Results for 'Sophie Møller'

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  1.  37
    Sophie Grace Chappell : Intuition, Theory, and Anti-Theory in Ethics: Oxford: Oxford University Press. 978-0-19-871322-7. 230 pp. Hardback. Index.Niklas Möller - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (2):559-561.
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    Micro/macro viability analysis of individual-based models: Investigation into the viability of a stylized agricultural cooperative.Sophie Martin, Isabelle Alvarez & Jean-Daniel Kant - 2016 - Complexity 21 (2):276-296.
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    Regarding `Regarding the `Hole Argument''.Tushar Menon, Thomas Moller-Nielsen & James Read - unknown
    In his paper, ‘Regarding the ‘Hole Argument”, Weatherall suggests that models of general relativity related by a hole diffeomorphism must be regarded as being physically equivalent. At a later stage in the paper, however, he also argues that there is a sense in which two such models may be regarded as being empirically distinct—a fortiori physically distinct. We attempt to delineate the logic behind these two prima facie contradictory claims. We argue that the latter sense rests upon a misunderstanding of (...)
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    Focus meets motivation: When regulatory focus aligns with approach/avoidance motivation in creative processes.Christina Mühlberger, Paul Endrejat, Julius Möller, Daniel Herrmann, Simone Kauffeld & Eva Jonas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    According to Regulatory Focus Theory, two systems determine our strategies to pursue goals – the promotion and the prevention system. Individuals with a dominant promotion system focus on achieving gains, i.e., promoters, and individuals with a dominant prevention system focus on avoiding losses, i.e., preventers. Regulatory Fit Theory suggests that a fit between this focus and the situation causes superior performance and makes individuals feel right. We transfer the fit idea to the interaction of dominant regulatory focus with motivational direction. (...)
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  5. Distinctively political normativity in political theory.Eva Erman & Niklas Möller - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (6):e12835.
    Philosophy Compass, Volume 17, Issue 6, June 2022.
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    Distinctively Political Normativity in Political Realism: Unattractive or Redundant.Eva Erman & Niklas Möller - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (3):433-447.
    Political realists’ rejection of the so-called ‘ethics first’ approach of political moralists, has raised concerns about their own source of normativity. Some realists have responded to such concerns by theorizing a distinctively political normativity. According to this view, politics is seen as an autonomous, independent domain with its own evaluative standards. Therefore, it is in this source, rather than in some moral values ‘outside’ of this domain, that normative justification should be sought when theorizing justice, democracy, political legitimacy, and the (...)
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    A World of Possibilities: The Place of Feasibility in Political Theory.Eva Erman & Niklas Möller - 2020 - Res Publica 26:1-23.
    Although the discussion about feasibility in political theory is still in its infancy, some important progress has been made in the last years to advance our understanding. In this paper, we intend to make a contribution to this growing literature by investigating the proper place of feasibility considerations in political theory. A motivating force behind this study is a suspicion that many presumptions made about feasibility in several current debates—such as that between practice-independence and practice-dependence, ideal and non-ideal theory, and (...)
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  8. Three Failed Charges against Ideal Theory.Eva Erman & Niklas Möller - 2013 - Social Theory and Practice 39 (1):19-44.
    An intensified discussion on the role of normative ideals has re-emerged in several debates in political philosophy. What is often referred to as “ideal theory,” represented by liberal egalitarians such as John Rawls, is under attack from those that stress that political philosophy at large should take much more seriously the nonideal circumstances consisting of relations of domination and power under which normative ideals, principles, and ideas are supposed to be applied. While the debate so far has mainly been preoccupied (...)
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  9. Practices and Principles: On the Methodological Turn in Political Theory.Eva Erman & Niklas Möller - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (8):533-546.
    The question of what role social and political practices should play in the justification of normative principles has received renewed attention in post-millennium political philosophy. Several current debates express dissatisfaction with the methodology adopted in mainstream political theory, taking the form of a criticism of so-called ‘ideal theory’ from ‘non-ideal’ theory, of ‘practice-independent’ theory from ‘practice-dependent’ theory, and of ‘political moralism’ from ‘political realism’. While the problem of action-guidance lies at the heart of these concerns, the critics also share a (...)
