Results for 'Spatial associations'

984 found
  1.  38
    Spatial Association and Explanation of China’s Digital Financial Inclusion Development Based on the Network Analysis Method.Xiaojie Liu, Jiannan Zhu, Jianfeng Guo & Changnan Cui - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    As an essential direction for developing inclusive finance, digital financial inclusion breaks through the time and space constraints of inclusive finance development and has extensive connections between different regions. However, no research has modelled the network connections and the role and position of different digital financial inclusion development regions. This study constructed the spatial association network of China’s digital financial inclusion development and used the network analysis method and the quadratic assignment procedure method to study the structural and locational (...)
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  2.  15
    Early is left and up: Saccadic responses reveal horizontal and vertical spatial associations of serial order in working memory.Matthias Hartmann, Corinna S. Martarelli & Nils R. Sommer - 2021 - Cognition 217 (C):104908.
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  3.  47
    From Innate Spatial Biases to Enculturated Spatial Cognition: The Case of Spatial Associations in Number and Other Sequences.Koleen McCrink & Maria Dolores de Hevia - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  4.  35
    Spatial–Numerical and Ordinal Positional Associations Coexist in Parallel.Stefan Huber, Elise Klein, Korbinian Moeller & Klaus Willmes - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  5.  14
    Linear Spatial–Numeric Associations Aid Memory for Single Numbers.John Opfer, Dan Kim, Christopher J. Young & Francesca Marciani - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Memory for numbers improves with age. One source of this improvement may be learning linear spatial-numeric associations, but previous evidence for this hypothesis likely confounded memory span with quality of numerical magnitude representations and failed to distinguish spatial-numeric mappings from other numeric abilities, such as counting or number word-cardinality mapping. To obviate the influence of memory span on numerical memory, we examined 39 3- to 5-year-olds’ ability to recall one spontaneously produced number (1-20) after a delay, and (...)
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    Spatial Framing, Existing Associations and Climate Change Beliefs.Adrian BrÜGger & Nicholas F. Pidgeon - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (5):559-584.
    Tailoring climate change messages to a particular spatial scale (e.g. a specific country or region) is often seen as an effective way to frame communication about climate change. Yet the empirical evidence for the effectiveness of this strategy is scarce, and little is known about how recipients react to spatially-framed climate change messages. To learn more about the effects and usefulness of different spatial frames as a communication and engagement tool, we conducted a study in which we presented (...)
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    Deconstructing spatial-numerical associations.Samuel Shaki & Martin H. Fischer - 2018 - Cognition 175 (C):109-113.
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  8.  66
    From Association to Gestalt: The Fate of Hermann Lotze's Theory of Spatial Perception, 1846-1920.William Woodward - 1978 - Isis 69 (4):572-582.
    A MAJOR PHILOSOPHICAL INTERPRETER of Kant and critic of Herbart and Hegel, Hermann Lotze ( 1817-1881) is known to historians of psychology primarily for his theory of spatial perception.' As Professor of Philosophy at Gottingen University from 1845 to 1880, he published his theory of the physiological mechanism for spatial consciousness no less than six times.2 Standard accounts present his local sign theory as an associationistic, empiricistic, or empiristic view.3 Yet they also mention its influence among nativists such (...)
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    Spatial Presentations, but Not Response Formats Influence Spatial-Numerical Associations in Adults.Ursula Fischer, Stefan Huber, Hans-Christoph Nuerk, Ulrike Cress & Korbinian Moeller - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Dissociated Spatial-Arithmetic Associations in Horizontal and Vertical Dimensions.Liu Dixiu, Verguts Tom, Li Mengjin, Ling Zekai & Chen Qi - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Why spatial-numeric associations aren't evidence for a mental number line.David H. Landy, Erin L. Jones & John E. Hummel - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky (eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 357--362.
  12.  21
    Spatial-Numerical Associations Enhance the Short-Term Memorization of Digit Locations.Catherine Thevenot, Jasinta Dewi, Pamela B. Lavenex & Jeanne Bagnoud - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Spatial-numerical associations of manual response codes are strongly asymmetrical.Melanie Richter & Peter Wühr - 2023 - Cognition 238 (C):105538.
