds.) - 2022 - Paris: Éditions Mare & Martin.
    L'épistocratie est un idéal de gouvernement au sein duquel le pouvoir est confié aux savants, même s'il n'est pas formellement reconnu dans la typologie classique des régimes constitutionnels. Il existe pourtant, depuis longtemps, en amont des décisions politiques, de nombreux comités d'experts qui livrent leur éclairage dans de multiples domaines qu'ils soient juridique, économique ou climatologique. La crise mondiale liée à l'épidémie de Covid-19, pendant laquelle les experts du monde médical ont été mobilisés par les gouvernants, a jeté une lumière (...)
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    Contingence et rationalisme: pages d'histoire et de doctrine.Lionel Alexandre Dauriac, Emile Boutroux, Octave Hamelin, Jules Lachelier & Louis Liard - 1924 - Vrin.
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    Bergson and philosophy as a way of life.Alexandre Lefebvre & Nils Schott - unknown
    The chapter presents Bergson’s conception of philosophy as a way of life, as a thinking that seeks to make contact with the creativity of life as a whole. This endeavor to alter our vision of the world, and ultimately, our action and sense of being in the world, seeks to operate a “conversion of attention.” For Bergson, such a conversion is tied in with what he calls the “true empiricism” that allows us to experience and think change as that which (...)
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    Évaluation des sciences de la nature, critique de la métaphysique chez Nietzsche.Alexandre Fillon - 2019 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 4:581-600.
    Cet article s’efforce de déterminer quel est le lien entre physique et métaphysique dans le discours nietzschéen à partir de la critique de la métaphysique qu’il opère. Nous voudrions montrer en particulier que la position de Nietzsche est sensiblement différente de deux représentations que nous pourrions facilement avoir de lui sur cette question. La première consisterait à croire que sa critique de la métaphysique entraîne dans son sillage une critique de la physique et des sciences en général. À l’opposé, la (...)
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    Alexandri Aphrodisiensis enarratio De anima ex Aristotelis institutione =.Alexandre D'Aphrodisias - 1495 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog. Edited by Girolamo Donato & Alexander.
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    Le festin des trois dames de Paris.Danièle Alexandre Bidon - 2001 - Clio 14.
    Les Parisiennes du XIIIe siècle ont mauvaise réputation. Non contentes de mal se tenir à table, elles se gavent et s’enivrent, parlent des vins en professionnelles de l’œnologie, suggérant une longue expérience de beuveries, et, surtout, se passent des hommes pour festoyer. Exclus de la convivialité féminine, ceux-ci se vengent en vers : c’est l’objet d’un poème comique, un fabliau, qui leur promet un sort funeste : le coma éthylique des trois dames de Paris les fait enterrer vives au cimetière (...)
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  13. Introduction : bringing the subject of human rights into focus.Danielle Celermajer & Alexandre Lefebvre - 2020 - In Danielle Celermajer & Alexandre Lefebvre, The subject of human rights. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
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    O poder pelo poder: ficção e ordem no combate de Carl Schmitt em torno do poder.Alexandre Franco de Sá - 2009 - Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Univ. de Lisboa.
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    Ateliers céramiques et réseaux d’échanges dans le Sud-Ouest de la mer Noire à l’époque classique et au début de l’époque hellénistique.Pierre Dupont & Alexandre Baralis - 2014 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 138 (1):387-428.
    Ceramics workshops and exchange networks in the south-western Black Sea in the Classical period and the beginning of the Hellenistic period Within the archaeometrical programmes carried out in the framework of the National Research Agency project «Pont-Euxin » and thereafter within the French archaeological team at Apollonia Pontica, a representative sampling of 123 sherds focusing on Apollonia but also extending to the main Greek settlements along the Western Black Sea coast was submitted to XRF chemical analyse. Their data processing revealed (...)
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  16. Placides et Timéo, ou, Li secrés as philosophes.Claude Alexandre Placides et Timeo & Thomasset (eds.) - 1980 - Paris: Droz.
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  17. Authenticity.Alexandre Erler - 2014 - In Bruce Jennings, Bioethics (4th edition).
    Entry on "Authenticity" for the fourth edition of the Encyclopedia of Bioethics, edited by Bruce Jennings. Discusses the concept in the context of end-of-life decision-making, human enhancement, and the treatment of mental disorder.
