Results for 'Siméon Piget'

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  1.  19
    The Letters of Simeon the Stylite.Charles C. Torrey & Saint Simeon - 1899 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 20:253-276.
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    The introduction of research ethics review procedures at a university in South Africa: review outcomes of a social science research ethics committee.Simeon E. H. Davies - 2020 - Research Ethics 16 (1-2):1-26.
    The research ethics committee is a key element of university administration and has gained increasing importance as a review mechanism for those institutions that wish to conduct responsible...
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    Ecological Sustainability and Ecological Certification of Organizations: Individual Benefit or Public Commitment of Economic Sector Managers.Simeon Petrov & Tatiana Tomova - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 33 (4s):95-131.
    The text presents the results of a survey among 58 owners or managers of commercial companies that have sustainably implemented an environmental management system through their ISO 14001 certification. The study of management representatives is based on the understanding that business organizations play the role of intermediaries in environmental policy and the potential change of their behavior multiplies the effects of the interventions on the behavior of others - business partners, employees, and consumers. The data can be used to explain (...)
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    The Establishment of the Criminological Institute in St. Petersburg.Simeon Grusenberg - 1910 - The Monist 20 (3):472-476.
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    International Framework of Corporate Liability for Transnational Corruption: A Case Study of the OFFP and BAE Scandal.Simeon Obidairo - 2009 - International Corporate Responsibility Series 4:129-177.
    The revelation of widespread corruption in the Oil-for-Food Programme (the “Programme”) and the recent scandal involving the British arms manufacturer BAE Systems threatens to unravel the fragile global consensus on combating corruption. This paper outlines the emerging global consensus and legal framework on corruption and assesses the extent to which this consensus has been undermined by the above mentioned revelations of corruption. Both incidents provide an interesting context in which to analysesome of the difficult issues presented in the regulation of (...)
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    Revisiting ‘the Nature of Protestantism’: Justification by Faith Five Hundred Years On.Simeon Zahl - 2018 - New Blackfriars 99 (1080):129-146.
    This article builds on contemporary debates about the doctrine of justification by faith alone to revisit the old question of the “nature of Protestantism”. Traditionally a core feature of Protestant theology, the doctrine of sola fide has been under assault for the past forty years, including within Protestant theology. This essay begins by showing that the major contemporary critique that sola fide bases salvation on a “legal fiction” misses the way that early Reformers like Luther and Melanchthon understood the doctrine (...)
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    Engineering Desire: Biotechnological Enhancement as Theological Problem.Simeon Zahl - 2019 - Studies in Christian Ethics 32 (2):216-228.
    This article argues for the dogmatic rather than just ethical significance of the biotechnological enhancement of human beings. It begins by reflecting on the close theological connections between salvation, sanctification, and affective and bodily transformation in light of the fact that affects and desires are in principle manipulable through biotechnological enhancement. It then examines the implications of this observation for questions of moral responsibility, asking whether biotechnological enhancement can be viewed as a kind of means of grace. The conclusion argues (...)
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  8. Foucault in California: a true story--wherein the great French philosopher drops acid in the Valley of Death.Simeon Wade - 2019 - Berkeley, CA: Heyday.
  9.  30
    Response: Commentary: Facial Width-to-Height Ratio Is Not Associated with Adolescent Testosterone Levels.Carolyn R. Hodges-Simeon, Katherine N. H. Sobraske, Theodore Samore, Michael Gurven & Steven J. C. Gaulin - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    So that Peace May Reign.Simeon O. Ilesanmi - 2003 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 23 (1):213-226.
    Post-colonial Africa's political stability, economic growth, and human development have been impeded by a vicious circle of ethnic rivalry and civil wars. This article examines the various attempts in Africa to move beyond the traditional lens of pacifism and just war theory in curtailing the deleterious effects of war. These attempts, which are also consistent with the theoretical proposal of just peacemaking, have had mixed results on the continent. The article focuses on Liberia and Rwanda to illustrate the strengths and (...)
