Results for 'Stefanie Wenner'

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    Die Philosophin.Stefanie Wenner - 1998 - Philosophy 9 (18).
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    "Philosophy goes public". Bioethik, Metaethik und Metaphysik.Stefanie Wenner - 1998 - Die Philosophin 9 (18):10-23.
  3.  51
    Danielle M. Wenner Replies.Danielle M. Wenner - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (2):47-47.
    The author replies to a letter to the editor from Felicitas Sofia Holzer concerning Wenner’s article “The Social Value Requirement in Research: From the Transactional to the Basic Structure Model of Stakeholder Obligations,” in the Hastings Center Report’s January‐February 2019 issue.
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    Not just a tragic compromise: The positive case for adolescent access to puberty-blocking treatment.Danielle M. Wenner & B. R. George - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (9):925-931.
    Within bioethics as well as in broader clinical practice, support for transgender and gender‐questioning adolescent access to pubertal suppression has often relied heavily on the desire to prevent risky, self‐destructive, and suicidal behavior. We argue that framing justifications for access to puberty suppression in this way can actually be harmful to both individual patients as well as to the broader trans population. This justification for access to care makes such access precarious, limits its scope, and introduces perverse incentives to the (...)
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  5. Against Permitted Exploitation in Developing World Research Agreements.Danielle M. Wenner - 2015 - Developing World Bioethics 16 (1):36-44.
    This paper examines the moral force of exploitation in developing world research agreements. Taking for granted that some clinical research which is conducted in the developing world but funded by developed world sponsors is exploitative, it asks whether a third party would be morally justified in enforcing limits on research agreements in order to ensure more fair and less exploitative outcomes. This question is particularly relevant when such exploitative transactions are entered into voluntarily by all relevant parties, and both research (...)
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    The Founding of Aesthetics in the German Enlightenment: The Art of Invention and the Invention of Art.Stefanie Buchenau - 2013 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    When, in 1735, Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten added a new discipline to the philosophical system, he not only founded modern aesthetics but also contributed to shaping the modern concept of art or 'fine art'. In The Founding of Aesthetics in the German Enlightenment, Stefanie Buchenau offers a rich analysis and reconstruction of the origins of this new discipline in its wider context of German Enlightenment philosophy. Present-day scholars commonly regard Baumgarten's views as an imperfect prefiguration of Kantian and post-Kantian aesthetics, (...)
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    Blinde Anschauung: Die Rolle von Begriffen in Kants Theorie sinnlicher Synthesis.Stefanie Grüne - 2009 - Klostermann.
  8.  15
    The microbial state: global thriving and the body politic.Stefanie R. Fishel - 2017 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    For three centuries, concepts of the state have been animated by one of the most powerful metaphors in politics: the body politic, a claustrophobic and bounded image of sovereignty. Climate change, neoliberalism, mass migration, and other aspects of the late Anthropocene have increasingly revealed the limitations of this metaphor. Just as the human body is not whole and separate from other bodies--comprising microbes, bacteria, water, and radioactive isotopes--Stefanie R. Fishel argues that the body politic of the state exists in (...)
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    Nondomination and the Limits of Relational Autonomy.Danielle M. Wenner - 2020 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 13 (2):28-48.
    Relational autonomy theorists attempt to accommodate social embeddedness within a conception of autonomy. These attempts are conceptually messy, at best, and category errors, at worst. Rejecting the liberal conception of autonomy due to feminist concerns is more helpfully answered by the neorepublican notion of freedom as nondomination. The conception of freedom as nondomination captures the values that motivate the relational turn in moral and political theory and does so in a conceptually neater way than attempting to accommodate those concerns in (...)
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  10. Sellars, we-intentions and ought-statements.Stefanie Dach - 2021 - Synthese 198 (5):4415-4439.
    My paper is concerned with the relation between ought-statements and intentions in Wilfrid Sellars’s philosophy. According to an entrenched view in Sellars scholarship, Sellars considers ought-statements as expressions of we-intentions. The aim of my paper is to question this reading and to propose an alternative. According to this alternative reading of Sellars, ought-statements are metalinguistic statements about the implication relations between intentions. I show that the entrenched understanding faces many unacknowledged problems and generates incompatibilities with Sellars’s commitments about intentions. I (...)
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    „Nach neuen Meeren“: Nietzsches Abenteurerlyrik vor dem Hintergrund der Fröhlichen Wissenschaft.Milan Wenner - 2017 - In Sebastian Kaufmann & Katharina Grätz, Nietzsche Als Dichter: Lyrik - Poetologie - Rezeption. De Gruyter. pp. 121-152.
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    Nonniana.Claudio de Stefani - 1999 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 143 (2):336-343.
