Results for 'Statute-based protections'

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  1.  35
    Going Boldly Where No One Has Gone Before? How Confidentiality Risk Aversion is Killing Research on Sensitive Topics.Ted Palys & John Lowman - 2010 - Journal of Academic Ethics 8 (4):265-284.
    Bernhard and Young (Journal of Academic Ethics, 7, 175-191, 2009) allege that a myth of confidentiality plagues research in North America because of the absence of statute-based legal protections and the requirements of some REBs to limit confidentiality to the extent permitted by law. In this commentary we describe statute-based protections for research confidentiality available in the United States, clarify the legal situation regarding research confidentiality in Canada, and explain that REBs that require confidentiality (...)
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    Restriction of Private Ownership on Cultural-historical Property based on the Public Interest in Iranian Law.Babak Golmohamadi, Mahdi Falah Kharyaki & Javad Niknejad - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (2):701-716.
    The present study aims to assess the restriction of private ownership on the cultural-historical property based on the public interest and evaluate how this restriction is explained and what restrictions the cultural heritage rules and regulations impose on the private ownership. The present descriptive and analytical study seeks to examine the above-mentioned questions using the library method. Based on the results, statute law has defined a large number of restrictions for the owner including the owner restriction in (...)
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    Consulting scientist and engineer liability: A survey of relevant law.Margaret N. Strand - 1997 - Science and Engineering Ethics 3 (4):357-394.
    This paper is a survey of the law in the United States which is applicable to consulting scientists and engineers. Based on the body of law which has developed for the construction industry and professional “advice-givers” such as attorneys, medical doctors and accountants, the paper reviews professional responsibilities in the areas of Common Law Torts. Common Law Contracts, certain U.S. Federal and State Statutes and the protection of sensitive information.
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    Automatic consolidation of Japanese statutes based on formalization of amendment sentences.Yasuhiro Ogawa, Shintaro Inagaki & Katsuhiko Toyama - 2008 - In Takashi Washio, Ken Satoh, Hideaki Takeda & Akihiro Inokuchi, New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 363--376.
  5. Democratic Vibes.Jonathan Gingerich - 2024 - William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal 32 (4):1135-1186.
    Who should decide who gets to say what on online social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube? American legal scholars have often thought that the private owners of these platforms should decide, in part because such an arrangement is thought to serve valuable free speech interests. This standard view has come under pressure with the enactment of statutes like Texas House Bill 20, which forbids certain platforms from “censoring” user content based on viewpoint. Such efforts to regulate the (...)
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  6. Business codes of multinational firms: What do they say?Muel Kaptein - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 50 (1):13-31.
    Business codes are an oft-cited management instrument. But how common are codes among multinationals? And what is their content? In an unprecedented study, the codes of the largest corporations in the world have been collected and thoroughly analyzed. This paper presents the results of that study. Of the two hundred largest companies in the world, 52.5% have a code. More than half of these codes describe company responsibilities regarding quality of products and services (67%), adherence to local laws and regulations (...)
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    À la recherche de la source des normes déontologiques.Sarah Stroud - 2001 - Philosophiques 28 (1):151-171.
    La pensée morale ordinaire semble incorporer une adhésion à des contraintes ou des restrictions déontologiques : des interdictions qui restent en vigueur même dans des cas où les actions interdites constituent le seul moyen de prévenir des conséquences encore pires. La source de ces normes déontologiques, cependant, n'est pas évidente. Plusieurs tentatives récentes pour trouver une base aux restrictions déontologiques ou pour expliquer ce qui les génère sont examinées. La plus prometteuse insiste sur la valeur intrinsèque du statut moral protégé (...)
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    Victims, perpetrators and paternalism: image driven sexting laws in Connecticut.Laura Vitis - 2019 - Feminist Legal Studies 27 (2):189-209.
    In 2010, Connecticut implemented an offence prohibiting minors from engaging in sexting. This legislation was part of a range of reforms across the United States aiming to better tailor the criminal law’s response to youth sexting by distinguishing sexting from child abuse material. Drawing from submissions to the Connecticut General Assembly’s Sexting Bill, media reports and recent ‘sexting’ cases, this article adopts a feminist perspective and examines the justifications for and implications of this sexting statute. It argues that while (...)
