Results for 'Spirituality. Buddhism Zen. Daily Life. Religion. Espiritualidade. Zen Budismo. Cotidiano. Religiões.'

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  1.  38
    A espiritualidade zen budista (Zen Buddhist Spirituality) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2012v10n27p704.Faustino Luiz Couto Teixeira - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (27):704-727.
    The comparative study of mysticism and inter-religious spirituality has gained more space in universities and research centers that radiate everywhere. They are also research involving Eastern religions, in its peculiar mystical trait. Also in the context of Buddhism one can talk on spirituality, understood as a search path of liberation. This article presents the theme of Zen Buddhist spirituality based on the reflection of Eihei Dogen Zenji (1200 – 1253), one of the most important and prominent teachers of the (...)
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    Zen/Ch'an-Catholic Dialogue Explores the Path to Spiritual Maturation.Francis V. Tiso - 2008 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 28:145-148.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Zen/Ch’an-Catholic Dialogue Explores the Path to Spiritual MaturationFrancis V. TisoThe second in a four year series of dialogues between Catholics and Buddhists on the West Coast was held at Mercy Center, Burlingame, California, on the topic “Abiding in Christ; Taking Refuge in the Buddha: Then What?” The January 28–February 2, 2008, meeting was cochaired by Rev. Heng Sure of the Institute for World Religions, Berkeley, California, and John C. (...)
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    Song of trusting the heart: a classic Zen poem for daily meditation.Tamarack Song - 2011 - Boulder, Colo.: Sentient Publications. Edited by Jan Zaremba & Sengcan.
    Enlivening the spirit without overwhelming the mind, the poem Hsin-Hsin Ming, or Song of Trusting the Heart, was written in the sixth century by the third Zen patriarch of China. It is perhaps the most encompassing and profound statement of Zen awareness we have. A beautiful daily meditation guide, the book will become a year-round fixture in readers' lives. These haunting lyrics inspire a peaceful awakening that helps one see through attachments, judgments, and illusions.
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    Spiritually Bilingual: Buddhist Christians and the Process of Dual Religious Belonging.Jonathan Homrighausen - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:57-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Spiritually Bilingual:Buddhist Christians and the Process of Dual Religious BelongingJonathan HomrighausenSociologists studying convert Buddhism in America have found that a surprisingly large number of Buddhists also identify as Christian.1 However, little empirical literature examines these Buddhist-Christian “dual religious belongers.”2 This study aims to fill that gap. Based on extensive interviews with eight self-identified “Buddhist Christians” of varying levels of doctrinal and experiential understanding, this study examines the conversion (...)
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    The 1998 Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies.Peggy Starkey - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):175-177.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The 1998 Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian StudiesPeggy StarkeyThe annual meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies was held at the Walt Disney World Dolphin in Orlando, Florida, on Friday, November 20, and Saturday, November 21, 1998. The theme for this year’s sessions was “Ritual and Its Connection to Ethical Activity in the World.”The Friday afternoon panel, moderated by John Berthrong (Boston University), focused on Buddhist views. John (...)
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  6.  20
    Essential Chan Buddhism: the character and spirit of Chinese Zen.Jun Guo - 2013 - Rhinebeck, New York: Monkfish Book Publishing Company. Edited by Kenneth Wapner.
    Essential Chan Buddhism is the rare unearthing of an ancient and remarkable Chinese spiritual tradition. Master Guo Jun speaks through hard-won wisdom on Chan's spiritual themes familiar to Western readers, such as mindfulness and relaxation in meditation, as well as profound, simply expressed teachings and insightful explorations of religious commitment. Essential Chan Buddhism filters formal spiritual practices through the lens of mundane and everyday life activities. The work captures the lyrical beauty and incantatory style of Guo Jun's spoken (...)
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    No mud, no lotus: the art of transforming suffering.Nhất Hạnh - 2014 - Berkeley, California: Parallax Press.
    The secret to happiness is to acknowledge and transform suffering, not to run away from it. In No Mud, No Lotus, Thich Nhat Hanh offers practices and inspiration for transforming suffering and finding true joy. Thich Nhat Hanh acknowledges that because suffering can feel so bad, we try to run away from it or cover it up by consuming. We find something to eat or turn on the television. But unless we're able to face our suffering, we can't be present (...)
