Results for 'Sphoṭa-vāda '

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    Sabdabrahma Siddhanta, popularized by Patanjali and Bhartruhari will be scientifically analyzed. Sphota Vada, proposed and nurtured by the Sanskrit grammarians will be interpreted from modern physics and communication engineering points of view. Insight about the theory of language and modes of language acquisition and communication available in the Brahma Kanda of Vakyapadeeyam will be translated into modern computational terms. A flowchart of language processing in humans will be given. A gross model of human language acquisition, comprehension and communication process forming (...)
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  2. A first look at the pornography/civil rights ordinance: Could pornography be the subordination of women?Melinda Vadas - 1987 - Journal of Philosophy 84 (9):487-511.
  3. Affective and nonaffective desire.Melinda Vadas - 1984 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 45 (December):273-80.
  4. Reply to Patrick Hopkins.Melinda Vadas - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (2):159 - 161.
    Patrick Hopkins has claimed that SM is compatible with feminist principles. I argue that his account relies on both mistaken analogies and an untenable account of the allegedly changed meaning of SM scenes.
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  5. The Pornography/Civil Rights Ordinance v. The BOG: And the Winner Is…?Melinda Vadas - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (3):94-109.
    The Supreme Court dismissed the Pornography/Civil Rights Ordinance as an unconstitutional restriction of speech. The Court's dismissal itself violates the free speech of the proposers of the Ordinance. It is not possible for both pornographers to perform the speech act of making pornography and feminists to perform the speech act of proposing the Ordinance. I show that the speech act of proposing the Ordinance takes First Amendment precedence over the speech act of making pornography.
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  6. The manufacture-for-use of pornography and women's inequality.Melinda Vadas - 2005 - Journal of Political Philosophy 13 (2):174–193.
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    Why Be Authentic?Melinda Vadas - 1989 - Idealistic Studies 19 (1):16-27.
    It is a commonplace of long standing that one should be “authentic” or—in expressions which may have an approximately similar meaning—that one should be “true to oneself” or that one should “lead a life of one’s own”. Duty and morality aside, this command to be “authentic” leads the prudentially-minded reader to ask, “Why? Why should I be authentic, or true to myself, or lead a life of my own? Will I, of necessity, be horribly unhappy if I am not authentic? (...)
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    Experimental evidence for mixed reality states.Alfred Hubler & Vadas Gintautas - 2008 - Complexity 13 (6):7-10.
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  9. Ḍô. Sarvepallī Rādhākr̥shaṇan evaṃ ārshadr̥ashṭṭatva: ārsha darśana, eka anuśīlana.Priyaṃvadā Sinhā - 2012 - Vārāṇasī: Kalā evaṃ Dharma Śodha Saṃsthāna, Kalā Prakāśana. Edited by Pīyūsha Priyaṃvada.
    Study of the philosophy of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Indian philosopher and fundamentals of Hindu philosophy.
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    Vāda: An Analysis into its Origin, Traditions and Essence.Meenu Aggarwal Gupta, Kamalpreet Kaur & Mohit Vasdev - 2022 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):43-64.
    Vāda, the classical name for the act of discussion/debate in the Indian tradition, forms the basis of every conversation undertaken to reach correct knowledge. The paper explores the Indian tradition of Vāda and its subcategories with the intention of highlighting the all-encompassing and holistic nature of this Indian tool of cultural studies in both theory and praxis. It checks into its evolution through contemporary times, wherein it has lost its essence to accommodate the corrupted interests of modern individuals as well (...)
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    Paśyantī, Pratibhā, Sphoţa and Jāti: Ontology and Epistemology in the Vākyapadīya.Evgeniya Desnitskaya - 2016 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 44 (2):325-335.
    Eli Franco has recently suggested to distinguish the two main periods in the history of Indian philosophy, i.e. the older ontological and the new epistemological. In the Vākyapadīya, however, ontology and epistemology are evidently intertwined and interrelated. In this paper ontological and epistemological features of the concepts of paśyantī, pratibhā, sphoţa and jāti are analyzed in order to demonstrate that all these concepts, while being ontologically different, are engaged in similar epistemological processes, i.e. the cognition of a verbal utterance. Thus (...)
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  12. The sphota of language and the experience of sabdatattva.Sebastian Alackapally - 2010 - Journal of Dharma 35 (3):203-214.