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    Interculturality as a source of organisational positivity in expatriate work teams: An exploratory study.Alexandre Anatolievich Bachkirov - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (3):391-405.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  19. The Motivation Problem of Epistemic Expressivists.Alexandre Duval & Charles Côté-Bouchard - 2023 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 10 (26).
    Many philosophers have adopted epistemic expressivism in recent years. The core commitment of epistemic expressivism is that epistemic claims express conative states. This paper assesses the plausibility of this commitment. First, we raise a new type of problem for epistemic expressivism, the epistemic motivation problem. The problem arises because epistemic expressivists must provide an account of the motivational force of epistemic judgment (the mental state expressed by an epistemic claim), yet various features of our mental economy seem to show that (...)
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    FIORIN, José Luiz. Argumentação. São Paulo: Contexto, 2015. 272 p.Rui Alexandre Grácio - 2015 - Bakhtiniana 10 (3):260-268.
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    Localités distribuées, globalités localisées.Dominique Vinck, Alexandre Camus, Florian Jaton & Pierre-Nicolas Oberhauser - 2018 - Symposium 22 (1):41-60.
    S’appuyant sur trois enquêtes de terrain qui portent sur le façonnage d’êtres numériques, le présent article traite des relectures méthodologiques que l’on peut faire de trois contributions de Latour à l’enquête ethnographique. 1. Il montre que l’accent mis sur les séquences d’action permet d’engager une enquête systématique qui rend compte de trajectoires. 2. Il avance que le concept d’actant sensibilise à l’éventail des entités agissantes qui infléchissent ces trajectoires, de même qu’au peuplement de situations apparemment inoccupées. 3. Il soutient que (...)
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    Logic of subjection: Butler’s symptomatic reading of Hegel and Lacan on the symbolic.Cláudio Alexandre S. Carvalho - 2008 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 17 (33):509-521.
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    Esta a serenidade em nosso poder? Do controlo das disposições segundo os antigos Estóicos.Paulo Alexandre Lima - 2015 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 24 (47):167-202.
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    Versuche über Erfahrung.Alexandre Métraux, Carl F. Graumann & Wolfgang Blankenburg (eds.) - 1975 - Wien: Hans Huber.
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    Tempos de crise e locais de catástrofe.Marcos Alexandre Gomes Nalli - 2024 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 14 (2):e85592.
    O presente artigo tem por finalidade ensaiar uma reflexão sobre a aporia imposta pela catástrofe. Para isso, inicialmente, apresenta-se alguns dados de catástrofes a serem tomadas como exemplares: a cheia no Vale do Taquari (RS) e a seca nos rios da bacia amazônica (AM). A seguir, busca-se pensar a questão da catástrofe desde seu índice temporal, e para isso, se recorrerá a duas propostas: de Jean-Pierre Dupuy e de Alain Brossat. Intentou-se outra alternativa, ainda que não exclusiva: a de enfatizar (...)
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  26. A última esperança.Viegas Netto & João Alexandre - 1978 - São Luís: SIOGE.
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  27. Approches de la troisième sophistique: hommages à Jacques Schamp.Eugenio Amato, Alexandre Roduit & Martin Steinrück (eds.) - 2006 - Bruxelles: Editions Latomus.
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    Changed state – changed brain: shift of the dominant frequency of theta oscillations in the rat VTA during stereotypic locomotion.Koulchitsky Stanislav, Beeken Thom, Monteforte Alexandre, Dethier Julie, Quertemont Etienne, Findeisen Rolf, Bullinger Eric & Seutin Vincent - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Un rapport inédit sur divers travaux d’Angelo Mosso.Hermann von Helmholtz & Alexandre Métraux - 2013 - Philosophia Scientiae 17 (3):206-207.
    Note du traducteur: La transcription rend fidèlement l’orthographe de l’inédit autographe de Helmholtz, et cela jusqu’à l’oubli du « t » dans le mot « nicht », erreur que l’auteur ne semble pas avoir remarquée ou à laquelle il ne devait pas accorder d’importance, vu qu’il s’agissait, probablement, d’une ébauche très avancée du rapport qui aurait dû, ou pu, être copiée, après correction, pour l’envoi en Italie.Dans la transcription ainsi que dans la traduction, l’espace laissé en blanc d’une...
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    Towards an Embodied Signature of Improvisation Skills.Alexandre Coste, Benoît G. Bardy & Ludovic Marin - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Doubt and dogmatism in Cicero’s Academica.Alexandre Skvirsky - 2019 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 27:e02705.