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  8.  24
    Fulfilling Mitzvot through the Practice of Lovingkindness and Wisdom.David J. Gilner - 2012 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 32:27-31.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Fulfilling Mitzvot through the Practice of Lovingkindness and WisdomDavid J. GilnerSince it has been more than forty years since I last wrote a paper in comparative religion, I have chosen not to attempt a scholarly paper. Rather, after a biographical sketch, I will discuss examples of Jewish texts that underpin my choice to pursue a path that includes practices drawn from the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, and explain (...)
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    Zen master raven: the teachings of a wise old bird.Robert Aitken - 2017 - Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications.
    A uniquely playful and incisive illustrated collection of Zen teaching stories from one of America's best-known and most-respected Zen masters. A Modern Classic. In the tradition of the great koan collections and the extensive records of ancient masters, Robert Aitken--one of America's best-known and most-respected Zen masters--distills a lifetime of teaching down to its essence. Intriguing, playful, and deceptively easy to read, Zen Master Raven is a brilliant encapsulation of Zen in over a hundred koan-like encounters--featuring curious beginners like Mallard (...)
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  10. At the Eleventh Hour: The Biography of Swami Rama. By Pandit Rajmani Tigu-nait, Ph. D. Honesdale, Pennsylvania: Himalayan Institute Press, 2002. Pp. 427. Hardcover $18.95. Awakening and Insight: Zen Buddhism and Psychotherapy. Edited by Polly Young-Eisendrath and Shoji Muramoto. Hove, England: Brunner-Routledge, 2002. [REVIEW]Dharma Bell, Dharan ı Pillar, Li Po’S. Buddhist Inscriptions By & Paul W. Kroll - 2003 - Philosophy East and West 53 (3):431-434.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Books ReceivedAt the Eleventh Hour: The Biography of Swami Rama. By Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph.D. Honesdale, Pennsylvania: Himalayan Institute Press, 2002. Pp. 427. Hardcover $18.95.Awakening and Insight: Zen Buddhism and Psychotherapy. Edited by Polly Young Eisendrath and Shoji Muramoto. Hove, England: Brunner-Routledge, 2002. Pp. xii + 275. Paper $24.95.Beyond Metaphysics Revisited: Krishnamurti and Western Philosophy. By J. Richard Wingerter. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 2002. Pp. vii (...)
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  11.  12
    Psychoanalysis and Zen Buddhism: a realizational perspective.Seiso Paul Cooper - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    In this book, Cooper brings together psychoanalysis and Zen Buddhism by offering a comprehensive and integrated model, described as "The Realizational Model", that is consistent with the core concepts of Soto Zen Buddhism and psychoanalytic practice. Focusing primarily on Soto Zen Buddhism as presented in the original writings of the Japanese scholar monk Eihei Dōgen (1200-1253), and supported and elaborated by relevant contemporary scholarship in relation to the writings of the British psychoanalyst, Wilfred Bion (1897-1979), this book (...)
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  12.  9
    The Zen of living and dying: a practical and spiritual guide.Philip Kapleau - 1998 - Boston: Shambhala. Edited by Philip Kapleau.
    To live life fully and die serenely--surely we all share these goals, so inextricably entwined. Yet a spiritual dimension is too often lacking in the attitudes, circumstances, and rites of death in modern society. Kapleau explores the subject of death and dying on a deeply personal level, interweaving the writings of Western religions with insights from his own Zen practice, and offers practical advice for the dying and their families.
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  13.  50
    A Espiritualidade Cética ou o Budismo Acidental de “O segredo do Bonzo” de Machado de Assis.Dilip Loundo & Teresinha Vânia Zimbrão da Silva - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (35):833-850.
    The objective of the present article is to support the idea that Machado de Assis’ work conforms well to what may be called a non-religious spirituality. For that, the article’s main focus is the analysis of the short story “O Segredo do Bonzo: Capítulo Inédito de Fernão Mendes Pinto”, published in 1882’s collection titled Papéis Avulsos, where the main principles of that spirituality, which is spread all over his work, are given in a nutshell. In a first moment, we analise (...)
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  14.  13
    Most intimate: a Zen approach to life's challenges.Pat Enkyo O'Hara - 2014 - Boston: Shambhala.