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    Consciousness, self-consciousness, and the science of being human.Simeon Locke - 2008 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    In the beginning: introduction -- This I believe: preview -- This they believe: other views -- Where it begins: anatomy and environment -- Where it began: evolution -- What is it?: consciousness -- There was the word: self-consciousness and language -- See here: attention -- Perhaps to dream: sleep -- x=2y: representation -- The dance of life: movement -- They all fall down: dissolution of function -- Been there, done that: experience -- Which have eyes and see not: stimulus hierarchy (...)
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    Localization, representation, and re-representation in neurolinguistics.Simeon Locke - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):471-472.
  13. Curriculum ecologies : paradigmatic shifts in discourses of change in post-apartheid South Africa.Simeon Maile - 2021 - In Kehdinga George Fomunyam & Simon Bheki Khoza, Curriculum Theory, Curriculum Theorising, and the Theoriser: The African Theorising Perspective. Boston: Brill | Sense.
  14.  17
    Strangers in Paradise: Reenacting Proximity in Time of Pandemic.Simeon Theojaya - 2021 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 28 (1):237-249.
    In 2019, Kathryn Frost looks for conjunction where mimetic theory and attachment theory can agree on the issue of human proximity. Her search starts from an apparent conflict between René Girard's cautionary stand against proximity and attachment theory that favors proximity-seeking as a formative experience in one's personal development. She comes with a plan for "a hybrid of mimetic theory that privileges attachment … and caregiving,"1 and designs a program "to break through the mimetic vortex of conflict cycles."2Both mimesis as (...)
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  15.  42
    Quality assessment: Some observations.Simeon Underwood - 1998 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 2 (2):50-55.
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  16. ‘It was just a joke!’ Comedy and freedom of speech.Simeon Goldstraw - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    Debates about controversial comedy are rife in public discourse. However, despite a great interest in wider issues surrounding freedom of expression, political philosophers have had curiously little to say about comedy. This is a costly omission because in mainstream public debates, many of the worries about the potential harms of comedy are often confused or conflated, and both the defences of comedians to use controversial material and calls for censorship of such material are usually under-theorised. This paper takes a step (...)
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    Leave No Poor behind: Globalization and the Imperative of Socio-Economic and Development Rights from an African Perspective.Simeon O. Ilesanmi - 2004 - Journal of Religious Ethics 32 (1):71 - 92.
    Globalization is being celebrated in many circles as a distinctive achievement of our age, drawing peoples and societies more closely together and creating far greater wealth than any previous generations ever knew. While the first of these assertions is correct in the sense that societies and cultures are colliding, hitherto relatively closed horizons are opening up, and spaces and time are compressing, the second deserves critical interrogations. Using Africa's experience with globalization as a case study, this article argues that globalization (...)
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  18. Sefer Ḳeshet u-magen:... asher nishmaṭ mi-sifro Magen Avot.Simeon ben Ẓemaḥ Duran - 1969 - Jerusalem: Maḳor. Edited by Solomon ben Simon Duran.
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    Legal theories: and the African concept of law.Simeon Onyewueke Eboh - 2004 - Port Harcourt: Heb-Uni-Tech Global Publishers.
  20.  23
    Yasir Suleiman : Living Islamic History: Studies in Honour of Professor Carole Hillenbrand.Simeon Evstatiev - 2016 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 93 (1):326-332.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 93 Heft: 1 Seiten: 326-332.
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  21.  26
    The Printed Homer. A 3,000 Year Publishing and Translation History of the Iliad and the Odyssey.Simeon Underwood - 2005 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 125:198-199.
  22.  9
    Falsificationism redux: in search of explanatory rationality in historical sociology.Simeon J. Newman - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (5):545-564.
    Those who study unique events and processes cannot manipulate the world to ‘test’ theories, to ensure conclusions are rational, as falsificationism prescribes. This has left historical sociologists and kindred researchers to use hermeneutics, forms of counterfactual reasoning, and covering laws, but these techniques do not ensure explanations are accountable to the object of inquiry. I repurpose the falsificationist principle of negativity to serve rational theoretical redescriptions of this class of objects. We must work in a theoretical medium, as the main (...)