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    Spatial Skills Associated With Block-Building Complexity in Preschoolers.Xiaoxia Zhang, Chuansheng Chen, Tao Yang & Xiaohui Xu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Block building is a popular play activity among young children and is also used by psychologists to assess their intelligence. However, little research has attempted to systematically explore the cognitive bases of block-building ability. The current study (N= 66 Chinese preschoolers, 32 boys and 34 girls; mean age = 4.7 years, SD = 0.29, range = 3.4 to 5.2 years) investigated the relationships between six measures of spatial skills (shape naming, shape recognition, shape composition, solid figure naming, cube transformation, (...)
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  15.  30
    An effect of spatial–temporal association of response codes: Understanding the cognitive representations of time.Antonino Vallesi, Malcolm A. Binns & Tim Shallice - 2008 - Cognition 107 (2):501-527.
  16.  78
    Numbers are associated with different types of spatial information depending on the task.Jean-Philippe van Dijck, Wim Gevers & Wim Fias - 2009 - Cognition 113 (2):248-253.
  17.  78
    (1 other version)Spatial numerical associations in preschoolers.Catherine Thevenot, Michel Fayol & Pierre Barrouillet - 2017 - Thinking and Reasoning 24 (2):221-233.
    Three-to-five-year-old French children were asked to add or remove objects to or from linear displays. The hypothesis of a universal tendency to represent increasing number magnitudes from left to right led to predict a majority of manipulations at the right end of the rows, whatever children's hand laterality. Conversely, if numbers are not inherently associated with space, children were expected to favour laterality-consistent manipulations. The results showed a strong tendency to operate on the right end of the rows in right-handers, (...)
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  18.  23
    The Spatial Learning Task of Lhermitte and Signoret (1972): Normative Data in Adults Aged 18–45.Alana Collins, Michael M. Saling, Sarah J. Wilson, Graeme D. Jackson & Chris Tailby - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:860982.
    ObjectiveThe Spatial Learning Task of Lhermitte and Signoret is an object-location arbitrary associative learning task. The task was originally developed to evaluate adults with severe amnesia. It is currently used in populations where the memory system either is not yet fully developed or where it has been compromised (e.g. epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, electroconvulsive therapy, cerebrovascular disease and dementia). Normative data have been published for paediatric cohorts and for older adults, however no data exist for the intervening adult years.MethodHere, (...)
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  19.  45
    Experimental Evidence From Newborn Chicks Enriches Our Knowledge on Human Spatial–Numerical Associations.Rosa Rugani, Giorgio Vallortigara, Konstantinos Priftis & Lucia Regolin - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (8):2275-2279.
    Núñez and Fias raised concerns on whether our results demonstrate a linear number-space mapping. Patro and Nuerk urge caution on the use of animal models to understand the origin of the orientation of spatial–numerical association. Here, we discuss why both objections are unfounded.
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    Spatial Representations Elicit Dual‐Coding Effects in Mental Imagery.Michelle Verges & Sean Duffy - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (6):1157-1172.
    Spatial aspects of words are associated with their canonical locations in the real world. Yet little research has tested whether spatial associations denoted in language comprehension generalize to their corresponding images. We directly tested the spatial aspects of mental imagery in picture and word processing (Experiment 1). We also tested whether spatial representations of motion words produce similar perceptual-interference effects as demonstrated by object words (Experiment 2). Findings revealed that words denoting an upward spatial (...)
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  21.  36
    Learning Linear Spatial-Numeric Associations Improves Accuracy of Memory for Numbers.Clarissa A. Thompson & John E. Opfer - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  22.  35
    Cross-Domain Associations Between Motor Ability, Independent Exploration, and Large-Scale Spatial Navigation; Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Williams Syndrome, and Typical Development.Emily K. Farran, Aislinn Bowler, Annette Karmiloff-Smith, Hana D’Souza, Leighanne Mayall & Elisabeth L. Hill - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  23.  19
    A purely power-space association without spatial and strategic biases.Xin Li & Yun Pan - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 85:103016.
  24.  32
    Finger counting habit and spatial–numerical association in children and adults.Marco Fabbri & Annalisa Guarini - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 40:45-53.
  25.  10
    Introversion and High Spatial Ability Is Associated With Origami Proficiency.Mitsuhiko Hanada - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study examined the relationship between origami performance, personality traits, and spatial ability. The researchers asked 43 Japanese university students to fold three models of origami. Their performance was assessed by the number of successes in correctly folding the paper to make the models. They also answered the personality inventory NEO-FFI and completed the block-design test of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale IV, which measures the spatial ability of people. The results showed that although origami performance demonstrated no (...)