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  10.  43
    The Problem of Political Normativity Understood as Functional Normativity.Eva Erman & Niklas Möller - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Research.
    In recent years, some political realists have argued that there is a “distinctively political normativity” which should be used when construing and justifying political theories. Among realists focusing on a distinctively political normativity, one can identify two approaches. On the “moral view,” it is explicitly acknowledged that moral norms have a role to play in political normativity. On the “non-moral view,” distinctively political normativity is understood in terms of a non-moral kind of practical normativity. The non-moral view has received severe (...)
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  11. Political Legitimacy in the Real Normative World: The Priority of Morality and the Autonomy of the Political.Eva Erman & Niklas Möller - 2015 - British Journal of Political Science 45 (1):215-233.
  12. Why Political Realists Should Not Be Afraid of Moral Values.Eva Erman & Niklas Möller - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Research 40:459-464.
    In a previous article, we unpacked the so-called “ethics first premise”—the idea that ethics is “prior” to politics when theorizing political legitimacy— that is denied by political realists. We defended a “justificatory” reading of this premise, according to which political justification is irreducibly moral in the sense that moral values are among the values that ground political legitimacy. We called this the “necessity thesis.” In this paper we respond to two challenges that Robert Jubb and Enzo Rossi raise against our (...)
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  13. La société juste. Égalité et différence, coll. « Cursus ».Sophie Guérard de Latour, David D. Raphael, Guy Samama & Jerome B. Schneewind - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (2):261-263.
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  14. ‘Forty acres and a mule’ for women: Rawls and feminism.Susan Moller Okin - 2005 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 4 (2):233-248.
    This article assesses the development of Rawls’s thinking in response to a generation of feminist critique. Two principle criticisms are sustainable throughout his work: first, that the family, as a basic institution of society, must be subject to the principles of justice if its members are to be free and equal members of society; and, second, that without such social and political equality, justice as fairness is as meaningful to women as the unrealized promise of ‘Forty acres and a mule’ (...)
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  15.  51
    Implicit trust in clinical decision-making by multidisciplinary teams.Sophie van Baalen & Annamaria Carusi - 2019 - Synthese 196 (11):4469-4492.
    In clinical practice, decision-making is not performed by individual knowers but by an assemblage of people and instruments in which no one member has full access to every piece of evidence. This is due to decision making teams consisting of members with different kinds of expertise, as well as to organisational and time constraints. This raises important questions for the epistemology of medicine, which is inherently social in this kind of setting, and implies epistemic dependence on others. Trust in these (...)
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    What distinguishes the practice-dependent approach to justice?Eva Erman & Niklas Möller - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (1):3-23.
    The practice-dependent approach to justice has received a lot of attention in post-millennium political philosophy. It has been developed in different directions and its normative implications have been criticized, but little attention has been directed to the very distinction between practice-dependence and practice-independence and the question of what theoretically differentiates a practice-dependent account from mainstream practice-independent accounts. The core premises of the practice-dependent approach, proponents argue, are meta-normative and methodological. A key feature is the presumption that a concept of justice (...)
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    Making All the Difference.Jean Bethke Elshtain, Susan Moller Okin & Martha Minow - 1992 - Hastings Center Report 22 (1):47.
    Book reviewed in this article: Justice, Gender, and the Family. By Susan Moller Okin. Making All the Difference. By Martha Minow.
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  18. Brandom and Political Philosophy.Eva Erman & Niklas Möller - 2014 - Journal of Political Philosophy 22 (4):486-498.
  19.  45
    What is distinctive of political normativity? From domain view to role view.Eva Erman & Niklas Möller - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (3):289-308.
    In the last couple of years, increased attention has been directed at the question of whether there is such a thing as a distinctively political normativity. With few exceptions, this question has so far only been explored by political realists. However, the discussion about a distinctively political normativity raises methodological and meta-theoretical questions of general importance for political theory. Although the terminology varies, it is a widely distributed phenomenon within political theory to rely on a normative source which is said (...)
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  20.  45
    What is so special about smell? Olfaction as a model system in neurobiology.Ann-Sophie Barwich - 2015 - Postgraduate Medical Journal 92:27-33.