    The joy of intimacy--with yourself, with others, and with the whole universe. The long-awaited first book from a prominent modern American Zen teacher. For Roshi Pat Enkyo O'Hara, intimacy is what Zen practice is all about: the realization of the essential lack of distinction between self and other that inevitably leads to wisdom and compassionate action. She approaches the practice of intimacy beginning at its most basic level--the intimacy with ourselves that is the essential first step. She then shows how (...)
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  15.  9
    Ascesis, Gnosis, Praxis: La Sabiduría Religiosa frente al Mal.José Gómez Caffarena - 2001 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 57 (3):459 - 483.
    As religiões podem ser consideradas como sistemas simbólicos mediante os quais os seres humanos ao longo da sua história sempre procuraram encontrar sabedoria em ordem a enfrentar o mal Um olhar pela história das religiões oferece-nos dados que podem ser compreendidos a partir de três tipos ideais de atitude básica em relação ao problema: Ascese, Gnose, Praxis. O Budismo originário, o Maniqueísmo e a religião bí-blico-cristã são exemplificações disso mesmo. Mais do que uma opção pela exclusão, os membros da nossa (...)
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  16.  10
    Zen battles: modern commentary on the teachings of Master Linji.Nhá̂t Hạnh - 2013 - Berkeley, California: Parallax Press. Edited by Yixuan.
    One of the key tenets of the Zen school of Mahayana Buddhism is that each of us is already a Buddha -- our enlightenment is inherent within us and the practice of mindfulness is the tool to bring this truth to our awareness. While it can bring much relief, this simple statement does not preclude the need for practice. We must strive to be aware of our Buddha nature rather than waiting until times of emotional upheaval when it is (...)
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  17.  11
    Living the season: Zen practice for transformative times.Ji Hyang Padma - 2013 - Wheaton, Illinois: Quest Books, Theosophical Publishing House.
    As the Rig Vedas and Buddhist sutras foretell, as well as the Hopi and Mayan calendars, we are in the midst of complete transformation-ecologically, economically, politically, culturally. This graceful introduction offers creative safe passage through the sometimes overwhelming transition, drawing on ancient and contemporary spiritual practices particularly useful for these times. The endings we experience are always the beginning of something else. Hence author Ji Hyang Padma organizes teachings around the four seasons. In living connected to natural rhythms-the stillness of (...)
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  18.  5
    Zen confidential: confessions of a wayward monk.Shozan Jack Haubner - 2013 - Boston: Shambhala.
    A screenwriter and stand-up comic’s hilarious and profound account of his journey into Zen monkhood—featuring a foreword by Leonard Cohen Shozan Jack Haubner is the David Sedaris of Zen Buddhism: a brilliant humorist and analyst of human foibles, whose hilarity is informed by the profound insights that have dawned on him—as he's stumbled and fallen into spirituall practice. Raised in a truly strange family of Mel-Gibson-esque Catholic extremists, he went on to study philosophy (becoming very un-Catholic in the process) (...)
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  19.  73
    La música en el desarrollo de la espiritualidad y la religiosidad. Una aproximación al Cristianismo y al Budismo.Ana María Gutiérrez - 2015 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 20:91-110.
    La música puede afectar al individuo en todos sus niveles –físico, mental y espiritual–. El presente artículo se centra en el papel que ésta desempeña en el desarrollo de la vida espiritual y trascendental. Para ello, realizaremos un repaso histórico de su evolución estética y social, abordaremos dicho fenómeno a nivel fisiológico y presentaremos sus aplicaciones clínicas y sociales. Seguidamente y a modo de ejemplo de las concepciones de pensamiento occidental y oriental, trataremos la forma en que el cristianismo y (...)
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  20.  12
    The everything essential Buddhism book: a guide to the fundamental beliefs and traditions of Buddhism, past and present.Arnold Kozak - 2015 - Avon, Massachusetts: Adams Media. Edited by Arnold Kozak.
    Your concise guide to Buddhism, mindfulness, and meditation! The Everything Essential Buddhism Book is your beginner's guide to the Buddhist principles of nonviolence, mindfulness, and self-awareness. Learn about the deceptively simple truths of this enigmatic religion, including: The life of Buddha and his continuing influence throughout the world; Buddha's teachings and the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism; The Noble Eightfold Path and how it should guide you; What the Sutras say about education, marriage, sex, and death; The (...)