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  26.  39
    A working memory account for spatial–numerical associations.Jean-Philippe van Dijck & Wim Fias - 2011 - Cognition 119 (1):114-119.
  27.  72
    Spatial Language of Young Children During Block Play in Kindergartens in Urban China.Xiaoli Yang & Yuejuan Pan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Spatial language is an important predictor of spatial skills and might be inspired by peer interaction and goal-oriented building behaviors during block play. The present study investigated the frequency, type and level of children’s spatial language during block play and their associations with the level of block play by observing 228 young children in classrooms equipped with unit blocks and allowing free play on a daily basis. The findings showed that during block play, young children used (...)
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  28.  28
    Spatial and Linguistic Aspects of Visual Imagery in Sentence Comprehension.Benjamin K. Bergen, Shane Lindsay, Teenie Matlock & Srini Narayanan - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (5):733-764.
    There is mounting evidence that language comprehension involves the activation of mental imagery of the content of utterances (; ; ; ; ; ; ). This imagery can have motor or perceptual content. Three main questions about the process remain under‐explored, however. First, are lexical associations with perception or motion sufficient to yield mental simulation, or is the integration of lexical semantics into larger structures, like sentences, necessary? Second, what linguistic elements (e.g., verbs, nouns, etc.) trigger mental simulations? Third, (...)
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  29.  21
    The Impact of Coding Levels of Magnitude and of Spatial-Direction on the Spatial–Numerical Association of Response Codes Effect of Negative Numbers.Xiaojin Zeng, Jian Zhang, Longnong Dai & Yun Pan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Whether negative numbers have a fixed spatial–numerical association of response codes effect, and whether the spatial representation of negative numbers is associated with negative numbers’ absolute or signed values remains controversial. In this study, through three experiments, the coding level of the magnitude and the spatial-direction is manipulated. In the first experiment, participants are required to code the magnitude and spatial-direction explicitly by using a magnitude classification task. In the second experiment, participants are forced to code (...)
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  30.  22
    Learned Spatial Schemas and Prospective Hippocampal Activity Support Navigation After One-Shot Learning.Marlieke T. R. van Kesteren, Thackery I. Brown & Anthony D. Wagner - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:373355.
    Prior knowledge structures (or schemas) confer multiple behavioral benefits. First, when we encounter information that fits with prior knowledge structures, this information is generally better learned and remembered. Second, prior knowledge can support prospective planning. In humans, memory enhancements related to prior knowledge have been suggested to be supported, in part, by computations in prefrontal and medial temporal lobe cortex. Moreover, animal studies further implicate a role for the hippocampus in schema-based facilitation and in the emergence of prospective planning signals (...)
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  31.  18
    Listening Costs Associated With Shifts In Auditory Spatial Attention.Lin Gaven & Carlile Simon - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  32.  61
    The spatial coordinates of pain.W. J. Holly - 1986 - Philosophical Quarterly 36 (July):343-356.
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  33.  19
    Reconstructing the origins of the space-number association: spatial and number-magnitude codes must be used jointly to elicit spatially organised mental number lines.Mario Pinto, Michele Pellegrino, Fabio Marson, Stefano Lasaponara & Fabrizio Doricchi - 2019 - Cognition 190 (C):143-156.
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  34.  44
    Where is the chocolate? Rapid spatial orienting toward stimuli associated with primary rewards.Eva Pool, Tobias Brosch, Sylvain Delplanque & David Sander - 2014 - Cognition 130 (3):348-359.
  35.  35
    Limitations of Trans‐Species Inferences: The Case of Spatial‐Numerical Associations in Chicks and Humans.Katarzyna Patro & Hans-Christoph Nuerk - 2017 - Cognitive Science:2267-2274.
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    Spatial Indexicals.Andreas Stokke - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (4):1179-1198.
    This paper offers a theory of spatial indexicals like _here_ and _there_ on which such expressions are variables associated with presuppositional constraints on their values. I show how this view handles both referential and bound uses of these indexicals, and I propose an account of what counts as the location of the context on a given occasion. The latter is seen to explain a wide range of facts about what the spatial indexicals can refer to.