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  23.  30
    A response to Hans lucht's “violence and morality: The concession of loss in a ghanaian fishing village”.Simeon O. Ilesanmi - 2010 - Journal of Religious Ethics 38 (3):478-484.
    The violent encounter between Africans and the forces of globalization raises the question of whether Africans should capitulate to these forces or seek to morally transform them, notwithstanding the uncertainty of achieving success. This essay argues that an exclusively existentialist interpretation of the African predicaments is inadequate because it erects a false dichotomy between African religious and moral sensibilities. It proposes instead an ethic of responsibility that affirms the interdependence of not only these two realms of life, but also of (...)
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    Different Vocal Parameters Predict Perceptions of Dominance and Attractiveness.Carolyn R. Hodges-Simeon, Steven J. C. Gaulin & David A. Puts - 2010 - Human Nature 21 (4):406-427.
    Low mean fundamental frequency (F 0) in men’s voices has been found to positively influence perceptions of dominance by men and attractiveness by women using standardized speech. Using natural speech obtained during an ecologically valid social interaction, we examined relationships between multiple vocal parameters and dominance and attractiveness judgments. Male voices from an unscripted dating game were judged by men for physical and social dominance and by women in fertile and non-fertile menstrual cycle phases for desirability in short-term and long-term (...)
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  25.  50
    Human Rights Discourse in Modern Africa: A Comparative Religious Ethical Perspective.Simeon O. Ilesanmi - 1995 - Journal of Religious Ethics 23 (2):293-322.
    Contemporary discourse on human rights in Africa constitutes an important and controversial aspect of the general discourse on African society and culture. I begin by examining the idea of human rights as a moral category and discuss its pertinence to African cultural and political life. I then analyze and discuss the two dominant positions in the current debate, namely, the communitarian and the individualist theses. I argue that both positions are inadequate because they dissociate dimensions of life that need to (...)
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  26.  4
    Falsificationism redux: in search of explanatory rationality in historical sociology.Simeon J. Newman - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (5):545-564.
    Those who study unique events and processes cannot manipulate the world to ‘test’ theories, to ensure conclusions are rational, as falsificationism prescribes. This has left historical sociologists and kindred researchers to use hermeneutics, forms of counterfactual reasoning, and covering laws, but these techniques do not ensure explanations are accountable to the object of inquiry. I repurpose the falsificationist principle of negativity to serve rational theoretical redescriptions of this class of objects. We must work in a theoretical medium, as the main (...)
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  27.  58
    Yes/no and Wh-Questions in Ǹjò̩-Kóo : A Unified Analysis.Simeon Olaogun - 2018 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 16 (1).
    Cet article, s’inscrit dans le cadre minimaliste de la syntaxe générative et étudie oui / non et wh-questions dans la langue Ǹjò̩-kóo, parlée dans l’état de Ondo au Nigeria. On observe que la particule interrogative pour des questions de type oui / non qui suit systématiquement le sujet DP se trouve également dans des clauses avec wh-questions. Cet article soutient que oui / non et wh-questions sont projetées par la même tête fonctionnelle Inter˚, et que wh-words ne participent pas à (...)
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  28.  17
    Rekonstrukcija ideje i prakse maskiranja među narodima Igboa u jugoistočnoj Nigeriji.Simeon C. Dimonye & Martin F. Asiegbu - 2023 - Synthesis Philosophica 38 (1):133-155.
    The study examines the phenomenon of masquerading in Igbo culture. It philosophically explores the cosmology and cultural anthropology of Igbo masquerading, drawing some important implications for which the authors believe they bear on the truth of human existence. It investigates the distortions in and around this Igbo cultural practice against the background of its immanent significance and, thus, attempts to reconstruct it. The paper demonstrates that the huge potential for development inherent in Igbo masquerading outweigh its pitfalls. Igbo masquerading today (...)
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  29.  23
    Recentering Christian Ethics as Comparative Religious Ethics.Simeon O. Ilesanmi - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (4):773-777.