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    Process values, international law, and justice.Paul B. Stephan - 2006 - Social Philosophy and Policy 23 (1):131-152.
    A focus on the lawmaking process, I submit, permits us to explore a particular dimension of justice, namely the relationship between law and liberty. Laws that reflect the arbitrary whims of the lawmaker are presumptively unjust, because they constrain liberty for no good reason. A strategy for making arbitrary laws less likely involves recognizing checks on the lawmaker's powers and grounding those checks in processes that allow the governed to express their disapproval. The system of checks and balances employed in (...)
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    Across the rubicon: medicalisation, natural death and euthanasia.Malcolm Parker - 2001 - Monash Bioethics Review 20 (4):7-29.
    The recently published BMA Guidelines on Withholding and Withdrawing Medical Treatment encourage a balance between deriving maximal benefit from medical treatment, and achieving as natural a death as possible in the circumstances. I argue that the concepts of burdensomeness, natural death and medicalised death are of greater fundamental importance than that of intention, and do not help constitute a moral distinction between withdrawal of treatment and active assistance to die. Nor should they continue to ground the corresponding legal distinction. In (...)
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    Gender Based Violence in North Macedonia : Challenges and Strategies for Prevention and Protection.Sofija Georgievska & Slavica Naumova - 2024 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 77 (1):489-518.
    Gender-based violence (GBV) is a serious social and legal problem that affects allsocieties, including North Macedonia. This type of violence is deeply rooted in unequalpower relations between the sexes and social norms that reinforce those inequalities.Gender-based violence includes physical, sexual, psychological and economic violencedirected at a person because of their sex or gender. It not only causes direct harm to thevictims, but also affects their well-being, personal development and participation insociety.North Macedonia, as a country that strives for European (...)
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  12. Why Human Rights? A Philosophical Guide.Eric Blumenson - 2024 - New York: Routledge.
    Why Human Rights? addresses universal human rights as moral mandates – rights to justice that all m persons have by virtue of their humanity alone. These are not the legal rights of statutes and treaties, but moral rights of the kind Gandhi, King, and Mandela invoked to oppose unjust laws. All such rights presuppose three claims: (1) that some duties of justice apply universally, (2) that all human beings have equal moral status, and (3) that states must protect or serve (...)
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  13. Privacy, Transparency, and Accountability in the NSA’s Bulk Metadata Program.Alan Rubel - 2015 - In Adam D. Moore, Privacy, Security and Accountability: Ethics, Law and Policy. New York: Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 183-202.
    Disputes at the intersection of national security, surveillance, civil liberties, and transparency are nothing new, but they have become a particularly prominent part of public discourse in the years since the attacks on the World Trade Center in September 2001. This is in part due to the dramatic nature of those attacks, in part based on significant legal developments after the attacks (classifying persons as “enemy combatants” outside the scope of traditional Geneva protections, legal memos by White House (...)
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    Indiana Court Denies Pharmaceutical's Claim Under Blood Shield Act.P. D. J. - 1996 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 24 (1):74-75.
    The Indiana Court of Appeals, in JKB, Sr. v. Armour Pharmaceutical Co. ), held that the state's Blood Shield Act does not protect pharmaceutical companies that produce blood-derived products from product liability suits based on injuries attributable to tainted blood supplies. Blood shield statutes help to guarantee adequate blood supplies by limiting the liability of blood banks. This holding limits the defenses available to pharmaceutical companies sued under product liability theory.The defendant, Armour Pharmaceutical, produces and sells clotting factor agents, (...)
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  15.  49
    The utilitarian argument for medical confidentiality: a pilot study of patients' views.C. Jones - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (6):348-352.
    Objectives: To develop and pilot a questionnaire based assessment of the importance patients place on medical confidentiality, whether they support disclosure of confidential information to protect third parties, and whether they consider that this would impair full disclosure in medical consultations.Design: Questionnaire administered to 30 consecutive patients attending a GP surgery.Results: Overall patients valued confidentiality, felt that other patients might be deterred from seeking treatment if it were not guaranteed, but did not think that they would withhold information for (...)