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  37.  55
    Spatial analysis of the aptitude to late maternity on the island of sardinia.Stefania Tentoni, Antonella Lisa, Ornella Fiorani, Rosa Maria Lipsi, Graziella Caselli & Paola Astolfi - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (3):257-272.
    SummaryThis study examines local heterogeneity in the aptitude of Sardinian mothers towards late reproduction, and explores its temporal persistence and association with both post-reproductive longevity and propensity to consanguineous marriage. Data on women's fertility from 1961 and birth records for 1980–1996 from Vital Statistics were analysed by means of the following indicators: the incidence of old mothers at last childbirth, female mortality at 80 years of age and over and the proportion of consanguineous marriages. A variable kernel-smoothing method was used (...)
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  38.  14
    Multimodal Sensory-Spatial Integration and Retrieval of Trained Motor Patterns for Body Coordination in Musicians and Dancers.Aija Marie Ladda, Sarah B. Wallwork & Martin Lotze - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Dancers and musicians are experts in spatial and temporal processing which allows them to coordinate movement with music. This high-level processing has been associated with structural and functional adaptation of the brain for high performance sensorimotor integration. For these integration processes, adaptation does not only take place in primary and secondary sensory and motor areas but tertiary brain areas, such as the lateral prefrontal cortex (lPFC) and the intraparietal sulcus (IPS), also provide vital resources for highly specialized performance. Here, (...)
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  39.  24
    Spatial Analysis and Social Spaces: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Interpretation of Prehistoric and Historic Built Environments.Silvia Polla, Undine Lieberwirth & Eleftheria Paliou (eds.) - 2014 - De Gruyter.
    In recent years a range of formal methods of spatial analysis have been developed for the study of human engagement, experience and socialisation within the built environment. This volume brings together contributions from a number of specialists in archaeology, social theory, architecture, and urban planning, who explore the theoretical and methodological frameworks associated with the application of established and novel spatial analysis methods in prehistoric and historic built environments. The authors discuss the relationship between space and social life (...)
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    Is Emotional Magnitude Spatialized? A Further Investigation.Kevin J. Holmes, Candelaria Alcat & Stella F. Lourenco - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (4):e12727.
    Accumulating evidence suggests that different magnitudes (e.g., number, size, and duration) are spatialized in the mind according to a common left–right metric, consistent with a generalized system for representing magnitude. A previous study conducted by two of us (Holmes & Lourenco, ) provided evidence that this metric extends to the processing of emotional magnitude, or the intensity of emotion expressed in faces. Recently, however, Pitt and Casasanto () showed that the earlier effects may have been driven by a left–right mapping (...)
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  41.  24
    Spatializing Emotion: No Evidence for a Domain‐General Magnitude System.Benjamin Pitt & Daniel Casasanto - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (7):2150-2180.
    People implicitly associate different emotions with different locations in left-right space. Which aspects of emotion do they spatialize, and why? Across many studies people spatialize emotional valence, mapping positive emotions onto their dominant side of space and negative emotions onto their non-dominant side, consistent with theories of metaphorical mental representation. Yet other results suggest a conflicting mapping of emotional intensity (a.k.a., emotional magnitude), according to which people associate more intense emotions with the right and less intense emotions with the left (...)
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  42. "Creeping Spatiality": The Location of Nous in Plotinus' Universe. Wilberding - 2005 - Phronesis 50 (4):315-334.
    There is a well-known tension in Plotinus' thought regarding the location of the intelligible region. He appears to make three mutually incompatible claims about it: (1) it is everywhere; (2) it is nowhere; and (3) it borders on the heavens, where the third claim is associated with Plotinus' affection for cosmic religion. Traditionally, although scholars have found a reasonable way to make sense of the compatibility of the first two claims, they have sought to relieve the tension generated by (3) (...)
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  43.  27
    Attachment Dimensions and Spatial Navigation in Female College Students: The Role of Comfort With Closeness and Confidence in Others.Nuno Barbosa Rocha, Andreia Lemos, Carlos Campos, Susana Rocha, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Sérgio Machado & Eric Murillo-Rodriguez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Altered attachment characteristics may disturb the HPA and can even cause changes in the hippocampus. However, it is unknown if that will influence spatial navigation performance, learning and recalling. In this study we pretend to verify if there are differences in spatial navigation learning and was associated with attachment style dimensions of anxiety and close-depend. Sixty-five female participants were recruited and were evaluated using the Adult Attachment Scale-R and tested on a virtual maze navigation task (VMT) at one (...)