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  21.  28
    The Silent Dialogue: Zen Letters to a Trappist Monk, and: Zen Spirit, Christian Spirit: The Place of Zen in Christian Life (review).Susan Ji-on Postal - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):263-265.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 263-265 [Access article in PDF] Book Review The Silent Dialogue: Zen Letters to a Trappist Monk Zen Spirit, Christian Spirit: The Place of Zen in Christian Life The Silent Dialogue: Zen Letters to a Trappist Monk. By David G. Hackett. New York: Continuum, 1996. 157 pp. Zen Spirit, Christian Spirit: The Place of Zen in Christian Life. By Robert E. Kennedy. New York: Continuum, 1997. (...)
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  22.  45
    The Gethsemani Encounter: A Dialogue on the Spiritual Life by Buddhist and Christian Monastics (review).David G. Hackett - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):232-235.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Gethsemani Encounter: A Dialogue on the Spiritual Life by Buddhist and Christian MonasticsDavid G. HackettThe Gethsemani Encounter: A Dialogue on the Spiritual Life by Buddhist and Christian Monastics. Edited by Donald W. Mitchell and James Wiseman, O.S.B. New York: Continuum, 1997. 306 pp.Ever since the landmark meeting of Thomas Merton and the Dalai Lama in 1968, the Christian and Buddhist contemplative communities have been building toward the kind (...)
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  23.  13
    Great doubt: practicing Zen in the world. Yuanlai - 2016 - Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications. Edited by Jeff Shore & Yuanlai.
    Learn to face and overcome the pitfalls of Zen practice--self-indulgence, suppression, speculation, asceticism--with this first complete translation of a Zen classic. "In Zen practice, the essential point is to arouse doubt. What is this doubt? When you are born, for example, where do you come from? You cannot help but remain in doubt about this. When you die, where do you go? Again, you cannot help but remain in doubt. Since you cannot pierce this barrier of life and death, suddenly (...)
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  24.  13
    Language in Zen Enlightenment.Dale S. Wright - 2016 - In Dale Stuart Wright (ed.), What is Buddhist Enlightenment? Oxford University Press USA.
    “Language in Zen Enlightenment” considers the role language might play in the experience of enlightenment. Building on the Zen claims that enlightenment is “not dependent on language and culture” and that enlightenment is a “pure experience” of “things as they are” prior to the shaping effect of language, this chapter takes the perspective of contemporary philosophy and linguistic psychology in order to assess the two primary Western interpretations of the relation between language and Zen enlightenment. To articulate an alternative understanding (...)
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  25.  21
    The original Buddhist psychology: what the Abhidharma tells us about how we think, feel, and experience life.Beth Jacobs - 2017 - Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books.
    Drawing on decades of experience, a psychotherapist and Zen practitioner makes the Abhidharma--the original psychological system of Buddhism--accessible to a general audience for the first time. The Abhidharma, one of the three major text collections of the original Buddhist canon, explores the critical juncture of Buddhist thought and the therapeutic aspects of the religion and meditation. It frames the psychological system of Buddhism, explaining the workings of reality and the nature of the human mind. Composed of detailed matrixes (...)
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  26.  13
    Evolving dharma: meditation, Buddhism, and the next generation of enlightenment.Jay Michaelson - 2013 - Berkeley, California: Evolver Editions.
    Evolving Dharma is a next-generation book about meditation, Buddhism, and the contemplative path. It explores how the dharma (the path, the way, the teachings of the Buddha) has evolved in astonishing ways and how dharma practice evolves in one's own life. Instead of approaching the dharma as spirituality, therapy, or self-help, scholar and practicing Buddhist Jay Michaelson presents it as a set of technologies for upgrading the brain, for physically enhancing its capacity for wisdom and compassion. In the last (...)
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  27.  10
    Ten breaths to happiness: touching life in its fullness.Glen Schneider - 2013 - Berkeley, California: Parallax Press.
    Happiness is far more than a positive feeling that comes and goes, happiness is wired into the physiology of our brains. It is a skill we can all develop through cultivating mindfulness and concentration. In Ten Breaths to Happiness Schneider presents a series of simple practices and guided meditations that allow you to literally rewire your neural pathways to experience deeper and more lasting fulfillment and peace. Studies in neuroscience show that it takes about thirty seconds to build a new (...)
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  28.  6
    Zen War Stories.Brian Victoria - 2003 - Routledge.