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  16.  40
    Impossibility attempts: A speculative thesis.Peter K. Westen - manuscript
    Courts and commentators have struggled for years to identify rules to explain and justify certain widely-shared intuitions about impossibility attempts, and they have proposed rules variously based upon (1) what mistakes actors make, (2) what intentions actors possess, and (3) what conduct actors perform. None of the proposals fully succeeds, however, and none is able to explain the widely-shared intuition, which underlies Sandy Kadish's inventive hypothetical regarding Mr. Law and Mr. Fact, that some attempts based upon mistakes of (...)
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  17.  46
    Grounding Animal Rights in Mutual Advantage Contractarianism.Matthew Taylor - 2014 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (3):184-207.
    Matthew Taylor | : Contrary to critics and advocates of contractarianism alike, I argue that mutual advantage contractarianism entails rights and protections for animals. In section one I outline the criteria that must be met in order for an individual to qualify for moral rights on the contractarian view. I then introduce an alternative form of ‘rights,’ which I call ‘protectorate status,’ from which an individual can receive protections indirectly. In section two I suggest guidelines for assigning animal (...)
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    Loi d'Érétrie contre la tyrannie et l'oligarchie (première partie).Denis Knoepfler - 2001 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 125 (1):195-238.
    Découverte près d'Alivéri en Eubée, cette importante inscription du milieu du IVe siècle av. J.-C. est demeurée longtemps inédite. Il s'agit d'une grande stèle amputée en haut et à gauche, où se lisent encore 35 lignes gravées stoichédon (à raison de 51 lettres par ligne après restitution). Sur la base du lieu de trouvaille, de la langue et du contenu, on peut rapporter à la même stèle le fragment IG XII 9, 190, en dépit du fait que ce petit morceau (...)
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    A Response to Marja Heimonen, "Justifying the Right to Music Education".Hermann J. Kaiser - 2006 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 14 (2):213-216.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Response to Marja Heimonen, “Justifying the Right to Music Education”Hermann J. KaiserFirst of all I would like to thank Marja Heimonen for her paper on a central problem not only for music education as practice but also for the theory of music education. She gives a very clear and convincing answer to a permanently irritating question: How do we justify music education within an ensemble of competing subjects (...)
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    Justifying the Right to Music Education.Marja Heimonen - 2006 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 14 (2):119-141.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Justifying the Right to Music EducationMarja HeimonenIn this study I will explore legal philosophical questions related to music education.1 I will begin by asking, "Is there a right to music education?" and move on to consider what constitutes a right and what kind of music education is at issue. My argument is that there is a right to music education and to a certain kind of music education in (...)
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  21.  37
    United States v Stevens: Gnawing Away at Freedom of Speech or Paving the Way for Animal Rights? [REVIEW]Irina Knopp - 2011 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 24 (3):331-349.
    This article examines United States v. Stevens, a case recently decided by the Supreme Court, and its relation to animal law and freedom of speech issues, specifically the contention between the two, caused by the statute in question at the heart of the case. While animal rights advocates wish to frame the case through an anti-animal cruelty perspective, those seeking to protect freedom of speech have made the statute an issue of First Amendment rights. Is 18 USC § (...)
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  22.  8
    Legal dissemination protections in community-based participatory health equity research.Doris M. Boutain, Marie-Anne Sanon Rosemberg, Eunjung Kim & Robin A. Evans-Agnew - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background There are legal protections for nurse researchers at public universities who employ community-based participatory research (CBPR) in research about social or health inequities. Dissemination of CBPR research data by researchers or participants may divulge unjust laws and create an imperative for university involvement. Research Question What are United States-based legal dissemination protections for CBPR health equity nurse researchers? Research Design Three case examples employing CBPR are examined: 1) a mixed methods study with participants reporting illegal (...)
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  23.  60
    Otherness-based Reasons for the Protection of (Bio)Diversity.Anna Wienhues & Anna Deplazes Zemp - 2022 - Environmental Ethics (2):161-184.
