Results for 'Simone Roisin'

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  1. Gravity and Grace.Simone Weil - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (106):276-278.
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    Retooling Techno-Moral Scenarios. A Revisited Technique for Exploring Alternative Regimes of Responsibility for Human Enhancement.Simone Arnaldi - 2018 - NanoEthics 12 (3):283-300.
    The techno-moral scenarios approach has been developed to explore the interplay between technology, society and morality. Focused on new and emerging sciences and technologies, techno-moral scenarios can be used to inform and enhance public deliberation on the desirability of socio-technical trajectories. The article presents an attempt to hybridise this scenario tool, complementing the focus on ethics with an explicit acknowledgement of the multiple meanings of responsibility and of the plurality of its regimes, i.e. the institutional arrangements presiding over the assumption (...)
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    Geschlecht, Nation, Religion: Zur Idee der Staatsbürgerschaft im 18. Jahrhundert.Simone Zurbuchen - 1997 - Die Philosophin 8 (15):86-98.
  4. Republik oder Monarchie? Montesquieus Theorie der gewaltenteiligen Verfassung Englands.Simone Zurbuchen - 2009 - In Oliver Hidalgo & Karlfriedrich Herb, Die Natur des Staates: Montesquieu zwischen Macht und Recht. Baden-Baden: Nomos. pp. 20--79.
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    Perspektiven einer komparatistischen Philosophie?: Ein methodologisches Trilemma.Simone De Angelis & Ursula Renz - 2021 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (3):492-497.
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    Responsibility and Human Enhancement.Simone Arnaldi - 2018 - NanoEthics 12 (3):251-255.
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    A Semiotic Reading of Aron Gurwitsch’s Transcendental Phenomenology.Simone Aurora - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (1):1.
    The aim of the paper is to show the relevancy of Aron Gurwitsch’s transcendental-phenomenological theory of the field of consciousness for semiotics and the theory of meaning. After a brief biographical introduction, the paper will focus upon the key theoretical points that define Gurwitsch’s theory of the field of consciousness and will consider some of Gurwitsch’s reflections on linguistic and semiotic issues. Finally, it will be shown that the latter are strictly connected with Gurwitsch’s general philosophical framework and, accordingly, that (...)
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    Sartre, images d'une vie: Commentaire de Simone de Beauvoir.Liliane Siegel, Simone de Beauvoir & Jean Paul Sartre - 1978 - Editions Gallimard.
    Album photographique consacré au philosophe et écrivain français. Au total, 181 documents en noir et blanc assortis de commentaires assez brefs, répartis dans un ordre thématique (le professeur, l'écrivain, etc.) et en partie chronologique.
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    Die Einwurzelung.Simone Weil - 1956 - München,: Kösel-Verlag.
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  10. Place-based philosophical education: Reconstructing ‘place’, reconstructing ethics.Simone Thornton, Mary Graham & Gilbert Burgh - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17:1-29.
    Education as identity formation in Western-style liberal-democracies relies, in part, on neutrality as a justification for the reproduction of collective individual identity, including societal, cultural, institutional and political identities, many aspects of which are problematic in terms of the reproduction of environmentally harmful attitudes, beliefs and actions. Taking a position on an issue necessitates letting go of certain forms of neutrality, as does effectively teaching environmental education. We contend that to claim a stance of neutrality is to claim a position (...)
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  11. Necessitarianism and Dispositions.Simone Gozzano - 2020 - Metaphysica (1):1-23.
    In this paper, I argue in favor of necessitarianism, the view that dispositions, when stimulated, necessitate their manifestations. After introducing and clarifying what necessitarianism does and does not amount to, I provide reasons to support the view that dispositions once stimulated necessitate their manifestations according to the stimulating conditions and the relevant properties at stake. In this framework, I will propose a principle of causal relevance and some conditions for the possibility of interference that allow us to avoid the use (...)
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  12. Certainty of loss of chance in equity.Simone Degeling - 2023 - In Ben McFarlane & Steven Elliot, Equity today: 150 years after the judicature reforms. New York: Hart.
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  13. Vorträge Aus Dem Warburg-Haus, Band 6.Simone Michel - 2002 - Akademie Verlag.
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    Disorders of Pitch Production in Tone Deafness.Simone Dalla Bella, Magdalena Berkowska & Jakub Sowiński - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
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    Hierarchical organization in the temporal structure of infant-direct speech and song.Simone Falk & Christopher T. Kello - 2017 - Cognition 163 (C):80-86.
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    (1 other version)Waiting for God.Simone Weil - 1951 - Harpercollins. Edited by Joseph Marie Perrin.
    Emerging from thought-provoking discussions and correspondence Simone Weil had with the Reverend Father Perrin, this classic collection of essays contains her most profound meditations on the relationship of human life to the realm of the transcendant.An enlightening introduction by Leslie Fiedler examines Weil's extraordinary roles as a philosophy teacher turned mystic. "One of the most neglected resources of our century ", Waiting for God will continue to influence spiritual and political thought for centuries to come.
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  17. História da Educação no Brasil: disciplina de formação e campo de pesquisa.Simone Formiga Albuquerque - forthcoming - História.