    Following the critically acclaimed _Zen at War_, Brian Victoria explores the intimate relationship between Japanese institutional Buddhism and militarism during the Second World War. Victoria reveals for the first time, through examination of the wartime writings of the Japanese military itself, that the Zen school's view of life and death was deliberately incorporated into the military's programme of 'spiritual education' in order to develop a fanatical military spirit in both soldiers and civilians. Furthermore, that D. T. Suzuki, the most (...)
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  29. Yoga in daily life spirituality, religion and world peace.Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar - 2006 - In Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī, Intaj Malek & Sunanda Y. Shastri (eds.), In quest of peace: Indian culture shows the path. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. pp. 1--24.
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  30.  41
    Living Zen, Loving God (review). [REVIEW]Robert Edgar Carter - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (2):343-345.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Living Zen, Loving GodRobert E. CarterLiving Zen, Loving God. By Ruben L. F. Habito. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2004. Pp. xxi + 129.At a time when one hears all too often of the irreconcilable differences between religions, it is a relief and a delight to read the words of someone who has gleaned much from Christianity (as a Jesuit priest) and from Zen Buddhism (as a practitioner (...)
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  31.  47
    El Estado y la Religión en las sociedades industrializadas y de innovación y cambio (The State and Religion in industrialized societies and also of innovation and change) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2010v8n19p9. [REVIEW]Marià Corbí - 2010 - Horizonte 8 (19):9-20.
    Resumen En sociedades preindustriales con estado, la religión como sistema de creencias que era simultáneamente sistema de programación colectiva y modo de expresar y vivir la dimensión absoluta de la realidad, el estado necesitaba de la religión y la religión del estado. La industrialización, las sociedades de innovación y cambio, y la subsiguiente democratización, han roto ese pacto y dependencia mutua. En las nuevas sociedades industriales, las religiones no podrán ofrecer sistemas de creencias con la pretensión de que se conviertan (...)
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  32.  15
    Journeys of Transformation: Searching for No-Self in Western Buddhist Travel Narratives.John D. Barbour - 2022 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Western Buddhist travel narratives are autobiographical accounts of a journey to a Buddhist culture. Dozens of such narratives have since the 1970s describe treks in Tibet, periods of residence in a Zen monastery, pilgrimages to Buddhist sites and teachers, and other Asian odysseys. The best known of these works is Peter Matthiessen's The Snow Leopard; further reflections emerge from thirty writers including John Blofeld, Jan Van de Wetering, Thomas Merton, Oliver Statler, Robert Thurman, Gretel Ehrlich, and Bill Porter. The Buddhist (...)
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  33.  60
    Desvendando a religião e as religiões mundiais em Max Weber (Revealing religion and the world religions in Max Weber) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2009v7n14p136. [REVIEW]Arilson Silva Oliveira - 2009 - Horizonte 7 (14):136-155.
    Apresentamos Max Weber como um dos sociólogos e historiadores mais importantes dentre aqueles que se dedicaram ao estudo do fenômeno religioso. Na verdade, é possível afirmar que a análise da religião compreende um dos aspectos mais fundamentais de sua obra sócio-histórica. De modo geral, esse tema aparece em seus textos de duas maneiras diferentes, quais sejam: enquanto um objeto analisado em sua singularidade e enquanto uma manifestação social que influencia de maneira significativa os demais aspectos da vida comunitária. Aqui, observamos (...)
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  34.  5
    Preparing to die: practical advice and spiritual wisdom from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.Andrew Holecek - 2013 - Boston: Snow Lion.
    We all face death, but how many of us are actually ready for it? Whether our own death or that of a loved one comes first, how prepared are we, spiritually or practically? In Preparing to Die, Andrew Holecek presents a wide array of resources to help the reader address this unfinished business. Part One shows how to prepare one's mind and how to help others, before, during, and after death. The author explains how spiritual preparation for death can completely (...)
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  35.  46
    Zen War Stories (review).Steven Heine - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (2):345-347.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Zen War StoriesSteven HeineZen War Stories. By Brian Daizen Victoria. London and New York: Routledge-Curzon, 2003. Pp. xviii + 268. Hardcover $124.95. Paper $34.95.Brian Daizen Victoria's Zen War Stories, following his highly acclaimed but also highly provocative Zen at War (Weatherhill, 1997), continues his withering attack on the embracing of wartime ideology by leading Zen masters and practitioners in Japan. Victoria seeks to show that the attitude characteristic (...)