    The objective is to show the peculiar way in which Cicero’s philosophical thinking is original and distances itself from the main representatives of the New Academy: the Roman thinker does not practice epoche, nor does he assign any special role to it in his thought. Instead, Cicero introduces the concept of doubt to characterize his own way of thinking.
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  32. L'énigme du "vleu" et l'hyper-nominalisme de Goodman.Alexandre Declos - 2019 - Igitur 10 (1):1-27.
    This paper advocates a new reading of Nelson Goodman’s new riddle of induction. According to Ian Hacking, this famous problem conveys a “pure nominalism”, as it grounds Goodman’s denial regarding the existence of natural kinds. While this interpretation is somewhat convincing, it suffers the major flaw of not corresponding to what Goodman himself understood by “nominalism”. Nominalism, in a goodmanian sense, is indeed primarily a technical demand, which stems from the so-called “calculus of individuals”. I argue that this mereological definition (...)
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    Lectures d'Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra.Olivier Agard, Alexandre Dupeyrix & Françoise Lartillot (eds.) - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
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    Chronique de l’occupation d’une école hypocrite.Éloïse Chenal & Alexandre Miliani - 2024 - Multitudes 96 (3):16-22.
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    Ideias sem centro: esquerda e direita no populismo contemporâneo.Alexandre Franco de Sá - 2021 - Alfragide, Portugal: D. Quixote.
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    Working with Instruments: Ernst Mach as Material Epistemologist, a Short Introduction.Christoph Hoffmann & Alexandre Métraux - 2016 - Science in Context 29 (4):429-433.
    With the death of Ernst Mach on February 19, 1916, one day after his seventy-eighth birthday, a question finally became explicit that had been looming for some time. It was as simple as it was fundamental: who, in the end, was this man, a scientist or a philosopher? The importance of this question for contemporaries can easily be gleaned from the obituaries that appeared in the weeks following Mach's death: one in the Physikalische Zeitschrift, written by Albert Einstein, and another (...)
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    Science et conscience, philosophie du XXe siècle..Félix Alexandre Le Dantec - 1908 - Paris,: E. Flammarion.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  38. Apresentação.Carlos Alexandre Moreno - 2010 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 16 (2):2-3.
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  39. Goodman’s Many Worlds.Alexandre Declos - 2019 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 7 (6):1-25.
    In this paper, I examine Nelson Goodman’s pluriworldism, understood as the claim that there exists a plurality of actual worlds. This proposal has generally been quickly dismissed in the philosophical literature. I argue that we ought to take it more seriously. As I show, many of the prima facie objections to pluriworldism may receive straightforward answers. I also examine in detail Goodman’s argument for the conclusion that there are many worlds and attempt to show how it might be supported. Eventually, (...)
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    Sobre a filosofia como pedagógica do sagrado: uma abordagem decolonial.Bruno Santos Alexandre - 2022 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 27:022024.
    Trata-se, neste artigo, de investigar as noções de filosofia, pedagogia e espírito à luz dos debates decoloniais. Neste sentido, a partir de um diálogo que procuro estabelecer com Enrique Dussel, Catherine Walsh e M. Jacqui Alexander, desenvolvo três hipóteses. Em primeiro lugar, apresento certa noção de pedagogia como constitutiva da própria filosofia (portanto, a ideia de pedagogia para além de mero instrumento, meio ou termo acessório à filosofia). Em segundo lugar, argumento que essa dita pedagógica-filosófica precisará ser entendida como a (...)
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    Variations goodmaniennes sur le jeu vidéo.Alexandre Declos - 2022 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 30 (2):43-53.
    Dans cet article, je propose d’examiner un aspect relativement méconnu de la philosophie de l’art de Nelson Goodman, à savoir sa théorie de la variation, succinctement exposée dans Reconceptions en philosophie (Goodman & Elgin, 1988). Si la variation est un procédé courant dans les arts, son fonctionnement reste difficile à cerner. Goodman défend qu’il s’agit d’une opération sémiotique et référentielle complexe : la variation implique l’exemplification de caractéristiques partagées et constrastées, ainsi qu’une référence de la variation au thème via ces (...)
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    José Chasin e a crítica do “tríplice amálgama”: explorando origens e consequências.Alexandre Aranha Arbia - forthcoming - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.