    Neurobiology studies mechanisms of cell signalling. A key question is how cells recognise specific signals. In this context, olfaction has become an important experimental system over the past 25 years. The olfactory system responds to an array of structurally diverse stimuli. The discovery of the olfactory receptors (ORs), recognising these stimuli, established the olfactory pathway as part of a greater group of signalling mechanisms mediated by G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). GPCRs are the largest protein family in the mammalian genome and involved (...)
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  21.  39
    Neural correlates of the effects of morphological family frequency and family size: an MEG study.Liina Pylkkänen, Sophie Feintuch, Emily Hopkins & Alec Marantz - 2004 - Cognition 91 (3):B35-B45.
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    Exploring the role of identification and moral disengagement in the enjoyment of an antihero television series.Arthur A. Raney & Sophie H. Janicke - 2015 - Communications 40 (4):485-495.
    Affective disposition theory explains well the process of enjoying hero narratives but not the appeal of narratives featuring antiheroes. Recent antihero studies suggest that character identification and moral disengagement might be important factors in the enjoyment of such fare. The current study builds on this work. A sample of 101 self-identified fans and nonfans of the television series 24 viewed a condensed version of Season 1, providing evaluation of various protagonist perceptions, moral judgments, and emotional responses to the narrative, as (...)
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  23. Does Normative Behaviourism Offer an Alternative Methodology in Political Theory?Eva Erman & Niklas Möller - 2023 - Political Studies Review (3):454-461.
    Does Normative Behaviourism Offer an Alternative Methodology in Political Theory?
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    Does musical enrichment enhance the neural coding of syllables? Neuroscientific interventions and the importance of behavioral data.Samuel Evans, Sophie Meekings, Helen E. Nuttall, Kyle M. Jasmin, Dana Boebinger, Patti Adank & Sophie K. Scott - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  25.  43
    Asymmetric Switch Costs in Numeral Naming and Number Word Reading: Implications for Models of Bilingual Language Production.Michael G. Reynolds, Sophie Schlöffel & Francesca Peressotti - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Le point de vue du clinicien-expert judiciaire face aux infections nosocomiales.Fabrice Pierre, Roland Quentin & Sophie Marchand - 1995 - Médecine et Droit 1995 (11):5-7.
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    Political Legitimacy and the Unreliability of Language.Eva Erman & Niklas Möller - 2016 - Public Reason 8 (1-2).
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    Fiction in Science? Exploring the Reality of Theoretical Entities.Ann-Sophie Barwich - 2014 - In Guido Bonino, Greg Jesson & Javier Cumpa, Defending Realism: Ontological and Epistemological Investigations. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 291-310.
    This paper revisits the concept of fiction employed in recent debates about the reality of theoretical entities in the philosophy of science. From an anti-realist perspective the dependence of evidence for some scientific entities on mediated forms of observation and modelling strategies reflects a degree of construction that is argued to closely resemble fiction. As a realist’s response to this debate, this paper provides an analysis of fictional entities in comparison to real ones. I argue that the distinction between fictional (...)
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    Ideal and actual inventories of biodiversity.Anouk Barberousse & Sophie Bary - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 59:14-31.
    The detection and identification of the species living on a given area is usually supposed to provide a corpus of basic knowledge enabling biologists to develop further pieces of knowledge. However, it reveals surprisingly difficult to achieve biological inventories satisfying the criteria pertaining to such basic knowledge. Our aim in this paper is to highlight how the current practice of biological inventory is shaped by various constraints and potential biases. This leads us to re-consider the functions of inventories at the (...)
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    (1 other version)Jean‐Luc Nancy's Conception of Listening.Sophie Haroutunian-Gordon & Megan Jane Laverty - 2025 - Educational Theory 74 (6):915-941.
    In this article Sophie Haroutunian-Gordon and Megan Jane Laverty discuss Jean-Luc Nancy's conception of listening as presented in his seminal work, À l'écoute. The authors argue that Nancy uses the term “listening” to refer to the experience of coming to an idea of sound(s) initially encountered as puzzling. They illustrate Nancy's conception with teaching/learning situations involving a pianist and teacher, Deborah Sobol, and two aspiring players, Sophie Haroutunian-Gordon and Rosalie Romano. The article has four parts. In part 1, (...)
