Results for 'Stefano U. Baldassarri'

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  1.  8
    Prophetic times. Visions of emancipation in the history of Italy Prophetic times. Visions of emancipation in the history of Italy, by Maurizio Viroli, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2023, pp. x + 280, £ 15.00, ISBN: 978-1-00-923318-7. [REVIEW]Stefano U. Baldassarri - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
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    Introduction to a review symposium on Maurizio Viroli’s Prophetic Times[REVIEW]Stefano U. Baldassarri - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (7):1294-1295.
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    Manettiana: la biografia anonima in terzine e altri documenti inediti su Giannozzo Manetti.Stefano Ugo Baldassarri - 2010 - Roma: Roma nel Rinascimento. Edited by Bruno Figliuolo.
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  4. Identification of common variants influencing risk of the tauopathy progressive supranuclear palsy.Günter U. Höglinger, Nadine M. Melhem, Dennis W. Dickson, Patrick M. A. Sleiman, Li-San Wang, Lambertus Klei, Rosa Rademakers, Rohan de Silva, Irene Litvan, David E. Riley, John C. van Swieten, Peter Heutink, Zbigniew K. Wszolek, Ryan J. Uitti, Jana Vandrovcova, Howard I. Hurtig, Rachel G. Gross, Walter Maetzler, Stefano Goldwurm, Eduardo Tolosa, Barbara Borroni, Pau Pastor, P. S. P. Genetics Study Group, Laura B. Cantwell, Mi Ryung Han, Allissa Dillman, Marcel P. van der Brug, J. Raphael Gibbs, Mark R. Cookson, Dena G. Hernandez, Andrew B. Singleton, Matthew J. Farrer, Chang-En Yu, Lawrence I. Golbe, Tamas Revesz, John Hardy, Andrew J. Lees, Bernie Devlin, Hakon Hakonarson, Ulrich Müller & Gerard D. Schellenberg - unknown
    Progressive supranuclear palsy is a movement disorder with prominent tau neuropathology. Brain diseases with abnormal tau deposits are called tauopathies, the most common of which is Alzheimer's disease. Environmental causes of tauopathies include repetitive head trauma associated with some sports. To identify common genetic variation contributing to risk for tauopathies, we carried out a genome-wide association study of 1,114 individuals with PSP and 3,247 controls followed by a second stage in which we genotyped 1,051 cases and 3,560 controls for the (...)
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    Überschüsse der Erfahrung: Grenzdimensionen des Ich nach Husserl.Stefano Micali - 2008 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    Die vorliegende Arbeit zielt darauf ab, Momente der Husserlschen Phänomenologie hervorzuheben, in denen diese an ihre Grenzen stößt. Der Ausweis dieser Grenzphänomene, die in der Husserl-Literatur bisher noch nicht systematisch untersucht worden sind, steht im Zentrum der Arbeit. Der Autor hat sich systematisch mit phänomenologisch orientierten Autoren zeitgenössischer Philosophie auseinandergesetzt u. a. mit der Absicht, die Fruchtbarkeit der Husserlschen Analysen für die zeitgenössische Philosophie hervorzuheben.
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    U. Dietsche, Strategie und Philosophie bei Seneca. Untersuchungen zur therapeutischen Technik in den Epistulae morales.Stefano Maso - 2015 - Elenchos 36 (1):165-168.
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    U.Stefano Bacin, Georg Mohr, Jürgen Stolzenberg & Marcus Willaschek - 2015 - In Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr & Stefano Bacin (eds.), Kant-Lexikon. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 2353-2458.
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  8. Genetische Phänomenologie der Person : über die Depersonalisation in der Melancholie.Stefano Micali - 2013 - In Inga Römer & Matthias Wunsch (eds.), Person: anthropologische, phänomenologische und analytische Perspektiven. Münster: Mentis.