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  44.  56
    How space-number associations may be created in preliterate children: six distinct mechanisms.Hans-Christoph Nuerk, Katarzyna Patro, Ulrike Cress, Ulrike Schild, Claudia K. Friedrich & Silke M. Göbel - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:126810.
    The directionality of space-number association (SNA) is shaped by cultural experiences. It usually follows the culturally dominant reading direction. Smaller numbers are generally associated with the starting side for reading (left side in Western cultures), while larger numbers are associated with the right endpoint side. However, SNAs consistent with cultural reading directions are present before children can actually read and write. Therefore, these SNAs cannot only be shaped by the direction of children’s own reading/writing behavior. We propose six distinct processes (...)
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  45.  42
    Disentangling Spatial Metaphors for Time Using Non-spatial Responses and Auditory Stimuli.Esther J. Walker, Benjamin K. Bergen & Rafael Núñez - 2014 - Metaphor and Symbol 29 (4):316-327.
    While we often talk about time using spatial terms, experimental investigation of space-time associations has focused primarily on the space in front of the participant. This has had two consequences: the disregard of the space behind the participant and the creation of potential task demands produced by spatialized manual button-presses. We introduce and test a new paradigm that uses auditory stimuli and vocal responses to address these issues. Participants made temporal judgments about deictic or sequential relationships presented auditorily (...)
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  46. (Re)framing Spatiality as a Socio-cultural Paradigm: Examining the Iranian Housing Culture and Processes.Lakshmi Rajendran, Fariba Molki, Sara Mahdizadeh & Asma Mehan - 2021 - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism 45 (1):95-105.
    With rapid changes in urban living today, peoples’ behavioural patterns and spatial practices undergo a constant process of adaptation and negotiation. Using “house” as a laboratory and everyday life and spatial relations of residents as a framework of analysis, the paper examines the spatial planning concepts in traditional and contemporary Iranian architecture and the associated socio-cultural practices. Discussions are drawn upon from a pilot study conducted in the city of Kerman, to investigate ways in which contemporary housing (...)
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  47.  43
    Embodied Space‐pitch Associations are Shaped by Language.Judith Holler, Linda Drijvers, Afrooz Rafiee & Asifa Majid - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (2):e13083.
    Height-pitch associations are claimed to be universal and independent of language, but this claim remains controversial. The present study sheds new light on this debate with a multimodal analysis of individual sound and melody descriptions obtained in an interactive communication paradigm with speakers of Dutch and Farsi. The findings reveal that, in contrast to Dutch speakers, Farsi speakers do not use a height-pitch metaphor consistently in speech. Both Dutch and Farsi speakers’ co-speech gestures did reveal a mapping of higher (...)
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  48. Spatial Form in Literature: Toward a General Theory.W. J. T. Mitchell - 1980 - Critical Inquiry 6 (3):539-567.
    Although the notion of spatiality has always lurked in the background of discussions of literary form, the self-conscious use of the term as a critical concept is generally traced to Joseph Frank's seminal essay of 1945, "Spatial Form in Modern Literature."1 Frank's basic argument is that modernist literary works are "spatial" insofar as they replace history and narrative sequence with a sense of mythic simultaneity and disrupt the normal continuities of English prose with disjunctive syntactic arrangements. This argument (...)
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    Language learning environment: Spatial perspectives on SLA.Fang Wang, Jun Zhang & Zaibo Long - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:958104.
    The book consists of 6 chapters. Chapter One explains the reason why SLA researchers should study the language learning environment in space: population movements associated with internal and external migration and social mobility such as the circuits of commodity production and distribution create much space, in which language learning environment become diverse and uneven. With the spatial perspective, we can fully understand the interactions between language learners and the world or environments.In Chapter Two, by introducing the brief history of (...)
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    Spatialities and scents: Chemical and cultural dialogues.Luisa Paraguai - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 9 (2-3):171-179.
    Smell can be understood as a cultural phenomenon, historically signified, enforcing social structures or transgressing them, creating social bonds – empowering or disempowering people. The perception of smell consists not only of the sensation of the odours themselves, but of the experiences and emotions associated with them. Odours, unlike colours, for instance, cannot be named, only described; in the realm of olfaction, we must make do with descriptions, analogies and recollections. It is an elusive phenomenon. From natural environments to urban (...)
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