    The filial relationship between Christian ethics and Comparative Religious Ethics (CRE) need not be perniciously distortive and can be salutary for comparative work. I suggest that the suspicions about CRE as a disguised form of a “Christian ethical enterprise” are overstated and that we can appreciate the value of the legacy of Christian ethics for comparative work in the focal themes of emancipatory criticism and common morality. Both of these themes, even if influenced by Christian ethics, reflect more universal social‐moral (...)
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  30.  29
    Religious Ethics and the Human Dignity Revolution.Simeon O. Ilesanmi - 2024 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (4):652-672.
    Human dignity, even when analyzed through the lens of human rights, has received surprisingly little attention in the Journal of Religious Ethics, in contrast to a resurgent global interest in it. This article examines some possible reasons for this diminutive interest and makes a case for dignity's integration into the mainstream of religious ethics scholarship. A social conception of human dignity understands it as a conferment that entitles its holder to certain respectful treatments unavailable to those without it. As a (...)
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    The Holy Spirit and Christian Experience. [REVIEW]Simeon Zahl - 2022 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 15 (1):135-137.
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  32. Bitie i poni︠a︡tie za svobodata.Simeon Ilarionov - 1992 - Sofii︠a︡: Izdatelska kŭshta "Kritika i khumanizŭm".
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    ‘Goddess of reason’: Anna Doyle wheeler, Owenism and the rights of women.Ophélie Siméon - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (2):285-298.
    ABSTRACT This article examines the resonance of Robert Owen’s ideas in the field of women’s rights with the view to determining the extent of their dissemination in transnational networks. The article focuses on the life and work of Anna Doyle Wheeler, which offers an important, though understudied, case for exploring early feminist circles, and, as she was a friend of Owen’s and one of his earliest supporters from the 1820s onwards, the impact of Owen’s ideas within these circles. The article (...)
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  34.  19
    Digital Inclusion: International Policy and Research.Simeon Yates & Elinor Carmi (eds.) - 2024 - Springer Verlag.
    This collection presents policy and research that addresses digital inequalities, access, and skills, from multiple international perspectives. With a special focus on the impact of the COVID-19, the collection is based on the 2021 Digital Inclusion, Policy and Research Conference, with chapters from both academia and civic organizations. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed citizens’ relationship with digital technologies for the foreseeable future. Many people’s main channels of communication were transferred to digital services, platforms, and apps. Everything ‘went online’: our families, (...)
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    Triangulation of History Using Textual Data.Kenneth D. Aiello & Michael Simeone - 2019 - Isis 110 (3):522-537.
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  36.  24
    When Food is Finance: Seeking Global Justice for Migrant Workers.Lisa Simeone, Nicola Piper & Stuart Rosewarne - 2023 - Studies in Social Justice 17 (1):10-27.
    The steady growth of international labour mobility has been one of the defining features of globalization. Alongside the liberalization of international trade, labour mobility has been a key dynamic propelling economic development in the new millennium. In recent years, migrant labour is increasingly regulated via temporary schemes, deepening and widening migrant precarity. This paper argues that a growing reliance on temporary migrant workers reflects the financialization of global agriculture. Drawing on conceptual debates among scholars of critical finance studies, migration governance (...)
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  37.  35
    Belief Shift or Only Facilitation: How Semantic Expectancy Affects Processing of Speech Degraded by Background Noise.Katherine M. Simeon, Klinton Bicknell & Tina M. Grieco-Calub - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  38. Traduire, abords, échos.Bernard Simeone - 1999 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 92:169-176.
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    Utilitarianism and Socialism in the Nineteenth Century.Ophélie Siméon - 2023 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 23.
    This special issue of the _ Revue d’études benthamiennes _ aims to examine the transmission and reception of utilitarian thought among various socialist movements in the nineteenth century, to shed light on their emergence, uses and legacy. By focusing on the originality and variety of these socialist reinterpretations, it builds upon renewed approaches in intellectual and political history that have successfully challenged the classical distinction between “utopian” and “scientific” socialism. Consequently, this issue brings a corrective to the tendency, on the (...)