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  18. Rhetoric and the Public Sphere.Simone Chambers - 2009 - Political Theory 37 (3):323-350.
    The pathologies of the democratic public sphere, first articulated by Plato in his attack on rhetoric, have pushed much of deliberative theory out of the mass public and into the study and design of small scale deliberative venues. The move away from the mass public can be seen in a growing split in deliberative theory between theories of democratic deliberation (on the ascendancy) which focus on discrete deliberative initiatives within democracies and theories of deliberative democracy (on the decline) that attempt (...)
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    Gravity and grace.Simone Weil - 1963 - New York: Routledge.
    Gravity and Grace was the first ever publication by the remarkable thinker and activist, Simone Weil. In it Gustave Thibon, the priest to whom she had entrusted her notebooks before her untimely death, compiled in one remarkable volume a compendium of her writings that have become a source of spiritual guidance and wisdom for countless individuals.
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  20. Moral Motivation across Ethical Theories: What Can We Learn for Designing Corporate Ethics Programs?Simone De Colle & Patricia H. Werhane - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (4):751 - 764.
    In this article we discuss what are the implications for improving the design of corporate ethics programs, if we focus on the moral motivation accounts offered by main ethical theories. Virtue ethics, deontological ethics and utilitarianism offer different criteria of judgment to face moral dilemmas: Aristotle's virtues of character, Kant's categorical imperative, and Mill's greatest happiness principle are, respectively, their criteria to answer the question "What is the right thing to do?" We look at ethical theories from a different perspective: (...)
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    Human Life Is Group Life: Deliberative Democracy for Realists.Simone Chambers - 2018 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 30 (1-2):36-48.
    ABSTRACTSkepticism about citizen competence is a core component of Christopher H. Achen and Larry M. Bartels’s call, in Democracy for Realists, for rethinking our model of democracy. In this paper I suggest that the evidence for citizen incompetence is not as clear as we might think; important research shows that we are good group problem solvers even if we are poor solitary truth seekers. I argue that deliberative democracy theory has a better handle on this fundamental fact of human cognition (...)
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  22. La décomposition de la «sensation transformée»: Maine de Biran lecteur de Condillac.Simone Romagnoli - 2002 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 134 (4):341-352.
  23. Qu’est-ce que la démocratie? La généalogie philosophique d’une grande aventure humaine.SIMONE GOYARD-FABRE - 1998
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  24. George Sand: créer pour vivre, vivre pour créer.Simone Vierne - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 107:197-210.
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  25. Dismantling the Face: Pluralism and the Politics of Recognition.Simone Bignall - 2012 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 6 (3):389-410.
    Plural expressions of ‘belonging’ in postcolonial and multicultural societies give particular emphasis to a politics of cultural recognition. Within nations, diverse communities call for acknowledgement of their aspirations, for fair representation in public life and for protection of the distinctive cultural practices and beliefs that define and help to sustain minoritarian identities. Recognition is also important for group self-concept and cohesion, and so plays a vital role in the creation of stable platforms for political resistance. This essay explores Deleuze and (...)
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    Deleuze, Guattari e le macchine semiotiche.Simone Aurora - 2012 - Janus. Quaderni Del Circolo Glossematico 10:141-157.
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    Visual Illusions: An Interesting Tool to Investigate Developmental Dyslexia and Autism Spectrum Disorder.Simone Gori, Massimo Molteni & Andrea Facoetti - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  28. Depictive and Metric Body Size Estimation in Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Simone Claire Mölbert, Lukas Klein, Anne Thaler, Betty J. Mohler, Chiara Brozzo, Peter Martus, Hans-Otto Karnath, Stefan Zipfel & Katrin Elisabeth Giel - 2017 - Clinical Psychology Review 57:21-31.
    A distorted representation of one's own body is a diagnostic criterion and core psychopathology of both anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN). Despite recent technical advances in research, it is still unknown whether this body image disturbance is characterized by body dissatisfaction and a low ideal weight and/or includes a distorted perception or processing of body size. In this article, we provide an update and meta-analysis of 42 articles summarizing measures and results for body size estimation (BSE) from 926 (...)
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    On the fine structure of the exponential rule.Simone Martini Andrea Masini - 1995 - In Jean-Yves Girard, Yves Lafont & Laurent Regnier, Advances in linear logic. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 197.
  30. Fontenelle et la construction polémique de l'histoire des sciences.Simone Mazauric - 2003 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 44:73-97.
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  31. L'ufficio lulliano delle Ore.Simone Sari - 2011 - Studia Lulliana 51 (106):53-76.
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  32. Mohammed Bennis's thought and poetics : on modernity, writing, and space.Simone Sibilio - 2025 - In Mohammed Hashas, Contemporary Moroccan thought: on philosophy, theology, society, and culture. Boston: Brill.
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  33. From actualism to tensionalism.Aldo Simone - 1991 - Filosofia 42 (1):49-60.
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    Do Companies Think and Feel? Mind Perception of Organizations.Simone Tang & Kurt Gray - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (8):e13320.