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    Configurations of masculinity: a feminist perspective on modern political theory.Christine Di Stefano - 1991 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    On the underwater environment and the mechanisms of deterioration of the materials likely to found on a shipwreck, and the theory and practice of conserving the artifacts recovered. Covers on-site storage, transport of artifacts, and requirements for exhibition after conservation treatment. Di Stefano (political science, U. of Washington) offers a new perspective on the dimension of gender in modern political thought in order to elucidate what is specifically masculine in political theory. Attempting to clear some conceptual space for feminist (...)
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    Gelassenheit-- und andere Versuche zur negativen Ethik.Henning Ottmann, Stefano Saracino & Peter Seyferth (eds.) - 2014 - Berlin: Lit.
    Der Drang zum Handeln ist dem Menschen in der Neuzeit gleichsam zur zweiten Natur geworden. Negative Ethik versteht sich als Alternative zum Aktivismus des Westens und versucht auf Phänomene wie Beschleunigung oder Machbarkeitswahn zeitgemäß-unzeitgemäße Antworten zu geben. Der vorliegende Band behandelt u. a. das Unterlassen, das Seinlassen, das Nicht-Handeln, die Muße, die Faulheit und das Schweigen. Untersuchungsgebiete wären z. B. die Politik, die Pädagogik, das Fotografieren und sogar das Philosophieren selbst. Die Gelassenheit bietet sich als Kardinaltugend der Negativen Ethik an. (...)
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    Nicolas d'Autrécourt et la Faculté des arts de Paris, 1317-1340: actes du colloque de Paris, 19-21 mai 2005.Stefano Caroti & Christophe Grellard (eds.) - 2006 - Cesena: Stilgraf.
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  12. Painted leaves, context, and semantic analysis.Stefano Predelli - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 28 (3):351 - 374.
    This essay aims at neutralizing the contextualist challenge against traditional semantics. According to contextualism, utterances of non-elliptical, non-ambiguous, and non-indexical sentences may be associated with contrasting truth-conditions. In this essay, I grant the contextualist analysis of the sentences in question, and the contextualist assessment of the truth-conditions for the corresponding utterances. I then argue that the resulting situation is by no means incompatible with the traditional approach to semantics, and that the evidence put forth by the contextualists may easily be (...)
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    Probability Measures in the Logic of Nilpotent Minimum.Stefano Aguzzoli & Brunella Gerla - 2010 - Studia Logica 94 (2):151-176.
    We axiomatize the notion of state over finitely generated free NM-algebras, the Lindenbaum algebras of pure Nilpotent Minimum logic. We show that states over the free n -generated NM-algebra exactly correspond to integrals of elements of with respect to Borel probability measures.
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  14. Scare quotes and their relation to other semantic issues.Stefano Predelli - 2003 - Linguistics and Philosophy 26 (1):1-28.
    The main aim of this paper is that of providing a unified analysis for some interesting uses of quotation marks, including so-called scare quotes. The phenomena exemplified by the cases I discuss have remained relatively unexplored, notwithstanding a growing interest in the behavior of quotation marks. They are, however, of no lesser interest than other, more widely studied effectsachieved with the help of quotationmarks. In particular, as I argue in whatfollows, scare quotes and other similar instances bear interesting relations with (...)
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    Talk about Music: From Wolterstorffian Ambiguity to Generics.Stefano Predelli - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 69 (3):273-283.
  16. Grenzen der kritischen Vemunft. H. Holzhey zum 60. Geburtstag, hg. von PA Schmid u. S. Zurbuchen.U. Sieg - 1999 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 106 (1):266-267.
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    Rich or lean? A phenomenological alternative for explaining early social cognition.Stefano Vincini & Valentina Fantasia - 2022 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 13 (2):108-124.
    _Abstract_: In philosophy and cognitive science, the tension between cognitivism and the 4E-Cognition approach is both deep and polarizing. A lack of serious engagement with the theoretical and empirical work generated by the opposing framework seems problematic on both sides. In this paper, we closely discuss data on early socio-cognitive development produced by an influential nativist current of thought in the cognitivist paradigm. We consider these data from the point of view of a 4E-Cognition perspective called “the pairing hypothesis”, which (...)