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  40.  12
    Some Greimasian concepts as applied to the analysis of film music.Ennio Simeon - 1996 - In Eero Tarasti, Paul Forsell & Richard Littlefield, Musical semiotics in growth. Imatra: International Semiotics Institute. pp. 4--347.
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    Unknown Future, Repeated Present: A Narrative-Centered Analysis of Long-Term AI Discourse.Micaela Simeone - 2022 - Humanist Studies and the Digital Age 7 (1).
    Recent narratives and debates surrounding long-term AI concerns—the prospect of artificial general intelligence in particular—are fraught with hidden assumptions, priorities, and values. This paper employs a humanistic, narrative-centered approach to analyze the works of two vocal, and opposing, thinkers in the field—Luciano Floridi and Nick Bostrom—to ask how the representational, descriptive differences in their works reveal the high stakes of narrative choices for how we form ideas about humanity, urgency, risk, harm, and possibility in relation to AI. This paper closely (...)
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  42.  13
    Vittorino Chizzolini e i giovani: amare, educare, testimoniare.Domenico Simeone & Michele Busi (eds.) - 2020 - Roma: Studium edizioni.
  43.  76
    Increased Functional Connectivity During Emotional Face Processing in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder.Kristina Safar, Simeon M. Wong, Rachel C. Leung, Benjamin T. Dunkley & Margot J. Taylor - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:370113.
    Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) demonstrate poor social functioning, which may be related to atypical emotional face processing. Altered functional connectivity among brain regions, particularly involving limbic structures may be implicated. The current magnetoencephalography (MEG) study investigated whole-brain functional connectivity of eight a priori identified brain regions during the implicit presentation of happy and angry faces in 20 7 to 10-year-old children with ASD and 22 typically developing controls. Findings revealed a network of increased alpha-band phase synchronization during the (...)
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  44.  12
    Two Theoretical Symposia in Bulgaria Dedicated to the 300th Anniversary of the Birth of Immanuel Kant.Daniela Draleva & Simeon Groysman - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 33 (2):224-227.
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    Just War Theory in Comparative Perspective: A Review Essay. [REVIEW]Simeon O. Ilesanmi - 2000 - Journal of Religious Ethics 28 (1):137 - 155.
    The late twentieth century has provided both reasons and occasions for reassessing just war theory as an organizing framework for the moral analysis of war. Books by G. Scott Davis, James T. Johnson, and John Kelsay, together with essays by Jeffrey Stout, Charles Butterworth, David Little, Bruce Lawrence, Courtney Campbell, and Tamara Sonn, signal a remarkable shift in war studies as they enlarge the cultural lens through which the interests and forces at play in political violence are identified and evaluated. (...)
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  46.  20
    City architecture in the classical and late antique near east - (w.D.) Ward near eastern cities from Alexander to the successors of Muhammad. Pp. XX + 241, ills, maps. London and new York: Routledge, 2020. Cased, £115, us$140. Isbn: 978-1-138-18570-8. [REVIEW]Simeon David Ehrlich - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (2):549-551.
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    On Taking Offence. Emily McTernan, 2023. New York, Oxford University Press. ix + 193 pp, £71.00 (hb) £22.99 (pb). [REVIEW]Simeon Goldstraw - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 41 (2):383-385.
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  48. Ujamaa: Society as Family.Martin F. Asiegbu & Simeon Dimonye - 2023 - In Bolaji Bateye, Mahmoud Masaeli, Louise F. Müller & Angela C. M. Roothaan, Wellbeing in African Philosophy: Insights for a Global Ethics of Development. Lanham, USA: Rowman and Littlefield.
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  49. Chapter Thirteen Philosophical Foundations for A Unified Enterprise Modelling Language.Gerald R. Khoury & Simeon J. Simoff - 2007 - In Soraj Hongladarom, Computing and Philosophy in Asia. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 191.
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    Pravo i prava: sbornik v pamet na prof. d-r Rosen Tashev.Rosen Tashev & Simeon Groĭsman (eds.) - 2016 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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