    Explorando a crítica do “tríplice amálgama” que José Chasin desenvolve em Marx: estatuto ontológico e resolução metodológica, texto de 1995, este artigo procura retomar, em um procedimento expansivo, os textos indicados pelo marxista brasileiro, a fim de verificar a gênese teórica de sua posição crítica. Para tanto, revisita os textos de Kaustky, Lênin e, sobretudo Engels, demonstrando que, na busca por precisar o estatuto da cientificidade marxiana, Chasin fornece as pistas para encontrarmos não apenas a originalidade de Marx, mas a (...)
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    A convergência das concepções políticas de liberdade e democracia para John Rawls e Philip Pettit.Alexandre de Lima Castro Tranjan - 2022 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 40 (1):164-182.
    O presente artigo visa discutir a proximidade entre as concepções políticas de liberdade de John Rawls e Philip Pettit, e o arranjo político democrático que delas deriva. A primeira delas, de matriz teórica liberal, entende a liberdade como o primeiro dos princípios a ser realizado, anterior aos demais numa ordem lexical. Ela significa uma proteção, viabilizada pelo Estado, contra interferências alheias à vontade do agente em sua conduta. Já a última, de cunho republicano, consiste num status social de não dominação, (...)
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    Interpretação e compreensão: da hermenêutica metodológica à experiência hermenêutica como crítica e fundamento do saber filosófico.Marcos Alexandre Alves - 2011 - Princípios 18 (30):181-198.
    Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 O presente artigo analisa a passagem da hermenêutica metodológica à experiência hermenêutica como crítica e fundamento do saber filosófico. Inicialmente, apresenta a crítica da hermenêutica à absolutizaçáo da lógica matemática como estrutura da pesquisa e produçáo de sentido na filosofia. A lógica matemática sedimenta a dinâmica da vida do homem por náo estar aberta às contingências da existência, porém a vida do homem náo se compreende sob a forma da lógica matemática. Posteriormente, demonstra (...)
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    Le soi: nouvelles perspectives humiennes.Alexandre Charrier & Claire Etchegaray (eds.) - 2020 - Paris: Hermann.
    "L'usage substantivé du mot 'soi' est intriguant. Le pronom tonique 'soi' ne pose pas de problème particulier dans les expressions comme 'prendre soin de soi', 'compter sur soi' ou 'être hors de soi'. Mais parler d'un 'soi', c'est aller au-delà de la réalité grammaticale et supposer une identité personnelle à travers la diversité des expériences. Or, l'idée de soi et la croyance en l'identité personnelle ont été mises en question par David Hume, dont les arguments résonnent toujours dans la philosophie (...)
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  46. Die Vielheit der Gesteinsarten und die Logik mineralogischer Taxonomien.Alexandre Métraux - 2015 - In André Louis Blum, Nina Zschocke, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger & Vincent Barras, Diversität: Geschichte und Aktualität eines Konzepts. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann.
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  47. O discurso pós-metafísico em uma sociedade secularizada segundo Habermas // The postmetaphysical speech in a society secularized by Habermas.Paulo César Nodari & Alexandre Bressiani - 2016 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 21 (2):309-337.
    Este trabalho apresenta e situa o pensamento do filósofo alemão Jürgen Habermas no discurso pós-metafísico em uma sociedade secularizada. Esta reflexão articula-se em dois momentos. Em um primeiro momento, trata-se de apresentar o discurso da Modernidade, evidenciando os principais aspectos da crítica à razão instrumental de Horkheimer e Adorno, a importância do conceito hegeliano de Modernidade, e Nietzsche como o ponto de inflexão para o discurso pós-metafísico. Em um segundo momento, apresenta-se, mais exatamente, o discurso pós-metafísico em uma sociedade secularizada. (...)
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    Les personnes atteintes de l'hépatite C sont-elles des victimes comme les autres?Jacques-Antoine Robert & Alexandre Regniault - 2002 - Médecine et Droit 2002 (52):20-29.
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    Ciência e Filosofia: Notas Acerca da Re-Significação de Conceitos Científicos Na Filosofia Hobbesiana.Hélio Alexandre da Silva - 2009 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 1 (1):22-38.
    Trata-se nesse artigo de expor alguns dos principais conceitos da ciência (filosofia natural) hobbesiana, notadamente os conceitos de corpo, movimento, matéria, forma, acidente, essência. Devido a essa re-significação, é possível, para Hobbes, aproximar metodologicamente as definições de filosofia e ciência e a partir de então estabelecer novas bases para o conhecimento, amparado agora numa ciência mecânica de caráter fisicalista.
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    Introdução à metafísica das propriedades.Rodrigo Alexandre Figueiredo - 2009 - Critica.
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