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    Rüstungsexporte in Spannungsgebiete: Die Außenwirtschaftsbeziehungen westdeutscher Waffenhersteller zum Nahen Osten.Stefanie van de Kerkhof - 2018 - In Johannes Heinrich, Individualität, Subjektivität Und Selbstsorge Bei Nietzsche: Eine Analyse Im Gespräch Mit Foucault. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 103-126.
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  14. Postkoloniale Gedächtnistopografien in Kamerun: Medien, Akteure.Stefanie Michels - forthcoming - Topoi. In: Lölke/Hobuß (Hg.).
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    (1 other version)Editor's Note.Oliver Cronlinde Wenner - 2014 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 20:2-2.
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  16. The need for non-ideal theory : a case study in deliberative democracy.Danielle Wenner - 2017 - In Kevin Vallier & Michael Weber, Political Utopias: Contemporary Debates. New York, NY: Oup Usa.
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  17. The influence of motivational and mood states on visual attention: A quantification of systematic differences and casual changes in subjects' focus of attention.Stefanie Hüttermann & Daniel Memmert - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (3):471-483.
  18.  33
    How Native Prosody Affects Pitch Processing during Word Learning in Limburgian and Dutch Toddlers and Adults.Stefanie Ramachers, Susanne Brouwer & Paula Fikkert - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:290015.
    In this study, Limburgian and Dutch 2.5- to 4-year-olds and adults took part in a word learning experiment. Following the procedure employed by Quam and Swingley (2010) and Singh et al. (2014), participants learned two novel word-object mappings. After training, word recognition was tested in correct pronunciation (CP) trials and mispronunciation (MP) trials featuring a pitch change. Since Limburgian is considered a restricted tone language, we expected that the pitch change would hinder word recognition in Limburgian, but not in non-tonal (...)
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  19. Patient-Funded Trials: Opportunity or Liability?Danielle M. Wenner, Alex John London & Jonathan Kimmelman - 2015 - Cell Stem Cell 17 (2):135-137.
    Patient-funded trials are gaining traction as a means of accelerating clinical translation. However, such trials sidestep mechanisms that promote rigor, relevance, efficiency, and fairness. We recommend that funding bodies or research institutions establish mechanisms for merit review of patient-funded trials, and we offer some basic criteria for evaluating PFT protocols.
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  20. Response to My Critics (The Sydney Sessions).Stefanie Rocknak - 2022 - Hume Studies 45 (1):77-93.
    Response to Don Baxter, Don Garrett and Jennifer Marusic regarding my book Imagined Causes: Hume's Conception of Objects; initially delivered at the 2016 Hume Conference in Sydney, Australia as part of the Author Meets Critics session.
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  21. Imagined Causes: Hume’s Conception of Objects.Stefanie Rocknak - 2012 - Springer.
    This book provides the first comprehensive account of Hume’s conception of objects in Book I of the Treatise. What, according to Hume, are objects? Ideas? Impressions? Mind-independent objects? All three? None of the above? Through a close textual analysis, I show that Hume thought that objects are imagined ideas. However, I argue that he struggled with two accounts of how and when we imagine such ideas. On the one hand, Hume believed that we always and universally imagine that objects are (...)
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  22. From Implicit to Explicit Corporate Social Responsibility: Institutional Change as a Fight for Myths.Stefanie Hiss - 2009 - Business Ethics Quarterly 19 (3):433-451.
    The focus of this paper is institutional change and the changing role of business in Germany. Back in the 1980s, the German institutional framework was characterized by implicit mandatory and obligatory regulations that set a clear context for responsible corporate behavior. Today, this framework has eroded and given way to a situation in which corporations explicitly and voluntarily take responsibility for social issues. This shift from implicit to explicit corporate social responsibility is an indication of a major institutional change epitomized (...)
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    The Relationship between Intragenerational and Intergenerational Ecological Justice.Stefanie Glotzbach & Stefan BaumgÄRtner - 2012 - Environmental Values 21 (3):331-355.
    The principle of sustainability contains two objectives of justice regarding the conservation and use of ecosystems and their services : global justice between different people of the present generation ; justice between people of different generations. Three hypotheses about their relationship — independency, facilitation and rivalry — are held in the political and scientific sustainability discourse. Applying the method of qualitative content analysis to important political documents and the scientific literature, we reveal six determinants underlying the different hypotheses: quantity and (...)
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  24. Is there a Gap in Kant’s B Deduction?Stefanie Grüne - 2011 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19 (3):465 - 490.
    In "Beyond the Myth of the Myth: A Kantian Theory of Non-Conceptual Content", Robert Hanna argues for a very strong kind of non-conceptualism, and claims that this kind of non-conceptualism originally has been developed by Kant. But according to "Kant's Non-Conceptualism, Rogue Objects and the Gap in the B Deduction", Kant's non-conceptualism poses a serious problem for his argument for the objective validity of the categories, namely the problem that there is a gap in the B Deduction. This gap is (...)