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  18. Kaplan's three monsters.Stefano Predelli - 2014 - Analysis 74 (3):389-393.
    This paper distinguishes three non-equivalent senses of 'monster' in Kaplan's Demonstratives: context-shifters, global-shifters, and character-shifters.
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    The teetotaler and his Martini.Stefano Predelli - 2000 - Mind and Language 15 (5):511–527.
    I present a Russellian analysis of Donnellan’s classic examples involving empty definite descriptions, such as a use of ‘the man with the Martini’ in a scenario in which the intended target is a teetotaler with water in his glass. Unlike the traditional Kripke‐style responses to Donnellan, my analysis grants semantic significance to the intuition that, in appropriate circumstances, such a use picks out the teetotaler. I then argue that the apparatus developed in my discussion of Donnellan’s examples may be successfully (...)
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  20. La svolta in direzione delle cose. Tra le pieghe dell’apriorismo materiale di Max Scheler.Stefano Besoli - 2010 - Discipline Filosofiche 20 (2).
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  21. La peine, le symbole, l'autorité.Stefano Biancu - 2009 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 141 (2):141-156.
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    Second Nature and Animal Life.Stefano Di Brisco - 2010 - Between the Species 13 (10).
    I am concerned in this paper with McDowell's account of human uniqueness in nature in terms of a fundamental difference between humans and animals. I try to show that the concept of that difference is relevant for a Wittgensteinian understanding of the place of rationality in nature. I then develop an internal criticism of McDowell's transcendental way of approaching this topic by using Diamond's insights about the importance of the details for a realistic philosophical account of human mindedness. My aim (...)
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  23. La formazione di Boiardo. Modelli e letture di un giovane umanista.Stefano Carrai - 1998 - Rinascimento. Ns 38:345-404.
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    Ritorno ad Aristotele.Stefano Casarino & Amedeo Alessandro Raschieri (eds.) - 2017 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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  25. Sergio Cremaschi, L'Etica del Novecento: Dopo Nietzsche.Stefano Cavagnetto - 2006 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 16:154-157.
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    Il divino Platone: filosofia e misticismo.Stefano Cazzato - 2022 - Bergamo: Moretti & Vitali.
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    L'Heidegger di Marion: dalla Seinsfrage all'Ereignis.Stefano Cazzanelli - 2009 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 47:149-164.
    Este artículo recorre críticamente el análisis del pensamiento heideggeriano sobre el Ser proporcionado por Jean-Luc Marion. Partiendo de Sein und Zeit y llegando a Was ist Metaphysik? se delinea un profundo cambio en el horizonte de sentido en el cual se desarrolla la búsqueda del ser: abandonada la analítica existencial, parece posible una revelación del ser al Dasein sin necesidad de mediaciones ónticas. El artículo intenta sondear las razones y la viabilidad de este pasaje que, según Marion, abre a la (...)
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  28. Semantic Relativism and the Logic of Indexicals.Stefano Predelli & Isidora Stojanovic - 2008 - In Manuel García-Carpintero & Max Kölbel (eds.), Relative truth. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 63--90.
  29. Self-reflexive videogames: observations and corollaries on virtual worlds as philosophical artifacts.Stefano Gualeni - 2016 - G.A.M.E. - The Italian Journal of Game Studies 5 (1).
    Self-reflexive videogames are videogames designed to materialize critical and/or satirical perspectives on the ways in which videogames themselves are designed, played, sold, manipulated, experienced, and understood as social objects. This essay focuses on the use of virtual worlds as mediators, and in particular on the use of videogames to guide and encourage reflections on technical, interactive, and thematic conventions in videogame design and development. Structurally, it is composed of two interconnected parts: -/- 1) In the first part of this essay, (...)