    Different arguments in favor of the moral relevance of the concept of biodiversity (e.g., in terms of its intrinsic or instrumental value) face a range of serious difficulties, despite that biodiversity constitutes a central tenet of many environmentalist practices and beliefs. That discrepancy is considerable for the debate on potential moral reasons for protecting biodiversity. This paper adds a new angle by focusing on the potential of the concept of natural otherness—specifically individual and process otherness in nature—for providing additional moral (...)
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    Moving Toward Evidence-Based Human Participant Protection.Michael McDonald & Susan Cox - 2009 - Journal of Academic Ethics 7 (1-2):1-16.
    There is near universal recognition that human participant protection is both morally and practically essential for all forms of research involving humans. Yet most of the discourse around human participant protection has focussed on norms—rules, regulations and governance arrangements—rather than on the actual effectiveness of these norms in achieving their ends—protecting participants from undue risk and ensuring respectful treatment as well as advancing the generation of useful knowledge. In recent years there has been increasing advocacy for evidence-based human participant (...)
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  25. Child Protection Training in School-based Initial Teacher Training: a survey of School-centred Initial Teacher Training courses and their trainees.Keith Hodgkinson Mary Baginsky & B. Hodgkinson - 2000 - Educational Studies 26 (3):269-279.
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  26. Protective properties of complex coating systems based on water-thinnable paint materials.S. P. Kotova - 1981 - Continent. Paint Resin News 19 (5):114.
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    Talking money. How market-based valuation can undermine environmental protection.Stijn Neuteleers & Bart Engelen - 2015 - Ecological Economics 1117.
    In this paper, we want to analyze conceptually whether and when merely using economic discourse – talking money – can crowd out people's positive attitudes towards environmental goods and their reasons to protect them. We concentrate on the specific case of market-based or monetary valuation as an instance of ‘commodification in discourse’ and argue that it can have the same moral problems as real commodification. We aim to bring together insights from philosophy, ethics, economics and psychology to argue that (...)
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  28.  25
    Protecting Human Research Subjects: Case-Based Learning for Canadian Research Ethics Boards and Researchers.Françoise Baylis, A. Ireland, David Kaufman & Charles Weijer - unknown
  29.  14
    Criminal law-based copyright protection with entrepreneurial spirit.Wenjing Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study aims to optimize the enterprise criminal law-based copyright protection. This exploration discusses the role of the entrepreneurial spirit in criminal law-based copyright protection. To study the relationship between ES and criminal law-based copyright protection, the concepts of ES, criminal law-based copyright protection, and enterprise innovation are given. Next, by collecting literature, hypotheses are put forward. They include the relationship between ES and enterprise innovation, ES and the criminal law-based copyright protection, and the intermediary (...)
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  30.  10
    How Does the Labor Protection Law Affect Sustainable Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis Based on Psychological Contract Perspective.Yina Liao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This article studied the influence of Labor Contract Law and employee psychological contract on enterprise investment and sustainable economic growth. The results indicate that the Labor Protection Law has no significant influence on the investment of state-owned enterprises. In the early stage of the implementation of Labor Protection Law, the Labor protection Law will observably reduce the investment level of private enterprises, and this effect is more obvious in labor-intensive industries and small and medium-sized enterprises. However, in the later stage (...)
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    Countering Protection Rackets Using Legal and Social Approaches: An Agent-Based Test.Áron Székely, Luis G. Nardin & Giulia Andrighetto - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
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    The Effect of Organization-Based Self-Esteem and Deindividuation in Protecting Personal Information Privacy.Meng-Hsiang Hsu & Feng-Yang Kuo - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 42 (4):305 - 320.
    In this research we apply the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to study decisions related to information privacy protection. A TPB-based model was proposed to investigate whether organization-based self-esteem and perceived deindividuation can be employed to measure the strength of the perceived behavioral control construct. In addition, we examined if the addition of a causal path linking subjective norms to attitudes and another causal path linking organization-based self-esteem to subjective norms enhanced our research model's predicting power. Our (...)