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    Sphota Theory of Language.Harold G. Coward - 1982 - Philosophy East and West 32 (2):226-228.
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  14. Anekanta-Vada: A Complementarity of One and Many.Drsc Goswami - 2001 - In Haripriya Rangarajan, G. Kamalakar, A. K. V. S. Reddy, M. Veerender & K. Venkatachalam (eds.), Jainism: art, architecture, literature & philosophy. Delhi: Sharada Pub. House. pp. 48.
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    The Sphoṭa Theory of Language. A Philosophical AnalysisThe Sphota Theory of Language. A Philosophical Analysis.Rosane Rocher & Harold G. Coward - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (4):673.
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    The sphota theory of language: a philosophical analysis.Harold G. Coward - 1980 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
    According to Bhartrhari, these are the three levels of language through which ... necessarily identified with language, since these levels of language, ...
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    Vākyapadīya: Sphoṭa, Jāti and Dravya.Sharda Narayanan - 2012 - D.K. Printworld.
    Study on the philosophy of Sanskrit grammar in Vākyapadīya of Bhartr̥hari.
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  18. The Sphota Doctrine of Bhartrhari.R. Pathiraj - 1995 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 22 (1):67-74.
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  19. Vadāntasāra of Bhagavad Rāmānuja. Rāmānuja - 1979 - Wheaton, Ill.: Agents, Theosophical Pub. House. Edited by V. Krishnamacharya, Narasimha Ayyangar & B. M..
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    From Anekānta-vāda to Sarva-tantra-sva-tantra: Pluralism About Views and Philosophical Systems.Dimitry Shevchenko - 2024 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 52 (4):403-422.
    This article discusses the unique practice of many philosophers in classical India to write on several philosophical and religious systems, each time adopting a sympathetic point of view for a different tradition. The article describes the development of this phenomenon in the context of interreligious debates between Buddhists, Jains, and Brahmins in the course of three distinct historical periods, transitioning from pluralism about views to pluralism about philosophical systems and culminating in the ideal of _sarva-tantra-sva-tantra_, a polyvocal philosopher and a (...)
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  21. Advaita Critique of the Sphota and Sabdabrahman.T. Manninezhath - 1992 - Journal of Dharma 17 (3):178-195.
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  22. Bauddha Vijnana Vada.P. T. Raju - 1958 - Akhil Bharatiya Darsana Parishada.
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  23. Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita on sphoṭa.Johannes Bronkhorst - 2005 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 33 (1).
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    TEISĖS TEORIJOS ĮVADAS: Vadovėlis.Linas Baublys - 2012 - Vilnius: MES. Edited by Egidijus Jarašiūnas.
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  25. Logikos įvadas.Romanas Plečkaitis - 1968 - Vilnius,: "Mintis,".
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    Correction: From Anekānta-vāda to Sarva-tantra-sva-tantra: Pluralism About Views and Philosophical Systems.Dimitry Shevchenko - 2024 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 52 (5):723-724.
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  27. Meaning and Semantic Power: Glimpses of the Philosophy of Śakti-Vāda.Plamen Gradinarov - 1992 - In Maksim Stamenov (ed.), Current advances in semantic theory. Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 73--183.
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  28. Pŭrvata indiĭska filosofska doktrina za bitieto--Sat-Vada.Kŭncho Kŭnev - 1976
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  29. Paramārthacintāmaṇi: iḍiya viśvada tiruḷannu gottupaḍisuva mananakrama.Satchidanandendra Saraswati - 2014 - Hoḷenarasīpura: Ādhyātma Prakāśa Kāryalaya.
    Indepth analization of three states of Consciousness in spiritual life.
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    Kundakunda and Umasvati on Anekanta-vada.Jayandra Soni - 2003 - In Piotr Balcerowicz (ed.), Essays in Jaina philosophy and religion. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers. pp. 20--25.
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  31. A Critical Study on the Understanding of Pratltyasamutpada-vada in Korea and Japan.Kyoung-Joon Park - 2003 - In Siddheswar Rameshwar Bhatt (ed.), Buddhist thought and culture in India and Korea. New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research. pp. 56.
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  32. Does the Snake Really Exist in the Rope?: An Exposition of the Advaita Vada's view on Error.Arup Sarma - 2011 - Philosophy Pathways 164.