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  30. P'oŭn Chŏng Mong-ju wa kŭ munsaengdŭl ŭi Tohak sasang.Kwŏn Sang-U. - 2013 - In Wŏn-sik Hong (ed.), Chosŏn chŏn'gi Tohakp'a ŭi sasang: 'Nakchunghak' ŭi wŏllyu. Taegu Kwangyŏksi: Kyemyŏng Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu.
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    The sound of the concerto. Against the invariantist approach to musical ontology.Stefano Predelli - 2006 - British Journal of Aesthetics 46 (2):144-162.
    According to a popular approach to the ontology of music, the identity conditions for a musical work include the specification of properties of sound, which constrain the class of its correct performances. This essay argues that the resulting invariantist view of the work–performance relation is inadequate and defends a contextualist alternative.
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    On evidence fiascos and judgments in COVID-19 policy.Stefano Canali & Saana Jukola - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (2):1-4.
    Calls for evidence-based approaches to COVID-19 have sparked up discussions on the use of evidence for policy. In this note, we expand these discussions: while the debate has mostly focused on the types of evidence to be used for policy, we argue that the assessment of judgments involved in data practices and evidence production should play a central role in evaluating policy.
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    Antropologia ed etica negli Scritti a se stesso di Marco Aurelio.Eva Di Stefano - 2006 - Catania: CUECM.
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    Han'guk p'eminisŭt'ŭ sinhakcha ŭi Yugyo ilki: sinhak esŏ sinhak ŭro.Ŭn-sŏn Yi - 2023 - Sŏul-si: Mosinŭn Saramdŭl.
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    Malapropisms and the simple picture of communication.Stefano Predelli - 2010 - Mind and Language 25 (3):329-345.
    This essay defends an analysis of malapropisms consistent with the Simple Picture of communication, namely the view that speakers communicate that P by employing expressions associated with P by the regularities appropriate for the linguistic community to which they belong. My analysis, grounded on the distinction between traces, shapes, and forms, is consistent with an intuitive assessment of the contents conveyed by instances of malapropisms, and with a standard, ‘fully articulated’ approach to semantic interpretation.
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  36. Saul, salmon, and Superman.Stefano Predelli - 1999 - Analysis 59 (2):113–116.
  37. The Experience Machine: Existential reflections on Virtual Worlds.Stefano Gualeni - 2016 - Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 9 (3).
    Problems and questions originally raised by Robert Nozick in his famous thought experiment ‘The Experience Machine’ are frequently invoked in the current discourse concerning virtual worlds. Having conceptualized his Gedankenexperiment in the early seventies, Nozick could not fully anticipate the numerous and profound ways in which the diffusion of computer simulations and video games came to affect the Western world. -/- This article does not articulate whether or not the virtual worlds of video games, digital simulations, and virtual technologies currently (...)
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  38. The Contextualist Surprise.Stefano Predelli - 2009 - In Philippe de Brabanter & Mikhail Kissine (eds.), Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive Models. Emmerald Publishers. pp. 20--59.
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    When Music Makes Sounds.Stefano Predelli - 2012 - The Monist 95 (4):624-642.
  40. Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses.Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.) - 2013 - Boston: de Gruyter.
    The five-volume set Kant and Philosophy in a Cosmopolitan Sense contains the proceedings of the Eleventh International Kant Congress, which took place in Pisa in 2010. The proceedings consist of 25 plenary talks and 341 papers selected by a team of international referees from over 700 submissions. The contributions span 14 sections: Kant’s Concept of Philosophy; Theory of Cognition and Logic; Ontology and Metaphysics; Ethics; Law and Justice; Religion and Theology; Aesthetics; Anthropology and Psychology; Politics and History; Science, Mathematics, and (...)
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    Bans, tests, and alchemy: Food safety regulation and the Uganda fish export industry.Stefano Ponte - 2007 - Agriculture and Human Values 24 (2):179-193.
