  1.  14
    Il Vangelo di Marcione, a cura di Claudio Gianotto - Andrea Nicolotti.Sincero Mantelli - 2020 - Augustinianum 60 (2):601-608.
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  2. «Non dica l’eunuco: sono un legno secco» (Is. 56, 3-7). Gli esclusi e l’eredità di Israele.Sincero Mantelli - 2024 - Augustinianum 64 (1):207-221.
    In the biblical passage of Is. 56, 3-7 the prophet establishes a profound connection between the eunuch and the stranger, figures traditionally excluded from the community of Israel, but whom God surprisingly welcomes into his people (in accordance with the universalistic perspective of the Trito Isaiah). In the patristic commentary this connection is mostly broken, and we specialize on the figure of the eunuch who, in the light of Jesus’ words on eunuchia (Mt. 19, 10-12), becomes a reference for a (...)
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  3.  26
    Quia scarabaeus uel cantharus uermis est stercoris. Una glossa erasmiana nel Commentario ad Abacuc di Gerolamo.Sincero Mantelli - 2010 - Augustinianum 50 (2):443-451.
    In the main editions of the Commentary by Jerome on the prophet Habakkuk one can read a gloss (« quia scarabaeus uel cantharus uermis est stercoris ») which cannot be found in the manuscript that is usually consulted. The codices show different readings which in most cases quote a corrupt text. Considering that the above-mentioned note does not appear in the pre-Erasmian editions one can draw the conclusion that Erasmus himself corrected the text, adding the meaningful note. To confirm what (...)
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