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    The Social Value of Knowledge and the Responsiveness Requirement for International Research.Danielle M. Wenner - 2017 - Bioethics 31 (2):97-104.
    Ethicists have long recognized that two necessary features of ethical research are scientific validity and social value. Yet despite a significant literature surrounding the validity component of this dictate, until recently there has been little attention paid to unpacking what the social value component might require. This article introduces a framework for assessing the social value of research, and in particular, for determining whether a given research program is likely to have significant social value of the kind necessary to fulfill (...)
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    Barriers to Effective Deliberation in Clinical Research Oversight.Danielle M. Wenner - 2016 - HEC Forum 28 (3):245-259.
    Ethical oversight of clinical research is one of the primary means of ensuring that human subjects are protected from the natural bias of researchers and research institutions in favor of experimentation. At a minimum, effective oversight should ensure that risks are minimized and reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits, protect vulnerable subjects from potential coercion or undue influence, ensure full and informed consent, and promote the equitable distribution of the risks and benefits of research. Because these assessments often involve value (...)
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    Menschlich denken.Stefanie Buchenau - 2018 - In Gideon Stiening, Udo Roth & Hans-Peter Nowitzki, Zur Einführung: Johann Georg Heinrich Feder : Empirismus und Popularphilosophie zwischen Wolff und Kant. De Gruyter. pp. 331-348.
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    Menschlich denken: Feders anthropologisch-philosophisches Programm.Stefanie Buchenau - 2018 - In Gideon Stiening, Udo Roth & Hans-Peter Nowitzki, Zur Einführung: Johann Georg Heinrich Feder : Empirismus und Popularphilosophie zwischen Wolff und Kant. De Gruyter. pp. 331-348.
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    Sinnlichkeit als Erkenntnisvermögen. Zum Begriff des Vernunftähnlichen in der Psychologie Christian Wolffs.Stefanie Buchenau - 2004 - In Oliver-Pierre Rudolph & Jean-François Goubet, Die Psychologie Christian Wolffs: Systematische und historische Untersuchungen. De Gruyter. pp. 191-206.
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  30. Erastianism and natural law in Hugo Grotius's De imperio summarum potestatum circa sacra.Stefanie Ertz - 2022 - In Hans Willem Blom, Sacred Polities, Natural Law and the Law of Nations in the 16th-17th Centuries. Boston: BRILL.
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    Sartre on mistaken sincerity.Stefanie Grüne - 2003 - European Journal of Philosophy 11 (2):145–160.
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    “Much More than just another Private Collection”: The Schocken Library and its Rescue from Nazi Germany in 1935.Stefanie Mahrer - 2015 - Naharaim 9 (1-2):4-24.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Naharaim Jahrgang: 9 Heft: 1-2 Seiten: 4-24.
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    Literatura de inmigrantes. Árabes y judíos en Chile y México.Stefanie Massmann - 2013 - Alpha (Osorno) 36:216-218.
    El siguiente artículo tiene por objetivo mostrar la mutua correspondencia entre experiencia e historicidad en la obra de Hans-Georg Gadamer. La experiencia es entendida como el movimiento fundamental de la existencia histórica, la que articula las diversas esferas de la acción humana. La experiencia hermenéutica pone de manifiesto que el comprender no puede fundarse en un procedimiento metódico, sino en la forma del existir situado en el mundo. El acto hermenéutico es entendido como un continuo proceso de apropiación, que se (...)
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  34. [no title].Stefanie Märtin - unknown
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    Marrying cognitive-linguistic theory and corpus-based methods: On the compositionality of English V NP-idioms.Stefanie Wulff - 2010 - In Dylan Glynn & Kerstin Fischer, Quantitative methods in cognitive semantics: corpus-driven approaches. New York: De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 46--223.
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  36. The Vulgar Conception of Objects in "Of Skepticism with Regard to the Senses".Stefanie Rocknak - 2007 - Hume Studies 33 (1):67-90.
    In this paper, we see that contrary to most readings of T 1.4.2 in the Treatise ("Of Skepticism with Regard to the Senses"), Hume does not think that objects are sense impressions. This means that Hume's position on objects (whatever that may be) is not to be conflated with the vulgar perspective. Moreover, the vulgar perspective undergoes a marked transition in T 1.4.2, evolving from what we may call vulgar perspective I into vulgar perspective II. This paper presents the first (...)
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    The Social Value of Knowledge and International Clinical Research.Danielle M. Wenner - 2013 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (2):76-84.
    In light of the growth in the conduct of international clinical research in developing populations, this paper seeks to explore what is owed to developing world communities who host international clinical research. Although existing paradigms for assigning and assessing benefits to host communities offer valuable insight, I criticize their failure to distinguish between those benefits which can justify the conduct of research in a developing world setting and those which cannot. I argue that the justification for human subjects research is (...)