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    Seeking Emancipation through Engagement: One Nichiren Buddhistis Approach to Practice.Bill Aiken - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):35-37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 35-37 [Access article in PDF] Seeking Emancipation through Engagement:One Nichiren Buddhist's Approach to Practice Bill Aiken SGI-USA I was born and raised Roman Catholic, which meant attending Catholic schools, first in the local parish schools and later at a private academy in suburban Philadelphia. As a child I was serious about my religion. I served as an altar boy and had serious thoughts about becoming (...)
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    Thich Nhat Hanh's Interpretation of the Dharma as a Viable Spirituality in a Secular Age.Julius-Kei Kato - 2024 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 44 (1):137-154.
    abstract: This study will propose that Thich Nhat Hanh's (TNH) teaching possesses a powerful capability to propose a viable wisdom path/spirituality to people in today's secularized world, particularly, those who self-identify as SBNR (Spiritual but not Religious), "Dones" (given up on religion), or "Nones" (no religious affiliation). This capability stems principally from TNH's stated commitment to renew and refresh Buddhism by making it simple and practical in daily life while disavowing inordinate attachment to any doctrine, ideology, or teaching, (...)
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    Zen Gifts to Christians (review).Katherine M. Pickar - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):183-186.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 183-186 [Access article in PDF] Zen Gifts to Christians. By Robert Kennedy. New York: Continuum, 2000. 131 pp. Though Robert Kennedy's recent book Zen Gifts to Christians (2000) is intended for Christian readers who may be "temperamentally inclined" (i) to learn about Zen to spiritually augment their lives, it also succeeds as a work that defines the Western Buddhist community and as an introductory text (...)
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    (1 other version)Buddhist-Christian Dialogue and Comparative Scripture: Minzu University October 11, 2014.Thomas Cattoi - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:211-212.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Dialogue:Moving ForwardThomas Cattoi (bio) and Carol S. Anderson (bio)The San Francisco Bay Area is an interesting location in which to ponder Buddhist-Christian relations. The website lists more than a hundred institutions affiliated with Buddhist organizations—a density higher than in the Beijing metropolitan area. Some of these centers have a clearly ethnic and denominational character, serving a predominantly immigrant population. Some, like many of the Tibetan organizations, function (...)
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    Racionalidade e Credibilidade da Religiosidade Monoteísta.Reiner Wimmer - 2006 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 62 (2/4):739 - 761.
    O ponto de partida do presente artigo consiste na afirmação de que as religiões originárias do Próximo Oriente - Judaísmo, Cristianismo, e Islamismo - contêm em si mesmas inconsistências práticas e teóricas. Mais ainda, o autor afirma que estas religiões estão em contradição umas com as outras no que diz respeito a aspectos teológicos essenciais, para além de que entre elas existe um passado de guerra e de conflito. Ora estas são precisamente as razões pelas quais o autor considera que (...)
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    Soaring and Settling: Buddhist Perspectives on Contemporary Social and Religious Issues (review).Grace G. Burford - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):135-138.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 63-67 [Access article in PDF] A Buddhist Reflects (Practices Reflection) on Some Christians' Reflections on Buddhist Practices Grace Burford Prescott College A tourist lost in New York City asks of a passerby, "How do I get to Carnegie Hall?"The musically inclined informant replies, "Practice, practice, practice!" Often people who have just heard I am a college professor with a specialty in Buddhism ask me (...)
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  42.  35
    The Logic of Enlightenment.Dave S. Henley - 2015 - Iff Books.
    This work proposes a logical analysis for the kind of knowledge or insight provided by Buddhist enlightenment, which is often presented only in the form of contradictions and riddles. The comprehension of contradictions is perplexing to most western logic, and yet developed here is a theory demonstrating how a non truth-functional interpretation can be attached to certain naturalistic contradictions. In this way, the logical and psychological status of Enlightenment can be analysed in a manner consistent with the claims of much (...)