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    How to improve specific databases for clinical data in rare diseases? The example of hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia.Evelyne Decullier, Sophie Dupuis-Girod, Henri Plauchu, Jacques Perret & François Chapuis - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (3):523-527.
  32.  25
    Don't count your chickens before they're hatched: Elaborative encoding in REM dreaming in face of the physiology of sleep stages.Gaétane Deliens, Sophie Schwartz & Philippe Peigneux - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (6):613-614.
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    Assessing user satisfaction and hospital pharmacy practice: application to an individualized dispensing system in a French military teaching hospital.Claude Dussart, Sophie Dussart, David Almeras, Isabelle Camal & Gilles Grelaud - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (2):252-256.
  34. III. Subversionen des Lachens. "Wissenschaft lacht nicht" : Lachen als Subversion der Normierung / Kevin Liggieri. Désinvolture, oder, Die heitere Verachtung : vom Dandy und seinem kalten Lächeln / Felix Hüttemann. Kannibalisches Gelächter : Überlegungen zu Elias Canettis "Lachtheorie" / Peter Friedrich. Das versehrte Lachen : neomoderne Gewaltclowns in der Literatur. [REVIEW]Anna-Sophie Jürgens - 2015 - In Kevin Liggieri, "Fröhliche Wissenschaft": zur Genealogie des Lachens. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Sophie Lalanne (dir.), Femmes grecques de l’Orient romain.Sophie Gällnö - 2020 - Clio 51.
    Cet ouvrage collectif porte sur la place qu’occupent les femmes dans différentes parties de l’Empire romain d’Orient hellénophone. Il résulte de trois rencontres scientifiques organisées dans le cadre du programme GRECS d’ANIHMA entre 2012 et 2014. Comme l’explique Sophie Lalanne dans son introduction, le volume ne reflète que partiellement le contenu de ces rencontres ; l’éditrice formule d’ailleurs des réflexions intéressantes sur la place de l’histoire des femmes et du genre dans le domain...
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  36. Trust: Reason, Routine, Reflexivity.Guido Mollering - 2006 - Elsevier.
    What makes trust such a powerful concept? Is it merely that in trust the whole range of social forces that we know play together? Or is it that trust involves a peculiar element beyond those we can account for? While trust is an attractive and evocative concept that has gained increasing popularity across the social sciences, it remains elusive, its many facets and applications obscuring a clear overall vision of its essence. In this book, Guido Möllering reviews a broad range (...)
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  37. A simple argument against design: Dan Moller.Dan Moller - 2011 - Religious Studies 47 (4):513-520.
    This paper presents a simple argument against life being the product of design. The argument rests on three points. We can conceive of the debate in terms of likelihoods, in the technical sense – how probable the design hypothesis renders our evidence, versus how probable the competing Darwinian hypothesis renders that evidence. God, as traditionally conceived, had many more options by which to bring about life as we observe it than were available to natural selection. That is, the relevant parameters (...)
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  38. De la peinture comme corps à corps avec la matière: entretien avec Sophie Cauvin par Véronique Bergen.Sophie Cauvin - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 107:123-128.
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    Knowing What to Do: Imagination, Virtue, and Platonism in Ethics.Sophie Grace Chappell - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    Sophie Grace Chappell develops a picture of what philosophical ethics can be like, once set aside from the idealising and reductive pressures of conventional moral theory. Her question is 'How are we to know what to do?', and the answer she defends is 'By developing our moral imaginations'.
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  40. Joachim Möller and Bernd Krysmanski (eds.), Creative Reception: John Locke's Impact on Literature and Pictorial Art.Bernd Krysmanski & Joachim Möller - 2024 - Dinslaken: Krysman Press.
    The authors of this volume — all of them recognized representatives of a wide range of academic disciplines — agree that Locke’s work must have had a considerable influence both on English and German literature and the visual arts of Great Britain, especially in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. From the perspective of interdisciplinarity and intertextuality, the essays presented here deal with Locke as a source of ideas for Archibald Alison, John Constable, Daniel Defoe, Henry Fielding, Oliver Goldsmith, Johann Timotheus (...)
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    Zwiefältige Wahrheit und zeitliches Sein: e. Interpretation d. parmenideischen Gedichts.Vigdis Songe-Möller - 1980 - Würzburg: Königshausen u. Neumann.