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    The Argumentative Value of Āgamic Quotations in the Sphoṭasiddhi by Bharata Miśra.Alexis Pinchard - 2011 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 39 (4-5):461-477.
    In a rare book published in Trivandrum (1927), entitled Sphoṭasiddhiḥ Bharatamiśrapranītā , we find an interesting argument in defense of sphoṭa -theory, based on āgamic quotations, especially RV X, 71, 4 (the stanza where the poet describes his own activity in perceiving the essence of Speech as like a beloved woman naked). The main idea is that the numerous word sphoṭas , as an atemporal multiplicity, free from any sensuous quality, were the objects of the Ṛṣis’ primordial intuition. So the (...)
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    The shift from agonistic to non-agonistic debate in early nyāya.Hugh Nicholson - 2010 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 38 (1):75-95.
    This article examines the emergence of the Nyāya distinction between vāda and jalpa as didactic-scientific and agonistic-sophistical forms of debate, respectively. Looking at the relevant sutras in Gautama’s Nyāya-sūtra (NS 1.2.1-3) in light of the earlier discussion of the types of debate in Caraka Saṃhitā 8, the article argues that certain ambiguities and obscurities in the former text can be explained on the hypothesis that the early Nyāya presupposed an agonistic understanding of vāda similar to what we find in Caraka.
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    Reconstructing Hindu-Buddhist Dialogue on the Self Through the Lens of Jaina Non-Absolutism.Emma Irwin-Herzog - 2023 - Journal of World Philosophies 8 (1).
    _Contemporary discussions of self and consciousness have for some time incorporated Hindu-Buddhist dialogue on the existence and nature of self (Ram-Prasad 2012). The ideal of responsibly_ _incorporating this dialogue raises an interpretive dilemma: on the one hand, we should eschew the simplistic picture of a “sterile contest” in which all Hindu schools are committed to the doctrine of the self (ātmavāda) and all Buddhists are invariantly committed to denying its existence (2012: 3). To treat Hindu ātmavādins as monolithically opposed to (...)
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    Syncretism in Hindu Thoughts Embodied in Ādiśeṣa’s Paramārta-sāra. 박효엽 - 2022 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 101:85-115.
    기원후 7세기경에 아디셰샤가 쓴????빠라마르타 사라????(이하, PS)는 제설혼합주의의 표본 에 해당하는????바가바드 기따????를 계승하면서도 독자적인 특징을 가지는 제설혼합주의를 제 시한 문헌이다. 20세기 초반부터 21세기 초반까지 상당수의 연구자들은 PS의 사상적 정 체성을 제설혼합주의와 관련하여 다양하게 검토했고, 그 결과 PS는 대체로 ‘상크야, 아 드바이따 베단따, 베다-아베다 베단따, 바이슈나바 유신론’이라는 4가지 힌두교 사상들 의 일부나 전부가 혼합된 문헌으로 간주되었다. PS의 연구자들은 거의 예외 없이 4가지 사상들 가운데 어느 하나가 중심이 되는 ‘단일 중심적 제설혼합주의’의 견지에서 PS를 분석했다. 그러나 PS의 시대에 애당초 제설혼합 주의가 하나의 장르로서 존재했고 (...)
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    Gerhard Oberhammer. Introduction to “Pakṣilasvāmin’s Introduction to his Nyāyabhāṣyam”.Л. И Титлин - 2023 - History of Philosophy 28 (2):117-139.
    The publication is a commented translation and study of the work “Pakṣilasvāmin’s Introduction to his Nyāyabhāṣyam” by a prominent Austrian indologist and intercultural philosopher G.R.F. Oberhammer. The author examines the background of Oberhammer’s research, gives a brief information about the school of Nyāya and focuses on how Oberhammer demonstrates the history of Nyāya and its becoming aware of itself as a philosophical system based on the short text of Pakṣilasvāmin (Vātsyāyana) introduction to his Nyāyabhāṣyam. In his article, Oberhammer answers the (...)
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    Simulation and the Reproduction of Injustice: A Reply.Patrick D. Hopkins - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (2):162 - 170.
    Melinda Vadas rejects my claim that there are morally relevant differences between simulations of unjust events and actual unjust events on the ground that I overlook the connection between simulations and that which they simulate. I argue that this purported moral connection can only be understood as either the result of a necessary psychological disposition or as a "magical," metaphysical attachment, neither of which is defensible or satisfactory.