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  43.  27
    Comparing Eckhartian and Zen Mysticism.Jijimon Alakkalam Joseph - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:91-110.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Comparing Eckhartian and Zen1 Mysticism2Jijimon Alakkalam JosephMeister Eckhart (ca. 1260–1328?), often referred to as “the man from whom God hid nothing,” is one of the great Christian theologians and philosophers of all time. But it is as a mystic that Eckhart is generally known. So any serious study of mysticism, in our times, cannot overlook this Dominican whose birth, childhood, and death remain obscure to this day.3 About the (...)
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  44.  30
    Merton and Buddhism: Wisdom, Emptiness and Everyday Mind (review).Kristin Johnston Largen - 2010 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 30:218-221.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Merton and Buddhism: Wisdom, Emptiness and Everyday MindKristin Johnston LargenMerton and Buddhism: Wisdom, Emptiness and Everyday Mind. Edited by Bonnie Bowman Thurston. Louisville, KY: Fons Vitae, 2007. 271 pp.This particular book—Merton and Buddhism—is the fourth in a series that seeks to study world religions “through the lens of Thomas Merton’s life and writing” (p. viii). The first three volumes in the series are Merton and (...)
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  45. Spirituality and the Good Life: Philosophical Approaches.David McPherson - 2017 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This book presents a broad philosophical study of the nature of spirituality and its relationship to human well-being, addressing an area of contemporary philosophy that has been largely underexplored. David McPherson brings together a team of scholars to examine the importance of specific spiritual practices and spiritually informed virtues for 'the good life'. This volume also considers and exemplifies how philosophy itself, when undertaken as a humanistic rather than scientistic enterprise, can be a spiritual exercise and part of a spiritual (...)
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    A Buddhist Reflects (Practices Reflection) on Some Christians' Reflections on Buddhist Practices.Grace G. Burford - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):63-67.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 63-67 [Access article in PDF] A Buddhist Reflects (Practices Reflection) on Some Christians' Reflections on Buddhist Practices Grace Burford Prescott College A tourist lost in New York City asks of a passerby, "How do I get to Carnegie Hall?"The musically inclined informant replies, "Practice, practice, practice!" Often people who have just heard I am a college professor with a specialty in Buddhism ask me (...)
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    Buddhism and Christianity: The Meeting Place.Stephen Morris - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):19-34.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhism and Christianity: The Meeting PlaceStephen MorrisUnquestionably one of the most intriguing documents unearthed in that explosive discovery at Nag Hammadi fifty years ago is The Gospel According to Thomas. It is exciting on many levels, and for Christians it constitutes both a boon and a challenge.As a ‘sayings collection,’ Thomas purports to offer us the oral teachings of Jesus. Thus it is a godsend not only for (...)
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    Masao Abe's Early Spiritual Journey and his Later Philosophy.Donald W. Mitchell - 2008 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 28:107-110.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Masao Abe’s Early Spiritual Journey and his Later PhilosophyDonald W. MitchellMasao Abe was born in 1915 in Osaka, Japan. He was the third of six children, and his father was a physician. His mother was the only person in the family who practiced religion, namely, Jōdo Shinshū or Shin Buddhism. As a university student, Abe attended what is now Osaka Municipal University, where he studied economics and law. (...)
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  49.  11
    Not one single thing: a commentary on the Platform sūtra.Shodo Harada - 2018 - Somerville, MA: Wisdom. Edited by Priscilla Daichi Storandt & Jane Lago.
    Explore the seminal Platform Sutra, with one of the greatest living Zen masters as a guide. A lodestone of Zen Buddhism, the Platform Sutra presents the life, work, and wisdom of Eno, or Huineng, the fascinating and much-loved seventh-century Sixth Patriarch of Chinese Zen. An illiterate woodcutter who famously attained enlightenment after only hearing a single line of a sutra, and who went on to decisively upstage senior monks with a poem that demonstrated the depth and clarity of his (...)
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  50.  18
    The Life and Writings of Edmond Pezet (1923–2008).Pierre Gillet & Jonathan A. Seitz - 2014 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 34:195-198.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Life and Writings of Edmond Pezet (1923–2008)Pierre Gillet and Jonathan A. SeitzIn the context of Buddhist-Christian dialogue in Thailand, the life and writings of Fr. Edmond Pezet (1923–2008) are remarkable. He lived among the poor and in a Buddhist monastery, and he also experienced the eremitic life in the forest. According to the Indian Zen master Ama Samy, “Pezet gained an intimate experience and knowledge of Buddhism (...)
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