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  42. Love and death.Dan Moller - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy 104 (6):301-316.
    Empirical evidence indicates that bereaved spouses are surprisingly muted in their responses to their loss, and that after a few months many of the bereaved return to their emotional baseline. Psychologists think this is good news: resilience is adaptive, and we should welcome evidence that there is less suffering in the world. I explore various reasons we might have for regretting our resilience, both because of what resilience tells us about our own significance vis-à-vis loved ones, and because resilience may (...)
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    Governing Least: A New England Libertarianism.Dan Moller - 2018 - Oup Usa.
    This book argues that political libertarianism can be grounded in widely shared, everyday moral beliefs--particularly in strictures against shifting our burdens onto others. It also seeks to connect these philosophical arguments with related work in economics, history, and politics for a wide-ranging discussion of political economy.
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  44. Abortion and Moral Risk.D. Moller - 2011 - Philosophy 86 (3):425-443.
    It is natural for those with permissive attitudes toward abortion to suppose that, if they have examined all of the arguments they know against abortion and have concluded that they fail, their moral deliberations are at an end. Surprisingly, this is not the case, as I argue. This is because the mere risk that one of those arguments succeeds can generate a moral reason that counts against the act. If this is so, then liberals may be mistaken about the morality (...)
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    (1 other version)Acts, Omissions and Keeping Patients Alive in a Persistent Vegetative State: Sophie Botros.Sophie Botros - 1995 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 38:99-119.
    There are many conflicting attitudes to technological progress: some people are fearful that robots will soon take over, even perhaps making ethical decisions for us, whilst others enthusiastically embrace a future largely run for us by them. Still others insist that we cannot predict the long term outcome of present technological developments. In this paper I shall be concerned with the impact of the new technology on medicine, and with one particularly agonizing ethical dilemma to which it has already given (...)
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    Keeping ideology in its place.Dan Moller - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (10):2779-2795.
    Most people don’t want their teachers, scientists, or journalists to be too ideological. Calling someone an “ideologue” isn’t a compliment. But what is ideology and why exactly is it a threat? I propose that ideology is fruitfully understood in terms of three ingredients: a basic moral claim, a worldview built on top of that claim, and the attempt to politicize this worldview by injecting it into social institutions. I further argue that the central danger of ideology is that activating these (...)
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    Affects, finalités et significations imaginaires : construire/configurer un {eidos} du social-historique selon Castoriadis.Sophie Klimis - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans R. Gely et L. Van Eynde (éd.) Affectivité, imaginaire et Création Sociale, Bruxelles, Publications de l'université Saint-Louis, 2010, p. 13-42. Nous remercions Sophie Klimis de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. Dans le cadre de cette communication, je souhaiterais déchiffrer le choix de la parataxe « affectivité, imaginaire, création sociale », comme une invitation à interroger les différentes manières dont il est possible d'articuler les éléments ainsi énumérés, et (...) - Philosophie – (...)
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    Epiphanies: An Ethics of Experience.Sophie Grace Chappell - 2022 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Epiphanies is a philosophical exploration of epiphanies, peak experiences, 'wow moments', or ecstasies as they are sometimes called. What are epiphanies, and why do so many people so frequently experience them? Are they just transient phenomena in our brains, or are they the revelations of objective value that they very often seem to be? What do they tell us about the world, and about ourselves? How, if at all, do epiphanies fit in with our moral systems and our theories of (...)
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    Zhuangzi’s Fishnet Allegory: A Text-Critical Analysis.Hans-Georg Möller - 2000 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 27 (4):489–502.
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    Incorporating Religion into Psychiatry: Evidenced–Based Practice, Not a Bioethical Dilemma.Mary D. Moller - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (3):206-208.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Incorporating Religion into Psychiatry:Evidenced–Based Practice, Not a Bioethical DilemmaMary D. MollerFor over sixteen years I was the owner and clinical director of an advanced practice nurse–managed outpatient rural psychiatric clinic staffed by APNs, a social worker, a licensed counselor and several graduate students. Many of our patients were victims of severe and often brutal trauma and abuse suffered at the hands of family, friends, and various professionals including spiritual (...)
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