    Contemporary regulation of food safety incorporates principles of quality management and systemic performance objectives that used to characterize private standards. Conversely, private standards are covering ground that used to be the realm of regulation. The nature of the two is becoming increasingly indistinguishable. The case study of the Ugandan fish export industry highlights how management methods borrowed from private standards can be applied to public regulation to achieve seemingly conflicting objectives. In the late 1990s, the EU imposed repeated bans on (...)
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    Tamnon ŭi konggan: chuchʻe chʻŏrhak esŏ tamnonhak ŭro.Chŏng-U. Yi - 1994 - Sŏul-si: Minŭmsa.
    현대철학의 핵심문제로 제시되어온 주체의 개념을 유 럽철학사의 맥락으로 논한 저서.
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  43. Existential Ludology and Peter Wessel Zapffe.Stefano Gualeni & Daniel Vella - 2021 - In Victor Navarro-Remesal & Oliver Perez-Latorre (eds.), Perspectives on the European Videogame. Amsterdam University Press. pp. 175-192.
    A relatively common approach in game studies understands gameworlds as constituting an existential situation for the player. Taking that stance, which is rooted in the European philosophical tradition of Existentialism, in this chapter we investigate the relationships and similarities between our existence within and without gameworlds. To do so, we first provide a review of existing literature in ‘existential ludology’ - work in game studies which considers our engagement with gameworlds from an existential perspective. In the second part of the (...)
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  44. A Theodicy for Artificial Universes: Moral Considerations on Simulation Hypotheses.Stefano Gualeni - 2021 - International Journal of Technoethics 12 (1):21-31.
    ‘Simulation Hypotheses’ are imaginative scenarios that are typically employed in philosophy to speculate on how likely it is that we are currently living within a simulated universe as well as on our possibility for ever discerning whether we do in fact inhabit one. These philosophical questions in particular overshadowed other aspects and potential uses of simulation hypotheses, some of which are foregrounded in this article. More specifically, “A Theodicy for Artificial Universes” focuses on the moral implications of simulation hypotheses with (...)
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  45. Ludic Unreliability and Deceptive Game Design.Stefano Gualeni & Nele Van de Mosselaer - 2021 - Journal of the Philosophy of Games 3 (1):1-22.
    Drawing from narratology and design studies, this article makes use of the notions of the ‘implied designer’ and ‘ludic unreliability’ to understand deceptive game design as a specific sub-set of transgressive game design. More specifically, in this text we present deceptive game design as the deliberate attempt to misguide players’ inferences about the designers’ intentions. Furthermore, we argue that deceptive design should not merely be taken as a set of design choices aimed at misleading players in their efforts to understand (...)
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  46. De-Roling from Experiences and Identities in Virtual Worlds.Stefano Gualeni - 2017 - Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 10 (2).
    Within dramatherapy and psychodrama, the term ‘de-roling’ indicates a set of activities that assist the subjects of therapy in ‘disrobing’ themselves from their fictional characters. Starting from the psychological needs and the therapeutic goals that ‘de-roling’ techniques address in dramatherapy and psychodrama, this text provides a broader understanding of procedures and exercises that define and ease transitional experiences across cultural practices such as religious rituals and spatial design. After this introductory section, we propose a tentative answer as to why game (...)
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  47. Oresme on motion (questiones super physicam, III, 2-7).Stefano Caroti - 1993 - Vivarium 31 (1):8-36.
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    Introduzione a Adorno.Stefano Petrucciani - 2007 - Roma: Laterza.
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  49. Chʻên Chʻüeh chê hsüeh hsüan chi.Chʻüeh Chʻên - 1959 - Edited by Hou, Wai-lu & [From Old Catalog].
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    Nammyŏng hakpʻa ŭi munhakchŏk sangsangnyŏk.U. -rak Chŏng - 2009 - Sŏul: Yŏngnak.
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