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    Innovation in Seventeenth Century Grammatical Philosophy: Appearance or Reality? [REVIEW]Johannes Bronkhorst - 2008 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 36 (5-6):543-550.
    This paper argues that the grammarians Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita and Kauṇḍa Bhaṭṭa did innovate in the realm of grammatical philosophy, without however admitting or perhaps even knowing it. Their most important innovation is the reinterpretation of the sphoṭa. For reasons linked to new developments in sentence interpretation (śābdabodha), in their hands the sphoṭa became a semantic rather that an ontological entity.
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    Non-dualism: Vedāntic and Āgamic (Advaita as Expounded by Śaṅkara and Abhinavagupta).Haramohan Mishra & Godabarisha Mishra - 2021 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 38 (2):137-154.
    AbstractŚaṅkara’s Brahma-advaita-vāda and Abhinavagupta’s Śiva-advaita-vāda are well-known non-dualistic systems in Indian philosophy.1In Advaitavedānta, Brahman-Ātman is the sole reality, and there is unanimity about the fact that all the Upaniṣads speak of an attribute-less non-dual reality that is consciousness, existence and bliss. In Trika, Paramaśiva is the only reality with the nature of sat, cit and ānanda.2 This non-dual reality is self-luminous (sva-prakaśa) in both the schools. Both the schools, in different ways, accept the world as an appearance. In Advaitavedānta, the (...)
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  41. There's nothing wrong with raw perception: A response to Chakrabarti's attack on nyāya's "nirvikalpaka pratyakṣa".Stephen H. Phillips - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (1):104-113.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:There's Nothing Wrong with Raw Perception:A Response to Chakrabarti's Attack on Nyāya's Nirvikalpaka PratyakṣaStephen H. PhillipsIn the lead article of the fiftieth anniversary issue of Philosophy East and West (January 2000), Arindam Chakrabarti elaborates seven reasons why Nyāya should jettison "indeterminate perception" and view all perception as determinate, that is to say, as having an entity (a) as qualified by a qualifier (F) as object (Fa). In his notes, (...)
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    Śaṅkara, Tillich, and Abhinavagupta's Use of “God” as a Peircean Index to the Ground of Being and Depths of Nature.Greylyn Robert Hydinger - 2024 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 45 (2):60-83.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Śaṅkara, Tillich, and Abhinavagupta’s Use of “God” as a Peircean Index to the Ground of Being and Depths of NatureGreylyn Robert Hydinger (bio)I. IntroductionThis article argues that the sign “God” can function as a Peircean index to, not an icon of, the ground of being or depth dimension of existence. The ground and any generic traits of existence that the ground grounds would be the content of the symbol, (...)
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    The comprehensive nature of information and insight available in the Upanishads, the Indian philosophical systems like the Advaita Philosophy, Sabdabrahma Siddhanta, Sphota Vaada and the Shaddarsanas, in relation to the idea of human consciousness, mind and its functions, cognitive science and scheme of human cognition and communication are presented. All this is highlighted with vivid classification of conscious-, cognitive-, functional- states of mind; by differentiating cognition as a combination of cognitive agent, cognizing element, cognized element; formation; form and structure of (...)
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  44. Desiring the Hidden God: Knowledge Without Belief.Julian Perlmutter - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 8 (4):51--64.
    For many people, the phenomenon of divine hiddenness is so total that it is far from clear to them that God exists at all. Reasonably enough, they therefore do not believe that God exists. Yet it is possible, whilst lacking belief in God’s reality, nonetheless to see it as a possibility that is both realistic and attractive; and in this situation, one will likely want to be open to the considerable benefits that would be available if God were real. In (...)
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  45. L'illusione di una filosofia specializzata [The Illusion of a Specialized P hilosophy].Carlo Cellucci - 2002 - In Marcello D'Agostino, Giulio Giorello & Salvatore Veca (eds.), Logica e politica. Per Marco Mondadori. Mondadori.
    Secondo un recente bilancio della filosofia del Novecento di Rossi e Viano, nel nostro secolo «il successo maggiore è toccato alle dottrine filosofiche che si sono proposte di offrire alternative alla conoscenza tecnico-scientifica e che sostengono la possibilità di alleggerire i vincoli che il sapere positivo porrebbe al modo di pensare e ai progetti di azione»2. Tali dottrine prospettano un ritorno all’antica metafisica, a cui «si ricorre non come a una forma di sapere sistematico, bensì come alla testimonianza di una (...)