    How do people perceive the minds of organizations? Existing work on organizational mind perception highlights two key debates: whether organizational groups are ascribed more agency than experience, and whether people are really perceiving minds in organizational groups at all. Our current paper and its data weigh in on these debates and suggest that organizations can indeed be ascribed experiential minds. We present a “member and goals” framework for systematically understanding the mind perception of organization. This framework suggests that people can (...)
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    Are There Two Accounts of Hylomorphism in Metaphysics Book H?Simone G. Seminara - 2018 - Méthexis 30 (1):98-112.
    In this paper I aim to challenge Gill’s reading of Aristotle’s Metaphysics H, according to which in this Book Aristotle would provide us with two different accounts of hylomorphism, the one grounded on matter’s actual thisness (H1–5), the other on matter’s potential thisness (H6). In particular, I try to show how the lines of the text where Gill’s detects the conflict between these two accounts – H1 1042a32–b3 – reveal how the analysis of the role played by matter in generation (...)
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    La pesanteur et la grâce.Simone Weil - 1948 - Paris,: Plon.
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  37. Animali intenzionali.Simone Gozzano - 2000 - Rivista di Estetica 40 (14):16-34.
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    Brief report.Simone Schnall & James Laird - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (5):787-797.
  39. The need for roots: prelude to a declaration of duties towards mankind.Simone Weil - 1952 - New York: Routledge.
    "What is required if men and women are to feel at home in society and are to recover their vitality? Into wrestling with that question, Simone Weil put the very substance of her mind and temperament. The apparently solid edifices of our prepossessions fall down before her onslaught like ninepins, and she is as fertile and forthright in her positive suggestions . . . she can be relied upon to toss aside the superficial and to come to grips with (...)
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    Voces de nuevos hablantes, voces de nuevas subjetividades. Emociones y actitudes lingüísticas en el giro poscolonial.Simone Belli - 2013 - Aposta 56:5.
    En este artículo se investigará nuevos paradigmas de construcción de la relación entre lengua e identidad en los “nuevos hablantes”. La pregunta principal del artículo es cómo construyen los nuevos hablantes su identidad como miembros de la comunidad lingüística en la que se inscribe, tanto desde su propio punto de vista como del de la comunidad que los recibe, y qué implicaciones emocionales tiene este proceso en la construcción de nuevas subjetividades en su visión poscolonial. Se estudiarán los procesos sociales (...)
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    The Muse at Play: Riddles and Wordplay in Greek and Latin Poetry ed. by Jan Kwapisz, David Petrain, Mikołaj Szymański.Simone Beta - 2014 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 107 (3):423-424.
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    Malebranche e il militaire philosophe tra raison, conscience e nature.Simone Billeci - 2022 - Venezia: Marcianum Press.
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    Idee per il governo: l'università.Raffaele Simone & Riccardo Chiaberge - 1995 - Roma: Laterza. Edited by Riccardo Chiaberge.
  44. La reductio artium ad sacram scripturam fino al secolo XII.F. Simone - 1949 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 20:887-927.
  45. La rivelazione della Vita, ISBN 978-88-612-4001-8.G. De Simone & M. Krienke - 2008 - Theologie Und Philosophie 83 (2):300.
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    Transcendental philosophy and difference in Emil Lask.Furlani Simone - 2019 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 1:39-55.
    Emil Lask’s transcendental philosophy is one of the first points of view that tries to evade the monistic inclinations of the transcendental philosophy. Lask sets as presupposition of the knowledge the “categorial differentiation”, a structure that is immanent to the relations between subject and object, knowledge and reality, “validity” and “existence”. This paper analyses this kind of “difference” – a “deviation ” or a “shift ” conceived beyond the contrast, in a non-oppositional way – and shows that Lask is moving (...)
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    Older adults get masked emotion priming for happy but not angry faces: evidence for a positivity effect in early perceptual processing of emotional signals.Simone Simonetti, Chris Davis & Jeesun Kim - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (8):1576-1593.
    In higher-level cognitive tasks, older compared to younger adults show a bias towards positive emotion information and away from negative information (a positivity effect). It is unclear whether this effect occurs in early perceptual processing. This issue is important for determining if the positivity effect is due to automatic rather than controlled processing. We tested this with older and younger adults on a positive/negative face emotion valence classification task using masked priming. Positive (happy) and negative (angry) face targets were preceded (...)
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  48. Parafrasi critica e traducibilità della poesia nell'estetica di Galvano della Volpe.R. Simone - 1966 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 2:258-73.
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    La Cristologia filosofica di Xavier Tilliette nel Trentennio 1975-2005 dei suoi Lavori.Simone Stancampiano - 2006 - In Steffen Dietzsch & Gian Franco Frigo, Vernunft Und Glauben: Ein Philosophischer Dialog der Moderne Mit Dem Christentum. Père Xavier Tilliette Sj Zum 85. Geburtstag. Akademie Verlag. pp. 9-26.
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    Wrecking the public sphere: The new authoritarians’ digital attack on pluralism and truth.Simone Chambers & Jeffrey Kopstein - 2023 - Constellations 30 (3):225-240.
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