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    Sibling action: the genealogical structure of modernity.Stefani Engelstein - 2017 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Recuperating the sibling -- Sibling logic -- Fraternity and revolution -- The shadows of fraternity -- Economizing desire : the sibling (in) law -- Genealogical sciences -- Living languages : comparative philology and evolution -- The east comes home : race and religion.
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    The Social Value Requirement in Research: From the Transactional to the Basic Structure Model of Stakeholder Obligations.Danielle M. Wenner - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (6):25-32.
    It has long been taken for granted that clinical research involving human subjects is ethical only if it holds out the prospect of producing socially valuable knowledge. Recently, this social value requirement has come under scrutiny, with prominent ethicists arguing that the social value requirement cannot be substantiated as an ethical limit on clinical research, and others attempting to offer new support. In this paper, I argue that both criticisms and existing defenses of the social value requirement are predicated on (...)
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  40. Diversion Effects, Incentive Effects, and the Goals of Research Ethics Promulgations.Danielle M. Wenner - 2015 - Journal of Law and the Biosciences.
  41. Givenness, Objective Reality, and A Priori Intuitions.Stefanie Grüne - 2017 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 55 (1):113-130.
    in kant’s account of cognition, Eric Watkins and Marcus Willaschek distinguish between a ‘broad’ and ‘narrow’ sense of Kant’s use of the term ‘cognition.’ Every “conscious representation that represents an object” counts as a cognition, taken in the broad sense.1 Every “conscious representation of a given object and of its general features” counts as a cognition in the narrow sense.2 In the case of finite beings, they argue, cognition in the narrow sense must fulfill two conditions: First, the object must (...)
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    Sellars's Two Images as a Philosopher's Tool.Stefanie Dach - 2018 - Metaphilosophy 49 (4):568-588.
    The distinction between the manifest and the scientific image of man- in-the-world is widely seen as crucial to Wilfrid Sellars's philosophical work. The present essay agrees with this view. It contends, however, that precisely because the distinction is important, we should not hurry to a quick and superficial understanding of it. The essay identifies several oversimplifications that can be found in the literature on the topic and argues that they are at least partly rooted in too rigid a view of (...)
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    The choreography of violence: A discussion between Harri Pälviranta and Stefanie Baumann.Harri Pälviranta, Stefanie Baumann & Alexandra Athanasiadou - 2023 - Philosophy of Photography 14 (1):95-108.
    How is violence conventionally portrayed and where does violence lie in representation? How does photography mediate the relationships between different forms and ideas, moments and experiences of violence? These were some of the questions addressed in a conversation between artist Harri Pälviranta and philosopher Stefanie Baumann organized by Alexandra Athanasiadou, founder and director of the online platform Philosophy & Photography Lab (PHLSPH), during the international Photography Festival, Imago Lisboa, in Lisbon during October 2022. The discussion presented here is edited (...)
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  44. A tradition ignored: Review essay of John Symons' on Dennett.Stefanie Rocknak - 2001 - Brain and Mind 2 (3):343-358.
    Although Symons' recent book, On Dennett (Wadsworth, 2002), provides scientists with ahelpful, general introduction to Dennett'sthought, it presents a skewed version of the history of the philosophy of mind. In particular, the continental tradition is almost entirely ignored, if not glibly dismissed. As aresult, the unwary reader of this book wouldnever realize that Dilthey, Sartre and Husserl,like Dennett, offer a ``middle ground'' between naturalistic realism and naturalistic eliminativism. However, unlike Dennett, the respective positions of Dilthey, Sartre and Husserl are not (...)
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    Licensing Domination: Foreign Will and Social Benefit.Danielle M. Wenner - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (9):60-62.
    Volume 19, Issue 9, September 2019, Page 60-62.
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  46. Pam and Jim on the make : the epistemology of self-deception (US).Stefanie Rocknak - 2008 - In Jeremy Wisnewski, The Office and Philosophy: Scenes From the Unexamined Life. Blackwell.
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    Fractionalisatie, volatiliteit en nieuwe partijen.Stefanie Beyens, Simon Otjes & Marc van de Wardt - 2017 - Res Publica 59 (1):103-118.
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    Das Geschlecht in der Philosophie.Stefanie Brander - 1990 - Die Philosophin 1 (2):94-97.
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    Subliminal primes for global or local processing influence judgments of vehicular traffic.Stefanie Hüttermann, Otmar Bock & Daniel Memmert - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 29:230-234.
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    Hemispheric Lateralization of Arithmetic Facts and Magnitude Processing for Two-Digit Numbers.Stefanie Jung, Korbinian Moeller, Hans-Otto Karnath & Elise Klein - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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