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    Word and sentence meaning of early mimamsa.Л. Г Роман - 2024 - Philosophy Journal 17 (1):123-136.
    A correlation between Indian linguaphilosophy and Western philosophy of language is possible with regard to the question of meaning – one of the main issues of any linguo-philosophical teaching. The Indian philosophical tradition, represented by orthodox schools, the main of which is the so-called mīmāṃsā, was guided by the authority of sa­cred scripture – the Vedas, and through critical argumentation was engaged in under­standing and interpreting their content, and therefore unique linguo-philosophical ideas were formed. This work presents the ideas of (...)
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    Ekonominių ir religinių veiksnių įtaka postmaterialistinių vertybių sklaidai pirmojoje pokomunistinėje kartoje: lyginamoji 24 šalių analizė.Laura Daukšaitė - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (4 Special).
    Šiame straipsnyje pirmosios pokomunistinės kartos (gim. 1991–2000) vertybių analizei 24-iose pokomunistinėse šalyse pasitelkiama Ronaldo Ingleharto materialistinių-postmaterialistinių vertybių kaitos teorija. 1990–1993 m., 1999–2004 m., 2008– 2014 m. ir 2017–2022 m. bangų Pasaulio ir Europos vertybių tyrimų duomenų analizė leidžia daryti išvadas, kad daugumoje pokomunistinių šalių postmaterialistinės vertybės pirmojoje pokomunistinėje kartoje, palyginti su vyresnėmis kartomis, sustiprėjo. Tokia tendencija ypač ryški ekonomiškai stipriose pokomunistinėse šalyse, tačiau matoma ir ekonomiškai nepasiturinčiose. Tik šešiose šalyse fiksuotas statistiškai reikšmingas ryšys tarp religijos svarbos žmogaus gyvenime ir materialistinių-postmaterialistinių (...)
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    Senso, significati e orizzonte storico dell'apertura del mondo nella riflessione heideggeriana.Chiara Agnello - 2012 - Giornale di Metafisica 2.
    L’abbandono heideggeriano dell’atteggiamento teoreticistico è condotto a partire dalla centralità dell’esperienza significativa propria dell’esserci in quanto storico. La critica alla problematica filosofica dell’a-priori è condotta proprio in nome dell’idea che l’origine dei significati vada ricercata nella storicità dell’esserci. Significatività del mondo e temporalità dell’esserci, come due facce della stessa medaglia, caratterizzano la trascendenza dell’esserci quale apertura alle possibilità del progettare, in un modo che differisce radicalmente dal soggettivismo trascendentale e dall’ipotesi di a-priori conoscitivi e valoriali. Il saggio segue un tale (...)
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    Anthology of Kumārilabhaṭṭa's works.Kumārila Bhaṭṭa - 1980 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. Edited by Kumārila Bhaṭṭa & Peri Sarveswara Sharma.
    The present work is an anthology of Kumarila Bhatta's works the Slokavarttika and the tantravarttika which deal with such subjects as the nature of the Atman the nature of the Dharma the nature of the Sabda the self Validity of the veda the concept of Sphota the nature of the svarga, generality, Individuality, negation, sunyata, Vijnanavada, Apohavada etc. according to Mimamsa shcool. A reader can derive a fair knowledge of the tenets of the Mimamsakas on different subjects. Besides the author (...)
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  50. Essere parziali promuove il sapere?Roberto Di Ceglie - 2023 - Gregorianum 104 (4):759-773.
    È possibile che, perlomeno in alcuni casi, la parzialità in epistemologia vada promossa? Per ‘parzialità epistemica’ intendiamo la volontà di non venire meno alle proprie tesi anche laddove sembrasse che esse siano contraddette dall’evidenza. Tale parzialità ovviamente contraddice quanto è invece solitamente dato per scontato, ossia la disposizione – che chiamiamo ‘imparzialità epistemica’ – ad accettare qualsivoglia tesi, non importa se irriconciliabile con le proprie opinioni, purché essa sia adeguatamente supportata dall’evidenza. Qui si intende argomentare che, sulla scia di Tommaso (...)
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