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  33.  32
    Big Data in the workplace: Privacy Due Diligence as a human rights-based approach to employee privacy protection.Jeremias Adams-Prassl, Isabelle Wildhaber & Isabel Ebert - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    Data-driven technologies have come to pervade almost every aspect of business life, extending to employee monitoring and algorithmic management. How can employee privacy be protected in the age of datafication? This article surveys the potential and shortcomings of a number of legal and technical solutions to show the advantages of human rights-based approaches in addressing corporate responsibility to respect privacy and strengthen human agency. Based on this notion, we develop a process-oriented model of Privacy Due Diligence to complement (...)
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  34.  42
    Applying Bioethical Principles to Place-Based Communities and Cultural Group Protections: The Case of Biomonitoring Results Communication.Dianne Quigley - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (2):348-358.
    Individual research protections provided by bioethical principles can be extended to group protections, particularly for place-based communities and cultural groups who may share a common harm or burden. In this article, an argument is made for the need to consider the group conditions of individual research subjects in the ethics of individual report-backs of human biomonitoring results. Human biomonitoring, the measuring of concentration of chemicals or their metabolites in blood, urine, breast milk, hair, and other biological samples, (...)
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  35.  25
    "Good Samaritan'?Statutes: Do They Protect the Emergency Care Provider?Miles J. Zaremski - 1979 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 7 (1):5-7.
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    A Health-Based Child Protection System: Studying a Change in Paradigm.Richard D. Krugman, Stephanie Stronks-Knapp, Mischa Haroutunian & Jessica M. Yeatermeyer - 2008 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 19 (4):346-349.
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    Consonance precipitates collaboration. The role of faith-based organisations in policymaking for environmental protection.Johan Buitendag - 2024 - Stellenbosch Theological Journal 10 (1):1-18.
    The dialogue between science and religion, aiming for collaboration, not conflict, is crucial in addressing global crises like climate change. Both sides recognise each other’s presuppositions without trying to impose beliefs on the other. The anatheistic approach, which suggests working together regardless of dogmatic belief in God to address mutual threats and find solutions for the planet, is a prime example. This inclusive, synergistic approach involving science and religion is not just a theoretical concept but a practical necessity for comprehensively (...)
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  38.  10
    Contemporary international law and protection of animals. Analysis based on the evolution of dolphins protection regulations.M. Pogorzelska - 2007 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 8:127-140.
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  39.  29
    Consumer Protection Law in Ancient India.Pratibha Goyal, Mini Goyal & Shailja Goyal - 2013 - Journal of Human Values 19 (2):147-157.
    It is the primary duty of business to satisfy consumer by providing quality goods and services at right place, right time, in right quantity at a fair price. The need for consumer protection is recognized by law makers in India since ancient times. It was very well realized that a consumer is prone to exploitation on the part of providers of goods and services. Therefore, the ancient Indian law codes regulated not only social conditions but also the economic life of (...)
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  40. Le statut du végétal dans Fūdo de Watsuji.Quentin Hiernaux - 2017 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 2:159-177.
    Apres avoir introduit les concepts de base de Fūdo, je propose une interpretation du texte problematisee autour du statut de la vegetation. Il s’agira de montrer pourquoi et comment la place que tient la vegetation joue un role mediateur fondamental en tant que principe de premiere importance, y compris et surtout ici pour la vie humaine decrite par Watsuji. Ce faisant, l’objectif est double. D’une part, montrer, a la suite d’Augustin Berque, la coherence de la visee mesologique initiale de l’auteur (...)
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    Consumer protection and electronic commerce in the Sultanate of Oman.Rakesh Belwal, Rahima Al Shibli & Shweta Belwal - 2021 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 19 (1):38-60.
    PurposeWithin a larger mandate of reviewing the key global trends concerning consumer protection in the electronic commerce (e-commerce) literature, this study aims to study the legal framework concerning e-commerce and consumer protection in the Sultanate of Oman and to analyse the current regulations concerning e-commerce and consumer protection.Design/methodology/approachThis study followed the normative legal research approach and resorted to the desk research process to facilitate content analysis of literature containing consumer protection legislation and regulatory provisions in Oman in particular and the (...)
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    Protecting communities in health research from exploitation.Segun Gbadegesin & David Wendler - 2006 - Bioethics 20 (5):248-253.
    Guidelines for health research focus on protecting individual research subjects. It is also vital to protect the communities involved in health research. In particular, a number of studies have been criticized on the grounds that they exploited host communities. The present paper attempts to address these concerns by providing an analysis of community exploitation and, based on this analysis, determining what safeguards are needed to protect communities in health research against exploitation. (edited).
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    JUstice et psychiatrie : La construction d'un statut civil de protection de l'adulte.Thierry Fossier - 1996 - Médecine et Droit 1996 (21):11-15.
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    Protecting reasonable conscientious refusals in health care.Jason T. Eberl - 2019 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 40 (6):565-581.
    Recently, debate over whether health care providers should have a protected right to conscientiously refuse to offer legal health care services—such as abortion, elective sterilization, aid in dying, or treatments for transgender patients—has grown exponentially. I advance a modified compromise view that bases respect for claims of conscientious refusal to provide specific health care services on a publicly defensible rationale. This view requires health care providers who refuse such services to disclose their availability by other providers, as well as to (...)
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  45. A review of duty to protect statutes, cases, and procedures for positive practice. [REVIEW]G. Andrew H. Benjamin, Lea Kent & Skultip Sirikantraporn - 2009 - In James L. Werth, Elizabeth Reynolds Welfel & G. Andrew H. Benjamin, The Duty to Protect: Ethical, Legal, and Professional Considerations for Mental Health Professionals. American Psychological Association.
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    Protect us from ourselves: Balancing the parental instinct of saving.Lars Ursin & Janicke Syltern - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1282-1296.
    Background Neonatologists, legal experts and ethicists extensively discuss the ethical challenges of decision-making when a child is born at the limit of viability. The voices of parents are less heard in this discussion. In Norway, parents are actively shielded from the burden of decision-making responsibility. In an era of increasing patient autonomy, is this position still defendable? Research question In this article, we discuss the role of parents in neonatal decision-making, based on the following research question: Should parents decide (...)
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    Humanistic Management: Protecting Dignity and Promoting Well-Being.Michael Pirson - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    In a world facing multiple crises, our foundational institutions are failing to offer effective solutions. Drawing on the emerging consilience of knowledge, Michael Pirson debunks the fundamental yet outdated assumptions of human nature that guide twentieth-century management theory and practice - as captured in the 'economistic' paradigm - and instead provides an urgently needed conceptual and practical 'humanistic' framework, based on the protection of human dignity and the promotion of well-being. By outlining the science-based pillars of this innovative (...)
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    Remember Evil: Remaining Assumptions In Autonomy-based Accounts Of Conscience Protection.Bryan C. Pilkington - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (4):483-488.
    Discussions of the proper role of conscience and practitioner judgement within medicine have increased of late, and with good reason. The cost of allowing practitioners the space to exercise their best judgement and act according to their conscience is significant. Misuse of such protections carve out societal space in which abuse, discrimination, abandonment of patients, and simple malpractice might occur. These concerns are offered amid a backdrop of increased societal polarization and are about a profession which has historically fought (...)
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    Protecting the rights of Muslim women in Indonesian diaspora marriages in Russia: An Islamic Law Perspective.Mesraini Mesraini, Ida Novianti, Sadari Sadari & Suwito Suwito - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):9.
    This research focuses on the issue of human rights violations, particularly those affecting Muslim women in Indonesian diaspora marriages in Russia. Despite the regulations set by the Family Code of the Russian Federation, there have been reports of abuse, expulsion, withholding of documents and unilateral divorce. The purpose of this qualitative research using Smith’s phenomenological approach is to analyse the root causes of these violations and provide solutions. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation analysis. The results showed (...)
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    Protection Mechanism in Reliability Evaluation Approach to Multistate System with Common Cause Failure.Jinlei Qin, Zheng Li & Youchan Zhu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    Except the two types of state, complete failure and perfect functioning, some intermediate states also existed between those two states. This characteristic enables multistate system whose components are often of more than two states. Moreover, because of dependence between components, common cause failure enhances the failure risk of components during the operating period of MSS. A protection mechanism needs to be adopted because of the importance of certain components. For a MSS with CCF and protection mechanism, its reliability can be (...)
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